I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on

Whenever I read comments by politicians defending the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Predator and Reaper program – aka drones – I wish I could ask them a few questions. I'd start with: "How many women and children have you seen incinerated by a Hellfire missile?" And: "How many men have you seen crawl across a field, trying to make it to the nearest compound for help while bleeding out from severed legs?" Or even more pointedly: "How many soldiers have you seen die on the side of a road in Afghanistan because our ever-so-accurate UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] were unable to detect an IED [improvised explosive device] that awaited their convoy?"

Few of these politicians who so brazenly proclaim the benefits of drones have a real clue of what actually goes on. I, on the other hand, have seen these awful sights first hand.

I knew the names of some of the young soldiers I saw bleed to death on the side of a road. I watched dozens of military-aged males die in Afghanistan, in empty fields, along riversides, and some right outside the compound where their family was waiting for them to return home from the mosque.

I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on | Heather Linebaugh | Comment is free | theguardian.com

Interesting take from an actual drone pilot. Turns out they're not as precise as the government would have us believe, as if there was any doubt, and they don't simply target militants since they sometimes have no idea who they're targeting at all. Again, as if there was any doubt.

Cry me a river, Gertrude...if you don't want to get droned, stop fighting.
The use of the drones in Afghanistan and Iraq were just practice sessions , warm ups for the real deal, the showdown between Comrade Barack and white, Christian, Conservative Americans, those're Comrade Baracks's real enemies. The conflict between the two sides will be the end all and be all, the final conflict, the American Armageddon.
Whenever I read comments by politicians defending the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Predator and Reaper program – aka drones – I wish I could ask them a few questions. I'd start with: "How many women and children have you seen incinerated by a Hellfire missile?" And: "How many men have you seen crawl across a field, trying to make it to the nearest compound for help while bleeding out from severed legs?".


The "people" don't give a shit. The Congrescritters must cater to the warmongers , the military industrial complex and the Zionists. Nobody gives a fuck if some innocent muslim is murdered.

You do the math.

Whenever I read comments by politicians defending the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Predator and Reaper program – aka drones – I wish I could ask them a few questions. I'd start with: "How many women and children have you seen incinerated by a Hellfire missile?" And: "How many men have you seen crawl across a field, trying to make it to the nearest compound for help while bleeding out from severed legs?".


The "people" don't give a shit. The Congrescritters must cater to the warmongers , the military industrial complex and the Zionists. Nobody gives a fuck if some innocent muslim is murdered.

You do the math.


Avoid the target zone Gertrude...move to Chicago....
Drones are merely technology, and despite the article caution, are much more accurate than other air delivered munitions.

The issue is not 'what' or 'where' but 'how' and 'why.'
Whenever I read comments by politicians defending the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Predator and Reaper program – aka drones – I wish I could ask them a few questions. I'd start with: "How many women and children have you seen incinerated by a Hellfire missile?" And: "How many men have you seen crawl across a field, trying to make it to the nearest compound for help while bleeding out from severed legs?" Or even more pointedly: "How many soldiers have you seen die on the side of a road in Afghanistan because our ever-so-accurate UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] were unable to detect an IED [improvised explosive device] that awaited their convoy?"

Few of these politicians who so brazenly proclaim the benefits of drones have a real clue of what actually goes on. I, on the other hand, have seen these awful sights first hand.

I knew the names of some of the young soldiers I saw bleed to death on the side of a road. I watched dozens of military-aged males die in Afghanistan, in empty fields, along riversides, and some right outside the compound where their family was waiting for them to return home from the mosque.

I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on | Heather Linebaugh | Comment is free | theguardian.com

Interesting take from an actual drone pilot. Turns out they're not as precise as the government would have us believe, as if there was any doubt, and they don't simply target militants since they sometimes have no idea who they're targeting at all. Again, as if there was any doubt.

Having no idea who a terrorist (suspected) is is not the same thing as targeting an innocent. Not as precise? What precisely does that mean?
Drones are merely technology, and despite the article caution, are much more accurate than other air delivered munitions.

The issue is not 'what' or 'where' but 'how' and 'why.'

I guess you guys are unaware of how many lawyers and ROE stand between the drone and the target.
Notice how the far left posters don't seem to care about the collateral damage, let an (R) get back in the white house and see how this all changes.
Notice how the far left posters don't seem to care about the collateral damage, let an (R) get back in the white house and see how this all changes.

Even the President is on record caring about cd...

wtf are you talking about?

She's working real hard at being a "useful idiot" for the faux Right, but has only managed to nail down the latter part. But I must admit, she has nailed it solidly.
The use of the drones in Afghanistan and Iraq were just practice sessions , warm ups for the real deal, the showdown between Comrade Barack and white, Christian, Conservative Americans, those're Comrade Baracks's real enemies. The conflict between the two sides will be the end all and be all, the final conflict, the American Armageddon.

Put down the bong, shut off Alex Jones, and put your tin foil to better use.
Yes the far left controls the senate and the WH and the drone strikes have intensified and collateral damage is ten fold of that before Nov 2008.

Sure the far left cares and anyone believing that is just a far left Obama drone.
The far left only cared about the collateral damage before Nov 2008. Now they could care less.

The far left still cares about collateral damage. They are very angry at Obama.

Really? If they are angry they have a really funny way of showing it. On Obama's orders a 16 year old American was killed. Maybe it was an accident but they did it any way. What did Gibbs say? The boy should have had a better father. Cold blooded liberals.
The far left only cared about the collateral damage before Nov 2008. Now they could care less.

The far left still cares about collateral damage. They are very angry at Obama.

Really? If they are angry they have a really funny way of showing it. On Obama's orders a 16 year old American was killed. Maybe it was an accident but they did it any way. What did Gibbs say? The boy should have had a better father. Cold blooded liberals.

See posts 11, 13, and 18.
Here's some more far lefties angry at Obama over collateral damage:

Brian Becker discusses criminal U.S. drone strikes

International ANSWER is a front organization for the WWP. It does not get more far left than that.

They were the organizing force behind the largest street protests against the Iraq war during the Bush Administration. Those protests you saw of tens of thousands in the streets? That was ANSWER's handiwork.

As you can see, they are now pissed off at Obama over his drone strikes.

March In Washington, D.C., demands an end to drone warfare.

So when is the impeachment? Or is it just hot air coming from liberals to sooth their conscience?
Here's some more far lefties angry at Obama over collateral damage:

Brian Becker discusses criminal U.S. drone strikes

International ANSWER is a front organization for the WWP. It does not get more far left than that.

They were the organizing force behind the largest street protests against the Iraq war during the Bush Administration. Those protests you saw of tens of thousands in the streets? That was ANSWER's handiwork.

As you can see, they are now pissed off at Obama over his drone strikes.

March In Washington, D.C., demands an end to drone warfare.

So when is the impeachment? Or is it just hot air coming from liberals to sooth their conscience?

Why should there be an impeachment over drone strikes? Show me an impeachable offense.

It's not like Obama is drone bombing liquor store hold-up men the way Rand Paul would.

No, Obama's killing Muslims. Lots of them. That should warm the cockles of the heart of any faux rightie.
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The far left still cares about collateral damage. They are very angry at Obama.

Really? If they are angry they have a really funny way of showing it. On Obama's orders a 16 year old American was killed. Maybe it was an accident but they did it any way. What did Gibbs say? The boy should have had a better father. Cold blooded liberals.

See posts 11, 13, and 18.

I didn't look at them all but can you provide one liberal on this board that gives a rat's ass? The conservatives are not a whole lot better.
The far left still cares about collateral damage. They are very angry at Obama.

Really? If they are angry they have a really funny way of showing it. On Obama's orders a 16 year old American was killed. Maybe it was an accident but they did it any way. What did Gibbs say? The boy should have had a better father. Cold blooded liberals.

See posts 11, 13, and 18.

Which proves nothing!

If there was a real point in showing that the far left cares then there would be links to all the bills that have been passed by the far left House (from 2008 to 2010) and the far left senate showing their caring nature on this subject.

However no such evidence has bee produced thus proving the far left does NOT care.
Here's some more far lefties angry at Obama over collateral damage:

Brian Becker discusses criminal U.S. drone strikes

International ANSWER is a front organization for the WWP. It does not get more far left than that.

They were the organizing force behind the largest street protests against the Iraq war during the Bush Administration. Those protests you saw of tens of thousands in the streets? That was ANSWER's handiwork.

As you can see, they are now pissed off at Obama over his drone strikes.

March In Washington, D.C., demands an end to drone warfare.

So when is the impeachment? Or is it just hot air coming from liberals to sooth their conscience?

Why should there be an impeachment over drone strikes? Show me an impeachable offense.

It's not like Obama is drone bombing liquor store hold-up men the way Rand Paul would.

No, Obama's killing Muslims. Lots of them. That should warm the cockles of the heart of any faux rightie.

Far left propaganda!

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