I wonder what its like to be white?

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Racism is merely a belief that either your race is superior or another is inferior. Being racist is perfectly possible in any society. Since you see whites as inferior, you, sir, are a racist.
Its much more than that. You have to break the word down to get the correct meaning. Racism is a system (from the latin word ism) based on race. For example. Chattel slavery by whites was racism. Blacks own no systems in here in the US so they cant practice racism. They can only be racists. Whites on the other hand own all the systems.
Definition of RACISM

  1. 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

    I see no mention of "owning systems" in there. And, you refused to deny that you are indeed a racist.
I instructed you to look at the etymology of the word. Arent you at least smart enough to do that without messing it up?

Etymology has nothing to do with it. It gives clues to the meaning, yes, but the dictionary is still a higher power. Tons of words have had their meanings changed. We don't speak Latin, we speak English. In English, system ownership is clearly not a requirement of racism.

Aren't you at least smart enough to make a valid point?
Only fools believe the dictionary is a higher power. To understand a word you need to know the history so you can see if the meaning has been tampered with.

We do speak Latin in many of the english words. How ignorant are you that you didnt know that?
Of course I know that. I'm merely pointing out that our word racism is based off of Latin.
Only a fool says a dead language supersedes the one we speak and the books which define it.
Regardless of what it has meant in the past, it has nothing to do with system ownership today. Thus, blacks are capable of racism in the modern sense of the word.
Its much more than that. You have to break the word down to get the correct meaning. Racism is a system (from the latin word ism) based on race. For example. Chattel slavery by whites was racism. Blacks own no systems in here in the US so they cant practice racism. They can only be racists. Whites on the other hand own all the systems.
Definition of RACISM

  1. 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

    I see no mention of "owning systems" in there. And, you refused to deny that you are indeed a racist.
I instructed you to look at the etymology of the word. Arent you at least smart enough to do that without messing it up?

Etymology has nothing to do with it. It gives clues to the meaning, yes, but the dictionary is still a higher power. Tons of words have had their meanings changed. We don't speak Latin, we speak English. In English, system ownership is clearly not a requirement of racism.

Aren't you at least smart enough to make a valid point?
Only fools believe the dictionary is a higher power. To understand a word you need to know the history so you can see if the meaning has been tampered with.

We do speak Latin in many of the english words. How ignorant are you that you didnt know that?
Of course I know that. I'm merely pointing out that our word racism is based off of Latin.
Only a fool says a dead language supersedes the one we speak and the books which define it.
Regardless of what it has meant in the past, it has nothing to do with system ownership today. Thus, blacks are capable of racism in the modern sense of the word.
its not a dead language. English uses the latin language.

It has everything to do with system ownership since thats the meaning of "ism". Under the old or modern meaning of racism Blacks are unable to practice it here in the US.
Definition of RACISM

  1. 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

    I see no mention of "owning systems" in there. And, you refused to deny that you are indeed a racist.
I instructed you to look at the etymology of the word. Arent you at least smart enough to do that without messing it up?

Etymology has nothing to do with it. It gives clues to the meaning, yes, but the dictionary is still a higher power. Tons of words have had their meanings changed. We don't speak Latin, we speak English. In English, system ownership is clearly not a requirement of racism.

Aren't you at least smart enough to make a valid point?
Only fools believe the dictionary is a higher power. To understand a word you need to know the history so you can see if the meaning has been tampered with.

We do speak Latin in many of the english words. How ignorant are you that you didnt know that?
Of course I know that. I'm merely pointing out that our word racism is based off of Latin.
Only a fool says a dead language supersedes the one we speak and the books which define it.
Regardless of what it has meant in the past, it has nothing to do with system ownership today. Thus, blacks are capable of racism in the modern sense of the word.
its not a dead language. English uses the latin language.

It has everything to do with system ownership since thats the meaning of "ism". Under the old or modern meaning of racism Blacks are unable to practice it here in the US.

Did you not read the quote I handed over to you? Where in that quote does it say anything about system ownership?

And you clearly don't have the slightest idea what a dead language is.
I instructed you to look at the etymology of the word. Arent you at least smart enough to do that without messing it up?

Etymology has nothing to do with it. It gives clues to the meaning, yes, but the dictionary is still a higher power. Tons of words have had their meanings changed. We don't speak Latin, we speak English. In English, system ownership is clearly not a requirement of racism.

Aren't you at least smart enough to make a valid point?
Only fools believe the dictionary is a higher power. To understand a word you need to know the history so you can see if the meaning has been tampered with.

We do speak Latin in many of the english words. How ignorant are you that you didnt know that?
Of course I know that. I'm merely pointing out that our word racism is based off of Latin.
Only a fool says a dead language supersedes the one we speak and the books which define it.
Regardless of what it has meant in the past, it has nothing to do with system ownership today. Thus, blacks are capable of racism in the modern sense of the word.
its not a dead language. English uses the latin language.

It has everything to do with system ownership since thats the meaning of "ism". Under the old or modern meaning of racism Blacks are unable to practice it here in the US.

Did you not read the quote I handed over to you? Where in that quote does it say anything about system ownership?

And you clearly don't have the slightest idea what a dead language is.
i dont recall seeing a quote and even if I did it wouldnt change my opinion or the facts.
I showed an excerpt from the dictionary and linked to it. If you can't recognize that, that's not my problem. So you have a mastery of the English language that puts Oxford, Merriam-Webster, and the Cambridge dictionary to shame? I'm impressed.
I showed an excerpt from the dictionary and linked to it. If you can't recognize that, that's not my problem. So you have a mastery of the English language that puts Oxford, Merriam-Webster, and the Cambridge dictionary to shame? I'm impressed.

I dont care what you showed me. I informed you that using the words meaning required breaking it down using the etymology of the word. Dont be impressed just learn from this lesson.
I showed an excerpt from the dictionary and linked to it. If you can't recognize that, that's not my problem. So you have a mastery of the English language that puts Oxford, Merriam-Webster, and the Cambridge dictionary to shame? I'm impressed.

I dont care what you showed me. I informed you that using the words meaning required breaking it down using the etymology of the word. Dont be impressed just learn from this lesson.
You don't care that the dictionaries that define the English language all say I'm right and that you are an idiot? Alright then. Have fun in your delusions.
I showed an excerpt from the dictionary and linked to it. If you can't recognize that, that's not my problem. So you have a mastery of the English language that puts Oxford, Merriam-Webster, and the Cambridge dictionary to shame? I'm impressed.

I dont care what you showed me. I informed you that using the words meaning required breaking it down using the etymology of the word. Dont be impressed just learn from this lesson.
You don't care that the dictionaries that define the English language all say I'm right and that you are an idiot? Alright then. Have fun in your delusions.
They dont say you are right. You just agree with the revised definition they gave you so you can feel validated. However we both know what the real definition is since I broke it down to you.
I showed an excerpt from the dictionary and linked to it. If you can't recognize that, that's not my problem. So you have a mastery of the English language that puts Oxford, Merriam-Webster, and the Cambridge dictionary to shame? I'm impressed.

I dont care what you showed me. I informed you that using the words meaning required breaking it down using the etymology of the word. Dont be impressed just learn from this lesson.
You don't care that the dictionaries that define the English language all say I'm right and that you are an idiot? Alright then. Have fun in your delusions.
They dont say you are right. You just agree with the revised definition they gave you so you can feel validated. However we both know what the real definition is since I broke it down to you.
That may be the real definition in Latin, but the real definition in English is what I have been saying. I trust the dictionaries and the professionals more than I trust a fool on a forum.
I showed an excerpt from the dictionary and linked to it. If you can't recognize that, that's not my problem. So you have a mastery of the English language that puts Oxford, Merriam-Webster, and the Cambridge dictionary to shame? I'm impressed.

I dont care what you showed me. I informed you that using the words meaning required breaking it down using the etymology of the word. Dont be impressed just learn from this lesson.
You don't care that the dictionaries that define the English language all say I'm right and that you are an idiot? Alright then. Have fun in your delusions.
They dont say you are right. You just agree with the revised definition they gave you so you can feel validated. However we both know what the real definition is since I broke it down to you.
That may be the real definition in Latin, but the real definition in English is what I have been saying. I trust the dictionaries and the professionals more than I trust a fool on a forum.
Its a latin word. Just because white people changed the definition slightly to make themselves feel better means nothing to me.
I showed an excerpt from the dictionary and linked to it. If you can't recognize that, that's not my problem. So you have a mastery of the English language that puts Oxford, Merriam-Webster, and the Cambridge dictionary to shame? I'm impressed.

I dont care what you showed me. I informed you that using the words meaning required breaking it down using the etymology of the word. Dont be impressed just learn from this lesson.
You don't care that the dictionaries that define the English language all say I'm right and that you are an idiot? Alright then. Have fun in your delusions.
They dont say you are right. You just agree with the revised definition they gave you so you can feel validated. However we both know what the real definition is since I broke it down to you.
That may be the real definition in Latin, but the real definition in English is what I have been saying. I trust the dictionaries and the professionals more than I trust a fool on a forum.
Its a latin word. Just because white people changed the definition slightly to make themselves feel better means nothing to me.
Well, in English, blacks are just as capable of racism as whites. In Latin, no one cares since no one speaks it anymore.
Racism and being racist is not the same thing. Only whites can practice racism in white dominated societies.

You have this weird white people logic thing going on. Just because anyone can be a racist doesnt mean everyone is a racist. Thats like claiming since white people have neanderthal genes all of them are savages.
That's some twisted, fucked up shit right there, Asclepias. I'm sure it gives you consolation to think that way. Like Shabazz, it allows a person to murder "cracker babies" and feel justified in doing so.
Well, in English, blacks are just as capable of racism as whites. In Latin, no one cares since no one speaks it anymore.
Correct and this forum has several examples of both "white" and "black" racists. I expect most of them are either on the lower end of the IQ scale or have self-esteem or other mental issues as the main causal factor in their hateful attitudes.
Its much more than that. You have to break the word down to get the correct meaning. Racism is a system (from the latin word ism) based on race. For example. Chattel slavery by whites was racism. Blacks own no systems in here in the US so they cant practice racism. They can only be racists. Whites on the other hand own all the systems.
More twisted bullshit. Interesting that you have to qualify "Blacks own no systems in here in the US" since you know full well that slavery, like mankind, not only began in Africa, but, unfortunately still exists in Africa.


Some much for your African Yin-Yang avatar. Obviously you have no clue what they symbology means. You probably just think it looks cool without even thinking of the deeper meaner.
Its much more than that. You have to break the word down to get the correct meaning. Racism is a system (from the latin word ism) based on race. For example. Chattel slavery by whites was racism. Blacks own no systems in here in the US so they cant practice racism. They can only be racists. Whites on the other hand own all the systems.
More twisted bullshit. Interesting that you have to qualify "Blacks own no systems in here in the US" since you know full well that slavery, like mankind, not only began in Africa, but, unfortunately still exists in Africa.


Some much for your African Yin-Yang avatar. Obviously you have no clue what they symbology means. You probably just think it looks cool without even thinking of the deeper meaner.
Thats because the US is where chattel slavery was mainly practiced and invented by white people suffering from an inferiority complex. I must have really caused you to lose sleep for you to take the time to hunt down the source of my avatar.
Lets look at the white effect on comedy. Whites have affected literally all aspects of human life, in good and bad ways....
Only in the US, obviously because it's primarily "white". Not so much in Asian, African, Indian and other areas of the world. Have you ever been outside your own neighborhood? Your own state? The US?

I've traveled much of the world with over 3 years of experience in nations all around the Earth. It's a big planet. Lots of people, lots of different cultures. One reason we all need to learn more tolerance if we don't want to end up like Syria is right now.
Thats because the US is where chattel slavery was mainly practiced and invented by white people suffering from an inferiority complex. I must have really caused you to lose sleep for you to take the time to hunt down the source of my avatar.
Disagreed. 10 seconds of my time isn't "losing sleep", but I can understand why someone of your skewed and limited intellect would find it incomprehensible that I'd be able to find the source of your avatar in mere seconds.
What would happen if all the racists just went home and never spoke again? What would happen if people actually followed the wisdom of Martin Luther King's words and didn't judge people by the color of their skin, but the content of their character?
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