I Wonder Who They Voted For

Interesting experiment. Sad, but not surprising where our "educated" (according to the left) stand.

It's ok to be critical of the United States government and its imperialist global destabilization. Some of your deified patriots are incredibly critical of the us federal government when it suits their political views. The frame you're trying to place is piss poor.
There was a time................that any such action would have resulted in many students in the hospital emergency room...............

Even though FDR was a socialist extreme..........enjoy the Greatest era..........that would have beaten them senseless for their comments on the flag.


To the leftist who push this mentality in indoctrination centers like Berkley........We don't like your asses either................

Just so you understand that we think you are scum.........Thought I'd clear that up.

That is if you didn't get the hint by flipping you off.
Interesting experiment. Sad, but not surprising where our "educated" (according to the left) stand.

Says it all. The "educated" Left are scum. They are being taught this by the government-run schools. These will be the people running our country in a few years? God help us all. It is Europe's and Soros' last ditch effort to usurp America for its own.
We need to fucking bring back the draft!

Only an idiot and/or a dinosaur would be for bringing back the draft.

So - with the unemployment rate at 3.8% and there is already a shortage of qualified people for many jobs...you want to rob the economy of people who are leading productive lives helping the economy...and throw them in the armed forces. This will raise the deficit by hundreds of billions in added military costs PLUS rob the federal coffers of hundreds of millions in tax revenue as the money these people were making will now go bye bye.

What a completely shortsighted and ridiculous suggestion.

And before you say it - I did serve (in the reserves).
Interesting experiment. Sad, but not surprising where our "educated" (according to the left) stand.

Hundreds of hours of video edited down to under 3 minutes by an America-hating troll to fool retarded Trump sheep.

So, you are saying you think this guy stood there for 38 days, 8 hours a day to get a couple minutes of video and a few people giving the finger to the flag and only one criticizing him for the ISIS flag who hates America because not enough liked the American Flag he was waving. Gee, you must be another mental defect from UC Berkeley! What was YOUR degree in, Subversive Bipolar Mental Defection?

Another example of the violent fascist Bully Left denouncing violence and fascism as they burn, destroy, bully and silence critics because they haven't the maturity to stand and face their critics with calm objective discussion and rational arguments for their own positions. Half the people in that video and their professors should have been arrested in jail, but all the university cares about is getting the tuition money and inciting hatred.

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