I wonder if all the people demanding change in Ferguson voted a couple weeks ago?

Where I live the police are only hired from the area they live in. I thought that was a requirement state wide

Those who rioted last nigt appear to be those who choose to riot. No doubt police force hiring practices will be reviewed. Now the priority is stopping the destruction, Michael Brown's death means nothing to the disgusting creatures that looted & damaged property last night.

They are humans. Normal, rational people do not refer to other humans as "creatures" in standard discourse.
Are we not all creatures, or are you just a self-righteous prick?
Yet another USMB race-baiter.

You little aryan trolls from Stormfront love this shit.

Are you daft? It is a simple question. So now questioning whether someone has voted is racist? Lol

You're implying that the mainly black populace of Ferguson aren't getting to the polls and electing their own to office? Therefore they can't complain.

Got a few hundred thousand dollars to run for office locally where you live? No? Then STFU.

In my business I have created political hit pieces for a few California congressional district campaigns, and that alone puts campaign costs into the stratosphere.

AND OF COURSE THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH COPS MURDERING BLACK KIDS. But you insist on diverting from the core of this problem, because YOU are part of the problem.
An 18 year old teenage boy won the democrat nomination for a state seat he ran for in Ks. 18 years old! Do you suppose he had a million dollar coffer? Nope, he had NO MONEY. He went door to door & made tons of phone calls.

You are an idiot
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You're implying that the mainly black populace of Ferguson aren't getting to the polls and electing their own to office? Therefore they can't complain.

Got a few hundred thousand dollars to run for office locally where you live? No? Then STFU.

In my business I have created political hit pieces for a few California congressional district campaigns, and that alone puts campaign costs into the stratosphere.
More excuses from the left.

You think running for office is a matter of putting signs in people's lawns?

I bet you have a sign on your lawn: "Community Halfway House, Your Tax Dollars At Work".

Uncalled for, and I find it objectionable. Why imitate those you disagree with by imagining wrongs?

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