I Won't Root For US World Cup Women Trump Haters

Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'
Soccer is a sport?

Dude, just stick to your hot dog eating from a string on the back of your bitches Harley.
Really, you whiny little piece of alt-white shit.

A grifter supporter whining about personal attacks...where’s that worlds smallest violin?
I don't bother with incoherence. Try you local lunatic house.
Why do you talk about a spot you know nothing about?
I don't talk about spots. Do you ? :auiqs.jpg:

Trump was in Japan, representing the US on the world stage, when he gave Kim Jong Un a verbal handjob for saying Joe Biden was low-IQ. Trump was in Helsinki representing the US (on the world stage again), when he disavowed the work of US intel agencies, and clung to Putin's "very strong denial".

Trump doesn't respect himself, or he would behave with a little class.
So, because Trump acts like an ass we should all follow suit?

No, feel free to hold the US Women's National team to a higher standard than you would hold the President of the US.
How am I holding them to a higher standard? I don't support Trump either. That does not mean that they should shirk the office.

Go ahead and state they will not vote for him. Openly advocate that he should lose in 2020 (or even be impeached) off the field.

Accept the damn invitation and act like an adult when you win. These are not mutually exclusive.

That's awfully PC of you. Some of the players seem to think they are the people who should decide where their freedom of speech ends.
They do decide that, as the team decides when they can and cannot contuse employment for that matter. When you have to resort to such straw men you clearly have lost the thread of the conversation.

Their right to speech and where it may or may not end does not mean I cant call them out for being childish? Did I call for them to be imprisoned or other such nonsense. I never made any claim that anything should happen at all. I made a simple statement: they should show some respect for the office as they are playing on the world stage representing the US.

Their comments clearly refer to the man.

Of course you can call them out. They may call him out.
First off, I think Obama is the 2nd worst POTUS ever, so that is hardly support and second...

You are very confused, let me help you out...here is the name of the team...United States Women's National Soccer Team
That is merely FORM. And form is always TRUMPED solidly by CONTENT. Get it ?

As for your support of Obama, didn't you go to the length of trying to credit the 2009-2015 rebound to him ? That's excessively supportive. You also downplayed his 2016 recession, no?

Nope, I have never given Trump credit for anything but fucking up the healthcare system more than it was.
Any type of healthcare system is a fuck up when you have a collective involved....
Socialism does not work
Any type of healthcare system is a fuck up when you have a collective involved....
Except for all the ones that are far superior to ours by every measure...

Haha...you fools will say ANYTHING.

*adolescent meme forthcoming from above poster after furious google session
Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'
If they said same about Obama, you would be praising them.
Great Game and a Great Team, a credit to USA.
Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'

Team USA! You ROCK!

Nobody is a "traitor" just because they refuse to dance attendance to the scum in the Oval Office. They did a spectacular job.
All of this against Trump from the TV/entertainment propaganda indoctrination. I guarantee you most if not all of the Progs will leave Dodge if things get bad. Even the small percentage of tough ones. Didn't even give the man a chance......

What "TV/entertainment propaganda indoctrination"? You idiots keep repeating that the rest of us are "indoctrinated," but you never present any specifics, and you were the ones chanting "lock her up." I don't watch political shows much. Talking heads don't interest me.

It will take many years to repair the damage done to our institutions, society, and our international reputation by this "man."
Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'
If they said same about Obama, you would be praising them.
Great Game and a Great Team, a credit to USA.
Soccer is a sport?

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