I wonder what its like to be white?

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In my personal view , communication between blacks and whites will never improve enough to make a significant difference; neither will race relations between us do that.

I don't think they were designed to.

There's a deep divide in how blacks and whites see race. New numbers prove it.
Global segregation is the only permanent solution.

Global segregation is a nonsensical resolution; nothing human can solve this problem;

it will never be solved in this life. Man is sick ; his whole head is sick.
Global segregation is the only solution, nonsensical or not.

Tribalism and the inherent problems caused by it will never go away in a multicultural/multiracial environment.
Now , what is it like to be white? How have whites affected the economy?
Being white is to always have gotten a bigger piece of the money pie.

That is how it has been ; its how it is now. Is that economic racism?

Economic Racism
It's great. The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. White people are like royalty really.

Your sarcasm mask an underlying reality in the consciousness of whites sitting around the dinner table every day.

Money is power

and its privilege.

And it spoils a race for generations.

Notice with me if you will;
The black-white economic divide in 5 charts
Until the birth rate gap goes away, you can't really talk about the "economic divide".
So are most not all whites viewed as the same? what about someone like myself who is half white?

There is not much data yet on mulatto's or mixed races between whites , blacks and Indians.
What's ur view?

Someone half white is like an "Inbetweener", they could exist in both worlds if they wanted and walk that line, or they could make a conscious choice to be black or white, and have only one identity; either way is difficult , because you are a product of both worlds. Its not a new race , its a mixture of two.

I personally think the person should identify themselves as which ever part of their self is the stronger within them; and if both parts are equal , then be a mullato.
It's been a struggle being accepted because very few members of both sides of my family agreed with my parents relationship.
Cave chimps such as yourself are an embarrassment to whites who already have enough strikes against them.
So whites are inferior to blacks or do blacks also "have enough strikes against them"?
You are inferior to everyone especially Blacks.
Ok, but whites in general aren't inferior to blacks?
(C'mon, you can say it, we know you can. Because you're a fucking liar. :lol:)
"Inferior" is something that is subject to interpretation when you speak in general terms. I can only say I have seen many inferior whites. Since I havent seen all whites I cannot answer that question with any accuracy.
In my personal view , communication between blacks and whites will never improve enough to make a significant difference; neither will race relations between us do that.

I don't think they were designed to.

There's a deep divide in how blacks and whites see race. New numbers prove it.
White people typically lie about race. This is the primary reason I distrust them. Their lying indicates to me that they have ulterior motives. They pretend it doesnt matter to them but their actions towards other races expose their true beliefs. I normally dont believe white people when they say they dont think about race or they dont see race. Gimme a break. You can obviously see I am a Black person.
So are most not all whites viewed as the same? what about someone like myself who is half white?

There is not much data yet on mulatto's or mixed races between whites , blacks and Indians.
What's ur view?

Someone half white is like an "Inbetweener", they could exist in both worlds if they wanted and walk that line, or they could make a conscious choice to be black or white, and have only one identity; either way is difficult , because you are a product of both worlds. Its not a new race , its a mixture of two.

I personally think the person should identify themselves as which ever part of their self is the stronger within them; and if both parts are equal , then be a mullato.
It's been a struggle being accepted because very few members of both sides of my family agreed with my parents relationship.

Well you have to define yourself from what is within you ; don't let situations or other people define you. My grandmother is white , my grandfather was black; I have identified myself as black, because that is dominant within me, and I never put much weight on how my grandparents relationship was perceived by my family. Other people do not define me. Unless they motivate what I want to be. And understand what I am.

But that is truth for me. I am only about 10-20% white in my blood and genes. I have 4 grandparents, one was white , one was full blooded Indian, 2 were black; so the black gene is dominant in me. And one can see that in me , but also see that I am of mixed blood.
Yanno, I really don't get up every day thinking 'gee,i'm white' Mickiel


Well will you get up the next couple of days thinking it; then come to thread and let us know what it is like to be white , and how that has affected your money.
Yanno, I really don't get up every day thinking 'gee,i'm white' Mickiel


Well will you get up the next couple of days thinking it; then come to thread and let us know what it is like to be white , and how that has affected your money.
I know in the oilfield I've watched payrates spiral down rapidly. Illegals will work for less and most companies or more than happy to hire them. I don't blame the illegal hell I'd probably do the same, the greedy money hungry oil companies are to blame. I've watched good people both black and white loss their jobs and then struggle to find more work. My finger is pointed at the elite, the string pullers, they are the ones destroying this country.
Yanno, I really don't get up every day thinking 'gee,i'm white' Mickiel


Well will you get up the next couple of days thinking it; then come to thread and let us know what it is like to be white , and how that has affected your money.

Race/religion/political stripe has little effect on my self worth compared to the credentials and expertise i've earned in life Mickiel.

In fact , i don't 'see' in much of said criterior when hiring , they either come with their sh*t in one sock, or they don't.

What i DO see, is Americans . Not hyphenated-Americans , because you're either an American first , or you're not one.

Anything else is simply some racial sob story vying for it's foot in the door, which i've little patience for. This goes for all "I'm a _____-American', and America owes me"

Most of that, as well as the stats , hail from people that will never and a day pull themselves out of poverty

The reality is, those who have some self respect , have some self esteem, have a sense of self worth aren't going to sign onto the racial drama looking for an apology , a handout , or even a hand up (yes, there's a difference)

Yanno, I really don't get up every day thinking 'gee,i'm white' Mickiel


Well will you get up the next couple of days thinking it; then come to thread and let us know what it is like to be white , and how that has affected your money.

Race/religion/political stripe has little effect on my self worth compared to the credentials and expertise i've earned in life Mickiel.

In fact , i don't 'see' in much of said criterior when hiring , they either come with their sh*t in one sock, or they don't.

What i DO see, is Americans . Not hyphenated-Americans , because you're either an American first , or you're not one.

Anything else is simply some racial sob story vying for it's foot in the door, which i've little patience for. This goes for all "I'm a _____-American', and America owes me"

Most of that, as well as the stats , hail from people that will never and a day pull themselves out of poverty

The reality is, those who have some self respect , have some self esteem, have a sense of self worth aren't going to sign onto the racial drama looking for an apology , a handout , or even a hand up (yes, there's a difference)


There are far more whites on welfare or food stamps than blacks;

Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly | Huffington Post

would you then agree that more whites are looking for handouts than blacks?

This ought to be interesting
There are far more whites on welfare or food stamps than blacks;

Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly | Huffington Post

would you then agree that more whites are looking for handouts than blacks?

This ought to be interesting

Yup, see 'em every day Mickiel, they're basically a waste of skin, the irony being they usually have a whole lot more of it than the normal human ,while suckin' up the " Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program" (called differently here, yet amounts to the same )

There are far more whites on welfare or food stamps than blacks;

Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly | Huffington Post

would you then agree that more whites are looking for handouts than blacks?

This ought to be interesting

Yup, see 'em every day Mickiel, they're basically a waste of skin, the irony being they usually have a whole lot more of it than the normal human ,while suckin' up the " Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program" (called differently here, yet amounts to the same )


There is no such thing as a waste of skin.
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