I went on a second date tonight and this bitch shows up with a CANE????

What I mean is any relationship from a cordial friendship to a life long marriage takes patience, kindness, tolerance and love for yourself as well others. I apply that to friendships or even dates, a date is nothing more than two friends getting together with the hopes of a romantic spark. I am not perfect and I do not expect the person I am having a date with to be perfect either.

I get that you do not want to be with a person right now that has physical issues, there is nothing wrong with the way you feel, the way you present it is that you are a self serving human being. The woman trusted you enough to show up as herself, "warts and all". She may have a loved you in her way and respected you enough to trust that you would accept her as she is.

I am not condemning you I am being honest in the way that I feel about your OP.

I still want to know why women get to be shallow and not men

No one gets that chance. Was she shallow? Second date and she shows up with a cane, it is not like she waited until you bought an engagement ring then told you her physical condition was not up to par.

I am saying I been rejected for being overweight and thinning hair but now that I have preference it;s a problem

And those who rejected you for those reasons were shallow.
We're talking about him and his antisocial personality right now, drifter. When he can own up to the problem he has with women then maybe we can take his side on something. Right now, I don't think he's been listening. He is still making excuses for his shitty comments.

He's making excuses for being shallow and then complaining about women being shallow. :dunno:

People who are perpetually alone but wishing for a relationship, usually have a problem with expectations and like to live life blaming problems on others.
a cane? and that put you off.....do you really think life is an easy road...for you or anyone else? there are many bumps on the way....a cane...is a little bump

I thought it was my choice whether I want to do someone who uses a cane?
What if she looked like Angelina Jolie? Or Selma Hayek? Bet you wouldn't have a problem with that, wouldya?
Yer an asshole. A fucktard. A shallow douche bag. Do this woman a favor and never see her again. I belong to POF. Maybe I should go post about shitbags like you who see a cane, not a person.
I vote for Salma Hayek and Catherine Zeta-Jones; Angelina comes in third.
American Pharoah. Carpe Diem was like 4th.

TBH did McDreamy ever use a cane?
Yeah. He looked really sexy tho. :)
...and no one accused him of being shallow.
You mean me? He used a makeshift cane when he was in a plane crash. I'm afraid he used all of his luck up with that one.
The OP was in a plane crash, used a cane and lost his virginity?
American Pharoah. Carpe Diem was like 4th.

TBH did McDreamy ever use a cane?
Yeah. He looked really sexy tho. :)
...and no one accused him of being shallow.
You mean me? He used a makeshift cane when he was in a plane crash. I'm afraid he used all of his luck up with that one.
The OP was in a plane crash, used a cane and lost his virginity?
You and I don't communicate very well. Let's just drop it.
You and I don't communicate very well. Let's just drop it.

So this is like the "Cane" Mutiny huh?

I say the OP should not have said those foul things and just been a decent sorta guy with the date.
We had a great first date and she said nothing on the phone about her HIP hurting her. If she had told me I would have postponed the date to another day. I cannot believe someone would be stupid another to show up on a date with a CANE? It felt so weird to be walking around on in a busy area with a woman using a cane at 35 years old. So I won't be calling her for another date because she confirmed to me she is slow anytime she thought it was ok to show up on 2nd date with a cane. I have another date tomorrow and hoping to erase the memory of the girl with the cane out of my head.

Worst date of my life.

If I was a woman and you called me a bitch, I'd be carrying a cane too - and using it.
Apparently, the OP liked the woman enough to agree to a second date with her, which means that he had fun and thought she was all right, otherwise he'd have refused.

Me? I don't really care what the person looks like, or even if they are disabled and need a cane. My interest in them is more along the lines of can they teach me something, are they interested in learning from me, and do we have fun and watch each other's backs?

I have only 3 rules that I apply to relationships, and here they are.

1) One plus one equals three. Sounds like bad math, but it's actually true, because there is her, me, and the two of us in a relationship that makes three.

2) A relationship isn't a 50/50 proposition. 50/50 is a business deal. In relationships, you have to be willing to combine every day to make sure that it makes 100 percent every day. What if she's sick? What if she's having financial problems? I can't expect her to contribute a full 50 percent if she's unable to, so I have to be willing to make up the difference. Somedays, I contribute 90 percent, other days, I'm only capable of 20, but I also make sure that when my significant other is having troubles, I'm there to help out and make things whole.

3) A relationship can survive on 51 percent love and 49 percent lust, but when that ratio hits 50/50, or tips in favor of being 51 percent or more lust, that's when it has problems. Most good relationships are 60/40, or 70/30, because admit it, there had to be something about them that attracted you in the first place. And, if you want to know if it's love or lust, just ask YOURSELF one question, and answer it honestly............Do I truly enjoy the person, or, do I enjoy myself through the instrumentality of that person. If I enjoy the person, then it doesn't matter their job, social status, or wealth, because I simply enjoy being around the person. However.........if I enjoy myself through the instrumentality of their position, job, or money, what happens when those things go away? If I'm enjoying myself through the instrumentality of that persons things, when they're gone, then probably so am I.

Not wanting to go on a second date just because of a cane was lame. Especially if she was cute and fun to be around.

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