I wonder what its like to be white?

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I wonder what it's like to be black and be racially profiled/ stereotyped? Perhaps, not acting that way? Hmm, could it be that simple?
Acting what way? Walking while being Black?
Let me characterize this in a far different less polarized way. Being a black male shouldn't let you off the hook for acting like an ignorant neurotic violent stereotype thug. Oh stop feigning shock at that revelation. It's real and it's akin to the high black on black murder rate. Don't blame me, I am just the messenger. And those are just facts. Lets all just look at the facts and stop the mind games. Please.
Luckily I dont think much of your ability to render facts correctly. If all Black males acted like ignorant, neurotic, violent thugs it would just give white cops the excuse to shoot all of them. Since whites are actually the ignorant, neurotic, violent, inferiority complex possessing thugs we know there are no mind games involved. Only cognitive dissonance on the part of whites that pretend their present/history doesn't show them to be the most violent savages to ever roam the planet.
I wonder what it's like to be black and be racially profiled/ stereotyped? Perhaps, not acting that way? Hmm, could it be that simple?
Acting what way? Walking while being Black?
Let me characterize this in a far different less polarized way. Being a black male shouldn't let you off the hook for acting like an ignorant neurotic violent stereotype thug. Oh stop feigning shock at that revelation. It's real and it's akin to the high black on black murder rate. Don't blame me, I am just the messenger. And those are just facts. Lets all just look at the facts and stop the mind games. Please.
Luckily I dont think much of your ability to render facts correctly. If all Black males acted like ignorant, neurotic, violent thugs it would just give white cops the excuse to shoot all of them. Since whites are actually the ignorant, neurotic, violent, inferiority complex possessing thugs we know there are no mind games involved. Only cognitive dissonance on the part of whites that pretend their present/history doesn't show them to be the most violent savages to ever roam the planet.
Luckily for you, you don't live in the real world. I never said ALL black males. And pretending it's a fault of mine for noticing POOR black male violence, really? More race shaming by yet another Pollyanna archetype liberal.
So are most not all whites viewed as the same? what about someone like myself who is half white?
I wonder what it's like to be black and be racially profiled/ stereotyped? Perhaps, not acting that way? Hmm, could it be that simple?
Acting what way? Walking while being Black?
Let me characterize this in a far different less polarized way. Being a black male shouldn't let you off the hook for acting like an ignorant neurotic violent stereotype thug. Oh stop feigning shock at that revelation. It's real and it's akin to the high black on black murder rate. Don't blame me, I am just the messenger. And those are just facts. Lets all just look at the facts and stop the mind games. Please.
Luckily I dont think much of your ability to render facts correctly. If all Black males acted like ignorant, neurotic, violent thugs it would just give white cops the excuse to shoot all of them. Since whites are actually the ignorant, neurotic, violent, inferiority complex possessing thugs we know there are no mind games involved. Only cognitive dissonance on the part of whites that pretend their present/history doesn't show them to be the most violent savages to ever roam the planet.
Luckily for you, you don't live in the real world. I never said ALL black males. And pretending it's a fault of mine for noticing POOR black male violence, really? More race shaming by yet another Pollyanna archetype liberal.
Are all Black males not Black males? Of course you said all Black males. I never said it was your fault for noticing anything. I just pointed out your cognitive dissonance that prevents you from seeing whites are savages.
So are most not all whites viewed as the same? what about someone like myself who is half white?
We are all half something. Why do we always come down on white anger and then excuse black anger? Why do we focus on the relatively tiny white cop/black victims/perpetrators and then minimize the far larger black crime rates ? Black on white, black on black murders, the high black crime WHY are they always downplayed? That isn't helping race relations one iota.
So are most not all whites viewed as the same? what about someone like myself who is half white?
We are all half something. Why do we always come down on white anger and then excuse black anger? Why do we focus on the relatively tiny white cop/black victims/perpetrators and then minimize the far larger black crime rates ? Black on white, black on black murders, the high black crime WHY are they always downplayed? That isn't helping race relations one iota.
I'm not half anything. I am mostly Black then NA and some irish. We come down on whites because they created this dynamic with these things called slavery, Jim Crow, etc.

We focus on white cops specifically because they are not supposed to be criminals since they get paid to uphold the law. We dont down play Black on Black crime but we do down play white on white crime. The question I need answered is why do whites pretend Black on Black crime is the same thing as white paid servants supposedly upholding the law but turning into criminals shooting Black people just because they are Black?
I wonder what it's like to be black and be racially profiled/ stereotyped? Perhaps, not acting that way? Hmm, could it be that simple?
Acting what way? Walking while being Black?
Let me characterize this in a far different less polarized way. Being a black male shouldn't let you off the hook for acting like an ignorant neurotic violent stereotype thug. Oh stop feigning shock at that revelation. It's real and it's akin to the high black on black murder rate. Don't blame me, I am just the messenger. And those are just facts. Lets all just look at the facts and stop the mind games. Please.
Luckily I dont think much of your ability to render facts correctly. If all Black males acted like ignorant, neurotic, violent thugs it would just give white cops the excuse to shoot all of them. Since whites are actually the ignorant, neurotic, violent, inferiority complex possessing thugs we know there are no mind games involved. Only cognitive dissonance on the part of whites that pretend their present/history doesn't show them to be the most violent savages to ever roam the planet.
Luckily for you, you don't live in the real world. I never said ALL black males. And pretending it's a fault of mine for noticing POOR black male violence, really? More race shaming by yet another Pollyanna archetype liberal.
Are all Black males not Black males? Of course you said all Black males. I never said it was your fault for noticing anything. I just pointed out your cognitive dissonance that prevents you from seeing whites are savages.
Excuse me? Hitler, Mussolini...I get history. Don't patronize me. But we can't point out black hate crimes and their wrongs? Because it undermines all that liberal holier than thou pedantry?
Acting what way? Walking while being Black?
Let me characterize this in a far different less polarized way. Being a black male shouldn't let you off the hook for acting like an ignorant neurotic violent stereotype thug. Oh stop feigning shock at that revelation. It's real and it's akin to the high black on black murder rate. Don't blame me, I am just the messenger. And those are just facts. Lets all just look at the facts and stop the mind games. Please.
Luckily I dont think much of your ability to render facts correctly. If all Black males acted like ignorant, neurotic, violent thugs it would just give white cops the excuse to shoot all of them. Since whites are actually the ignorant, neurotic, violent, inferiority complex possessing thugs we know there are no mind games involved. Only cognitive dissonance on the part of whites that pretend their present/history doesn't show them to be the most violent savages to ever roam the planet.
Luckily for you, you don't live in the real world. I never said ALL black males. And pretending it's a fault of mine for noticing POOR black male violence, really? More race shaming by yet another Pollyanna archetype liberal.
Are all Black males not Black males? Of course you said all Black males. I never said it was your fault for noticing anything. I just pointed out your cognitive dissonance that prevents you from seeing whites are savages.
Excuse me? Hitler, Mussolini...I get history. Don't patronize me. But we can't point out black hate crimes and their wrongs? Because it undermines all that liberal holier than thou pedantry?
You can point them out with a degree of credibility when you address your own crime problem.
I ran across a surprising show by Phil Donahue :

His guest ; Louis Farakhan.

Interesting, a tad more in depth that the usual 'state of the dream' addy , yet reeks of frustration and anger

JMHO, some should really let the past go , look forward ,not backwards....

Hey , I have some white blood running in my veins ; would you allow it , just for the white in me?

ah....i knew it!:banana:>>>>

Blacks need to get over themselves. Really. I don't see the KKK or Neonazis as the enemy here. When blacks shoot each other in front of my house and leave bullets in my property, when they intimidate (beat a little old man's dogs to death and shit like that) it makes me wonder. Black males in my universe tend to be angry hateful omnipresent territorial sexist assholes. Some of them are sweethearts. I live in the real world, I dare say anyone (black or white) knows exactly what I am talking about.
So are most not all whites viewed as the same? what about someone like myself who is half white?
We are all half something. Why do we always come down on white anger and then excuse black anger? Why do we focus on the relatively tiny white cop/black victims/perpetrators and then minimize the far larger black crime rates ? Black on white, black on black murders, the high black crime WHY are they always downplayed? That isn't helping race relations one iota.
Whoa don't push the panic button. It was a simple question. My mother is full blooded Comanche, my father was Scandinavian, I'll say that makes me half white. I don't down play anything I'm just looking for some insight.
So are most not all whites viewed as the same? what about someone like myself who is half white?
We are all half something. Why do we always come down on white anger and then excuse black anger? Why do we focus on the relatively tiny white cop/black victims/perpetrators and then minimize the far larger black crime rates ? Black on white, black on black murders, the high black crime WHY are they always downplayed? That isn't helping race relations one iota.

White cops do kill more whites than blacks ; and blacks do have a high crime rate ;

5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks
So are most not all whites viewed as the same? what about someone like myself who is half white?

There is not much data yet on mulatto's or mixed races between whites , blacks and Indians.
What's ur view?

Someone half white is like an "Inbetweener", they could exist in both worlds if they wanted and walk that line, or they could make a conscious choice to be black or white, and have only one identity; either way is difficult , because you are a product of both worlds. Its not a new race , its a mixture of two.

I personally think the person should identify themselves as which ever part of their self is the stronger within them; and if both parts are equal , then be a mullato.
In my personal view , communication between blacks and whites will never improve enough to make a significant difference; neither will race relations between us do that.

I don't think they were designed to.

There's a deep divide in how blacks and whites see race. New numbers prove it.
Global segregation is the only permanent solution.

Global segregation is a nonsensical resolution; nothing human can solve this problem;

it will never be solved in this life. Man is sick ; his whole head is sick.
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