I Will Never Forget or Forgive

Says a lot that you say I defend her when I have done no such thing. Pointing out lies does not a defense make.....She was wrong....she has apologized...some will never forget and forgive....fine. That "war" poisoned a lot of people. As I said before, some will never forget or forgive the Japanese either.

Some that are still alive will never forgive the Japanese, but ask any soldier, past present and future, and most will say they have more respect for their known enemies, than a back-stabbing traitor.

Back stabbing, yes....but by law, not a traitor....nor were any of the anti-war protestors. You have to wonder, would the war STILL be going on if it had not been for them?

Just because she was never charged doesn't mean she wasn't a traitor, and as far as giving her credit for ending the war, the protesters back home were sufficient enough without her smiling for cameras with the enemy.
She's a piece of shit to many of us, and long before you, we have been quite aware that liberals supported everything she did. Just as the ones before me knew that liberals supported Tokyo Rose.
I'll bet you believe Vietnam Vets returning home were spit on by war protesters?

Seriously dude, you're gonna throw that out in this thread ? Wow.

Just another fake story by Chickenhawks.

I despise you mother fuckers for using that term ! Goddamn piece of shit !

And as far as the "spitting" stories you fucking moron, most simply used that simply as a metaphor for being treated poorly.

God would I love to get my hands around your fucking neck !!

You are the poster boy for why I despise most liberals today !

I hope karma smacks you so hard in the ass you can't sit on your boyfriends face for months !
There is such a thing as spiritual justice. Jane Fonda committed certain acts. Whether you think they were bad or not. She, inarguably, gave a certain amount of support to the Vietnam Cong.

In a recent interview Fonda spoke of getting old and how fearful she is of aging and dying. She said thoughts of her death are daily and she cries often. There is no hope. Every day she gets older and closer to the grave.

She has to live like this. It is a fitting punishment. She should live for a long time wondering if every day will be her last. Just like the POWs did.

Can't say I feel a bit bad for her. She made her bed, she can die in it.

And by the way, I have no problems with anyone who protested at home over Vietnam.
No one has any illusions over how unpopular the war was.
But as I have mentioned over and over, what she did took it to a level that is disgraceful. and beyond un-American.
There are some things you just don't do to your country and fellow Americans, and she did.
There is such a thing as spiritual justice. Jane Fonda committed certain acts. Whether you think they were bad or not. She, inarguably, gave a certain amount of support to the Vietnam Cong.

In a recent interview Fonda spoke of getting old and how fearful she is of aging and dying. She said thoughts of her death are daily and she cries often. There is no hope. Every day she gets older and closer to the grave.

She has to live like this. It is a fitting punishment. She should live for a long time wondering if every day will be her last. Just like the POWs did.

NO, that isn't fitting punishment! She's been living decade after decade as a wealthy pampered socialite and celebrity. Few ever have it so good and STILL she whines. Wouldn't mind having a little taste of that "punishment" myself. neither she nor Kerry should have allowed back into the country.
Some that are still alive will never forgive the Japanese, but ask any soldier, past present and future, and most will say they have more respect for their known enemies, than a back-stabbing traitor.

Back stabbing, yes....but by law, not a traitor....nor were any of the anti-war protestors. You have to wonder, would the war STILL be going on if it had not been for them?

Just because she was never charged doesn't mean she wasn't a traitor, and as far as giving her credit for ending the war, the protesters back home were sufficient enough without her smiling for cameras with the enemy.
She's a piece of shit to many of us, and long before you, we have been quite aware that liberals supported everything she did. Just as the ones before me knew that liberals supported Tokyo Rose.

"Just because it never happened doesn't mean it isn't trooo!" :rofl:
Some that are still alive will never forgive the Japanese, but ask any soldier, past present and future, and most will say they have more respect for their known enemies, than a back-stabbing traitor.

Back stabbing, yes....but by law, not a traitor....nor were any of the anti-war protestors. You have to wonder, would the war STILL be going on if it had not been for them?

Just because she was never charged doesn't mean she wasn't a traitor, and as far as giving her credit for ending the war, the protesters back home were sufficient enough without her smiling for cameras with the enemy.
She's a piece of shit to many of us, and long before you, we have been quite aware that liberals supported everything she did. Just as the ones before me knew that liberals supported Tokyo Rose.

Wait...what? So...tell us...why would she NOT be charged if she was a traitor? I'm curious how that plays out. Asshole who goes to North Vietnam does not automatically = Traitor.
There is such a thing as spiritual justice. Jane Fonda committed certain acts. Whether you think they were bad or not. She, inarguably, gave a certain amount of support to the Vietnam Cong.

In a recent interview Fonda spoke of getting old and how fearful she is of aging and dying. She said thoughts of her death are daily and she cries often. There is no hope. Every day she gets older and closer to the grave.

She has to live like this. It is a fitting punishment. She should live for a long time wondering if every day will be her last. Just like the POWs did.

Can't say I feel a bit bad for her. She made her bed, she can die in it.

And by the way, I have no problems with anyone who protested at home over Vietnam.
No one has any illusions over how unpopular the war was.
But as I have mentioned over and over, what she did took it to a level that is disgraceful. and beyond un-American.
There are some things you just don't do to your country and fellow Americans, and she did.

On that we can agree.....just don't think it's necessary to make up shit.
Back stabbing, yes....but by law, not a traitor....nor were any of the anti-war protestors. You have to wonder, would the war STILL be going on if it had not been for them?

Just because she was never charged doesn't mean she wasn't a traitor, and as far as giving her credit for ending the war, the protesters back home were sufficient enough without her smiling for cameras with the enemy.
She's a piece of shit to many of us, and long before you, we have been quite aware that liberals supported everything she did. Just as the ones before me knew that liberals supported Tokyo Rose.

"Just because it never happened doesn't mean it isn't trooo!" :rofl:

Look dumbass, we know what she did, and what she did was traitorous despite not being charged.
Some of us know even more than what she did. Some of us have lost the line between myth and reality. We got us an OP who will never forget something that never even took place.

To paraphrase Voltaire, if this place did not exist it would be necessary for Lewis Carroll to invent it.
Seriously dude, you're gonna throw that out in this thread ? Wow.

Just another fake story by Chickenhawks.

I despise you mother fuckers for using that term ! Goddamn piece of shit !

And as far as the "spitting" stories you fucking moron, most simply used that simply as a metaphor for being treated poorly.

God would I love to get my hands around your fucking neck !!

You are the poster boy for why I despise most liberals today !

I hope karma smacks you so hard in the ass you can't sit on your boyfriends face for months !

I knew two guys in 78 and 81 that claimed they were literally spit on by college students. One was at Ft Hood (81) and he was a crazy kind of guy. He went to get his GF if I recall correctly, and he crossed paths with some libtards trying to work themselves into a frenzy, a few spit at him and one hit him. Had that man lost his temper there would have been a few dead college students. But he chilled and let it be. The other guy was US Army in Germany and had retired to the local economy and was a German citizen by the time I met him. At the time he said he hated liberal so bad he couldn't stay within arms reach of one for fear he would lose it and grab one and choke them to death, lol.

When I was stationed in California in 82, IIRC, I went to buy some things at a store that was needed for a war game we were setting up (civilian war game, not military). AS I was going down thecrowded walkway, some long haired little fag boy called me a baby killer (I was in uniform and in a hurry to catch the store before they closed). I turned around to say something back, but the little shit had already left, gone in the crowd.

Libtards love rewriting history, sort of air-brushing out the mistakes like the Soviets air-brushed out fallen politicos under Stalin, lol.
Just because she was never charged doesn't mean she wasn't a traitor, and as far as giving her credit for ending the war, the protesters back home were sufficient enough without her smiling for cameras with the enemy.
She's a piece of shit to many of us, and long before you, we have been quite aware that liberals supported everything she did. Just as the ones before me knew that liberals supported Tokyo Rose.

"Just because it never happened doesn't mean it isn't trooo!" :rofl:

Look dumbass, we know what she did, and what she did was traitorous despite not being charged.

Pogo is a fucking fraud and everyone ought to know that by now. No one with an IQ above room temperature equates 'not getting charged' with 'it never happened', but since it is a fellow libtard liar, Pogo will lie to his last breath no matter how stupid it makes him look.

I wouldn't waste any time on that piece of shyte. He isn't worth it, just a fucking troll loser.
Back stabbing, yes....but by law, not a traitor....nor were any of the anti-war protestors. You have to wonder, would the war STILL be going on if it had not been for them?

Just because she was never charged doesn't mean she wasn't a traitor, and as far as giving her credit for ending the war, the protesters back home were sufficient enough without her smiling for cameras with the enemy.
She's a piece of shit to many of us, and long before you, we have been quite aware that liberals supported everything she did. Just as the ones before me knew that liberals supported Tokyo Rose.

Wait...what? So...tell us...why would she NOT be charged if she was a traitor? I'm curious how that plays out. Asshole who goes to North Vietnam does not automatically = Traitor.

Lol, you really think that LEOs arrest people for every law broken? roflmao, from time to time I forget what a stupid ass you are, then things you say like this reminds me.
The republicans are spitting on our returning troops today by denying them treatment and benefits. No difference.

Lol, that is such a ridiculous lie, you fucking bitch.

Expanded veterans benefits bill fails over GOP's budget-busting objections - Washington Times (A right wing site)

Democrats’ plans to expand education and health benefits for veterans died in the Senate on Thursday after Republicans blocked the bill for not having a funding source and thus busting the budget all sides agreed to just two months ago.

Sen. Bernard Sanders, Vermont independent and chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, vowed to try again later. But without finding substantial spending cuts elsewhere, it’s unclear he’ll have any better luck.

“I don’t know why we have a Congress, why we pass laws that say we’re only going to spend so much money and then we waltz in a few weeks later and spend billions more than we agreed to and, oh, we’ll just waive the budget we just passed,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, who led the Republican resistance.

Two Republicans did vote with 54 Democrats, but that left them still four votes shy of the 60 needed to waive the budget and advance the bill.

I made it big so you'll see it, feeble brained toe licker. Now, kindly go fuck yourself.

Voting to stop a particular bill that would expand some benefits is not DENYING them current benefits which you implied.

now go fuck yourself, you damned liar.
"Just because it never happened doesn't mean it isn't trooo!" :rofl:

Look dumbass, we know what she did, and what she did was traitorous despite not being charged.

Pogo is a fucking fraud and everyone ought to know that by now. No one with an IQ above room temperature equates 'not getting charged' with 'it never happened', but since it is a fellow libtard liar, Pogo will lie to his last breath no matter how stupid it makes him look.

I wouldn't waste any time on that piece of shyte. He isn't worth it, just a fucking troll loser.

--- says the wag who "will never forget" reading a viral e-mail myth that he swallowed whole.
Seriously dude, you're gonna throw that out in this thread ? Wow.

Just another fake story by Chickenhawks.

I despise you mother fuckers for using that term ! Goddamn piece of shit !

And as far as the "spitting" stories you fucking moron, most simply used that simply as a metaphor for being treated poorly.

God would I love to get my hands around your fucking neck !!

You are the poster boy for why I despise most liberals today !

I hope karma smacks you so hard in the ass you can't sit on your boyfriends face for months !

I despise people that kill women and children to make a buck and their sheep. You can get you hands around my neck anytime you want. Just tell me when you want to come over.
The seven men who met with [Fonda] were not coerced into the meeting; indeed, many more pilots wanted to meet with her than were able. "The entire camp that I was in when Jane Fonda visited wanted to see her," former POW Edison Miller said, although he didn't even know who Jane Fonda was. Miller only wanted to see her because he knew she was Henry Fonda's daughter.

The seven POWs and Fonda met around a large table surrounded by chairs. It was a typical meeting between international visitors and American airmen: low-key, filled with small talk, inquiries from the airmen about particular bits of news and sports from home, conversations about their families, requests to call them and pass on a message.

..."The whole [e-mail] story about Jane Fonda is just malarkey," said Edison Miller, 73, of California, a former Marine Corps pilot held more than five years. Miller was among seven POWs who met with Fonda in Hanoi. He said he didn't recall her asking any questions other than about their names, if that. He said that he passed her no piece of paper, and that to his knowledge, no other POW in the group did, despite the e-mail's claims.

....."It's a figment of somebody's imagination." said Ret. Col. Larry Carrigan, one of the servicemen mentioned in the 'slips of paper' incident. Carrigan was shot down over North Vietnam in 1967 and did spend time in a POW camp. He has no idea why the story was attributed to him, saying, "I never met Jane Fonda." In 2005, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that Carrigan "is so tired of having to repeat that he wasn't beaten after Fonda's visit and that there were no beating deaths at that time that he won't talk to the media anymore."

Read more at snopes.com: Jane Fonda and American POWs in North Vietnam

You would think that if conservative were as good at foreign policy as they say they are they wouldn't have to lie to scare people into war.
My husband is a Vietnam vet and he was spit on. It happened when he returned and was 100% disabled at the time from injury over there. Nice welcome home, eh?

* He has forgiven the entire thing. Holding onto unforgiveness is like drinking poison while hoping the other guy dies.

Can you post any proof of this or any any before spit stories appears in First Blood, the 1982 film ?

Are you trying to call all of us who have given first hand accounts liars?

No... I would never accuse someone on a message board of lying.
I'll bet you believe Vietnam Vets returning home were spit on by war protesters?

There were such incidents, but not every vet was spit on, lol.

I guess because not every vet was spit on, you.ve decided to classify that as urban legend, huh?


I did two tours there (not my choice), came home and worn my uniform as friends did while on leave in NYC , no one was spit on. Vietnam was fiasco and a criminal war based on lies the same as the Iraq war, all wars since WWII were a wars of convenience and profited no one expect the military industrial complex . Most servicemen I served with knew the war was a crock of shit base on lies, the only ones who loved it were the lifers.

I find most pro war flag waving arm chair generals never served in a war one much less the military

As soon as I got out myself and others join this great organization

Vietnam Veterans Against the War

Exactly. Those the ex-GIs should never forgive are the ones who sent them there in the first place, not the war protesters.
Back stabbing, yes....but by law, not a traitor....nor were any of the anti-war protestors. You have to wonder, would the war STILL be going on if it had not been for them?

Just because she was never charged doesn't mean she wasn't a traitor, and as far as giving her credit for ending the war, the protesters back home were sufficient enough without her smiling for cameras with the enemy.
She's a piece of shit to many of us, and long before you, we have been quite aware that liberals supported everything she did. Just as the ones before me knew that liberals supported Tokyo Rose.

Wait...what? So...tell us...why would she NOT be charged if she was a traitor? I'm curious how that plays out. Asshole who goes to North Vietnam does not automatically = Traitor.

What I'm saying, and yes I haven't done a good job of clarifying, is that regardless of whether she meets the LEGAL definition of a traitor, doesn't mean she isn't a traitor to many of us who served.
Just another fake story by Chickenhawks.

I despise you mother fuckers for using that term ! Goddamn piece of shit !

And as far as the "spitting" stories you fucking moron, most simply used that simply as a metaphor for being treated poorly.

God would I love to get my hands around your fucking neck !!

You are the poster boy for why I despise most liberals today !

I hope karma smacks you so hard in the ass you can't sit on your boyfriends face for months !

I despise people that kill women and children to make a buck and their sheep. You can get you hands around my neck anytime you want. Just tell me when you want to come over.


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