I will NEVER forget and NEVER forgive.

No, he is not right, you fucking liar.

OBL took credit and it ws reported by every major western news broadcasting network.

How you ignorant Jihadi defending bastards have the nerve to desecrate a day like today with you bullshit is just amazing.

But you are simply stoking the fires.

Keep bringing it, stupid ass.
No need for a meltdown........if you want to believe the Jew controlled media.......that's your problem. ...... :cool:
No, he is not right, you fucking liar.

OBL took credit and it ws reported by every major western news broadcasting network.

How you ignorant Jihadi defending bastards have the nerve to desecrate a day like today with you bullshit is just amazing.

But you are simply stoking the fires.

Keep bringing it, stupid ass.
No need for a meltdown........if you want to believe the Jew controlled media.......that's your problem. ...... :cool:

It is hard to swallow when you realize the truth behind it.
"Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden appeared in a new message aired on an Arabic TV station Friday night, for the first time claiming direct responsibility for the 2001 attacks against the United States."
After people started questioning bin Laden's involvement in 911 the media showed a graining video with a guy made up to look like bin Laden and claiming he did the attack.

This was a few years after the real bin Laden in a nice clear video had denied any involvement with 911. .... :cool:

This isn't a day for foolish discussions, Sunni Man. It is a day and a time to remember those who died on 9/11 and their families. It is a day to set aside everything else and remember them. Pray for them. There are plenty of other days for discussions about nonsense but today is not one of those days. To disregard the meaning of this day is the height of selfishness. Please think about that. I wish you God's best but today is not the day for debates and pointless discussions.

A final act of will...

"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."
Why did Bush ignore the pre-9/11 memos warning of terrorist in the USA were planing to fly jet aircraft into NYC Federal Buildings they reconnaissanced?

Why did Bush ignore the phone calls he took from foreign leaders hours before the 9/11 attacks, saying watch out Al-Qaeda's attacks have begun?

Why did Bush's High School Friend General Tommy Franks order our US Soldiers that had Osama Bin Laden pinned down, to stand down so he could escape?

Why did Bush back-off on searching for Osama Bin Laden?
Thank you, President Obama for killing Osama bin Laden as well as many MANY momre terrorists than any other president.

Now, those who want to make a difference need to write their congressman and demand that we take care of the 9/11 responders who have suffered from cancers all these years.

If you want to know if your congressman voted against these American heroes, the link is here.

What a dick to pick this time to praise Obama. You just had to play politics didn't you ? Asshole.
No, he is not right, you fucking liar.

OBL took credit and it ws reported by every major western news broadcasting network.

How you ignorant Jihadi defending bastards have the nerve to desecrate a day like today with you bullshit is just amazing.

But you are simply stoking the fires.

Keep bringing it, stupid ass.
No need for a meltdown........if you want to believe the Jew controlled media.......that's your problem. ...... :cool:

It is hard to swallow when you realize the truth behind it.

fret not Penelope and Sunni----that which you are experiencing is a form
of DEREALIZATION syndrome-------it is treatable
The OP believes we should 'roll back' rights in this nation so we do not end up in an eternal war with Islam. He believes our policy towards our own citizen should be based on what bunches the panties of radical Islam. Too funny. Never forget! Sorry Jim, not buying it.
The OP believes we should 'roll back' rights in this nation so we do not end up in an eternal war with Islam. He believes our policy towards our own citizen should be based on what bunches the panties of radical Islam. Too funny. Never forget! Sorry Jim, not buying it.
Show where I said that, liar.

I know what you are referring to, but lets see what you have to say for yourself.
Why did Bush ignore the pre-9/11 memos warning of terrorist in the USA were planing to fly jet aircraft into NYC Federal Buildings they reconnaissanced?
Because he planned it! We all know that.

You don't know shit. Truther lies are well known and only drug addled idiots like you, Jihadists and Marxist liars defend them.
Why did Bush ignore the pre-9/11 memos warning of terrorist in the USA were planing to fly jet aircraft into NYC Federal Buildings they reconnaissanced?
Because he planned it! We all know that.

You don't know shit. Truther lies are well known and only drug addled idiots like you, Jihadists and Marxist liars defend them.
FFS, that was sarcasm!

Well, it was not apparent to me, sorry. :eusa_eh:
The OP believes we should 'roll back' rights in this nation so we do not end up in an eternal war with Islam. He believes our policy towards our own citizen should be based on what bunches the panties of radical Islam. Too funny. Never forget! Sorry Jim, not buying it.
Show where I said that, liar.

I know what you are referring to, but lets see what you have to say for yourself.

No, some of that will get rolled back or else we will be in eternal war with Islam. WE will reverse fag marriage or we will see our demographic growth rates plummet even more. Look at what the Russians did to reverse their demographic collapse and you see what we will have to do to fix ours too, and eventually we will have to.

Above are your words. You believe we need to 'roll back' some rights or 'else we will be in eternal war with Islam.' What do we need to 'roll back' so we do not offend their delicate constitution? After all, we wouldn't want an 'eternal war' or anything.

Sorry, that is not going to happen, sniveling coward.

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