I wonder what its like to be white?

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If you did other things and were busy, you wouldn't be having the time to dwell on such issues. Most people (white or whatever skin color) take everyone as an individual. Of course, message boards are going to have a tendency to attract extremists and people who are not in the norm.

I dwell on such issues that interest me. And judging by the views this thread is getting ; it interest others as well.

Most people aren't dwelling on their skin color, sorry to break it to you. It's not like we get up in the morning, look in a mirror, and say "oh how nice to be white!" :dunno: It's something I don't hear about at work or during social engagements, I don't see white people or black people starting fights with each other because of it, and it's not something that comes up in conversation.

In my world ,it means something. In my experience color means something. In my life it has always meant something.

My color meant something yesterday

It means something today

and it will mean something tomorrow.
If you did other things and were busy, you wouldn't be having the time to dwell on such issues. Most people (white or whatever skin color) take everyone as an individual. Of course, message boards are going to have a tendency to attract extremists and people who are not in the norm.

I dwell on such issues that interest me. And judging by the views this thread is getting ; it interest others as well.

Most people aren't dwelling on their skin color, sorry to break it to you. It's not like we get up in the morning, look in a mirror, and say "oh how nice to be white!" :dunno: It's something I don't hear about at work or during social engagements, I don't see white people or black people starting fights with each other because of it, and it's not something that comes up in conversation.

In my world ,it means something. In my experience color means something. In my life it has always meant something.

My color meant something yesterday

It means something today

and it will mean something tomorrow.

Because you dwell on it. A dumb way to spend your life.
If you did other things and were busy, you wouldn't be having the time to dwell on such issues. Most people (white or whatever skin color) take everyone as an individual. Of course, message boards are going to have a tendency to attract extremists and people who are not in the norm.

I dwell on such issues that interest me. And judging by the views this thread is getting ; it interest others as well.

Most people aren't dwelling on their skin color, sorry to break it to you. It's not like we get up in the morning, look in a mirror, and say "oh how nice to be white!" :dunno: It's something I don't hear about at work or during social engagements, I don't see white people or black people starting fights with each other because of it, and it's not something that comes up in conversation.

In my world ,it means something. In my experience color means something. In my life it has always meant something.

My color meant something yesterday

It means something today

and it will mean something tomorrow.

Because you dwell on it. A dumb way to spend your life.

I am enjoying it. Even doing this thread is a thrill.

Its my pleasure.
Well, I'm just letting you know that most white people I know are not even thinking about being white. It's not something that we sit and contemplate about.

And then there are just ignorant people who hate everything. So? You just don't have anything to do with those kind of people. And those kind of people can be any skin color. Jerks are jerks. Not much you can do about that.
Why is the divorse rate so much higher when a white woman is married to a black male vs. A black woman married to white male?
What do you have to gripe about? Whites brought your ancestors over here and then set them free. Would you rather be in Africa still trying to make your way out of there? Show a little gratitude.

I am proud of you Mudda, you wrote 4 sentences without cursing. See how much better that is? Thank you.
And you see how much better we all get along when you give us our props for bringing your ancestors over here?

Well it was destiny for us to be brought here. This place is not better than Africa , its just " A different place to live in." I like America , but I like Africa to.
Not only is the US better than Africa, but so is every other place on earth. :lol:

I like Africa , and the US too.
Because you still have the jungle gene in you.
Well, I'm just letting you know that most white people I know are not even thinking about being white. It's not something that we sit and contemplate about.

And then there are just ignorant people who hate everything. So? You just don't have anything to do with those kind of people. And those kind of people can be any skin color. Jerks are jerks. Not much you can do about that.

Well I am thinking about just what it is like to be white, and what whites do in romance that affect this world? Well in romance women want to think of themselves as being attractive, oh but how the white race has "white washed" the business of beauty in the world ; and that has seriously affected women and romance all over the world.

Notice with me;

Beauty Whitewashed: How White Ideals Exclude Women of Color
The earth is completely subject to powerful suggestion; the media magnifies this power of suggestion. The white race and religion , in my view , has used these to very powerful effects on this world.

Lies can be made true ;misconceptions can shape whole cultures ; old moral standards can be slurred , even the bible itself can be perverted. Romance has been perverted ; religion has been perverted ; education has been perverted ; morals have been perverted ; children have been perverted ; cultures have been infected ; governments have been distorted ; the reach of this is endless and has resulted in the seduction of the human mind.
Why is the divorse rate so much higher when a white woman is married to a black male vs. A black woman married to white male?
From what I have seen white women go downhill fast after 25. Black women get more and more beautiful as they age.
Now that's just shallow man.
Thats just one possible answer. It just happened to be the first one that occurred to me and you know its true.
I would disagree. Spanish women to me age the worse.
Why is the divorse rate so much higher when a white woman is married to a black male vs. A black woman married to white male?
From what I have seen white women go downhill fast after 25. Black women get more and more beautiful as they age.
Now that's just shallow man.
Thats just one possible answer. It just happened to be the first one that occurred to me and you know its true.
I would disagree. Spanish women to me age the worse.
Depends. If they are racially Black or Native American they dont age as fast as the white Spanish.
I ran across a surprising show by Phil Donahue :

His guest ; Louis Farakhan.
I wonder what it's like to be black and be racially profiled/ stereotyped? Perhaps, not acting that way? Hmm, could it be that simple?
Acting what way? Walking while being Black?
Let me characterize this in a far different less polarized way. Being a black male shouldn't let you off the hook for acting like an ignorant neurotic violent stereotype thug. Oh stop feigning shock at that revelation. It's real and it's akin to the high black on black murder rate. Don't blame me, I am just the messenger. And those are just facts. Lets all just look at the facts and stop the mind games. Please.
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