I wonder what its like to be white?

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Whites have always used religion as a launching pad for violence and genocide . There is a saying in Africa about how whites came into African lands with the bible. Before they knew it Blacks had the bible and whites had the land.


Yes, because whites are responsible for all the evils in history. That's some nice revisionism you've got there.
Please. Whatever you do dont start whining. We are talking about whites and their evils. No one else.

Fine. So whites conquered a land? Big deal. May I point you to the Muslim invasions of Europe? Like when the black Moors nearly conquered France? That's not a race problem. It's a human problem.
Whites did more than just conquer a land. If thats all they did then no one would be expounding on their violent tendencies. They committed genocide physically and mentally. They stole land after breaking treaties saying they wouldnt take anymore land. The Black Moors educated europeans during their time of power in Spain. They brought euorpeans chivalry, architecture, manners, etc etc and tolerated christians even though they were muslims. So you see there is a difference. Whites have a scorched earth policy. Other races blend.

Whites brought religion and salvation to those they conquered, so I fail to see your point. Also, whites did plenty of racial blending. Look at the Spanish in Mexico.

Regardless, whites can't be blamed for every injustice. Are blacks horrendous for enslaving their own to sell to whites for guns? By your definition, yes.
Whites only brought religion as a Trojan Horse. Of course you fail to see that which you dont want to see. Thats expected. Now can you muster up the courage not to hide from the truth? I dont think so.

I never said whites can be blamed for every injustice. We are talking about the injustices actually committed by whites or that are the legacy of white philosophy.
Please. Whatever you do dont start whining. We are talking about whites and their evils. No one else.

As you wish Asclepias......
The white race is winning , methinks you'd need to go back to the Roman empire to really appreciate them being on top of their game , but non the less ,whites own this rock.

they don't seem to be whining about it either , in fact the whiners seem to be those races that can't buck up.

The white race is dying. As your women interbreed with our more dominant genes and your recessive genes give you all kinds of weird diseases, you are rapidly being absorbed into a gene pool that has color and health.

Whites are definitely whining about this. Check your local inbred cave gibbon websites for clarity.

I can't believe you just said that. Wow- that is the literal definition of racism. Thank you for handing me the moral high ground on a silver platter.
Yes, because whites are responsible for all the evils in history. That's some nice revisionism you've got there.
Please. Whatever you do dont start whining. We are talking about whites and their evils. No one else.

Fine. So whites conquered a land? Big deal. May I point you to the Muslim invasions of Europe? Like when the black Moors nearly conquered France? That's not a race problem. It's a human problem.
Whites did more than just conquer a land. If thats all they did then no one would be expounding on their violent tendencies. They committed genocide physically and mentally. They stole land after breaking treaties saying they wouldnt take anymore land. The Black Moors educated europeans during their time of power in Spain. They brought euorpeans chivalry, architecture, manners, etc etc and tolerated christians even though they were muslims. So you see there is a difference. Whites have a scorched earth policy. Other races blend.

Whites brought religion and salvation to those they conquered, so I fail to see your point. Also, whites did plenty of racial blending. Look at the Spanish in Mexico.

Regardless, whites can't be blamed for every injustice. Are blacks horrendous for enslaving their own to sell to whites for guns? By your definition, yes.
Whites only brought religion as a Trojan Horse. Of course you fail to see that which you dont want to see. Thats expected. Now can you muster up the courage not to hide from the truth? I dont think so.

I never said whites can be blamed for every injustice. We are talking about the injustices actually committed by whites or that are the legacy of white philosophy.

I see. Yes, whites have committed atrocities- so has every other race in history. Whites are no worse than any other race.
Please. Whatever you do dont start whining. We are talking about whites and their evils. No one else.

As you wish Asclepias......
The white race is winning , methinks you'd need to go back to the Roman empire to really appreciate them being on top of their game , but non the less ,whites own this rock.

they don't seem to be whining about it either , in fact the whiners seem to be those races that can't buck up.

The white race is dying. As your women interbreed with our more dominant genes and your recessive genes give you all kinds of weird diseases, you are rapidly being absorbed into a gene pool that has color and health.

Whites are definitely whining about this. Check your local inbred cave gibbon websites for clarity.

I can't believe you just said that. Wow- that is the literal definition of racism. Thank you for handing me the moral high ground on a silver platter.

You cant believe i told the truth? Whats does that have to do with racism unless you are admitting whites invented that as well?

You can have the moral high ground. I have the truth.
Please. Whatever you do dont start whining. We are talking about whites and their evils. No one else.

Fine. So whites conquered a land? Big deal. May I point you to the Muslim invasions of Europe? Like when the black Moors nearly conquered France? That's not a race problem. It's a human problem.
Whites did more than just conquer a land. If thats all they did then no one would be expounding on their violent tendencies. They committed genocide physically and mentally. They stole land after breaking treaties saying they wouldnt take anymore land. The Black Moors educated europeans during their time of power in Spain. They brought euorpeans chivalry, architecture, manners, etc etc and tolerated christians even though they were muslims. So you see there is a difference. Whites have a scorched earth policy. Other races blend.

Whites brought religion and salvation to those they conquered, so I fail to see your point. Also, whites did plenty of racial blending. Look at the Spanish in Mexico.

Regardless, whites can't be blamed for every injustice. Are blacks horrendous for enslaving their own to sell to whites for guns? By your definition, yes.
Whites only brought religion as a Trojan Horse. Of course you fail to see that which you dont want to see. Thats expected. Now can you muster up the courage not to hide from the truth? I dont think so.

I never said whites can be blamed for every injustice. We are talking about the injustices actually committed by whites or that are the legacy of white philosophy.

I see. Yes, whites have committed atrocities- so has every other race in history. Whites are no worse than any other race.
Thats bullshit. Whites are like a virus. Of course they are way worse than any other race. They have killed more humanity 100x over than all the other races combined.
Thats bullshit. Whites are like a virus. Of course they are way worse than any other race. They have killed more humanity 100x over than all the other races combined.
Translation: Kill cracker babies!

Looking forward to seeing you in the news, Asclepias, but you're most likely all talk, no action.
Please. Whatever you do dont start whining. We are talking about whites and their evils. No one else.

As you wish Asclepias......
The white race is winning , methinks you'd need to go back to the Roman empire to really appreciate them being on top of their game , but non the less ,whites own this rock.

they don't seem to be whining about it either , in fact the whiners seem to be those races that can't buck up.

The white race is dying. As your women interbreed with our more dominant genes and your recessive genes give you all kinds of weird diseases, you are rapidly being absorbed into a gene pool that has color and health.

Whites are definitely whining about this. Check your local inbred cave gibbon websites for clarity.

I can't believe you just said that. Wow- that is the literal definition of racism. Thank you for handing me the moral high ground on a silver platter.

You cant believe i told the truth? Whats does that have to do with racism unless you are admitting whites invented that as well?

You can have the moral high ground. I have the truth.

Alright then. Admit that you're a racist against whites.
Please. Whatever you do dont start whining. We are talking about whites and their evils. No one else.

As you wish Asclepias......
The white race is winning , methinks you'd need to go back to the Roman empire to really appreciate them being on top of their game , but non the less ,whites own this rock.

they don't seem to be whining about it either , in fact the whiners seem to be those races that can't buck up.

The white race is dying. As your women interbreed with our more dominant genes and your recessive genes give you all kinds of weird diseases, you are rapidly being absorbed into a gene pool that has color and health.

Whites are definitely whining about this. Check your local inbred cave gibbon websites for clarity.

I can't believe you just said that. Wow- that is the literal definition of racism. Thank you for handing me the moral high ground on a silver platter.

You cant believe i told the truth? Whats does that have to do with racism unless you are admitting whites invented that as well?

You can have the moral high ground. I have the truth.

Alright then. Admit that you're a racist against whites.

Why would i do that?
As you wish Asclepias......
The white race is winning , methinks you'd need to go back to the Roman empire to really appreciate them being on top of their game , but non the less ,whites own this rock.

they don't seem to be whining about it either , in fact the whiners seem to be those races that can't buck up.

The white race is dying. As your women interbreed with our more dominant genes and your recessive genes give you all kinds of weird diseases, you are rapidly being absorbed into a gene pool that has color and health.

Whites are definitely whining about this. Check your local inbred cave gibbon websites for clarity.

I can't believe you just said that. Wow- that is the literal definition of racism. Thank you for handing me the moral high ground on a silver platter.

You cant believe i told the truth? Whats does that have to do with racism unless you are admitting whites invented that as well?

You can have the moral high ground. I have the truth.

Alright then. Admit that you're a racist against whites.

Why would i do that?

Because you have no fear of losing the moral high ground and you clearly perceive your race as being dominant, so what do you have to lose by admitting that you are the racist here?
The white race is dying. As your women interbreed with our more dominant genes and your recessive genes give you all kinds of weird diseases, you are rapidly being absorbed into a gene pool that has color and health.

Whites are definitely whining about this. Check your local inbred cave gibbon websites for clarity.

I can't believe you just said that. Wow- that is the literal definition of racism. Thank you for handing me the moral high ground on a silver platter.

You cant believe i told the truth? Whats does that have to do with racism unless you are admitting whites invented that as well?

You can have the moral high ground. I have the truth.

Alright then. Admit that you're a racist against whites.

Why would i do that?

Because you have no fear of losing the moral high ground and you clearly perceive your race as being dominant, so what do you have to lose by admitting that you are the racist here?
I think your feelings are hurt over the truth. Dominant doesnt necessarily mean superior. Our genes are dominant. That cant be helped. Again i ask why would I claim to be a racist?
I can't believe you just said that. Wow- that is the literal definition of racism. Thank you for handing me the moral high ground on a silver platter.

You cant believe i told the truth? Whats does that have to do with racism unless you are admitting whites invented that as well?

You can have the moral high ground. I have the truth.

Alright then. Admit that you're a racist against whites.

Why would i do that?

Because you have no fear of losing the moral high ground and you clearly perceive your race as being dominant, so what do you have to lose by admitting that you are the racist here?
I think your feelings are hurt over the truth. Dominant doesnt necessarily mean superior. Our genes are dominant. That cant be helped. Again i ask why would I claim to be a racist?

Because you claim that you only care about the truth, and the truth is that you're a racist.
You cant believe i told the truth? Whats does that have to do with racism unless you are admitting whites invented that as well?

You can have the moral high ground. I have the truth.

Alright then. Admit that you're a racist against whites.

Why would i do that?

Because you have no fear of losing the moral high ground and you clearly perceive your race as being dominant, so what do you have to lose by admitting that you are the racist here?
I think your feelings are hurt over the truth. Dominant doesnt necessarily mean superior. Our genes are dominant. That cant be helped. Again i ask why would I claim to be a racist?

Because you claim that you only care about the truth, and the truth is that you're a racist.
I allow you to have your opinion but that wont dictate my actions. Sorry. I wont claim to be a racist just because you feel I am.
Alright then. Admit that you're a racist against whites.

Why would i do that?

Because you have no fear of losing the moral high ground and you clearly perceive your race as being dominant, so what do you have to lose by admitting that you are the racist here?
I think your feelings are hurt over the truth. Dominant doesnt necessarily mean superior. Our genes are dominant. That cant be helped. Again i ask why would I claim to be a racist?

Because you claim that you only care about the truth, and the truth is that you're a racist.
I allow you to have your opinion but that wont dictate my actions. Sorry. I wont claim to be a racist just because you feel I am.

Fine. Everyone else here knows the truth, even if you won't admit it.
Why would i do that?

Because you have no fear of losing the moral high ground and you clearly perceive your race as being dominant, so what do you have to lose by admitting that you are the racist here?
I think your feelings are hurt over the truth. Dominant doesnt necessarily mean superior. Our genes are dominant. That cant be helped. Again i ask why would I claim to be a racist?

Because you claim that you only care about the truth, and the truth is that you're a racist.
I allow you to have your opinion but that wont dictate my actions. Sorry. I wont claim to be a racist just because you feel I am.

Fine. Everyone else here knows the truth, even if you won't admit it.
Everyone else here knows the truth? That is not true. If everyone knew the truth no one would call me a racist.
Because you have no fear of losing the moral high ground and you clearly perceive your race as being dominant, so what do you have to lose by admitting that you are the racist here?
I think your feelings are hurt over the truth. Dominant doesnt necessarily mean superior. Our genes are dominant. That cant be helped. Again i ask why would I claim to be a racist?

Because you claim that you only care about the truth, and the truth is that you're a racist.
I allow you to have your opinion but that wont dictate my actions. Sorry. I wont claim to be a racist just because you feel I am.

Fine. Everyone else here knows the truth, even if you won't admit it.
Everyone else here knows the truth? That is not true. If everyone knew the truth they wouldnt call me a racist.

And which truth is that which protects you from being a racist?
I think your feelings are hurt over the truth. Dominant doesnt necessarily mean superior. Our genes are dominant. That cant be helped. Again i ask why would I claim to be a racist?

Because you claim that you only care about the truth, and the truth is that you're a racist.
I allow you to have your opinion but that wont dictate my actions. Sorry. I wont claim to be a racist just because you feel I am.

Fine. Everyone else here knows the truth, even if you won't admit it.
Everyone else here knows the truth? That is not true. If everyone knew the truth they wouldnt call me a racist.

And which truth is that which protects you from being a racist?
I dont need protection from being a racist. What made you think I did?
Because you claim that you only care about the truth, and the truth is that you're a racist.
I allow you to have your opinion but that wont dictate my actions. Sorry. I wont claim to be a racist just because you feel I am.

Fine. Everyone else here knows the truth, even if you won't admit it.
Everyone else here knows the truth? That is not true. If everyone knew the truth they wouldnt call me a racist.

And which truth is that which protects you from being a racist?
I dont need protection from being a racist. What made you think I did?

It's an expression. Let me rephrase it. What truth is it that means you are not racist? Everything I have seen you say tends to point to that fact.
I allow you to have your opinion but that wont dictate my actions. Sorry. I wont claim to be a racist just because you feel I am.

Fine. Everyone else here knows the truth, even if you won't admit it.
Everyone else here knows the truth? That is not true. If everyone knew the truth they wouldnt call me a racist.

And which truth is that which protects you from being a racist?
I dont need protection from being a racist. What made you think I did?

It's an expression. Let me rephrase it. What truth is it that means you are not racist? Everything I have seen you say tends to point to that fact.
Are you asking for proof i am not a racist?
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