I would hope no straight man is watching the Royal Wedding

I'm watching Richard Boone. Is it me? Or is that one ugly sumbich?

It's like he fell out the top of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.

I think that's the ugliest man I've ever seen, and he had a TV show.

PS: How come they don't show Tarzan anymore?
he was great in Big Jake
they don't show Tarzan because it is politically incorrect--a white man ''supreme'' in the jungle
Watched Tarzan on Turner Classics last weekend

They showed Jane swimming completely in the nude. Not bad for the 1930s
Because if u are u need your man card revoked immediately. I bet miketx is watching
Plenty of strait men will end up watching it. All I watched was disney for twenty five straight years. I bought that fucking TV you would have thought I could get control of the remote every once in a while! You have a wife and kids you end up watching shit you do not want to watch!

Glad me not married
I regret it!

My friends's wife helped him create a man cave

a room with a big screen TV where he can watch programs geared toward men
I had to get divorced to get any thing for myself!
Because if u are u need your man card revoked immediately. I bet miketx is watching
Plenty of strait men will end up watching it. All I watched was disney for twenty five straight years. I bought that fucking TV you would have thought I could get control of the remote every once in a while! You have a wife and kids you end up watching shit you do not want to watch!

Glad me not married
I regret it!

My friends's wife helped him create a man cave

a room with a big screen TV where he can watch programs geared toward men
I had to get divorced to get any thing for myself!

Plenty of strait men will end up watching it. All I watched was disney for twenty five straight years. I bought that fucking TV you would have thought I could get control of the remote every once in a while! You have a wife and kids you end up watching shit you do not want to watch!

Glad me not married
I regret it!

My friends's wife helped him create a man cave

a room with a big screen TV where he can watch programs geared toward men
I had to get divorced to get any thing for myself!

I made a bad decision. Does not mean you would too! You may get lucky when looking for a partner!
I don't understand why so many American men put such stock in fantasies brought to them in old movies and TV shows to provide them with an identity. Watch the wedding, play golf, play pool, do the laundry, sleep in, mow the lawn, bake a cake. What does it matter? Why do you need to follow a script to know who you are? Are you that scared?

Noting that the principals in this ceremony were one man and one woman, I would say that this is a good day for heterosexuality. We hear so much bad about it from disrespectful heterosexuals who are into insult and domination, not LGBTs, that it was good to see a smiling commitment to love one another, the same as we saw in the days after LGBTs were finally allowed to wed. Why wouldn't a heterosexual celebrate this couple holding hands through their ceremony? What's so bad about coming out as a loving heterosexual? Ashamed of it?

Loved the dress. Loved the selection of "Stand By Me" as their song. Thought the Bishop, while saying some great things about love, was a bit long-winded.
I don't understand why so many American men put such stock in fantasies brought to them in old movies and TV shows to provide them with an identity. Watch the wedding, play golf, play pool, do the laundry, sleep in, mow the lawn, bake a cake. What does it matter? Why do you need to follow a script to know who you are? Are you that scared?

Noting that the principals in this ceremony were one man and one woman, I would say that this is a good day for heterosexuality. We hear so much bad about it from disrespectful heterosexuals who are into insult and domination, not LGBTs, that it was good to see a smiling commitment to love one another, the same as we saw in the days after LGBTs were finally allowed to wed. Why wouldn't a heterosexual celebrate this couple holding hands through their ceremony? What's so bad about coming out as a loving heterosexual? Ashamed of it?

Loved the dress. Loved the selection of "Stand By Me" as their song. Thought the Bishop, while saying some great things about love, was a bit long-winded.

Stand By me, you say? :04:

I don't understand why so many American men put such stock in fantasies brought to them in old movies and TV shows to provide them with an identity. Watch the wedding, play golf, play pool, do the laundry, sleep in, mow the lawn, bake a cake. What does it matter? Why do you need to follow a script to know who you are? Are you that scared?

Noting that the principals in this ceremony were one man and one woman, I would say that this is a good day for heterosexuality. We hear so much bad about it from disrespectful heterosexuals who are into insult and domination, not LGBTs, that it was good to see a smiling commitment to love one another, the same as we saw in the days after LGBTs were finally allowed to wed. Why wouldn't a heterosexual celebrate this couple holding hands through their ceremony? What's so bad about coming out as a loving heterosexual? Ashamed of it?

Loved the dress. Loved the selection of "Stand By Me" as their song. Thought the Bishop, while saying some great things about love, was a bit long-winded.

Stand By me, you say? :04:

One of the all time greatest movies! That group reminded me of my budies back then. Seems like the best freinds were created during childhood. I did not watch, I wonder which version of stand by me! John Lennon version maybe?
I don't understand why so many American men put such stock in fantasies brought to them in old movies and TV shows to provide them with an identity. Watch the wedding, play golf, play pool, do the laundry, sleep in, mow the lawn, bake a cake. What does it matter? Why do you need to follow a script to know who you are? Are you that scared?

Noting that the principals in this ceremony were one man and one woman, I would say that this is a good day for heterosexuality. We hear so much bad about it from disrespectful heterosexuals who are into insult and domination, not LGBTs, that it was good to see a smiling commitment to love one another, the same as we saw in the days after LGBTs were finally allowed to wed. Why wouldn't a heterosexual celebrate this couple holding hands through their ceremony? What's so bad about coming out as a loving heterosexual? Ashamed of it?

Loved the dress. Loved the selection of "Stand By Me" as their song. Thought the Bishop, while saying some great things about love, was a bit long-winded.
How long did the Bishop have to explain that fire was a good thing?
You know what? I bet a lot the younger people have never even seen that movie, even thought it's a "must see" type movie. :eek:

"Stand By Me" that is.
You know what? I bet a lot the younger people have never even seen that movie, even thought it's a "must see" type movie. :eek:

"Stand By Me" that is.
Kids today could learn a bit about freindship that is for sure. i could still call my buddies from back then if I were in trouble. They would fill pick up trucks with family and arms if I asked them too. I would do the same!
I don't understand why so many American men put such stock in fantasies brought to them in old movies and TV shows to provide them with an identity. Watch the wedding, play golf, play pool, do the laundry, sleep in, mow the lawn, bake a cake. What does it matter? Why do you need to follow a script to know who you are? Are you that scared?

Noting that the principals in this ceremony were one man and one woman, I would say that this is a good day for heterosexuality. We hear so much bad about it from disrespectful heterosexuals who are into insult and domination, not LGBTs, that it was good to see a smiling commitment to love one another, the same as we saw in the days after LGBTs were finally allowed to wed. Why wouldn't a heterosexual celebrate this couple holding hands through their ceremony? What's so bad about coming out as a loving heterosexual? Ashamed of it?

Loved the dress. Loved the selection of "Stand By Me" as their song. Thought the Bishop, while saying some great things about love, was a bit long-winded.
How long did the Bishop have to explain that fire was a good thing?
Fire bad.
2 years down the road....we're all gonna have ring side seats to the biggest Royal Fuckup Family Fights in history.
Two spoiled ass hot head brats and neither have the character or demeanor the royals had 100 years ago. Dis gone be guuuud.

I saw one small clip of the wedding. The black girl was getting out of the car clomping around like a graceless gorilla. She should have taken lessons and practiced. She looked like one of the famous "Woman in White" that are said to haunt the various castles, except where they were said to glide, the poor black girl was trying not to fall down.

She was no doubt figuring out how long she had to stay married to the clueless ginger before she got her payoff.
I totally forgot about it, but after seeing some photos, think the wedding dress was gorgeous. Very classy.

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