I went to jail tonight and i need advice

I know for me when I see headlines that the police and military are training together in LA it doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy.

This whole thought of Police Drones chills me to the bone. And of course the reason for the drones. "safety" riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Yeah, i was just reading about that the other day. Our Police Force is being Militarized. They're preparing for civil unrest. Their NDAA will come in handy when all that begins. The Global Elites are destroying the sovereignty of all Nations. The U.S. will be the last & toughest nut to crack though. Most Americans still value their Constitution above all else. And that upsets the Global Elite powers that be. The American Constitution has to go. And they're working on that daily. Very very dark days ahead. It's so sad.

The other flag up that was just outrageous was this man who had been in jail for two years for a DWI.

No judge. Solitary confinement. Had to pull his own tooth. Sheesh. He got a large award from suing, but holy toledo!!!

And this is before local cops get the power of NDAA. I want to dig more into the story.

But but, that can't happen here. Just like Military Drones could never be used against American Citizens. So many are just ignorant or they're just scared of Big Brother. But i can't really blame them. Who can really stand up to the power of Big Brother in the end? The People have become powerless. We really are just slaves now.

They're seeing their Freedom & Liberty being stripped away daily, yet they don't say a word. It's all about Fear & Convenient Ignorance. Most just need to pretend it's not happening. This video from James Corbett really does say it all. The Police State is not just some far-off remote possibility. It's actually already here.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKkFoSt6aKQ]Police State 2012: No Need to Wait, It's Already Here - YouTube[/ame]
I don't unnerstan.

Is there some common belief that if one is in one's own home, one is immune to arrest? Or that the police are always obligated -- in those circumstances -- to obtain an arrest warrant or a search warrant before they can enforce a law and arrest you for non compliance with lawful directives?

You must know that the Police don't need an arrest warrant to make an arrest. If you threaten officers or refuse to comply with a lawful order you are arrested. If you fail to answer a summons a warrant is automatically issued.
I know for me when I see headlines that the police and military are training together in LA it doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy.

This whole thought of Police Drones chills me to the bone. And of course the reason for the drones. "safety" riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Yeah, i was just reading about that the other day. Our Police Force is being Militarized. They're preparing for civil unrest. Their NDAA will come in handy when all that begins. The Global Elites are destroying the sovereignty of all Nations. The U.S. will be the last & toughest nut to crack though. Most Americans still value their Constitution above all else. And that upsets the Global Elite powers that be. The American Constitution has to go. And they're working on that daily. Very very dark days ahead. It's so sad.

Paranoid much? Our nation has always had local police agencies and sheriff departments. Local law enforcement is restricted to the political subdision which is under civilian control (a mayor or city manager) with authority to enforce state law and municipal codes. Suggesting a federal agency or the military will engage a citizen who violates such laws or codes is nothing more than the rants of a troll, a paranoid troll at that.

US. military drone was used to arrest U.S. citizens in North Dakota. It's been reported that they are equipped now with tasers, grenade launchers and rifles. DHS gave the clearance for use of the military drone.

The other flag up that was just outrageous was this man who had been in jail for two years for a DWI.

No judge. Solitary confinement. Had to pull his own tooth. Sheesh. He got a large award from suing, but holy toledo!!!
Cite the case.
And this is before local cops get the power of NDAA. I want to dig more into the story.

Cite in the NDAA where ‘local cops’ are given that authority.

It’s difficult to tell what’s more troubling: the ignorance of the NDAA and the law or the paranoia it generates.
The ticket I was sent home with gives the following description.

Obstructed a lawful investigation by trying to slam a door in officers face even after officer had planted their foot in the door. In violation of 17-26

It's a slider door. Not exactly sure how I can slam a slider.

Having slept on it most of you are right. I should have simply given my id. I didn't and as such got a bogus charge to now defend. As far as annoying my neighbor ill just say it was only 11 pm. Yes their was a previous encounter but that was for a going away party for my daughter. He is simply an old prick. Some of you have made broad assumptions as I expected.

They forced their way in and that was my problem. The music was not the issue. It brought them to my door but it was promptly turned down. What followed was not necessary. After talking to everyone else today it seems they demanded everyone's id. It's not like I live in a bad area where criminals reside. They were being jerks according to my company.

Oh well, it is what it is and its all about money in the end.

Although some of the responses on here were entertaining to read.
Yeah, i was just reading about that the other day. Our Police Force is being Militarized. They're preparing for civil unrest. Their NDAA will come in handy when all that begins. The Global Elites are destroying the sovereignty of all Nations. The U.S. will be the last & toughest nut to crack though. Most Americans still value their Constitution above all else. And that upsets the Global Elite powers that be. The American Constitution has to go. And they're working on that daily. Very very dark days ahead. It's so sad.

Paranoid much? Our nation has always had local police agencies and sheriff departments. Local law enforcement is restricted to the political subdision which is under civilian control (a mayor or city manager) with authority to enforce state law and municipal codes. Suggesting a federal agency or the military will engage a citizen who violates such laws or codes is nothing more than the rants of a troll, a paranoid troll at that.

US. military drone was used to arrest U.S. citizens in North Dakota. It's been reported that they are equipped now with tasers, grenade launchers and rifles. DHS gave the clearance for use of the military drone.


Possibly true but only on Federal Lands and for tracking purposes - if possible- only. As for a drone making an arrest, that's ludicrous.
Our police are the best in the world. Sure, there are bad apples. I don't believe the majority of Republicans are evil. Just misled by leaders who do evil things to shill for the rich. I have no doubt the vast majority of police are very good people.

When there is a crime, the first people I call are the police. I see a policeman is going through a door, I open it for them. They put their life on the line for me. I respect them.

I feel the same about the military. Being a veteran myself, I don't like to see them misused. Needlessly put into danger. Or have their well deserved benefit cut.
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I don't unnerstan.

Is there some common belief that if one is in one's own home, one is immune to arrest? Or that the police are always obligated -- in those circumstances -- to obtain an arrest warrant or a search warrant before they can enforce a law and arrest you for non compliance with lawful directives?

You must know that the Police don't need an arrest warrant to make an arrest. If you threaten officers or refuse to comply with a lawful order you are arrested. If you fail to answer a summons a warrant is automatically issued.

The Police are abusing the 'Interfering with an Investigation' statute as well as 'Probable Cause' statutes. They're using those statutes to violate Citizens' rights on a daily basis. After all, they can claim anyone is 'interfering with an investigation' for merely opening their mouths. The statute is just too vague and allows the Police too much power.

Also, suspecting someone of committing a crime or 'probable cause' is incredibly vague and allows the Police way too much leeway. The Police are just abusing their power these days. They're becoming more & more Militarized each day. The scales of justice are no longer balanced. The Police just have too much power now. The Gestapo really is here folks. So don't kid yourselves. Now what are you gonna do about it?
Paranoid much? Our nation has always had local police agencies and sheriff departments. Local law enforcement is restricted to the political subdision which is under civilian control (a mayor or city manager) with authority to enforce state law and municipal codes. Suggesting a federal agency or the military will engage a citizen who violates such laws or codes is nothing more than the rants of a troll, a paranoid troll at that.

US. military drone was used to arrest U.S. citizens in North Dakota. It's been reported that they are equipped now with tasers, grenade launchers and rifles. DHS gave the clearance for use of the military drone.


Possibly true but only on Federal Lands and for tracking purposes - if possible- only. As for a drone making an arrest, that's ludicrous.


It happened that a drone was requested by a local sheriff in North Dakota.

There's tons of stink about this. Seriously, you didn't know this.

Allowing local sheriffs and police chiefs access to spy planes happened without public discussion or the approval of Congress. And it has privacy advocates crying foul, saying the unregulated use of the drones is intrusive.

'There is no question that this could become something that people will regret,' former Rep Jane Harman, a Democrat, told the Los Angles Times.

One of the only confirmed uses of predator drones by local law enforcement came in June when a sheriff near Grand Forks, North Dakota, went looking for six stolen cattle.

When he arrived at the farm of Rodney Brossart, he was threatened by three men with guns and forced to retreat.

The Brossarts were known for being armed, anti-government separatists. So Sheriff Kelly Janke, who patrols a county of just 3,000 people, called in a Predator drone to look out over the 3,000-acre farm where the family was armed with rifles and shotguns.

With the help of a drone, summoned from nearby Grand Forks Air Force Base where it was patrolling the US-Candida border, the sheriff was able to watch the movements of everyone on the farm from a handheld device that picked up the aircraft's video footage.

He and his deputies waited until they could see the Brossarts put down their weapons. Then they stormed the compound and arrested Rodney Brossart, his daughter and his three sons on a total of 11 felony charges. No shots were fired.

And he recovered the cattle, valued at $6,000

Read more: Local cops using Predator drones to spy on Americans in their own backyards | Mail Online
My brother opened the slider door at the back of the house. The music was loud and apparently I told my brother to close the door. He tried and failed. O left the back of the house and sat in my lazy boy. They kept demanding my id and I said "why, what did I do". After this refusal in my own home in my living room they said stand up and put your hands behind your back, were done being nice. O spent 3 hours in jail and they refused to let me make a call. And I'm charged with obstruction of justice, noise ordinences and disobeying police orders.

I was in MY HOME in my lazy boy asking them to ticket me for noise and leave.

Am I wrong?

I know those of you that dislike me will have a field day with this but I thought I was right and I was having none of it. Till I went to jail of course. And by the way, I wasn't allowed a phone call for nearly 3 hours.

I would suggest you have nanny cams placed in key locations immediately.

And put your lawyer seriously on speed dial And whatever you do make sure your attorney is anti cop.

Some lawyers play a double game. So be careful there.

Then take what you are posting here and make sure the ACLU gets a copy of what you've been thru.

And most importantly keep a record of this somewhere.

Start messages to yourself to log any further incidences on the net as a diary or a log.

Make sure you get the names of all the cops who did this. Get your neighbors name in the complaint. They have to tell you.

Now to the neighbor who is doing all this to you. Get hold of me on pm.

I once had to take out this one asshole by donating in a Jerry Lewis Telethon 50,000 dollars in this pricks name. I and many others he had tormented died laughing when I saw his name come up at the bottom of the screen.


Don't ask on an open board whatever other shit I did to this guy. Let's just say....

I won:eusa_angel:

You sound like a real fucking scumbag.
I believe in vengeance. One should always think God's busy somewhere, I can handle this smiting myself.

Smiting 101.

When you get the neighbor you are having problems/issues with. Make him/her wish they'd died as a child.

You're a low-life piece of shit.
You were drunk and wearing a white tank top at the time, weren't you?

Have you considered stopping being an asshole and turning down the music? What are you, some dopey teenager looking for attention? They should have tazed you.

So you ARE'NT for personal freedom. Got it .

Violating a noise ordinance and making yourself a deliberate nuisance to your neighbors is NOT "personal freedom," it's being a childish douchebag.
My brother opened the slider door at the back of the house. The music was loud and apparently I told my brother to close the door. He tried and failed. O left the back of the house and sat in my lazy boy. They kept demanding my id and I said "why, what did I do". After this refusal in my own home in my living room they said stand up and put your hands behind your back, were done being nice. O spent 3 hours in jail and they refused to let me make a call. And I'm charged with obstruction of justice, noise ordinences and disobeying police orders.

I was in MY HOME in my lazy boy asking them to ticket me for noise and leave.

Am I wrong?

I know those of you that dislike me will have a field day with this but I thought I was right and I was having none of it. Till I went to jail of course. And by the way, I wasn't allowed a phone call for nearly 3 hours.

IANAL, but I think the standard in most places is that you have to give police your correct name if asked but after that you have a right to remain silent and certainly don't need ID.
You were drunk and wearing a white tank top at the time, weren't you?

Have you considered stopping being an asshole and turning down the music? What are you, some dopey teenager looking for attention? They should have tazed you.

So you ARE'NT for personal freedom. Got it .

Violating a noise ordinance and making yourself a deliberate nuisance to your neighbors is NOT "personal freedom," it's being a childish douchebag.

As is making broad assumptions about people and events you didn't witness.
The ticket I was sent home with gives the following description.

Obstructed a lawful investigation by trying to slam a door in officers face even after officer had planted their foot in the door. In violation of 17-26

It's a slider door. Not exactly sure how I can slam a slider.

Having slept on it most of you are right. I should have simply given my id. I didn't and as such got a bogus charge to now defend. As far as annoying my neighbor ill just say it was only 11 pm. Yes their was a previous encounter but that was for a going away party for my daughter. He is simply an old prick. Some of you have made broad assumptions as I expected.

They forced their way in and that was my problem. The music was not the issue. It brought them to my door but it was promptly turned down. What followed was not necessary. After talking to everyone else today it seems they demanded everyone's id. It's not like I live in a bad area where criminals reside. They were being jerks according to my company.

Oh well, it is what it is and its all about money in the end.

Although some of the responses on here were entertaining to read.

Real sorry to hear about your troubles. I actually respect you a lot more now though. You attempted to stand up to the Gestapo and that really did take balls. I think you'll be ok. You will have to pay some fines though. As usual, the Gestapo over-reacted. They didn't have to take anyone to Jail, but they really do enjoy doing that. It's all part of their awful training they receive these days. They're becoming Militarized. They want to haul everyone off to Jail now. They really do find a lot of joy in that.

We have very very serious problems with our Police Force. Now we just need more Americans to begin understanding that. They've simply been given too much power. Hope everything works out well for you. God Bless.
Violating a noise ordinance and making yourself a deliberate nuisance to your neighbors is NOT "personal freedom," it's being a childish douchebag.

As is making broad assumptions about people and events you didn't witness.

Based on what YOU told us, you fucking idiot.

I'm not just referring to me. You've been an ass to several in this thread. You've got the internet tough guy routine down pat.
I don't unnerstan.

Is there some common belief that if one is in one's own home, one is immune to arrest? Or that the police are always obligated -- in those circumstances -- to obtain an arrest warrant or a search warrant before they can enforce a law and arrest you for non compliance with lawful directives?

You must know that the Police don't need an arrest warrant to make an arrest. If you threaten officers or refuse to comply with a lawful order you are arrested. If you fail to answer a summons a warrant is automatically issued.

The Police are abusing the 'Interfering with an Investigation' statute as well as 'Probable Cause' statutes. They're using those statutes to violate Citizens' rights on a daily basis. After all, they can claim anyone is 'interfering with an investigation' for merely opening their mouths. The statute is just too vague and allows the Police too much power.

Also, suspecting someone of committing a crime or 'probable cause' is incredibly vague and allows the Police way too much leeway. The Police are just abusing their power these days. They're becoming more & more Militarized each day. The scales of justice are no longer balanced. The Police just have too much power now. The Gestapo really is here folks. So don't kid yourselves. Now what are you gonna do about it?

A police officer makes an arrest, his superior approves the arrest and the alleged offender is either detained or released on a promise to appear. Next the matter goes to the prosecutors office where a filing charge is considered and if a complaint or information is filed the matter goes to court. At the end a judge or jury decides on the truth of the allegation and the judge decides on the punishment, fine, jail, probation or all of the above.

There are checks at each preliminary stage of the matter, policies and procedures are followed by the officer and if the alleged offender believes they were treated unfairly there are ways to have the officers conduct examined by a civilian review board.
My brother opened the slider door at the back of the house. The music was loud and apparently I told my brother to close the door. He tried and failed. O left the back of the house and sat in my lazy boy. They kept demanding my id and I said "why, what did I do". After this refusal in my own home in my living room they said stand up and put your hands behind your back, were done being nice. O spent 3 hours in jail and they refused to let me make a call. And I'm charged with obstruction of justice, noise ordinences and disobeying police orders.

I was in MY HOME in my lazy boy asking them to ticket me for noise and leave.

Am I wrong?

I know those of you that dislike me will have a field day with this but I thought I was right and I was having none of it. Till I went to jail of course. And by the way, I wasn't allowed a phone call for nearly 3 hours.

There's a lot missing from your story (as I'm sure several people have mentioned).

What order did you disobey?

Obstruction of justice is a pretty serious charge. In this case, it must mean that you interfered with the police doing their job.

Were you drunk?

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