I wonder what its like to be white?

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As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?
why haven't you posted in my Columbus Day thread?
Oh yes, because a "white supremacist" group would definitely choose something that resembles someone of African descent. No. Pepe is called a "meme". Maybe you've heard of them- they're also called "jokes". It's something we in the Alt-Right enjoy and thus it is our mascot. No racism about it.

So do you believe that those of African descent depicting Jesus as black is racism?
Why would that be racism? Jesus was Black as were most of the biblical figures. He definitely was not a white person with blond hair and blue eyes.

He was Hebrew. Since when is Hebrew black during the time of Jesus? They'd intermarried and bred with the people of the Middle East so often that they likely looked like Muslims today.

He wasn't white, yes, but he sure as Hell wasn't black either.
Of course he was Black. The Romans even described him as being Black.

Prove it.
I dont prove things to people. I give them the facts and let them research for themselves. Its your job to convince yourself.

Sounds like a cop-out to me.
Why would that be racism? Jesus was Black as were most of the biblical figures. He definitely was not a white person with blond hair and blue eyes.

He was Hebrew. Since when is Hebrew black during the time of Jesus? They'd intermarried and bred with the people of the Middle East so often that they likely looked like Muslims today.

He wasn't white, yes, but he sure as Hell wasn't black either.
Of course he was Black. The Romans even described him as being Black.

Prove it.
I dont prove things to people. I give them the facts and let them research for themselves. Its your job to convince yourself.

Sounds like a cop-out to me.
Sounds like you want me to do your work for you to me.
The whitewashing of religion by the white race has been the eight wonder of the world.

Lets get inside of the white consciousness and examine WHY they did what they did.

Because people like things in the way they can understand it best. Naturally, people believe that depicting a savior as their own race makes it easier to accept and teach children. Why have black people drawn Jesus black? For exactly the same reason as whites. Racism has nothing to do with it, so quite being such a victim.

Racism has everything to do with it ; one just has to be able to discern racism when they see it ;

like the use of an " Avatar" to represent ones self ; I can see racism in how some choose an avatar. Such as the one you choose. With the big lips and big eyes.

Oh yes, because a "white supremacist" group would definitely choose something that resembles someone of African descent. No. Pepe is called a "meme". Maybe you've heard of them- they're also called "jokes". It's something we in the Alt-Right enjoy and thus it is our mascot. No racism about it.

So do you believe that those of African descent depicting Jesus as black is racism?

I think I know why you enjoy this mascot. I don't call it a meme, I call it covert racism. No frog has lips like a human. Its just another white joke with no taste.
After I finish with what whites did to religion , I will go into what they did to comedy.
He was Hebrew. Since when is Hebrew black during the time of Jesus? They'd intermarried and bred with the people of the Middle East so often that they likely looked like Muslims today.

He wasn't white, yes, but he sure as Hell wasn't black either.
Of course he was Black. The Romans even described him as being Black.

Prove it.
I dont prove things to people. I give them the facts and let them research for themselves. Its your job to convince yourself.

Sounds like a cop-out to me.
Sounds like you want me to do your work for you to me.
Sounds like you don't really care about proving your point.
The whitewashing of religion by the white race has been the eight wonder of the world.

Lets get inside of the white consciousness and examine WHY they did what they did.

Because people like things in the way they can understand it best. Naturally, people believe that depicting a savior as their own race makes it easier to accept and teach children. Why have black people drawn Jesus black? For exactly the same reason as whites. Racism has nothing to do with it, so quite being such a victim.

Racism has everything to do with it ; one just has to be able to discern racism when they see it ;

like the use of an " Avatar" to represent ones self ; I can see racism in how some choose an avatar. Such as the one you choose. With the big lips and big eyes.

Oh yes, because a "white supremacist" group would definitely choose something that resembles someone of African descent. No. Pepe is called a "meme". Maybe you've heard of them- they're also called "jokes". It's something we in the Alt-Right enjoy and thus it is our mascot. No racism about it.

So do you believe that those of African descent depicting Jesus as black is racism?

I think I know why you enjoy this mascot. I don't call it a meme, I call it covert racism. No frog has lips like a human. Its just another white joke with no taste.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I quite enjoy my memes.
Besides, why would racists use an image you purport to be of a black person as a mascot? That's like the Chicago Cubs using a Cardinal as a mascot.

When whites get their hands on something , they can change the whole nature of it ;

How White People Perverted the Swastika

Oh yes, don't you just love blaming an entire race for the actions of a few?
Of course he was Black. The Romans even described him as being Black.

Prove it.
I dont prove things to people. I give them the facts and let them research for themselves. Its your job to convince yourself.

Sounds like a cop-out to me.
Sounds like you want me to do your work for you to me.
Sounds like you don't really care about proving your point.
I dont.

My job is to provide the facts. Your job is to research them if you have a disagreement and want some proof.
When whites get their hands on something , they can change the whole nature of it ;

How White People Perverted the Swastika
Whites have always used religion as a launching pad for violence and genocide. There is a saying in Africa about how whites came into African lands with the bible. Before they knew it Blacks had the bible and whites had the land.

When whites get their hands on something , they can change the whole nature of it ;

How White People Perverted the Swastika
Whites have always used religion as a launching pad for violence and genocide. There is a saying in Africa about how whites came into African lands with the bible. Before they knew it Blacks had the bible and whites had the land.


Yes, because whites are responsible for all the evils in history. That's some nice revisionism you've got there.
When whites get their hands on something , they can change the whole nature of it ;

How White People Perverted the Swastika
Whites have always used religion as a launching pad for violence and genocide. There is a saying in Africa about how whites came into African lands with the bible. Before they knew it Blacks had the bible and whites had the land.


Yes, because whites are responsible for all the evils in history. That's some nice revisionism you've got there.
Please. Whatever you do dont start whining. We are talking about whites and their evils. No one else.
When whites get their hands on something , they can change the whole nature of it ;

How White People Perverted the Swastika
Whites have always used religion as a launching pad for violence and genocide. There is a saying in Africa about how whites came into African lands with the bible. Before they knew it Blacks had the bible and whites had the land.


Yes, because whites are responsible for all the evils in history. That's some nice revisionism you've got there.
Please. Whatever you do dont start whining. We are talking about whites and their evils. No one else.

Fine. So whites conquered a land? Big deal. May I point you to the Muslim invasions of Europe? Like when the black Moors nearly conquered France? That's not a race problem. It's a human problem.
When whites get their hands on something , they can change the whole nature of it ;

How White People Perverted the Swastika
Whites have always used religion as a launching pad for violence and genocide . There is a saying in Africa about how whites came into African lands with the bible. Before they knew it Blacks had the bible and whites had the land.


Yes, because whites are responsible for all the evils in history. That's some nice revisionism you've got there.
Please. Whatever you do dont start whining. We are talking about whites and their evils. No one else.

Fine. So whites conquered a land? Big deal. May I point you to the Muslim invasions of Europe? Like when the black Moors nearly conquered France? That's not a race problem. It's a human problem.
Whites did more than just conquer a land. If thats all they did then no one would be expounding on their violent tendencies. They committed genocide physically and mentally. They stole land after breaking treaties saying they wouldnt take anymore land. The Black Moors educated europeans during their time of power in Spain. They brought euorpeans chivalry, architecture, manners, etc etc and tolerated christians even though they were muslims. So you see there is a difference. Whites have a scorched earth policy. Other races blend.
Please. Whatever you do dont start whining. We are talking about whites and their evils. No one else.

As you wish Asclepias......
The white race is winning , methinks you'd need to go back to the Roman empire to really appreciate them being on top of their game , but non the less ,whites own this rock.

they don't seem to be whining about it either , in fact the whiners seem to be those races that can't buck up.

When whites get their hands on something , they can change the whole nature of it ;

How White People Perverted the Swastika
Whites have always used religion as a launching pad for violence and genocide . There is a saying in Africa about how whites came into African lands with the bible. Before they knew it Blacks had the bible and whites had the land.


Yes, because whites are responsible for all the evils in history. That's some nice revisionism you've got there.
Please. Whatever you do dont start whining. We are talking about whites and their evils. No one else.

Fine. So whites conquered a land? Big deal. May I point you to the Muslim invasions of Europe? Like when the black Moors nearly conquered France? That's not a race problem. It's a human problem.
Whites did more than just conquer a land. If thats all they did then no one would be expounding on their violent tendencies. They committed genocide physically and mentally. They stole land after breaking treaties saying they wouldnt take anymore land. The Black Moors educated europeans during their time of power in Spain. They brought euorpeans chivalry, architecture, manners, etc etc and tolerated christians even though they were muslims. So you see there is a difference. Whites have a scorched earth policy. Other races blend.

Whites brought religion and salvation to those they conquered, so I fail to see your point. Also, whites did plenty of racial blending. Look at the Spanish in Mexico.

Regardless, whites can't be blamed for every injustice. Are blacks horrendous for enslaving their own to sell to whites for guns? By your definition, yes.
Please. Whatever you do dont start whining. We are talking about whites and their evils. No one else.

As you wish Asclepias......
The white race is winning , methinks you'd need to go back to the Roman empire to really appreciate them being on top of their game , but non the less ,whites own this rock.

they don't seem to be whining about it either , in fact the whiners seem to be those races that can't buck up.

The white race is dying. As your women interbreed with our more dominant genes and your recessive genes give you all kinds of weird diseases, you are rapidly being absorbed into a gene pool that has color and health.

Whites are definitely whining about this. Check your local inbred cave gibbon websites for clarity.
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