I will NEVER forget and NEVER forgive.

Another fact that that gets pushed aside is the 9/11 Anthrax Attack came from the US Military.

Link? Something?

The federal government agreed to pay $2.5 million to the family of Robert Stevens the first person killed in the anthrax letter attacks of 2001. The anthrax came from Army’s bio-defense laboratory at Fort Detrick, in Frederick, Md. As part of the agreement, Justice Department lawyers are seeking to have many documents that were uncovered in the litigation kept under court seal or destroyed. Bruce Edwards Ivins was the one who perpetrated the anthrax attack & the investigator who covered it up.

Bush, Cheney & staff started taking Anthrax Antidote Cipro on 9/11/2001. The Anthrax Letters were not even postmarked until days later & discovered weeks later.
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So you are saying that the Isrealis did it?

So why did Osama bin Laden take credit and express amazement that his planned attack was so successful?
He was happy about the attack but denied responsibility.

The zionist Israeli jews /Mossad planed and executed the attack. They benefited both financially and politically. ..... :cool:
WTF is wrong with you Jew haters?

Amerithrax documents from the investigation
Another fact that that gets pushed aside is the 9/11 Anthrax Attack came from the US Military.

Link? Something?

The federal government agreed to pay $2.5 million to the family of Robert Stevens the first person killed in the anthrax letter attacks of 2001. The anthrax came from Army’s bio-defense laboratory at Fort Detrick, in Frederick, Md. As part of the agreement, Justice Department lawyers are seeking to have many documents that were uncovered in the litigation kept under court seal or destroyed.

Bush, Cheney & staff started taking Anthrax Antidote Cipro on 9/11/2001. The Anthrax Letters were not even postmarked until days later & discovered weeks later.
Ok. So here it is, they paid it in 2011-
Eventually four other people would die and 17 others would be sickened in similar letter attacks, which the FBI blames on a lone government scientist who committed suicide.

Stevens' widow, Maureen Stevens, sued the government in 2003, claiming its negligence caused her husband's death by failing to adequately safeguard anthrax at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Md. The FBI probe concluded that Fort Detrick was the source of the spores used in the attacks in New York, Washington and Florida.

The government failed to carry out its "duty of care, the highest degree of care" in making sure the deadly microbes were kept tightly under lock and key, said the lawsuit filed in West Palm Beach federal court.

The case languished for years in procedural delays and appeals until the FBI announced in 2008 that a Fort Detrick scientist, Dr. Bruce Ivins, was responsible for the attacks. Although some of his colleagues and outside experts have raised doubts about his intent and ability to weaponize the anthrax, the FBI formally closed its "Amerithrax" investigation in 2010.

Ivins killed himself with an overdose of Tylenol and valium as investigators closed in. His attorney has maintained Ivins is innocent, but Justice Department prosecutors say they had more than enough evidence to convict him at trial.

Stevens' attorney, Richard Schuler, said when the FBI announced that Ivins was their man that it proved a key allegation in their lawsuit: "We've maintained all along this was an inside job," he said. Schuler called the settlement a "tremendous victory" for the Stevens family after years of litigation.

From huffington post. Now, so far as fhe White House being given cipro on 9/11, was that not amprudent precaution under the circumstances? At that point they had no idea if any bio or chemical weapons were involved jn the attacks that day, or whether there would be other attacks coming. Seems like a cheap and prudent decision to keep our Commander in Chief and his staff safe from that possibility. I am pretty sure contigency plans had outlined such in the event of an attack of any kind. I would be outraged if there hadn't been.
Ok. So here it is, they paid it in 2011-
Eventually four other people would die and 17 others would be sickened in similar letter attacks, which the FBI blames on a lone government scientist who committed suicide.

Stevens' widow, Maureen Stevens, sued the government in 2003, claiming its negligence caused her husband's death by failing to adequately safeguard anthrax at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Md. The FBI probe concluded that Fort Detrick was the source of the spores used in the attacks in New York, Washington and Florida.

The government failed to carry out its "duty of care, the highest degree of care" in making sure the deadly microbes were kept tightly under lock and key, said the lawsuit filed in West Palm Beach federal court.

The case languished for years in procedural delays and appeals until the FBI announced in 2008 that a Fort Detrick scientist, Dr. Bruce Ivins, was responsible for the attacks. Although some of his colleagues and outside experts have raised doubts about his intent and ability to weaponize the anthrax, the FBI formally closed its "Amerithrax" investigation in 2010.

Ivins killed himself with an overdose of Tylenol and valium as investigators closed in. His attorney has maintained Ivins is innocent, but Justice Department prosecutors say they had more than enough evidence to convict him at trial.

Stevens' attorney, Richard Schuler, said when the FBI announced that Ivins was their man that it proved a key allegation in their lawsuit: "We've maintained all along this was an inside job," he said. Schuler called the settlement a "tremendous victory" for the Stevens family after years of litigation.

From huffington post. Now, so far as fhe White House being given cipro on 9/11, was that not amprudent precaution under the circumstances? At that point they had no idea if any bio or chemical weapons were involved jn the attacks that day, or whether there would be other attacks coming. Seems like a cheap and prudent decision to keep our Commander in Chief and his staff safe from that possibility. I am pretty sure contigency plans had outlined such in the event of an attack of any kind. I would be outraged if there hadn't been.

The feds fuck up a lot of investigations, going more by their psych profiles than an objective look at the evidence would give them, for example the Richard Jewel case in the Atlanta Olympic bombings.

But that is light years away from them deliberately poisoning their own people, that is simply hysterical, ignorant and seditious.
Why did Bush ignore the pre-9/11 memos warning of terrorist in the USA were planing to fly jet aircraft into NYC Federal Buildings they reconnaissanced?
Because he planned it! We all know that.

You don't know shit. Truther lies are well known and only drug addled idiots like you, Jihadists and Marxist liars defend them.
Prove they are lies you stupid sheep.

I know they are lies because
1. you stupid ass libtards are telling them.

2. the facts support the fact that our government did not destroy its own top trading center to frame Jihadists. The jihadists have a track record of attacking us, not Israel.

3. Debunking 911 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Homepage

Just more PROOF Republicans are Retards. Where did I say government Controlled Demolitioned WTC 1 & 2 ? You retards have earned the Repubtard title & wear it proudly.

Oh, so you are not a Truther? bullshit.
Fuck all these terrorists, I am glad Obama killed Osama and continued the drone strikes, he knows what is going on over there. Even with his liberal beliefs he knew what Bush, Cheeny, and Rumsfeld, started had to be continued. These 7th century scum have to be eliminated. By Obamas pullback is directly related to ISIS gaining a foothold, this war needs to be won not negotiated. Stand with Israel

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Fuck all these terrorists, I am glad Obama killed Osama and continued the drone strikes, he knows what is going on over there. Even with his liberal beliefs he knew what Bush, Cheeny, and Rumsfeld, started had to be continued. These 7th century scum have to be eliminated. By Obamas pullback is directly related to ISIS gaining a foothold, this war needs to be won not negotiated. Stand with Israel

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I'm not the least bit grateful for the crumbs we get from Obama Bin Lyin because in my mind I compare it to what we could have accomplished if we had a real CIC like John McCain and what we got now falls pathetically short.
Thank you, President Obama for killing Osama bin Laden as well as many MANY momre terrorists than any other president.

Now, those who want to make a difference need to write their congressman and demand that we take care of the 9/11 responders who have suffered from cancers all these years.

If you want to know if your congressman voted against these American heroes, the link is here.
Wow.....What a suck up....
"Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden appeared in a new message aired on an Arabic TV station Friday night, for the first time claiming direct responsibility for the 2001 attacks against the United States."
After people started questioning bin Laden's involvement in 911 the media showed a graining video with a guy made up to look like bin Laden and claiming he did the attack.

This was a few years after the real bin Laden in a nice clear video had denied any involvement with 911. .... :cool:
Shut up....
"Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden appeared in a new message aired on an Arabic TV station Friday night, for the first time claiming direct responsibility for the 2001 attacks against the United States."
After people started questioning bin Laden's involvement in 911 the media showed a graining video with a guy made up to look like bin Laden and claiming he did the attack.

This was a few years after the real bin Laden in a nice clear video had denied any involvement with 911. .... :cool:


Gee we didn't mean you did it, Zionist and even some neocons in top places in the US were in on it.
Fuck off.
No, he is not right, you fucking liar.

OBL took credit and it ws reported by every major western news broadcasting network.

How you ignorant Jihadi defending bastards have the nerve to desecrate a day like today with you bullshit is just amazing.

But you are simply stoking the fires.

Keep bringing it, stupid ass.
No need for a meltdown........if you want to believe the Jew controlled media.......that's your problem. ...... :cool:
The Jew media.....Hey genius. I have a question...If you hate Jews so much, why then have you chosen to remain in a country where there are more jews than in Israel? Seems to me you would find another nation in which you would feel more comfortable?...
Now I know what you are.
Hey....Karma's a bitch. Keep in mind. The world is an imperfect place. Bad things happen all the time. Get it?

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