I went to jail tonight and i need advice

You must know that the Police don't need an arrest warrant to make an arrest. If you threaten officers or refuse to comply with a lawful order you are arrested. If you fail to answer a summons a warrant is automatically issued.

The Police are abusing the 'Interfering with an Investigation' statute as well as 'Probable Cause' statutes. They're using those statutes to violate Citizens' rights on a daily basis. After all, they can claim anyone is 'interfering with an investigation' for merely opening their mouths. The statute is just too vague and allows the Police too much power.

Also, suspecting someone of committing a crime or 'probable cause' is incredibly vague and allows the Police way too much leeway. The Police are just abusing their power these days. They're becoming more & more Militarized each day. The scales of justice are no longer balanced. The Police just have too much power now. The Gestapo really is here folks. So don't kid yourselves. Now what are you gonna do about it?

A police officer makes an arrest, his superior approves the arrest and the alleged offender is either detained or released on a promise to appear. Next the matter goes to the prosecutors office where a filing charge is considered and if a complaint or information is filed the matter goes to court. At the end a judge or jury decides on the truth of the allegation and the judge decides on the punishment, fine, jail, probation or all of the above.

There are checks at each preliminary stage of the matter, policies and procedures are followed by the officer and if the alleged offender believes they were treated unfairly there are ways to have the officers conduct examined by a civilian review board.

That's what you're led to believe anyway. Those days are long gone. The Police have limitless powers now. It's a new America. Because after all, '9/11 changed everything.' Enjoy.
My brother opened the slider door at the back of the house. The music was loud and apparently I told my brother to close the door. He tried and failed. O left the back of the house and sat in my lazy boy. They kept demanding my id and I said "why, what did I do". After this refusal in my own home in my living room they said stand up and put your hands behind your back, were done being nice. O spent 3 hours in jail and they refused to let me make a call. And I'm charged with obstruction of justice, noise ordinences and disobeying police orders.

I was in MY HOME in my lazy boy asking them to ticket me for noise and leave.

Am I wrong?

I know those of you that dislike me will have a field day with this but I thought I was right and I was having none of it. Till I went to jail of course. And by the way, I wasn't allowed a phone call for nearly 3 hours.

You have a hell of a lawsuit. Depending on the state you live in,they need a warrant before entry. Plus,they violated your miranda rights. Were you mirandized?
id contact newspapers,media,and embarrass the hell out of them.
Obstructed a lawful investigation by trying to slam a door in officers face even after officer had planted their foot in the door. In violation of 17-26

It's a slider door. Not exactly sure how I can slam a slider.

We’re still not getting the whole story.

Otherwise, it should have gone like this:

LEO: (at the door, not coming in the house) turn down the music.

You: ok.

LEO good night.

You: good night.

Local cops using Predator drones to spy on Americans in their own backyards | Mail Online

There is nothing un-Constitutional, new, or unusual about this – the Court has ruled there is no expectation to privacy in one’s backyard and police fly-overs do not constitute a 4th Amendment violation. That the aircraft is manned or unmanned is irrelevant. See: California v. Ciraolo
Of all the facts,you werent.mirandized or allowed a call. What state dobyoublive in?uou,again,have a hell of a lawsuit.
Sorry bout that,

1. My question is, what kind of music was it?
2. Seeing I am the *MUSIC EXPERT* and just about everything else in the world.....
3. Tell me the kind of music it was, and then I will give you some free advice on what to do.

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My brother opened the slider door at the back of the house. The music was loud and apparently I told my brother to close the door. He tried and failed. O left the back of the house and sat in my lazy boy. They kept demanding my id and I said "why, what did I do". After this refusal in my own home in my living room they said stand up and put your hands behind your back, were done being nice. O spent 3 hours in jail and they refused to let me make a call. And I'm charged with obstruction of justice, noise ordinences and disobeying police orders.

I was in MY HOME in my lazy boy asking them to ticket me for noise and leave.

Am I wrong?

I know those of you that dislike me will have a field day with this but I thought I was right and I was having none of it. Till I went to jail of course. And by the way, I wasn't allowed a phone call for nearly 3 hours.

so, you had a noise complaint? I mean really how loud was this music?

If im you, I would call my good college buddy whos a lawyer. These cops owe you an apology it seems.

HOWEVER, as they say, three sides to every story. His, Hers and the truth.....

It was pretty loud. I've been ticked for noise ordinance before. But these guys just barged in like it was their house.

I'm always prepared to pay the fine as I've had to do once in the past. But their were 5 COP CARS here tonight and every one of them were in my living room without permission and without a warrant.

Ticket me and be gone was my logic.
I didn't bother reading the 6 pages of crap and insults that these threads always turn into, so I'll just comment here, and my comment is that you better call an attorney, because those pigs are in deep shit if what you said is true. I've had a similar situation where the cops entered without permission. I got a lawyer and tore them a new ass in court, and even got reimbursed by the county for court costs, my attorney, time lost off work and extra for the inconvenience of it all.

Call a lawyer... NOW.
His opening sentence in his OP calls into question his truthfulness!
The other flag up that was just outrageous was this man who had been in jail for two years for a DWI.

No judge. Solitary confinement. Had to pull his own tooth. Sheesh. He got a large award from suing, but holy toledo!!!
Cite the case.
And this is before local cops get the power of NDAA. I want to dig more into the story.

Cite in the NDAA where ‘local cops’ are given that authority.

It’s difficult to tell what’s more troubling: the ignorance of the NDAA and the law or the paranoia it generates.

New Mexico driver arrested and forgotten in jail for two years — RT


you could probably learn how to use it, even though the quote function continues to baffle you. :thup:
My brother opened the slider door at the back of the house. The music was loud and apparently I told my brother to close the door. He tried and failed. O left the back of the house and sat in my lazy boy. They kept demanding my id and I said "why, what did I do". After this refusal in my own home in my living room they said stand up and put your hands behind your back, were done being nice. O spent 3 hours in jail and they refused to let me make a call. And I'm charged with obstruction of justice, noise ordinences and disobeying police orders.

I was in MY HOME in my lazy boy asking them to ticket me for noise and leave.

Am I wrong?

I know those of you that dislike me will have a field day with this but I thought I was right and I was having none of it. Till I went to jail of course. And by the way, I wasn't allowed a phone call for nearly 3 hours.

It was pretty loud. I've been ticked for noise ordinance before. But these guys just barged in like it was their house.

I'm always prepared to pay the fine as I've had to do once in the past. But their were 5 COP CARS here tonight and every one of them were in my living room without permission and without a warrant.

Ticket me and be gone was my logic.
I didn't bother reading the 6 pages of crap and insults that these threads always turn into, so I'll just comment here, and my comment is that you better call an attorney, because those pigs are in deep shit if what you said is true. I've had a similar situation where the cops entered without permission. I got a lawyer and tore them a new ass in court, and even got reimbursed by the county for court costs, my attorney, time lost off work and extra for the inconvenience of it all.

Call a lawyer... NOW.
His opening sentence in his OP calls into question his truthfulness!

"...apparently I told my brother to close the door."? Does that sound like a lack of a clear memory of the event?
My brother opened the slider door at the back of the house. The music was loud and apparently I told my brother to close the door. He tried and failed. O left the back of the house and sat in my lazy boy. They kept demanding my id and I said "why, what did I do". After this refusal in my own home in my living room they said stand up and put your hands behind your back, were done being nice. O spent 3 hours in jail and they refused to let me make a call. And I'm charged with obstruction of justice, noise ordinences and disobeying police orders.

I was in MY HOME in my lazy boy asking them to ticket me for noise and leave.

Am I wrong?

I know those of you that dislike me will have a field day with this but I thought I was right and I was having none of it. Till I went to jail of course. And by the way, I wasn't allowed a phone call for nearly 3 hours.

I didn't bother reading the 6 pages of crap and insults that these threads always turn into, so I'll just comment here, and my comment is that you better call an attorney, because those pigs are in deep shit if what you said is true. I've had a similar situation where the cops entered without permission. I got a lawyer and tore them a new ass in court, and even got reimbursed by the county for court costs, my attorney, time lost off work and extra for the inconvenience of it all.

Call a lawyer... NOW.
His opening sentence in his OP calls into question his truthfulness!

"...apparently I told my brother to close the door."? Does that sound like a lack of a clear memory of the event?

Sounds more like he was drunk and imagines himself about the law. Must be one of them personal responsibility types.

My brother opened the slider door at the back of the house. The music was loud and apparently I told my brother to close the door. He tried and failed. O left the back of the house and sat in my lazy boy. They kept demanding my id and I said "why, what did I do". After this refusal in my own home in my living room they said stand up and put your hands behind your back, were done being nice. O spent 3 hours in jail and they refused to let me make a call. And I'm charged with obstruction of justice, noise ordinences and disobeying police orders.

I was in MY HOME in my lazy boy asking them to ticket me for noise and leave.

Am I wrong?

I know those of you that dislike me will have a field day with this but I thought I was right and I was having none of it. Till I went to jail of course. And by the way, I wasn't allowed a phone call for nearly 3 hours.

There's a lot missing from your story (as I'm sure several people have mentioned).

What order did you disobey?

Obstruction of justice is a pretty serious charge. In this case, it must mean that you interfered with the police doing their job.

Were you drunk?

From his original post, it sounds as if he is still drunk. That and the title of the thread, he does not even know that it was morning.
The Police had no right to barge in your home and demand ID's. They did have the right to tell you to turn your music down though. In fact, they should have just warned you and not even issued you a ticket. There was no reason to take anyone to Jail. But our Police are over-reacting that way everyday all across the Country these days. It really is a result of their awful training. There has been way too much focus on Militarizing them.

They have forgotten they exist to 'Serve and Protect' the People. They've thrown that concept right out the window since 9/11. There is a growing aggressive hostile disdain for the People, within our Police Force. They are no longer serving the People. Awful Civil Unrest is coming. But that's what the Global Elite have always wanted. They've been preparing for it for a very long time. The Police State really is here.
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So Gramps... quick question... When has your rights been infringed upon?

Thanks, Patriot act?

We are not a free country, that ended with the Patriot act. We are even worse off with NDAA. When you give your freedoms up for the illusion of security you have neither.
The police come out for a noise complaint. They find the back door open. At this point they do not know if the music was turned up to cover the noise of a criminal act. They do not know if there is a killer with a dead body in the house. They don't know anything. The door is open so they go in. Someone is claiming to be the legal occupant. The police don't know that for a fact. They ask for identification.

It's all pretty clear that the police acted appropriately.
My brother opened the slider door at the back of the house. The music was loud and apparently I told my brother to close the door. He tried and failed. O left the back of the house and sat in my lazy boy. They kept demanding my id and I said "why, what did I do". After this refusal in my own home in my living room they said stand up and put your hands behind your back, were done being nice. O spent 3 hours in jail and they refused to let me make a call. And I'm charged with obstruction of justice, noise ordinences and disobeying police orders.

I was in MY HOME in my lazy boy asking them to ticket me for noise and leave.

Am I wrong?

I know those of you that dislike me will have a field day with this but I thought I was right and I was having none of it. Till I went to jail of course. And by the way, I wasn't allowed a phone call for nearly 3 hours.

There's a lot missing from your story (as I'm sure several people have mentioned).

What order did you disobey?

Obstruction of justice is a pretty serious charge. In this case, it must mean that you interfered with the police doing their job.

Were you drunk?

From his original post, it sounds as if he is still drunk. That and the title of the thread, he does not even know that it was morning.

If a person is arrested while intoxicated, I don't think the police will release that person until he's sober. So, if he was intoxicated when he was arrested and intoxicated when he posted his story, I would have to guess that he grabbed a few more beers out of the fridge after he got home.
Sorry, nobody goes to jail for being loud.

And they don't send 5 cop cars for "loud".

It sounds like you have a history with your neighbors and the cops. You might want to work on your PR. Particularly if you're a professional.
Some peope will always claim the Police are always right. These people just can't be reasoned with. They've been propagandized on Big Brother teachings for so long, they just don't know any better. Most Germans in Nazi Germany always claimed the Gestapo was always right too. Unfortunately, most Americans have this sad mentality. And now the Police State continues growing wildly out of control. It's very sad.
And they do release people while they're still drunk. They put them in the tank overnight, release them out in the am..often drunks are still buzzed.
I don't think the police are always right, I generally assume they're assholes. And they certainly know less about law than almost anyone else on the planet (never ask a cop for legal advice, seriously). But you're screwed once they target you. Some things aren't worth fighting.
The Police are abusing the 'Interfering with an Investigation' statute as well as 'Probable Cause' statutes. They're using those statutes to violate Citizens' rights on a daily basis. After all, they can claim anyone is 'interfering with an investigation' for merely opening their mouths. The statute is just too vague and allows the Police too much power.

Also, suspecting someone of committing a crime or 'probable cause' is incredibly vague and allows the Police way too much leeway. The Police are just abusing their power these days. They're becoming more & more Militarized each day. The scales of justice are no longer balanced. The Police just have too much power now. The Gestapo really is here folks. So don't kid yourselves. Now what are you gonna do about it?

A police officer makes an arrest, his superior approves the arrest and the alleged offender is either detained or released on a promise to appear. Next the matter goes to the prosecutors office where a filing charge is considered and if a complaint or information is filed the matter goes to court. At the end a judge or jury decides on the truth of the allegation and the judge decides on the punishment, fine, jail, probation or all of the above.

There are checks at each preliminary stage of the matter, policies and procedures are followed by the officer and if the alleged offender believes they were treated unfairly there are ways to have the officers conduct examined by a civilian review board.

That's what you're led to believe anyway. Those days are long gone. The Police have limitless powers now. It's a new America. Because after all, '9/11 changed everything.' Enjoy.

STFU you irrelevant, drama-queen, conspiracy freak.

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