I will cut the Deficit by HALF in my first term

Tax cuts for the rich, and destroy Medicare and Medicaid and maybe SS? Yup, run on that! A-HOLES and dupes.

Fuck all those programs....

Those programs are a waste of money.

SS accounts should be individualized and privately run, Medicare and Medicaid is a money pit...

You want jobs LOWER TAXES because you may as well be taxing individuals out of a job. Those excess taxes businesses are paying could be a workers salary. If they didn't have to pay those excess taxes then these businesses could hire another employee...

The less taxes individuals (and businesses) have to pay means the more money they have - meaning the more money they have to spend and invest in their own businesses or spend in general on products and that creates jobs.

It's basic supply and demand economics.
Admittedly I wasn't really paying close attention then. When my business really tanked I began to watch the news a little closer. But i do remember in 08 people predicting a slight recovery before a hard second dip.

Ultimately it matters not. What matters now is that we are still stagnant and VERY little progress is being made. And that has zip to do with boooooooooooooooosh.

You weren't paying close attention then. One might infer you don't give a shit about our country or other American citizens; you only pay attention when it effects you. Yep, you're a Republican.

BTW, if you weren't paying attention, why offer the opinion that our current economic situation was not a result of Bush&Co's incompetence?

I never regret negging you.

And yes like 99% of people I start paying attention when it hits home.

Now go part some water with Obama jackass.

I never regret receiving a Neg. Rep from you. I wear it as a badge of honor.

So, if you weren't paying attention, how do you know Bush&Co aren't responsible for the fiscal mess our nation is in today?
Your post is a diversion because it never happened obama is president he took the job and failed. No amount of what if will change the facts from what they are. Man up bitches OBAMA IS PRESIDENT NOW AND IS A FAILURE.

What I said previously:

Bush's legacy is way, way worse than that chart suggests. I was looking up the cost of taking care of a disabled person for life from the age of 25. Depending on the disability, it could be tween 1.5 million to 5 million. Modern medicine is expensive. Around 50,000 people have been injured in Iraq. How many require life long treatment. That's what Bush left Obama with. Republicans will assign that cost to Obama because they are dishonest fucks.

Thank God you came along. "IT NEVER HAPPENED!" All those thousands of Americans were NEVER injured. We woke up and were in Dallas. Thank God.

It's a fucking devirsion bush is gone and obama never made one attempt to even try and fix the economy 3 years after Bush and we are wrose than when obama took office

See? You twisted around so far you got your head stuck in your ass. You can't really "fix" the economy. You can only manage some part of it. Republicans say government can't even do that which is why it's wrong to vote for them. They are telling us they do nothing except help corporations in any way they can. The apology to BP proved that.

Obama's stimulus was a huge success. Ask the more than 100 Republicans who voted against it but made thousands and thousands of jobs across the US with money they got from Obama and then took credit for the jobs. From broadband, to railways and everything in between. You sit in front of the Internet. Look it up. State by state if you want. Let me know if you don't know how to use a search engine. I'll send instructions.
Tax cuts for the rich, and destroy Medicare and Medicaid and maybe SS? Yup, run on that! A-HOLES and dupes.

Fuck all those programs....

Those programs are a waste of money.

SS accounts should be individualized and privately run, Medicare and Medicaid is a money pit...

You want jobs LOWER TAXES because you may as well be taxing individuals out of a job. Those excess taxes businesses are paying could be a workers salary. If they didn't have to pay those excess taxes then these businesses could hire another employee...

The less taxes individuals (and businesses) have to pay means the more money they have - meaning the more money they have to spend and invest in their own businesses or spend in general on products and that creates jobs.

It's basic supply and demand economics.

You forgot about the "demand" part...
What I said previously:

Bush's legacy is way, way worse than that chart suggests. I was looking up the cost of taking care of a disabled person for life from the age of 25. Depending on the disability, it could be tween 1.5 million to 5 million. Modern medicine is expensive. Around 50,000 people have been injured in Iraq. How many require life long treatment. That's what Bush left Obama with. Republicans will assign that cost to Obama because they are dishonest fucks.

Thank God you came along. "IT NEVER HAPPENED!" All those thousands of Americans were NEVER injured. We woke up and were in Dallas. Thank God.

It's a fucking devirsion bush is gone and obama never made one attempt to even try and fix the economy 3 years after Bush and we are wrose than when obama took office

See? You twisted around so far you got your head stuck in your ass. You can't really "fix" the economy. You can only manage some part of it. Republicans say government can't even do that which is why it's wrong to vote for them. They are telling us they do nothing except help corporations in any way they can. The apology to BP proved that.

Obama's stimulus was a huge success. Ask the more than 100 Republicans who voted against it but made thousands and thousands of jobs across the US with money they got from Obama and then took credit for the jobs. From broadband, to railways and everything in between. You sit in front of the Internet. Look it up. State by state if you want. Let me know if you don't know how to use a search engine. I'll send instructions.

Obama's stimulus was a huge success.
How many people are on food stamps now compared to 3 years ago? What is the unemployment rate for blacks? What is the unemployment rate for women compared to 3 years ago? why did obama kill the keystone pipeline? Your boy the man child is fucked and your going wonder why and you will continue with your racist rant about him being black was the reason why he lost.
Yes I was against bailing out union pension programs

And then what happens to those people? After they're out of work and pensions are wiped out. What then?

If you got to do things, I mean. Like, be the President. What do you do instead?

What would have happen to their benefits? They would have renegotiated and created a level playing field
The president needed to keep his hands out of the problem it's not the government job to fix the private sector union jobs

But it is the governments job to fix the private sectors finiancial jobs?
What happen obama?

Obama Lies--I will cut the Deficit by HALF in my first term - YouTube

I wonder how many in the cheering crowd have asked themselves how could they have been so stupid?
President-Elect Barack Obama on Election Night - YouTube

Obama was blackmailed
into extending the Bush tax cuts. Republicans were willing to see millions of Americans suffer losing their unemployment which they were only getting because of Republican policies. Even the Christian Science Monitor has reported on this several times. And you can't get much more right wing. Only, they actually practice Christianity.

No one, not even Obama understood how bad the mess Republicans gave him was. Any honest person understands that.

wow...that Obama sure is WEAK. He let himself be blackmailed.
that my friends is a good reason to vote him OUT
I seriously doubt that 80% of the voters who voted for Obama had any idea what he intended to do.
All they knew was that he wasn't Bush
All they knew was he wasn't McCain
All they knew is he was black....This one you can easily move to the top of the list.

The color of his skin had nothing to do with my vote for Obama. It's obvious to the informed Obama faced an economic crisis when he assumed office in January 2009. The crisis was not his doing, and when Romney and others claim Obama made things worse they are lying.

Obama did the best he could under the worst of circumstances. The economy was in shambles and the Republican Party saw the failure of the Bush Administration + the election of Obama as an opportunity for them to regain power: Do nothing and blame Obama is all they needed to do and all they have done.

He had a full democrat congress at his back for two years...and he blew it on some socialized health care that that will be ruled unconstitutional. he has no excuse for not focusing on deficit reduction.
And then what happens to those people? After they're out of work and pensions are wiped out. What then?

If you got to do things, I mean. Like, be the President. What do you do instead?

What would have happen to their benefits? They would have renegotiated and created a level playing field
The president needed to keep his hands out of the problem it's not the government job to fix the private sector union jobs

But it is the governments job to fix the private sectors finiancial jobs?

No it is not
There is nothing Obama could have doen to make things much better, ease the misery a bit for now is all.
He also did nothing to make it any worse than what was already in motion.

If he had done what was needed to be done things would have gotten worse for most, but that is the price we need to pay for the longterm good of the USA.

- $ 5,000,000,000

".....He also did nothing to make it any worse...."

Your great, great grandchild's pocket change?

A more interesting figure would be what percentage of that debt came from spending that Obama signed off on.

Stimuluses, commodities speculation with tax dollars (green energy), company takeovers, tax plans hidden in 'Obamacare', increasing the number of Czars and regulatory power, trying to make the congress insignificant and use his own gov't, ignoring the 'will of the people', ignoring his oath to uphold the laws of this country equally, giving money to rebuild Kenya, giving money for Brazil to "drill offshore", etc, etc, etc. Just when will you people that voted for him see that he is a dictator wannabe and you are his little asses (from Pinoccio's fun island where the takers thought all that fun was "free", only to wake up as asses being sent to the mines for hard labor) to be used as he sees fit?

How many ammendments from the Bill of Rights does he have to eliminate before you say, wow, I thought he loved us?
- $ 5,000,000,000

".....He also did nothing to make it any worse...."

Your great, great grandchild's pocket change?

A more interesting figure would be what percentage of that debt came from spending that Obama signed off on.

Stimuluses, commodities speculation with tax dollars (green energy), company takeovers, tax plans hidden in 'Obamacare', increasing the number of Czars and regulatory power, trying to make the congress insignificant and use his own gov't, ignoring the 'will of the people', ignoring his oath to uphold the laws of this country equally, giving money to rebuild Kenya, giving money for Brazil to "drill offshore", etc, etc, etc. Just when will you people that voted for him see that he is a dictator wannabe and you are his little asses (from Pinoccio's fun island where the takers thought all that fun was "free", only to wake up as asses being sent to the mines for hard labor) to be used as he sees fit?

How many ammendments from the Bill of Rights does he have to eliminate before you say, wow, I thought he loved us?

I'll take that to mean "I have no idea what percentage of that debt is from spending Obama signed".
Were you against the bailout of GM?

Spose we'd be better or worse off with letting GM go down?

Yes I was against bailing out union pension programs

And then what happens to those people? After they're out of work and pensions are wiped out. What then?

If you got to do things, I mean. Like, be the President. What do you do instead?

Apparently you think that the entire nation should be bankrupted. When it collapses, and the bills come due, and the remaining work force cannot support those that are not working, what will you do? Have you considered just how many people will starve? Have you considered how many people will be murdered to take what they have? Have you considered trying to defend yourself and your family against roving mobs? Have you considered where you will get food, when the fuel is priced out of the "farmers" reach? Have you considered what will happen when theives start tearing apart the electric grid (no way to reach you without wire)?
Assistance, is for helping. Support is for those that cannot help themselves. Please try to learn the difference and apply it accordingly. If people can work, they need to, if they can't work, then they need to be helped. Vanity and pride need to take a walk. Survival will be the only skill if the "handouts" continue.
Social security for those that worked is a contract. Social security (via disability for bullshit) is a HANDOUT.

Soooo, now we have a weak military, no resources, no food, and enemies at the gate, what would you do at that point?
What happen obama?

Obama thought he could move taxes to the Clinton levels -which was the last time we balanced the budget and had a strong economy.

You realize that BIG deficits started with Reagan, who lowered taxes more than any other president, but never paid for them because his slice of the Cold War cost more than the spending of LBJ, Carter, and Clinton combined.

In fact, for every dollar Reagan let the wealthy keep through tax cuts, he poured 50 dollars into the Pentagon.

Message to Reagan and Bush: if you are going to cut taxes, than you have to pay for it. Had Obama been allowed to resurrect the very reasonable Clinton rates, the crisis would be gone and the country would be fine. The Bush Tax cuts, like the Reagan tax cuts, have created a deficit crisis that cannot be fixed unless you end all infrastructure projects, all support of education, all wars, Social Security, and Medicare. The Right will not overtly end Social Security and Medicare because they don't want to be blamed for turning America into a 3rd world country where old people die in the streets. And they won't end their criminally inflated Cold War militarily spending. . . in the form of hand-outs to Pentagon weapons manufactures.... because their electoral machine is heavily funded by Lockheed Martin.

Turn off FOX News. The last two fiscally responsible presidents were Carter and Clinton. Reagan, Bush 41 & 43, and Obama all spend like Republicans, i.e., they spend twice as much as their voters realize. Remember how long it took to find out that Reagan doubled Carter's spending? That's what Republicans do. They're about to double Obama's spending. Can you say War on Terrorism Part II.

Son, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Obama had both houses of congress and chose to put thru 'Obamacare' (that is impossible to read and gives a path to a tyrant know as the health secretary or czar). If he was serious about "cutting the deficit in half", he could have used that same process to raise taxes, and reduce spending, did he? No, he was more interested in making subjects out of the citizens, and those that voted for him, couldn't wait to take from others. He controls his base with envy and visions of grandeur, but they will always be minions and he, their wannabe dictator. I guess you will be voting for failure, AGAIN!
A more interesting figure would be what percentage of that debt came from spending that Obama signed off on.

Stimuluses, commodities speculation with tax dollars (green energy), company takeovers, tax plans hidden in 'Obamacare', increasing the number of Czars and regulatory power, trying to make the congress insignificant and use his own gov't, ignoring the 'will of the people', ignoring his oath to uphold the laws of this country equally, giving money to rebuild Kenya, giving money for Brazil to "drill offshore", etc, etc, etc. Just when will you people that voted for him see that he is a dictator wannabe and you are his little asses (from Pinoccio's fun island where the takers thought all that fun was "free", only to wake up as asses being sent to the mines for hard labor) to be used as he sees fit?

How many ammendments from the Bill of Rights does he have to eliminate before you say, wow, I thought he loved us?

I'll take that to mean "I have no idea what percentage of that debt is from spending Obama signed".

Just pucker up, I think he is coming your way.
It's a fucking devirsion bush is gone and obama never made one attempt to even try and fix the economy 3 years after Bush and we are wrose than when obama took office

Horse patoot! We were losing 750k jobs/month and staring into a Pub abyss. We needed MORE stimulus in the Spring of 2010 to keep a great recovery going, and got the Scott Brown/Pub do nothing congress. Luckily, looks like he did just enough.

You can lie too yourself but bush hasn't been president for three years and things aren't better since he left they have gotten worse.

I see so according to you going from job losses equal to 750,00 a month to creating 200,000 jobs a month means things are worse
Tax cuts for the rich, and destroy Medicare and Medicaid and maybe SS? Yup, run on that! A-HOLES and dupes.

Fuck all those programs....

Those programs are a waste of money.

SS accounts should be individualized and privately run, Medicare and Medicaid is a money pit...
Actually privatizing SS would result in retirement returns to be 26% less then if it stays in government control. Furthermore Medicare/caid is 50% more efficent then private insurance despite having higher quality of care.
^Privatized SS in Chile and UK resulted in administration cost increasing by 13-20 times.

You’re in good hands with Social Security: But Privatization Proposals Would Unravel Its Ability to Insure Against Loss of Income, Disability, and Death | Economic Policy Institute
^SS keeps 39% of the elderly out of poverty
^SS returns are 26% higher than private alternatives

You want jobs LOWER TAXES because you may as well be taxing individuals out of a job. Those excess taxes businesses are paying could be a workers salary. If they didn't have to pay those excess taxes then these businesses could hire another employee...
I see so according to you the government should cut funding such as food stamps education spending so that people can buy more food etc.

It's basic supply and demand economics.
Ye you fail to realize that taxes used for spending generates demand, and in some cases supply
Tax cuts for the rich, and destroy Medicare and Medicaid and maybe SS? Yup, run on that! A-HOLES and dupes.

If 49% don't PAY TAXES, it is kind of hard to cut their share, idn't it?????

First of it is 47% second off its INCOME taxes, and with income taxes only accounting for 1/4 of total taxes either you are lying or to stupid to realize what you are saying.
Furthermore billionaires and many rich people pay lower tax rates then the poor.
Furthermore if you make 35,000 or less a year then YOU do not pay income taxes
Horse patoot! We were losing 750k jobs/month and staring into a Pub abyss. We needed MORE stimulus in the Spring of 2010 to keep a great recovery going, and got the Scott Brown/Pub do nothing congress. Luckily, looks like he did just enough.

You can lie too yourself but bush hasn't been president for three years and things aren't better since he left they have gotten worse.

I see so according to you going from job losses equal to 750,00 a month to creating 200,000 jobs a month means things are worse

You're just as stupid as francis.
Tax cuts for the rich, and destroy Medicare and Medicaid and maybe SS? Yup, run on that! A-HOLES and dupes.

If 49% don't PAY TAXES, it is kind of hard to cut their share, idn't it?????

First of it is 47% second off its INCOME taxes, and with income taxes only accounting for 1/4 of total taxes either you are lying or to stupid to realize what you are saying.
Furthermore billionaires and many rich people pay lower tax rates then the poor.
Furthermore if you make 35,000 or less a year then YOU do not pay income taxes

Yes, it is hard to cut the taxes for "zero" taxes. Those lower income earners must not be driving the economy like the dems say?

What form of "taxes" do they cut, when the gov't cuts taxes?
Are they cutting the gas taxes? (who gets that break)
Are they cutting property taxes? (who gets that break)
Are they cutting sales taxes? (who gets that break)
Are they cutting gov't service fees and fines?(who gets that break)
Are the cutting telephone service taxes? (who gets that break)

Come on, say it with me: the poor don't really pay much in taxes.
And please, use clear statements, it should read: though the wealthy have already been taxed at a higher rate for their income, after they make investments, and those investments grow, they are taxed AGAIN on that money, at a lower rate that their income tax. Those taxes can equate to tens/hundreds/millions of dollars (far more money than the average taxpayer pays, but it is at a lower PERCENTAGE).

And you might actually begin to see... say good night Gracie.

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