I Won't Root For US World Cup Women Trump Haters

What a bunch of American hating fuck you all are.

Oh yes, how dare we take offense at some unsportsmanlike buffoons who trash their country and President. If they hate this country so much, stay in France. Nobody will miss them.

Hating the President is not the same as hating the country. Just another spoon.

So,you approve of a bunch of unsportsmanlike showboats who trash the leader of their country. Looks like you're the spoon. Enjoy nobody remembering these goofs in about a week.
Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'

I didn't care who won. I couldn't root for the Netherlands but could not care at all if these women won either. I don't care if they CLAIM to represent the USA. You can't say you won't go to the White House no matter who is the President and claim to represent the USA

So I'm not happy for their victory and do not care if they won. No cheers from me at all
Rug munchers screwing up 12 year old American Girls heads in attempts to recruit more into their cult (with 100% red-MSM support). Front page Yahoo every day, right below daily Trump bashing. HomeO say look at me "I'm special"!
Great. I'm glad the USWNT won the World Cup... but how does that show unity or unite us when they won't even pay a visit to the man who represents their country to the world? I thought sports transcended politics?

Everyone, from Trump supporters to Biden supporters and anyone in between rooted for their country to win. But how does saying "F-Trump" after winning unite either side? I'm curious.

"United" States? Hardly.
Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'

once again, you put the man before the country.

Once again, showing unity in front of the world does more for the country than for the man. You don't have to like or have voted for him. Yet, these people can't be bothered to stand in the same building with him.

I fail to see how that is putting "the man before the country".

Why are we even calling ourselves United if we can't even give a basic show of unity in front of the world? Hmm?

Foreign concept for you, I gather.
Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'

Good for them! Why should one respect a man who warrants no respect?

Cool, why should we respect any Democratic president that is elected hereon? Let's say eh, Elizabeth Warren wins? Hmm? Why should I respect her?

If you're going to start this childish trend of doling out respect based on what politics you hold, be prepared for the consequences.
Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'


Rooting against your own country is not a good look. I don't give a rat's ass what the USWNT thinks of Trump.

Did you have to watch the game? No. But you chose to torture yourself and did so anyway. I can only equate that to psychological masochism.

Far left, far right. People who wear politics on their sleeves. You'll never want to see this country stand in unity ever again.
Most boring sport on the planet.

They should split the field in half and make the goals twice as big.

Soccer is the most watched sport on the planet. Apparently not all that boring. It is just the USA that is not very fond of soccer because we have our own thing as we Americans are fond of bucking the world norms.
HOURS played and 1 or 2 goals---hahahahhah
90 minutes of turnovers
if this is your idea of an exciting sport, =ahhahahahahahah
It is not.

I am simply stating that most of the world seems to disagree. Football is equally boring as hell. It is a 3 hour event for a one hour game.

Fucks sake.... The Game is 90 min plus extra time (about 7 min).... It is normally over in 2 hours...
poor little America hater. :itsok:
That's what YOU ARE, as proven in your posts. I love America.

If you did too, you would be in agreement with me. You prove your America hating right here, you traitor.

That's OK. My guys won the BIG ONE >>

You love fat donnie more than you love America. How do I draw that conclusion? From your posts. It's telling when you call people "traitors" for being against donnie......and you don't even bring America into it.
Cool, why should we respect any Democratic president that is elected hereon? Let's say eh, Elizabeth Warren wins? Hmm? Why should I respect her?

If you're going to start this childish trend of doling out respect based on what politics you hold, be prepared for the consequences.

We're already there.

Elizabeth Warren wouldn't be respected by the right. Donald Trump won't be respected by the left.
Great. I'm glad the USWNT won the World Cup... but how does that show unity or unite us when they won't even pay a visit to the man who represents their country to the world? I thought sports transcended politics?

Everyone, from Trump supporters to Biden supporters and anyone in between rooted for their country to win. But how does saying "F-Trump" after winning unite either side? I'm curious.

"United" States? Hardly.

If you can't rally behind the perfectly self-evident notion that the vulgar goon, who violated pretty much every requirement of decency, humanity and integrity, deserves both to be shunned and a hearty "Eff you!", unity obviously is not all that high on your list of priorities.
Great. I'm glad the USWNT won the World Cup... but how does that show unity or unite us when they won't even pay a visit to the man who represents their country to the world? I thought sports transcended politics?

Everyone, from Trump supporters to Biden supporters and anyone in between rooted for their country to win. But how does saying "F-Trump" after winning unite either side? I'm curious.

"United" States? Hardly.

If you can't rally behind the perfectly self-evident notion that the vulgar goon, who violated pretty much every requirement of decency, humanity and integrity, deserves both to be shunned and a hearty "Eff you!", unity obviously is not all that high on your list of priorities.

In English, please.
Cool, why should we respect any Democratic president that is elected hereon? Let's say eh, Elizabeth Warren wins? Hmm? Why should I respect her?

If you're going to start this childish trend of doling out respect based on what politics you hold, be prepared for the consequences.

We're already there.

Elizabeth Warren wouldn't be respected by the right. Donald Trump won't be respected by the left.

So uh... why does this thread exist? Except to stir more hatred?
Cool, why should we respect any Democratic president that is elected hereon? Let's say eh, Elizabeth Warren wins? Hmm? Why should I respect her?

If you're going to start this childish trend of doling out respect based on what politics you hold, be prepared for the consequences.

We're already there.

Elizabeth Warren wouldn't be respected by the right. Donald Trump won't be respected by the left.

So uh... why does this thread exist? Except to stir more hatred?

I think OP made that clear.
Last I heard, Trump was still inviting the team to the White House. Might be interesting to see who shows up, and what they have to say. In past White House visits, players were not too sympathetic to teammates who refused to show up.
Who would want cold french fries and greasy junk food?

Good point, what an embarrassing tradition Trump has started.

Yeah, salads and vegan burgers for sports champions.

The orange cult logic:

The orange insulting name calling people, the orange cult cheer.

People refusing to associate themselves with the bully, the orange cult attacks them for not lowering their standards.
The orange cult logic:

The orange insulting name calling people, the orange cult cheer.

People refusing to associate themselves with the bully, the orange cult attacks them for not lowering their standards.

And when a conservative journalist is attacked by Antifa thugs espousing YOUR ideologies, where do your standards go? Does it occur to you that we have two cults fighting one another?

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