I went to jail tonight and i need advice

I feel like I should be a Ron Paul supporter after this episode.

I expected a couple hundred dollar ticket as before but instead I got fucked.
Americans think most Cops are still like Sheriff Andy Taylor and since 9/11 they've accepted more and more thuggish behavior from the Police State. It's only gonna' get worse.

I've instructed my wife to never let Law Enforcement in the house without a warrant, I don't care how hard it's raining outside they're not coming in.

You people reading this need to do a little research into the laws of your own state. Specifically when you can shoot someone who is breaking into your house. Every state is different. Don't have a gun? Go get one. December was a record breaker for gun sales and background checks.

As the economy collapses the "great unwashed" will be looking for "targets of opportunity". Are you gonna' let yourself be one?

What's with the no knock raids? There is no way that this method of police enforcement is going to have happy outcomes.
I feel for ya man, i really do. It's the new America. The Police State is here. The Gestapo runs the show now. That being said, a decent Lawyer should be able to handle this for you. But don't hold your breath waiting for the Gestapo to be punished. It's your word against their's, and that rarely works out well for the average Citizen. In a Police State the Police are always right. But hang in there, a decent Lawyer will help you out. Sorry you had to suffer though. I'll pray for you. Good luck and God Bless.

Police State 2012: No Need to Wait, It's Already Here - YouTube

Crap the one that really freaks me out is that nutbar sheriff who had the ability to ask for a drone and got one to arrest a whole family.

Now the drones are being equipped with tasers and grenade launchers and shot guns.

For American citizens. YIKES! SWAT drones I think they are nicknamed.

Yes, there was a time when most would laugh at & ridicule those who suggested the Government would employ Military drones against their own People. Well, now these same people who laughed and ridiculed are seeing just that. But rather than admit they were wrong and the Police State is wrong, these silly people are actually defending and cheerleading for it. They're just too cowardly or ignorant to stand up to Big Brother, so they instead either ignore or actually cheerlead.

The Police State grows more & more powerful each day. But it is all part of the Global Elite plan i guess. They want their New World Order and they'll stop at nothing to get it. And people are only deludiing themselves if they think that's just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' It's anything but that. It's very very real. And i don't know if they can be stopped. It may be too late. But i do know much darker days are still ahead for this Nation.
In the early 80's in Canada? Damn straight there was. Via the John Howard Society.

Man you are one uneducated person.

Remember your claim.

He raped your friend and then tormented the neighborhood?

yet you have no proof that there were sex offender groups at the time.

You lied and now your lie is coming back to haunt you.

This is a good reason not to lie.

The man was a horrific bully and raped my friend and gloated over it.

What's your fucking problem? It's the GTA. We had sex offender programs for a long time
in TO and the surrounding communities.

Are you just nuts?

I provided facts you provided a story.

why should anyone believe your story when it kept changing and you refuse to link to any proof of your claim?
Prove there were ex sex offender group meetings in homes in Canada in the early 80s.

If you cant then your story is merely that, a story
so, you had a noise complaint? I mean really how loud was this music?

If im you, I would call my good college buddy whos a lawyer. These cops owe you an apology it seems.

HOWEVER, as they say, three sides to every story. His, Hers and the truth.....

It was pretty loud. I've been ticked for noise ordinance before. But these guys just barged in like it was their house.

I'm always prepared to pay the fine as I've had to do once in the past. But their were 5 COP CARS here tonight and every one of them were in my living room without permission and without a warrant.

Ticket me and be gone was my logic.

And you couldn't just turn the noise down.......why?
I feel for ya man, i really do. It's the new America. The Police State is here. The Gestapo runs the show now. That being said, a decent Lawyer should be able to handle this for you. But don't hold your breath waiting for the Gestapo to be punished. It's your word against their's, and that rarely works out well for the average Citizen. In a Police State the Police are always right. But hang in there, a decent Lawyer will help you out. Sorry you had to suffer though. I'll pray for you. Good luck and God Bless.

Police State 2012: No Need to Wait, It's Already Here - YouTube

Crap the one that really freaks me out is that nutbar sheriff who had the ability to ask for a drone and got one to arrest a whole family.

Now the drones are being equipped with tasers and grenade launchers and shot guns.

For American citizens. YIKES! SWAT drones I think they are nicknamed.

Yes, there was a time when most would laugh at & ridicule those who suggested the Government would employ Military drones against their own People. Well, now these same people who laughed and ridiculed are seeing just that. But rather than admit they were wrong and the Police State is wrong, these silly people are actually defending and cheerleading for it. They're just too cowardly or ignorant to stand up to Big Brother, so they instead either ignore or actually cheerlead.

The Police State grows more & more powerful each day. But it is all part of the Global Elite plan i guess. They want their New World Order and they'll stop at nothing to get it. And people are only deludiing themselves if they think that's just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' It's anything but that. It's very very real. And i don't know if they can be stopped. It may be too late. But i do know much darker days are still ahead for this Nation.

I know for me when I see headlines that the police and military are training together in LA it doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy.

This whole thought of Police Drones chills me to the bone. And of course the reason for the drones. "safety" riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
I sense we aren't hearing "the rest of the story". Most police agencies tell you to turn it down and if they have to come back they issue a summons. If you resist or you are suspected of a crime unrelated to the noise you go to jail. Get a lawyer and quit whining.
I sense we aren't hearing "the rest of the story". Most police agencies tell you to turn it down and if they have to come back they issue a summons. If you resist or you are suspected of a crime unrelated to the noise you go to jail. Get a lawyer and quit whining.

He left out the part where he passed out in the holding tank and woke up with a sore asshole! :eek:
I don't unnerstan.

Is there some common belief that if one is in one's own home, one is immune to arrest? Or that the police are always obligated -- in those circumstances -- to obtain an arrest warrant or a search warrant before they can enforce a law and arrest you for non compliance with lawful directives?
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i have never been much for craziness...but obama signed a bill allowing the police to pretty much do anything they want....and yet there is not outrage from the left over this? why is that.

Because the bill authorizes no such thing.

As for Gramps getting arrested, unless he posts the police report, any speculation is pointless.

Otherwise, we live in no ‘police state.’ Any laws we perceive as a threat to our civil liberties we brought upon ourselves, through fear of terrorism and ignorance of the law.
I feel like I should be a Ron Paul supporter after this episode.

I expected a couple hundred dollar ticket as before but instead I got fucked.

I am sorry that happened to you in jail. Perhaps your attire attracted the other inmates.

Your screen name is grampa, have you check your hearing aide lately?

So you are the bad neighbor who plays his music too loud. For all of us who deal with inconsiderate neighbors we can live viariously through your discomfort in jail, wishing it were our own bad neighbors. Afterall ,someone had to complain for the police to come out.

It always amazes me how many cops come out for a call like this. Our tax dollars at work.
My brother opened the slider door at the back of the house. The music was loud and apparently I told my brother to close the door. He tried and failed. O left the back of the house and sat in my lazy boy. They kept demanding my id and I said "why, what did I do". After this refusal in my own home in my living room they said stand up and put your hands behind your back, were done being nice. O spent 3 hours in jail and they refused to let me make a call. And I'm charged with obstruction of justice, noise ordinences and disobeying police orders.

I was in MY HOME in my lazy boy asking them to ticket me for noise and leave.

Am I wrong?

I know those of you that dislike me will have a field day with this but I thought I was right and I was having none of it. Till I went to jail of course. And by the way, I wasn't allowed a phone call for nearly 3 hours.

My opinion:

You were indicated as the owner of the house. A noise violation call in about your house. The cops were making sure they were giving the right person the warning to keep it quiet.

My guess is if you had just given them your id in the first place you would have just gotten a warning to keep it down.

They have every right to ask you for your ID. You of course, have every right to refuse. They in turn have every right to haul your as in. Simple

My advice:

Get as good a lawyer as you can afford as soon as possible. Listen to what he says, and then do what he says.
Remember your claim.

He raped your friend and then tormented the neighborhood?

yet you have no proof that there were sex offender groups at the time.

You lied and now your lie is coming back to haunt you.

This is a good reason not to lie.

The man was a horrific bully and raped my friend and gloated over it.

What's your fucking problem? It's the GTA. We had sex offender programs for a long time
in TO and the surrounding communities.

Are you just nuts?

I provided facts you provided a story.

why should anyone believe your story when it kept changing and you refuse to link to any proof of your claim?

How did my story keep changing pray tell?

I linked you to JHS. We are an advanced nation:lol: and have had sex offender programs for forever.

Group therapy for sex offenders have been in place up here for decades. We've had child sex offender programs for a long time as well realizing they needed different therapy.

Seriously, what is your problem?

The police and the judicial system were stacked against women. The movie I brought up with Jody Foster and I think her name is Kelly oh shoot she was in Witness McGillis? in the early 80's really pointed that out.

Foster played a woman who had a promiscuous past and wore sexy clothing and was gang raped in a bar in front of everybody.

She played the "typical she asked for it" rape victim sadly. And this is based on a true story.

Her lawyer was finally able to get the men prosecuted.

Shook up the pillars of Justice for true. Great movie.

No one back then believed in "no means no" or even "date rape". Cripes even rape kits are just recent. So yeah I and others tormented the little bastard who raped our friend.

Even in this day and age you can have some whacky judge believe you asked for it. Thank the good Lord that only happens once in a blue moon, but it still happens.
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Crap the one that really freaks me out is that nutbar sheriff who had the ability to ask for a drone and got one to arrest a whole family.

Now the drones are being equipped with tasers and grenade launchers and shot guns.

For American citizens. YIKES! SWAT drones I think they are nicknamed.

Yes, there was a time when most would laugh at & ridicule those who suggested the Government would employ Military drones against their own People. Well, now these same people who laughed and ridiculed are seeing just that. But rather than admit they were wrong and the Police State is wrong, these silly people are actually defending and cheerleading for it. They're just too cowardly or ignorant to stand up to Big Brother, so they instead either ignore or actually cheerlead.

The Police State grows more & more powerful each day. But it is all part of the Global Elite plan i guess. They want their New World Order and they'll stop at nothing to get it. And people are only deludiing themselves if they think that's just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' It's anything but that. It's very very real. And i don't know if they can be stopped. It may be too late. But i do know much darker days are still ahead for this Nation.

I know for me when I see headlines that the police and military are training together in LA it doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy.

This whole thought of Police Drones chills me to the bone. And of course the reason for the drones. "safety" riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Yeah, i was just reading about that the other day. Our Police Force is being Militarized. They're preparing for civil unrest. Their NDAA will come in handy when all that begins. The Global Elites are destroying the sovereignty of all Nations. The U.S. will be the last & toughest nut to crack though. Most Americans still value their Constitution above all else. And that upsets the Global Elite powers that be. The American Constitution has to go. And they're working on that daily. Very very dark days ahead. It's so sad.
Yes, there was a time when most would laugh at & ridicule those who suggested the Government would employ Military drones against their own People. Well, now these same people who laughed and ridiculed are seeing just that. But rather than admit they were wrong and the Police State is wrong, these silly people are actually defending and cheerleading for it. They're just too cowardly or ignorant to stand up to Big Brother, so they instead either ignore or actually cheerlead.

The Police State grows more & more powerful each day. But it is all part of the Global Elite plan i guess. They want their New World Order and they'll stop at nothing to get it. And people are only deludiing themselves if they think that's just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' It's anything but that. It's very very real. And i don't know if they can be stopped. It may be too late. But i do know much darker days are still ahead for this Nation.

I know for me when I see headlines that the police and military are training together in LA it doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy.

This whole thought of Police Drones chills me to the bone. And of course the reason for the drones. "safety" riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Yeah, i was just reading about that the other day. Our Police Force is being Militarized. They're preparing for civil unrest. Their NDAA will come in handy when all that begins. The Global Elites are destroying the sovereignty of all Nations. The U.S. will be the last & toughest nut to crack though. Most Americans still value their Constitution above all else. And that upsets the Global Elite powers that be. The American Constitution has to go. And they're working on that daily. Very very dark days ahead. It's so sad.

The other flag up that was just outrageous was this man who had been in jail for two years for a DWI.

No judge. Solitary confinement. Had to pull his own tooth. Sheesh. He got a large award from suing, but holy toledo!!!

And this is before local cops get the power of NDAA. I want to dig more into the story.
Yes, there was a time when most would laugh at & ridicule those who suggested the Government would employ Military drones against their own People. Well, now these same people who laughed and ridiculed are seeing just that. But rather than admit they were wrong and the Police State is wrong, these silly people are actually defending and cheerleading for it. They're just too cowardly or ignorant to stand up to Big Brother, so they instead either ignore or actually cheerlead.

The Police State grows more & more powerful each day. But it is all part of the Global Elite plan i guess. They want their New World Order and they'll stop at nothing to get it. And people are only deludiing themselves if they think that's just a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' It's anything but that. It's very very real. And i don't know if they can be stopped. It may be too late. But i do know much darker days are still ahead for this Nation.

I know for me when I see headlines that the police and military are training together in LA it doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy.

This whole thought of Police Drones chills me to the bone. And of course the reason for the drones. "safety" riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Yeah, i was just reading about that the other day. Our Police Force is being Militarized. They're preparing for civil unrest. Their NDAA will come in handy when all that begins. The Global Elites are destroying the sovereignty of all Nations. The U.S. will be the last & toughest nut to crack though. Most Americans still value their Constitution above all else. And that upsets the Global Elite powers that be. The American Constitution has to go. And they're working on that daily. Very very dark days ahead. It's so sad.

Paranoid much? Our nation has always had local police agencies and sheriff departments. Local law enforcement is restricted to the political subdision which is under civilian control (a mayor or city manager) with authority to enforce state law and municipal codes. Suggesting a federal agency or the military will engage a citizen who violates such laws or codes is nothing more than the rants of a troll, a paranoid troll at that.

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