I Won't Root For US World Cup Women Trump Haters

It will take many years to repair the damage done to our institutions, society, and our international reputation by this "man."
Yup, Obama did quite a hit job on us, all right. Especially with all his al Baghdadi (ISIS) COLLUSION.
Any type of healthcare system is a fuck up when you have a collective involved....
Except for all the ones that are far superior to ours by every measure...

Haha...you fools will say ANYTHING.

*adolescent meme forthcoming from above poster after furious google session
If they said same about Obama, you would be praising them.

Of course. It's just their showing insufficient subservience to the Dear Leader that makes them treasonous.

Trumpletons have standards, you hear?
"Congratulations to the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team on winning the World Cup! Great and exciting play. America is proud of you all!" - Trump just now on twitter
The Netherlands is wearing orange

They must support Trump
They represent the USA and trump is the current president.

I fail to understand why these concepts are so hard to understand. you and others seem to perfectly understand the idea of the office vs the person in almost any situation that Trump acts like an ass. Why is the other direction so difficult.
I've heard this opinion voiced by nearly every democrat and republican on this board when their man is the White House. Yet, when the opposition is in the Oval Office they store this idea away as if never existed. People who scream the loudest about respect when their favored politician is in the White House, enthusiastically attack presidents who are of the opposite party.

President John Adams was called a “hideous hermaphroditical character which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman”. The insults were returned by Adams who called Jefferson a “a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father.” In fact, every holder of the oval office is routinely insulted with every insult in the book.

Ironically, the man in office now gave no respect to his predecessor. Beginning with the birther conspiracy before Obama even took office and continuing right up until his election, the man now in office took every opportunity to denigrate and insult President Barack Obama.

So when Donald Trump does something deserving of my respect, I will respect him for it.
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How crazy that a US team win is seen as a blow to the president

Rapinoe's World Cup has to be up there with the greatest all-time talk-and-back-it-up performances in sports history. Tangle with a President and win World Cup and MVP? A socially conscious athlete pilloried for patriotism? No one will *ever* be Ali, but there's Ali in Rapinoe.
omg fox news went live in france and everyone started shouting “fuck trump” while they were live on air. vive le revolucion
So, because Trump acts like an ass we should all follow suit?

No, feel free to hold the US Women's National team to a higher standard than you would hold the President of the US.
How am I holding them to a higher standard? I don't support Trump either. That does not mean that they should shirk the office.

Go ahead and state they will not vote for him. Openly advocate that he should lose in 2020 (or even be impeached) off the field.

Accept the damn invitation and act like an adult when you win. These are not mutually exclusive.

That's awfully PC of you. Some of the players seem to think they are the people who should decide where their freedom of speech ends.
They do decide that, as the team decides when they can and cannot contuse employment for that matter. When you have to resort to such straw men you clearly have lost the thread of the conversation.

Their right to speech and where it may or may not end does not mean I cant call them out for being childish? Did I call for them to be imprisoned or other such nonsense. I never made any claim that anything should happen at all. I made a simple statement: they should show some respect for the office as they are playing on the world stage representing the US.

Their comments clearly refer to the man.

Of course you can call them out. They may call him out.
And how do you refer to the man without referring to the office?
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Megan Rapinoe, the player who feuded with Trump, quoted Nipssey Hustle in her celebration speech!
Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'
Snowflake hahahaha
So no NBA , NFL, media, soccer, Hollywood movies. Your life is gonna be soooo miserable and this is for what ? The whole world is telling you that your orange is an asshole ? Guess what he is, and you are a dumb ass for not realizing till now.
I've heard this opinion voiced by nearly every democrat and republican on this board when their man is the White House. Yet, when the opposition is in the Oval Office they store this idea away as if never existed. People who scream the loudest about respect when their favored politician is in the White House, enthusiastically attack presidents who are of the opposite party.

President John Adams was called a “hideous hermaphroditical character which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman”. The insults were returned by Adams who called Jefferson a “a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father.” In fact, every holder of the oval office is routinely insulted with every insult in the book.

Ironically, the man in office now gave no respect to his predecessor. Beginning with the birther conspiracy before Obama even took office and continuing right up until his election, the man now in office took every opportunity to denigrate and insult President Barack Obama.

So when Donald Trump does something deserving of my respect, I will respect him for it.

That's probably all perfectly correct, but...

They represent the USA and trump is not. Not the U.S., that is. Even though right-wingers love to confuse the two when "their" man is in the White House. That's the entire solution to that riddle these days.

The players are private citizens, and within their rights (just as you are) to extend the respect the man deserves. But, good luck explaining what a proud citizen is all about, including fearlessly telling truth to power, to any right-winger on this board.
You don't care about America or our national teams....you only care about your messiah, fat donnie.
YOU don't care about America or our national teams. If you did, you wouldn't support these foul-mouthed bitches.

You only care about your mindless hatred for President Trump.
The thread title says it all.....it's not about supporting America....it's following fat donnie as a cultist.
Most boring sport on the planet.

They should split the field in half and make the goals twice as big.
Correction: most watched, most played and most popular sport on the planet is soccer.
US player Ali Krieger said she's not going to the white house because trump deserves "no respect"

Ali? that's a muslim man's name!
BULLSHIT goal. Bad call by the referee who should have known better after watching the replay. The Dutch player was merely trying to kick the ball.

If the traitors win by 1 point, it won't be legit.
That shows you know nothing about the game. Haha

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