I weep for this country

I too weep for this country.
I weep Tears of Joy...
That our Long National Nightmare
of Economic Despair
May finally come to an end.
Oh give it a rest. In fact I was thinking that Obama handed Trump a pretty good economy much like Clinton handed Bush. Lets hope the GOP don't fuck it up again. 70 straight months of job growth, unemployment under 5%, wages going up.

Trump was not handed a shit sandwich like Obama was.

B'loney. We've had nearly 7+ years of the worst recovery ever for $10T of additional debt and the lowest labor force participation rate in decades. Economists are forecasting that we will have a recession soon as this "recovery" has run out of steam.
Clinton was probably one of the most flawed candidates in modern history.

I agree. The DNC would have done much better with Biden.

We would have won with Bernie.

No. You wouldn't.

I think we would. He was the other populist candidate, and he didn't have all of the clinton baggage. I'm not claiming it would have been a landslide, but he would have won IMO.

I doubt it. Once Trump told the taxpayers that Bernie wanted to give away "free" stuff at taxpayer expense Ol Bernie would have gone down in flames.
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

Weep for which country? Mexico?

1) Maybe Honduras, mexico, nicaragua, and so many other shitholes will actually have to build real economies that do not rely upon handouts/remittances from the US, and can no longer can send their mass poor to the US for welfare/jobs
2) Europeans can no longer spend massive amounts of the economies on retirements for their citizens at age 50 while US workers die on their jobs at 70 supporting a military umbrella for those Europeans
3) the UN can no longer enjoy the US covering 22% of its budget while bashing the US, Israel and wealthy countries like china spend nothing yet use the UN to attack the West

The people abroad most angry about this election are the ones living off the teat of the US like a parasite for so long; hopefully a Trump presidency will put an end to this BS already.
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

LMAO The rest of us would be weeping even louder if Hillary had been elected.

Suck it up. You'll live and the country will be in much better shape without that asshole Clinton running things.

I hope you are correct. Time will tell.

As you say. Time will tell.

You have to give her time, bodecea is still weeping for the free shit she wanted from Hillary
Stop nominating shitty candidates please.
their last shity candidate won the White House twice.....Republicans kept running crappy candidates.

Republicans had to find a guy who wasn't a republican to win.
It pretty much ended up that way, didn't it? That's why I'm not too worried about domestic issues with Drumpf. However, foreign policy and military interventions make me nervous.

He's going to outlaw abortion. Not only did he promise the religious right he now has a mandate because so many people showed up for him. The people have spoken.

Since I'm a 45 year old man though what the hell do I care? And gay marriage? I'm not gay.

He can't ban abortion and he can't repeal gay marrage. that's all bull shit.

We shall see.

“There is a significant change happening in the pro-life base, and it’s happening on a national level,” said Dan Becker, president of Georgia Right to Life. That shift is towards demanding, and being promised, an abortion ban without exceptions for rape, incest, or the life and health of the pregnant women. As many as half of the Republican candidates have fallen in line, a contrast from past election cycles.

Witness Sen. Marco Rubio’s repeated assurances following the debate that even though he had advocated for a bill with exceptions, he did not support them. Mike Huckabee has vocally held that position much longer. Ted Cruz is a movement favorite, endorsed by Becker’s PAC. Rick Perry creditsan anti-abortion activist, Rebecca Kiessling, for his 2011 conversion to the no-exceptions position. Rand Paul championed a no-exceptions total ban on abortion in the Senate that, by virtue of its “personhood” outlook, would count even unimplanted fertilized eggs under its protection. Becker, who also heads the Personhood Alliance, is hopeful about Carly FIorina.

The debate over whether to chip away at abortion rights or to openly advocate for the end of all abortion is an old one among anti-abortion activists.

Why some GOPers want to ban abortion without exceptions

No need to lie now. You won. Ban away.
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

Not me. If Trump is anything he is a catalyst for much needed change in the opposition party. Since Bush Sr. there has been no difference between the two parties. It was just one huge party in Washington that took turns being in charge . maybe now we can have republicans who are not worried so much about gay people, but go on about real issues.
If you guys wanted change, why did so many incumbant Representatives get re-elected?

Because Trump is the establishment. Trump ain't the one who will bring change, he is just a spot holder. sure, he talks crap about Ryan and all them, but in reality he plays golf with all of them. Trump is a catalyst for the change that Hillary never could or would be.

How is he "the establishment?" That's just stupid
He is now.

He always was. for me, watching Hillary acknowledge that she will never realize her dreams of ultimate power, that she won't "shatter the glass celing" is so precious to me. She was resoundingly told "NO" by America and she can't do anything but cry bitter tears and she will fade into obscurity like her bud AL Gore. Good riddance to the old slut and her slimy piece of shirt husband and fugly ass kid.
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

Not me. If Trump is anything he is a catalyst for much needed change in the opposition party. Since Bush Sr. there has been no difference between the two parties. It was just one huge party in Washington that took turns being in charge . maybe now we can have republicans who are not worried so much about gay people, but go on about real issues.
If you guys wanted change, why did so many incumbant Representatives get re-elected?

Because Trump is the establishment. Trump ain't the one who will bring change, he is just a spot holder. sure, he talks crap about Ryan and all them, but in reality he plays golf with all of them. Trump is a catalyst for the change that Hillary never could or would be.

How is he "the establishment?" That's just stupid

That you are that stupid ain't my problem. That you don't know about his golf weekends with McConnell and Bhoner and the rest of them ain't my problem. That you still buy a politicians shit is your problem to. I have seen enough politicians in my life to know that it is best to assu,e all they say is a lie. Even your God Trump. I did vote for him, but I never did and never will support him. Matter of fact, I did not vote for Trump as much as I voted against Hillary. He is the same animal as the Clintons, only thing that separated him from her is they were going for the same job. I'll give Trump his due when I see a wall going up, NAFTA reworked and Bammer care repealed. I will also eat my hat when each one of those promises are kept. I look ford to January 20th and what happens after.

You don't know what "establishment" means, it doesn't mean you don't like him
I too weep for this country.
I weep Tears of Joy...
That our Long National Nightmare
of Economic Despair
May finally come to an end.
Oh give it a rest. In fact I was thinking that Obama handed Trump a pretty good economy much like Clinton handed Bush. Lets hope the GOP don't fuck it up again. 70 straight months of job growth, unemployment under 5%, wages going up.

Trump was not handed a shit sandwich like Obama was.

There are some dudes who work in coal and oil, as well as medicine who would disagree.

You know what's going to make the coal and oil industries better? When they raise gas prices back up to $4 a gallon. I can't wait. I work 7 minutes from my home. I hope to god gas goes back up to help your gas industry.
dems didn't go vote, when that happens you lose

their fault.

Please tell me how you feel, tell me how disappointed you are, tell me you are frightened and disenchanted. Please please please, let us all enjoy your pain just as we enjoy the long deserved pain that your bulldyke canidate is feeling.
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.
First candidate for the safe space.

“Safe spaces” will be gone. Liberal pussies will have to face The Real World.

Just when the economy comes crashing down like it did in 2008 because of your policies, please don't tell us the fundamentals of the economy are still sound please, no matter what you do, ok?

I hope the cost of college doubles. Fuck those stupid kids. I hope it becomes law that if you resist a cop then it is legal for them to shoot you. And I hope they break the Ford and GM unions. Fuck those union workers. White trash blue collar uneducated fucks.
Yeah, the economy has been great. Pot sales must be up for you.
dems didn't go vote, when that happens you lose

their fault.

Not their fault they didn't like Hillary. Hell NOBODY likes that bitch. I don't blame them. If I were a Dem I would have stayed home to or voted for Trump. LOL
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

Not me. If Trump is anything he is a catalyst for much needed change in the opposition party. Since Bush Sr. there has been no difference between the two parties. It was just one huge party in Washington that took turns being in charge . maybe now we can have republicans who are not worried so much about gay people, but go on about real issues.
If you guys wanted change, why did so many incumbant Representatives get re-elected?

Because Trump is the establishment. Trump ain't the one who will bring change, he is just a spot holder. sure, he talks crap about Ryan and all them, but in reality he plays golf with all of them. Trump is a catalyst for the change that Hillary never could or would be.

How is he "the establishment?" That's just stupid
He is now.

OK, so you just turned it into an irrelevant word.

That isn't what establishment candidate means
And now we reap the whirlwind. Happy Holidays.

Not me. If Trump is anything he is a catalyst for much needed change in the opposition party. Since Bush Sr. there has been no difference between the two parties. It was just one huge party in Washington that took turns being in charge . maybe now we can have republicans who are not worried so much about gay people, but go on about real issues.
If you guys wanted change, why did so many incumbant Representatives get re-elected?

Because Trump is the establishment. Trump ain't the one who will bring change, he is just a spot holder. sure, he talks crap about Ryan and all them, but in reality he plays golf with all of them. Trump is a catalyst for the change that Hillary never could or would be.

How is he "the establishment?" That's just stupid
Considering he bankrolled them for years I will have to agree he is establishment...But we shall see how he governs... I mean shit I didnt think he could win so as we see I have been wrong before.
their last shity candidate won the White House twice.....Republicans kept running crappy candidates.

Republicans had to find a guy who wasn't a republican to win.
It pretty much ended up that way, didn't it? That's why I'm not too worried about domestic issues with Drumpf. However, foreign policy and military interventions make me nervous.

He's going to outlaw abortion. Not only did he promise the religious right he now has a mandate because so many people showed up for him. The people have spoken.

Since I'm a 45 year old man though what the hell do I care? And gay marriage? I'm not gay.

He can't ban abortion and he can't repeal gay marrage. that's all bull shit.

We shall see.

“There is a significant change happening in the pro-life base, and it’s happening on a national level,” said Dan Becker, president of Georgia Right to Life. That shift is towards demanding, and being promised, an abortion ban without exceptions for rape, incest, or the life and health of the pregnant women. As many as half of the Republican candidates have fallen in line, a contrast from past election cycles.

Witness Sen. Marco Rubio’s repeated assurances following the debate that even though he had advocated for a bill with exceptions, he did not support them. Mike Huckabee has vocally held that position much longer. Ted Cruz is a movement favorite, endorsed by Becker’s PAC. Rick Perry creditsan anti-abortion activist, Rebecca Kiessling, for his 2011 conversion to the no-exceptions position. Rand Paul championed a no-exceptions total ban on abortion in the Senate that, by virtue of its “personhood” outlook, would count even unimplanted fertilized eggs under its protection. Becker, who also heads the Personhood Alliance, is hopeful about Carly FIorina.

The debate over whether to chip away at abortion rights or to openly advocate for the end of all abortion is an old one among anti-abortion activists.

Why some GOPers want to ban abortion without exceptions

No need to lie now. You won. Ban away.

Honestly, even though I hate abortion I'm hoping to see republicans let that issue go, along with anything that deals with homosexuality or any other stupid issue they use to pander to a certain base. Republicans promise to ban abortion every election and after they never touch it. hopefully they leave decisions concurring our bodies to us, and they stick to do g their damn jobs. America is sick of being devided into groups by race and, issue and voting block.
Not me. If Trump is anything he is a catalyst for much needed change in the opposition party. Since Bush Sr. there has been no difference between the two parties. It was just one huge party in Washington that took turns being in charge . maybe now we can have republicans who are not worried so much about gay people, but go on about real issues.
If you guys wanted change, why did so many incumbant Representatives get re-elected?

Because Trump is the establishment. Trump ain't the one who will bring change, he is just a spot holder. sure, he talks crap about Ryan and all them, but in reality he plays golf with all of them. Trump is a catalyst for the change that Hillary never could or would be.

How is he "the establishment?" That's just stupid
He is now.

He always was. for me, watching Hillary acknowledge that she will never realize her dreams of ultimate power, that she won't "shatter the glass celing" is so precious to me. She was resoundingly told "NO" by America and she can't do anything but cry bitter tears and she will fade into obscurity like her bud AL Gore. Good riddance to the old slut and her slimy piece of shirt husband and fugly ass kid.

All you keep doing is begging the question and restating your claim you can't back up without any argument. Trump and the establishment ran against each other. You don't like him. I got it. I don't either. Where we are different is that I know what words mean and I care. I don't just think because I don't like someone any bad word applies
Not me. If Trump is anything he is a catalyst for much needed change in the opposition party. Since Bush Sr. there has been no difference between the two parties. It was just one huge party in Washington that took turns being in charge . maybe now we can have republicans who are not worried so much about gay people, but go on about real issues.
If you guys wanted change, why did so many incumbant Representatives get re-elected?

Because Trump is the establishment. Trump ain't the one who will bring change, he is just a spot holder. sure, he talks crap about Ryan and all them, but in reality he plays golf with all of them. Trump is a catalyst for the change that Hillary never could or would be.

How is he "the establishment?" That's just stupid
He is now.

OK, so you just turned it into an irrelevant word.

That isn't what establishment candidate means

Whatever. we will see where your wall isn't getting built and Trump pushes for amnesty just like Boosh promised to secure the border after he wanted to grant illegals amnesty . that will be for starters.
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Look to the Markets today.

Nope. Look to the markets next year. You morons are so dimwitted you can only see that which is front of your face. You have so little imagination that you can't even imagine what a real free market is like. Don't worry. The world isn't ending. In fact, if the trumpster actually does what he promised the whole country will be better. Even for you.
Not if you look at history....Unless he drops the stupidity of higher tariffs the economy is going to suffer.

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