I went to jail tonight and i need advice

I know for me when I see headlines that the police and military are training together in LA it doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy.

This whole thought of Police Drones chills me to the bone. And of course the reason for the drones. "safety" riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Yeah, i was just reading about that the other day. Our Police Force is being Militarized. They're preparing for civil unrest. Their NDAA will come in handy when all that begins. The Global Elites are destroying the sovereignty of all Nations. The U.S. will be the last & toughest nut to crack though. Most Americans still value their Constitution above all else. And that upsets the Global Elite powers that be. The American Constitution has to go. And they're working on that daily. Very very dark days ahead. It's so sad.

Paranoid much? Our nation has always had local police agencies and sheriff departments. Local law enforcement is restricted to the political subdision which is under civilian control (a mayor or city manager) with authority to enforce state law and municipal codes. Suggesting a federal agency or the military will engage a citizen who violates such laws or codes is nothing more than the rants of a troll, a paranoid troll at that.

whats this all about then Wry?......this is with the US.Military.....

LAPD in 'joint military training' exercises in downtown L.A. - The Daily Breeze
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Beyond that, this has been by far the most entertaining and enlightening post I have ever seen on this board. Thank you all for participating.
The entertainment value is obvious. What might be missed, though, is how many of our "conservative" friends here were not telling Grampa to take personal responsibility for his actions. It was Liberals telling him that.

Very revealing.
Beyond that, this has been by far the most entertaining and enlightening post I have ever seen on this board. Thank you all for participating.
The entertainment value is obvious. What might be missed, though, is how many of our "conservative" friends here were not telling Grampa to take personal responsibility for his actions. It was Liberals telling him that.

Very revealing.

they don't practice what they
Our police are the best in the world. Sure, there are bad apples. I don't believe the majority of Republicans are evil. Just misled by leaders who do evil things to shill for the rich. I have no doubt the vast majority of police are very good people.

When there is a crime, the first people I call are the police. I see a policeman is going through a door, I open it for them. They put their life on the line for me. I respect them.

I feel the same about the military. Being a veteran myself, I don't like to see them misused. Needlessly put into danger. Or have their well deserved benefit cut.

sure you dont Dean.....funny how the things you say about them in 90% of your posts dont back that up....you have never said ...."hey Republicans are ok....i just hate their Leadership".....since you group everyone in that party together i have to say you are being dishonest...again.....
Gramps, Next time your neighbor is working on his boat motor, go buy a six pack, go to your neighbor, tell him you are sorry the two of you got off on the wrong foot, and as two grown men see if you can't come up with a way to deal with each other without involving the cops. Respecting each other's peace and quiet might be a good place to start negations.
I would suggest you have nanny cams placed in key locations immediately.

And put your lawyer seriously on speed dial And whatever you do make sure your attorney is anti cop.

Some lawyers play a double game. So be careful there.

Then take what you are posting here and make sure the ACLU gets a copy of what you've been thru.

And most importantly keep a record of this somewhere.

Start messages to yourself to log any further incidences on the net as a diary or a log.

Make sure you get the names of all the cops who did this. Get your neighbors name in the complaint. They have to tell you.

Now to the neighbor who is doing all this to you. Get hold of me on pm.

I once had to take out this one asshole by donating in a Jerry Lewis Telethon 50,000 dollars in this pricks name. I and many others he had tormented died laughing when I saw his name come up at the bottom of the screen.


Don't ask on an open board whatever other shit I did to this guy. Let's just say....

I won:eusa_angel:

You speak of your dishonesty and devious nature with such pride.


In my world it's called vengeance. And you bet. I got the bad guy.

One of my faves was putting an ad in a couple of the major papers for a "former sex offender" group meeting at his house in the classified section.

It was one funny night watching what happened over there.

I do not believe that you did this. You are full of shit.
Beyond that, this has been by far the most entertaining and enlightening post I have ever seen on this board. Thank you all for participating.
The entertainment value is obvious. What might be missed, though, is how many of our "conservative" friends here were not telling Grampa to take personal responsibility for his actions. It was Liberals telling him that.

Very revealing.

Wrong. One of my posts,i did.
Part of the problem in this country is the lack of personal acceptance of responsibility for ones actions. If anyones read anything i write,its one of my core foundations.
Gramps, Next time your neighbor is working on his boat motor, go buy a six pack, go to your neighbor, tell him you are sorry the two of you got off on the wrong foot, and as two grown men see if you can't come up with a way to deal with each other without involving the cops. Respecting each other's peace and quiet might be a good place to start negations.

That would only work if he weren't inhernetly a douchebag, so...
Once a woman complained because I left my office while she was breastfeeding. She got an attorney who threatened me with having one of those sit ins by lactating mothers. I countered with an invitation for them to show up and I would advertise the Great American Tit Out, with dozens of beautiful women bearing their breasts to the delight of any guy who wanted to show up. Free beer and hot dogs.

I didn't intend to put it in the paper. I intended to post it in bars, toilets, gas stations and lamp posts in South Central, Compton and Inglewood.

Needless to say, it never happened. The woman quietly slithered off somewhere else.
You speak of your dishonesty and devious nature with such pride.


In my world it's called vengeance. And you bet. I got the bad guy.

One of my faves was putting an ad in a couple of the major papers for a "former sex offender" group meeting at his house in the classified section.

It was one funny night watching what happened over there.

I do not believe that you did this. You are full of shit.

I don't believe she did that either, because even if it had been submitted anonymously, the paper would not publish it as it would expose them to a possible libel lawsuit.
Yeah, i was just reading about that the other day. Our Police Force is being Militarized. They're preparing for civil unrest. Their NDAA will come in handy when all that begins. The Global Elites are destroying the sovereignty of all Nations. The U.S. will be the last & toughest nut to crack though. Most Americans still value their Constitution above all else. And that upsets the Global Elite powers that be. The American Constitution has to go. And they're working on that daily. Very very dark days ahead. It's so sad.

Paranoid much? Our nation has always had local police agencies and sheriff departments. Local law enforcement is restricted to the political subdision which is under civilian control (a mayor or city manager) with authority to enforce state law and municipal codes. Suggesting a federal agency or the military will engage a citizen who violates such laws or codes is nothing more than the rants of a troll, a paranoid troll at that.

whats this all about then Wry?......this is with the US.Military.....

LAPD in 'joint military training' exercises in downtown L.A. - The Daily Breeze

I don't know, nor do you. I don't believe the miliatry is planning on invading LA or any major city in the United States. If I had to guess, I'd suspect Tehran might be on the mind of some members of the military leadership.

Tehran, iran - Google Search

Any agency wanting to engage in training in an urban or even rural setting will coordinate with local law enforcement. It's not just a courtesy, it's common sense to do so.
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You speak of your dishonesty and devious nature with such pride.


In my world it's called vengeance. And you bet. I got the bad guy.

One of my faves was putting an ad in a couple of the major papers for a "former sex offender" group meeting at his house in the classified section.

It was one funny night watching what happened over there.

I do not believe that you did this. You are full of shit.


That's such a comeback.

Yeah, I phoned in to the Jerry Lewis Labour day weekend telethon and donated in his name.

:eusa_angel:Paybacks a bitch.

And then we made sure a classified went in prepaid by cash untraceable to the Toronto Star for a group therapy session at his apartment.

One of the funniest, is when we moved his car just a couple of spaces over in his apartment parking lot and buried it in snow. It was an Omni.

He date raped our friend. And we are talking a time and place where if you'd ever had a good time (booze or other), dressed outrageously in mini skirts or any other provactive attire, ever ever ever had sex outside of marriage aka promiscuous you were toast.

In my world it's called vengeance. And you bet. I got the bad guy.

One of my faves was putting an ad in a couple of the major papers for a "former sex offender" group meeting at his house in the classified section.

It was one funny night watching what happened over there.

I do not believe that you did this. You are full of shit.

I don't believe she did that either, because even if it had been submitted anonymously, the paper would not publish it as it would expose them to a possible libel lawsuit.

Libel?????????????????? Now that's a joke.

Give me a freaking break. A classified advertisement in the 80's? No one even had a personal computer in the early 80's. You submitted classifieds by cash, cheques, money order or credit card.

Go ask your mom or your dad.

Oh and the person in question never sued. He knew what he did.
Now to Gramps situation.

I think for his own protection he should install the nanny cams. Two on the outside front and back and then in his foyer and living room.
Paranoid much? Our nation has always had local police agencies and sheriff departments. Local law enforcement is restricted to the political subdision which is under civilian control (a mayor or city manager) with authority to enforce state law and municipal codes. Suggesting a federal agency or the military will engage a citizen who violates such laws or codes is nothing more than the rants of a troll, a paranoid troll at that.

whats this all about then Wry?......this is with the US.Military.....

LAPD in 'joint military training' exercises in downtown L.A. - The Daily Breeze

I don't know, nor do you. I don't believe the miliatry is planning on invading LA or any major city in the United States. If I had to guess, I'd suspect Tehran might be on the mind of some members of the military leadership.

Tehran, iran - Google Search

Any agency wanting to engage in training in an urban or even rural setting will coordinate with local law enforcement. It's not just a courtesy, it's common sense to do so.

Hey........when I was stationed up at Newport RI, and part of the Security Force for the base, we had a two day joint training with the Newport police every year. And that was in 95-97.
Beyond that, this has been by far the most entertaining and enlightening post I have ever seen on this board. Thank you all for participating.
The entertainment value is obvious. What might be missed, though, is how many of our "conservative" friends here were not telling Grampa to take personal responsibility for his actions. It was Liberals telling him that.

Very revealing.

Yeah, it proves you liberals are dishonest pieces of shit. If someone like professor Gates recanted the same story, all you morons would be crying about police brutality, but when someone you know that is a conservate is involved, you judge him as harshly as possible.
The entertainment value is obvious. What might be missed, though, is how many of our "conservative" friends here were not telling Grampa to take personal responsibility for his actions. It was Liberals telling him that.

Very revealing.

Yeah, it proves you liberals are dishonest pieces of shit. If someone like professor Gates recanted the same story, all you morons would be crying about police brutality, but when someone you know that is a conservate is involved, you judge him as harshly as possible.

If they'd provide more details, yeah........maybe we would feel sorry for them, but based on what the OP said, it sounds like it was their fault.

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