I won the lottery of life, I am English.

Hello to everyone, I’m here t to make new friends and discuss topical political news.
After a career working for the British government i am a tired civil servant. Living in London I think I have a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the U.K.
Hello, I don't like the English, I find your accent annoying and the way you think you're better than everyone else even more annoying.

And btw, there isn't just one English accent. There are numerous different ones. Just like the variations within America, like we were discussing yesterday.
I am aware there is more than one English accent, but there appears to be a standard English accent described as "upper-class" that is most commonly seen on American TV and movies. That's the accent I find most annoying. The other accents are barely understandable.

You don't like the way the Queen speaks?

I wouldn't call Peaky Blinders upper class.
not anymore

they are total pussies now... New World Order scum...

no use believing that they will be like before
They won't be like "before" but they're an industrious lot. They need to get the Poms working again; a tall order it's true but lads like Roy may be part of the solution. I've decided to be optimistic for them.


what can I say

I will say nothing
In Oz we have a saying. When life is at its dimmest and nothing is going right, when you're dropping the ball and can't kick straight, when you keep backing the loser and you regret life's decision, then "HAVE A GO YOU MUG!.

Applied to Poms that's a good strategy.


poms are behaving like moron now

they are all for One World Government...for immigrants ....for New World Order

that's no good

they are for scum

they will have to pay dearly

I'm pretty dense, what are poms?

Aussie term of endearment for Brits.

You call us Limeys.
Aussie term of endearment for Brits.

You call us Limeys.

What does pom stand for? I know what 'Limey' means but have never heard of 'poms.'

Used to describe an immigrant, usually from the United Kingdom. From the word Pomegranate which was rhyming slang for Immigrant (C1920s). This evolved to pommy and pom by the 1950s
ten pound pom - 1950s immigrant from the UK who paid roughly £10 for passage (via boat) and a plot of land.
by penef July 21, 2015

Maybe Greg could confirm it.
Aussie term of endearment for Brits.

You call us Limeys.

What does pom stand for? I know what 'Limey' means but have never heard of 'poms.'

Used to describe an immigrant, usually from the United Kingdom. From the word Pomegranate which was rhyming slang for Immigrant (C1920s). This evolved to pommy and pom by the 1950s
ten pound pom - 1950s immigrant from the UK who paid roughly £10 for passage (via boat) and a plot of land.
by penef July 21, 2015

Maybe Greg could confirm it.

Thanks....I don't get the rhyme though....dense as usual. I looked up 'pom' on Google and I got "Pom Wonderful".....:dunno:
Hello to everyone, I’m here t to make new friends and discuss topical political news.
After a career working for the British government i am a tired civil servant. Living in London I think I have a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the U.K.

You are black? I think that is not the pulse that your finger is feeling. Check the texture and aroma.
They will rebuild. poms are like that.


not anymore

they are total pussies now... New World Order scum...

no use believing that they will be like before
They won't be like "before" but they're an industrious lot. They need to get the Poms working again; a tall order it's true but lads like Roy may be part of the solution. I've decided to be optimistic for them.


what can I say

I will say nothing
In Oz we have a saying. When life is at its dimmest and nothing is going right, when you're dropping the ball and can't kick straight, when you keep backing the loser and you regret life's decision, then "HAVE A GO YOU MUG!.

Applied to Poms that's a good strategy.


poms are behaving like moron now

they are all for One World Government...for immigrants ....for New World Order

that's no good

they are for scum

they will have to pay dearly

Remoaners: yes!! Brexiteers?? Still hope; they reject that stuff. Roy's one of the gooduns by what I gather so far.

Aussie term of endearment for Brits.

You call us Limeys.

What does pom stand for? I know what 'Limey' means but have never heard of 'poms.'

Used to describe an immigrant, usually from the United Kingdom. From the word Pomegranate which was rhyming slang for Immigrant (C1920s). This evolved to pommy and pom by the 1950s
ten pound pom - 1950s immigrant from the UK who paid roughly £10 for passage (via boat) and a plot of land.
by penef July 21, 2015

Maybe Greg could confirm it.

Thanks....I don't get the rhyme though....dense as usual. I looked up 'pom' on Google and I got "Pom Wonderful".....:dunno:

Huh? What's with the "dense"? You are from where exactly? It is a term of affection denoting "Prisoners of Mother England" (adapted in the Antipodes for a term that fits better than the original".). As the English sent their best quality Citizens as convicts we suggest that any others remained Prisoners in England; unable to come to our wonderful land. I have used "Pom" and "Pommy" many times. At the cricket one often hears in dulcet tones "have a go you pommy bastard" during an episode of particularly boring play...for which poms are indeed noted. We apply many adjectives to "Pom" and indeed use it as a compound adjective as the spirit moves us. At the Rugby we can get quite heated; "You pommy pixie bastard" being an old term denoting deep respect and indeed love. Indeed when a hapless pom asks about why the term "pixie" is embossed in the description we simply tell the newchum that a "pixie' is one who has sexual relations with fairies. This of course leads to great mirth as the pom tries to break our collective necks.
But the world would indeed be much the poorer without our dearly beloved Poms.

And then of course there are the English who are like a Pom is most ways but we consider them high brow and worthy of being our equals.

I hope this assists you in understanding the strong link between the Old Dart and her former Colonies; we indeed being unceremoniously dumped in the 70s as the UK entered the Common Market cutting us off both economically and culturally. With Brexit we hope to see that situation redressed.

Love from the Convict Colony (former).

Aussie term of endearment for Brits.

You call us Limeys.

What does pom stand for? I know what 'Limey' means but have never heard of 'poms.'

Used to describe an immigrant, usually from the United Kingdom. From the word Pomegranate which was rhyming slang for Immigrant (C1920s). This evolved to pommy and pom by the 1950s
ten pound pom - 1950s immigrant from the UK who paid roughly £10 for passage (via boat) and a plot of land.
by penef July 21, 2015

Maybe Greg could confirm it.

Thanks....I don't get the rhyme though....dense as usual. I looked up 'pom' on Google and I got "Pom Wonderful".....:dunno:

Oh now I get it; a little self deprecation....gotcha. No; not dense though the East Londoners are quite inventive. A good description of rhyming slang can be found in "To sir With Love".....................the way the Cockneys clip their pronunciation.



what can I say

I will say nothing
In Oz we have a saying. When life is at its dimmest and nothing is going right, when you're dropping the ball and can't kick straight, when you keep backing the loser and you regret life's decision, then "HAVE A GO YOU MUG!.

Applied to Poms that's a good strategy.


poms are behaving like moron now

they are all for One World Government...for immigrants ....for New World Order

that's no good

they are for scum

they will have to pay dearly

For FUCK'S SAKE Skye do you have to drag this obsessive shit into everything? This is an INTRO thread fer chrissakes.

For fucks sake what?

what is your problem

you don't have to acknowledged me ok?

or you another one here suffering from TDS?

You're the one with the sicko obsession, sister. Last night you did it in the Travel Forum. Now it's in the Intro Forum. Gotta drag down every thread everywhere you go? LIGHTEN UP. ALREADY. This section is for new posters to introduce themselves, not for endless whiny political diatribes. Understand?

Speaking of English welcomes: SOD OFF!!!

Aussie term of endearment for Brits.

You call us Limeys.

What does pom stand for? I know what 'Limey' means but have never heard of 'poms.'

Used to describe an immigrant, usually from the United Kingdom. From the word Pomegranate which was rhyming slang for Immigrant (C1920s). This evolved to pommy and pom by the 1950s
ten pound pom - 1950s immigrant from the UK who paid roughly £10 for passage (via boat) and a plot of land.
by penef July 21, 2015

Maybe Greg could confirm it.

Thanks....I don't get the rhyme though....dense as usual. I looked up 'pom' on Google and I got "Pom Wonderful".....:dunno:

Huh? What's with the "dense"? You are from where exactly? It is a term of affection denoting "Prisoners of Mother England" (adapted in the Antipodes for a term that fits better than the original".). As the English sent their best quality Citizens as convicts we suggest that any others remained Prisoners in England; unable to come to our wonderful land. I have used "Pom" and "Pommy" many times. At the cricket one often hears in dulcet tones "have a go you pommy bastard" during an episode of particularly boring play...for which poms are indeed noted. We apply many adjectives to "Pom" and indeed use it as a compound adjective as the spirit moves us. At the Rugby we can get quite heated; "You pommy pixie bastard" being an old term denoting deep respect and indeed love. Indeed when a hapless pom asks about why the term "pixie" is embossed in the description we simply tell the newchum that a "pixie' is one who has sexual relations with fairies. This of course leads to great mirth as the pom tries to break our collective necks.
But the world would indeed be much the poorer without our dearly beloved Poms.

And then of course there are the English who are like a Pom is most ways but we consider them high brow and worthy of being our equals.

I hope this assists you in understanding the strong link between the Old Dart and her former Colonies; we indeed being unceremoniously dumped in the 70s as the UK entered the Common Market cutting us off both economically and culturally. With Brexit we hope to see that situation redressed.

Love from the Convict Colony (former).


Hapless Pom. lol.
For fucks sake what?

what is your problem

you don't have to acknowledged me ok?

or you another one here suffering from TDS?

You're the one with the sicko obsession, sister. Last night you did it in the Travel Forum. Now it's in the Intro Forum. Gotta drag down every thread everywhere you go? LIGHTEN UP. ALREADY. This section is for new posters to introduce themselves, not for endless whiny political diatribes. Understand?


it's YOU with the obsession

if you have a problem with me....do not follow me anymore then

it's that's easy

We're all tired of your incessant whining everywhere you go pissing all over nonpolitical threads,. K? There should be somewhere we can be free of that shit. Just find a way to control yourself. That is all.


thank you

Uh huh. One set of rules for Skye, another for everybody else huh.

Pat yourself on the back, you brought another thread down.

You got your told, I'm done. Unsubscribed.


Hello to everyone, I’m here t to make new friends and discuss topical political news.
After a career working for the British government i am a tired civil servant. Living in London I think I have a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the U.K.
Hello, I don't like the English, I find your accent annoying and the way you think you're better than everyone else even more annoying.
Cockney, Bristol or Edinburgh accents annoying?? I quite like them. As for superior? Ask about "The Ashes" or "The Webb Ellis Cup".

That's a good chap.

Won the lottery hardy....with all respect

England is not the the England we knew anymore

Londonistan and all the rest over there....so sad...

no lottery at all I'm sorry to say...no lucky at all

Much of it is still "Fortress England". I don't think a lot of furriners have got to Scotland, Wales or Nth Ireland. But London? I found the Pakis there to be quite OK though I met few Indians. The Portuguese were a scream.


The UK is fucked....with respect
some parts are well fucked, but if you are lucky to live in a quaint Anglo Saxon backwater like I do it’s pretty decent.,
The English brag that it's illegal to own a gun in their country. They actually brag that their government has stripped them of their right to defend themselves, making them helpless.

Not the ones I know. You are thinking of the leftarded BBC freaks. They do NOT represent the Soull of the English.

Won the lottery hardy....with all respect

England is not the the England we knew anymore

Londonistan and all the rest over there....so sad...

no lottery at all I'm sorry to say...no lucky at all

Much of it is still "Fortress England". I don't think a lot of furriners have got to Scotland, Wales or Nth Ireland. But London? I found the Pakis there to be quite OK though I met few Indians. The Portuguese were a scream.


The UK is fucked....with respect
some parts are well fucked, but if you are lucky to live in a quaint Anglo Saxon backwater like I do it’s pretty decent.,

What area is that? You may have mentioned it but I missed it.

Hope you stick around. It can get pretty wild here, but mostly it's just folks hanging out like in one of your pubs. :)

I was in an "Open House" the night Portugal beat England in the World Cup 2006. The riot was incredible though we did get out upon advice as the Riot Police arrived.


For fucks sake what?

what is your problem

you don't have to acknowledged me ok?

or you another one here suffering from TDS?

You're the one with the sicko obsession, sister. Last night you did it in the Travel Forum. Now it's in the Intro Forum. Gotta drag down every thread everywhere you go? LIGHTEN UP. ALREADY. This section is for new posters to introduce themselves, not for endless whiny political diatribes. Understand?


it's YOU with the obsession

if you have a problem with me....do not follow me anymore then

it's that's easy

We're all tired of your incessant whining everywhere you go pissing all over nonpolitical threads,. K? There should be somewhere we can be free of that shit. Just find a way to control yourself. That is all.


thank you

Uh huh. One set of rules for Skye, another for everybody else huh.

Pat yourself on the back, you brought another thread down.

You got your told, I'm done. Unsubscribed.

Nonsense, the Skye entity just wants attention, it’s insecure, a shame you guys have to put up with it but hey ho!

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