I will cut the Deficit by HALF in my first term

There is nothing Obama could have doen to make things much better, ease the misery a bit for now is all.
He also did nothing to make it any worse than what was already in motion.

If he had done what was needed to be done things would have gotten worse for most, but that is the price we need to pay for the longterm good of the USA.

There were several things Obama could have done to protect the real economy from the effects of the financial crisis, but they would have required a leader with the power and courage of an FDR or a Reagan, not just a slick politician who had nothing to offer but slogans. We had two recent examples of nations dealing with financial crises resulting from real estate bubbles, Japan and Sweden. Japan waited until the country fell into recession and then tried to fix the economy with massive stimulus spending; the result was a lost decade and huge national debt. Sweden took over the failing banks right away, supplying them with sufficient capital so that there was no credit crunch, such as we had and still have here; the result was no recession and when the Swedish government eventually sold the resuscitated banks back to the private sector, the government made a profit.

Loads of economists, some Nobel prize winners among them, urged Obama to choose some variation of the successful Swedish plan, but Obama chose the failed Japanese approach instead because he is a weak, dull, timid man incapable of taking bold steps and more concerned with politics than policy.

Obama inherited a terrible situation and lacked the competence and character to deal with it effectively.
There is nothing Obama could have doen to make things much better, ease the misery a bit for now is all.
He also did nothing to make it any worse than what was already in motion.

If he had done what was needed to be done things would have gotten worse for most, but that is the price we need to pay for the longterm good of the USA.

He could have worked on the economy the first 2 years instead of the healthcare power grab. And don't tell me he did with the failed stimulus...
Thanks for the SECOND Pub Great Depression AND stalling the recovery, AND the longest stupidest wars EVER. Pubs deserve NOTHING. Lying cheating scumbags... Pub dupes!!
What happen obama?

Obama Lies--I will cut the Deficit by HALF in my first term - YouTube

I wonder how many in the cheering crowd have asked themselves how could they have been so stupid?
President-Elect Barack Obama on Election Night - YouTube

Obama was blackmailed into extending the Bush tax cuts. Republicans were willing to see millions of Americans suffer losing their unemployment which they were only getting because of Republican policies. Even the Christian Science Monitor has reported on this several times. And you can't get much more right wing. Only, they actually practice Christianity.

No one, not even Obama understood how bad the mess Republicans gave him was. Any honest person understands that.
What happen obama?

Obama Lies--I will cut the Deficit by HALF in my first term - YouTube

I wonder how many in the cheering crowd have asked themselves how could they have been so stupid?
President-Elect Barack Obama on Election Night - YouTube

Obama was blackmailed into extending the Bush tax cuts. Republicans were willing to see millions of Americans suffer losing their unemployment which they were only getting because of Republican policies. Even the Christian Science Monitor has reported on this several times. And you can't get much more right wing. Only, they actually practice Christianity.

No one, not even Obama understood how bad the mess Republicans gave him was. Any honest person understands that.

Every honest person understands that Obama didn't have the competence of character to deal with the problems he inherited and that he still doesn't.
There is nothing Obama could have doen to make things much better, ease the misery a bit for now is all.
He also did nothing to make it any worse than what was already in motion.

If he had done what was needed to be done things would have gotten worse for most, but that is the price we need to pay for the longterm good of the USA.

He could have worked on the economy the first 2 years instead of the healthcare power grab. And don't tell me he did with the failed stimulus...

That's what I always thought. Had he actually worked to solve our debt, bring down unemployment, he'd be leading by a significant margin for re-election. All we're left with at this point is failed policies that have had no effect on recovery.
Booosh threw money at the banks, Obama at industry and gov't jobs, worked pretty well- but the damage was too great- then came Scott Brown and Pub NO!. To say we should have nationalized the banks like Sweden is commie tommyrot. WTF?!
It was just going to be about a 6 months "adjustment" according to the RW experts.

I dunno where you heard that. Most I heard be them left or right predicted 6 to 8 years. Then we have Obama and his 3 year promise WHICH HE WILL BREAK BECAUSE HE HAS NO HONOR.

That 6-8 years is a recent thing, started trickeling in around mid 2009 and has gained steam ever since.
Mid to late 2007 was that it was just going to be a brief adjustment.
What happen obama?

Obama Lies--I will cut the Deficit by HALF in my first term - YouTube

I wonder how many in the cheering crowd have asked themselves how could they have been so stupid?
President-Elect Barack Obama on Election Night - YouTube

Obama was blackmailed into extending the Bush tax cuts. Republicans were willing to see millions of Americans suffer losing their unemployment which they were only getting because of Republican policies. Even the Christian Science Monitor has reported on this several times. And you can't get much more right wing. Only, they actually practice Christianity.

No one, not even Obama understood how bad the mess Republicans gave him was. Any honest person understands that.

And yet I seem to remember the left telling us that the actual recession ended just a few months after Obama took the office........... So what do you want to blame the super long recovery on?
Booosh threw money at the banks, Obama at industry and gov't jobs, worked pretty well- but the damage was too great- then came Scott Brown and Pub NO!. To say we should have nationalized the banks like Sweden is commie tommyrot. WTF?!

bush is gone time for the boy king to man up to his own failed legislation.
What happen obama?

Obama Lies--I will cut the Deficit by HALF in my first term - YouTube

I wonder how many in the cheering crowd have asked themselves how could they have been so stupid?
President-Elect Barack Obama on Election Night - YouTube

Obama was blackmailed into extending the Bush tax cuts. Republicans were willing to see millions of Americans suffer losing their unemployment which they were only getting because of Republican policies. Even the Christian Science Monitor has reported on this several times. And you can't get much more right wing. Only, they actually practice Christianity.

No one, not even Obama understood how bad the mess Republicans gave him was. Any honest person understands that.

Blacked mailed for doing what he wanted to do? Are you talking about the same person who goes around congress and bitches about a supreme court? That obama?
What Everybody Already Knows About 2007

by Michael Nystrom
December 21, 2006
The housing downturn isn't over, but thankfully that won't affect the rest of the economy
The continuation of the Goldilocks economy
For Corporate America, times could not be better. From BusinessWeek, (p. 54)
The fourth quarter could mark the 19th consecutive quarter of double-digit profit gains among companies in the S&P 500. As a percentage of GDP, those profits are at a 40-year high. What's more, cash flow at S&P 500 companies is the largest in two decades. Bullish investors, expecting more of the same in 2007, have bid up stocks: The S&P 500 gained 12.9% in 2006 (through December 8), and the Nasdaq has added 10.5%, while the Dow has tacked on 14.8%. Meanwhile, stock market volatility has plunged to a 12-year low, indicating that investor sanguinity has reached historic proportions.

Bloomberg also surveyed strategists at 12 of Wall Streets biggest firms, and it was unanimous. Every one of them is bullish.

Such is the mood on Wall Street these days. Everybody on Wall Street knows 2007 is going to be a banner year, and everyone who is reading about Wall Street in the mainstream media knows the same thing. So don't worry - be happy!

Economic, Stock and Market Predictions 2007
Obama made promises to get votes. That was a big mistake. We believed him. That was an even bigger mistake.
I googled 2008 predictions first hit:

capital spending is expected to increase a lackluster 2.6%. The only saving grace will be net exports, which will add 0.9 percentage point to growth. Global Insight forecasts that the U.S. economy will rebound in the second half,

Continue reading at NowPublic.com: Economic predictions for 2008 | NowPublic News Coverage Economic predictions for 2008 | NowPublic News Coverage
Booosh threw money at the banks, Obama at industry and gov't jobs, worked pretty well- but the damage was too great- then came Scott Brown and Pub NO!. To say we should have nationalized the banks like Sweden is commie tommyrot. WTF?!

Sweden took over failed banks, rebuilt them and then sold them back to the private sector, not exactly communism. The point was to make sure credit worthy businesses and consumers had access to all the credit they needed to keep the economy going while the financial crisis was being dealt with so the the real economy would not fall into recession. The same thing could have been accomplished without taking over the banks by having the government making loans to credit worthy businesses and consumers when they were turned down by the banks. By making capital available to credit worthy businesses and consumers the government would have been facilitating the functioning of the free market economy, rather than distorting it as Obama and the Japanese did with stimulus spending.
[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG]

I was one of those people who thought George W. Bush would be an innocuous President.

I supported his "no nation building" stance and brand of conservatism until it became clear that his administration was irresponsible.

This chart basically shows that the current administration hasn't really increased new spending so much as continued all the old spending, along with spending all that money to keep our economy from driving off a cliff.

From paying for the donut hole in Medicare Part D to putting the wars on the books to extending the Bush tax cuts, Obama continues to put his stamp on subsidizing the previous administration's stuff, to the tune of about 75% of all the money he's spent in the last 3+ years.

I understand the outrage at the lie that Obama made, but I can't exactly say that Obama started spending money out of nowhere or that he was doing it with enjoyment.

I kept wanting the wars to be on the books under the previous administration, but they kept up deceptive accounting practices by always going back to ask for another "emergency extension" that never counted in the yearly deficit tallies. Obama put the wars on the books and all of a sudden our yearly deficit picture looked about twice as bad as it did before.

As an Independent swing-voter, I wanna know how McCain/Palin would've done any different than this guy? Can someone answer that for me?
What happen obama?

Obama Lies--I will cut the Deficit by HALF in my first term - YouTube

I wonder how many in the cheering crowd have asked themselves how could they have been so stupid?
President-Elect Barack Obama on Election Night - YouTube

Obama was blackmailed into extending the Bush tax cuts. Republicans were willing to see millions of Americans suffer losing their unemployment which they were only getting because of Republican policies. Even the Christian Science Monitor has reported on this several times. And you can't get much more right wing. Only, they actually practice Christianity.

No one, not even Obama understood how bad the mess Republicans gave him was. Any honest person understands that.

Every honest person understands that Obama didn't have the competence of character to deal with the problems he inherited and that he still doesn't.

Except that he's done a remarkable job. At least you admit he "inherited" the mess from someone. That "someone" would be the worst possible person to turn to for a "fix". Hmmm, and who was that "someone"?
To review: "Lied" my ASS! LOL! The amount of damage was not correctly estimated at the time, especially by scumbag , incompetent Pubs whose corruption and greed caused the DEPRESSION. Thank GOD Dems were there quickly this time.
There is nothing Obama could have doen to make things much better, ease the misery a bit for now is all.
He also did nothing to make it any worse than what was already in motion.

If he had done what was needed to be done things would have gotten worse for most, but that is the price we need to pay for the longterm good of the USA.

He could have worked on the economy the first 2 years instead of the healthcare power grab. And don't tell me he did with the failed stimulus...

How do you explain over a hundred Republican congressmen and all those Republican governors taking stimulus money and creating thousands and thousands of jobs? You sit in front of the Internet. Have you checked out the number of jobs created and who did it and what they spent the money on? Let me know if you need help.
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