I Would Rather Have A Dog Than A Muslim

Dog OR muslim?

  • Dog

    Votes: 29 93.5%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 2 6.5%

  • Total voters
Some time ago I head about a poll that was taken that asked the question, if a man saw a stranger in danger of losing his life at the same moment his own dog faced death, which would you save?

Sadly, many people responded that they would save their dog's life over the stranger's life.

I cannot agree with that. A human life is far more precious than an animals life.
The Bible should be the foundation of our decisions.

Jesus was questioned about which was the great commandment in the law:

Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Matthew 22:36-40

Love is what touches the heart of a person. Love doesn't ask, "What will this cost me?" Love does not ask, "Who is this for?" Love is like water that conforms perfectly to whatever situation it is placed into, filling it completely without any place left untouched. I know that my answer will not please many of you but I am reminded of Paul who said, If I were still a pleaser of men I could not preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I would save my cat and mind my own business otherwise.

The cat is a part of my family. It counts as a child to me.

Cats, dogs, horses, and ponies are very smart creatures and they deserve the same rights as humans.

I have no problem with being a good Samaritan -- I have done that many many times.

But I would not neglect my cat for someone else.
From the OP:

Clifton Green, a 36-year-old father-of-two from Salford, said his street was leafleted. The family have a puppy. He said: ‘There are mixed messages on Facebook. There are people who are suggesting that this is being done to get a rise out of people but it could be people that are against Muslims – to whip up issues.

What a retarded poll.

YET ANOTHER FALSE FLAG thing to harass innocent muslims? SHEEEEEEESH.

These horror stories inevitably turn out to be fake, but y'all fall for them every time.

Yeah, just like the one they made up about Lee Rigby getting killed on the street or all those thousands of underage girls getting raped in Rotherham and elsewhere.

When are these evil journalists ever going to stop inventing these misdeeds, anyway?
The poll choices are inadequate. I'd rather have a cute widdle pot belly piglet.

View attachment 81402

Of course, the pigs are also our friends, especially the baby pigs :smile:


What cute little woowoos!
Some time ago I head about a poll that was taken that asked the question, if a man saw a stranger in danger of losing his life at the same moment his own dog faced death, which would you save?

Sadly, many people responded that they would save their dog's life over the stranger's life.

I cannot agree with that. A human life is far more precious than an animals life.
The Bible should be the foundation of our decisions.

Jesus was questioned about which was the great commandment in the law:

Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Matthew 22:36-40

Love is what touches the heart of a person. Love doesn't ask, "What will this cost me?" Love does not ask, "Who is this for?" Love is like water that conforms perfectly to whatever situation it is placed into, filling it completely without any place left untouched. I know that my answer will not please many of you but I am reminded of Paul who said, If I were still a pleaser of men I could not preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Well my dogs will never betray me I can't say that about any human I have ever met

so I'll take my dogs over anyone
I know some good people, but I would take my dog over a Hillary (or Obungles) supporter any day....
From the OP:

Clifton Green, a 36-year-old father-of-two from Salford, said his street was leafleted. The family have a puppy. He said: ‘There are mixed messages on Facebook. There are people who are suggesting that this is being done to get a rise out of people but it could be people that are against Muslims – to whip up issues.

Senior Cheetham Hill councillor Naeem Hassan branded the idea nonsense and told the M.E.N he believed the messages were designed to divide communities. Other residents in nearby Salford also aired their scepticism.

Fayyaz Ali, 39, who lives on Pentlands Avenue in Salford, is Muslim and has two dogs. He thinks the leaflets are a scam to incite hatred in the community, and he said no Muslim organisation would post such leaflets.

He told the M.E.N: “This has got to be a scam. I’m a Muslim and the Muslim law says that if you live in a country that is not Muslim, which is England, you respect the law of the land.

“The Muslim law does not apply in any different country. For example, my parents are from Pakistan. If I had a problem living here I should go back to Pakistan and live there.

Source: Leaflets calling for a ban on dogs in public because they are 'impure' are posted to houses in Cheetham Hill

What a retarded poll.

We all prefer the dogs and you love dogs also, so that's all anyone needs to know, you love dogs also :thup:

She claims to love dogs, but absolutely devotes herself to promoting those who hate them.

She might as well claim to love roses while hitting them with massive doses of roundup every day.

You cannot believe a damn thing this double-talking creature says.
Some time ago I head about a poll that was taken that asked the question, if a man saw a stranger in danger of losing his life at the same moment his own dog faced death, which would you save?

Sadly, many people responded that they would save their dog's life over the stranger's life.

I cannot agree with that. A human life is far more precious than an animals life.
The Bible should be the foundation of our decisions.

Jesus was questioned about which was the great commandment in the law:

Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Matthew 22:36-40

Love is what touches the heart of a person. Love doesn't ask, "What will this cost me?" Love does not ask, "Who is this for?" Love is like water that conforms perfectly to whatever situation it is placed into, filling it completely without any place left untouched. I know that my answer will not please many of you but I am reminded of Paul who said, If I were still a pleaser of men I could not preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I would save my cat and mind my own business otherwise.

The cat is a part of my family. It counts as a child to me.....

That's sad.
Owning a dog and a Muslim subjects the dog to numerous rapings, and no Fido or Fidette derserves such treatment.
Dogs are capable of learning.
Now be fair, not all muslims are as stupid as coyote.
Well, now I feel like being fair to coyote, because I don't think she is stupid at all. On fact, she strikes me as having been a solid c+ student from school.

Coyote does not do what she does because she is stupid. She does what she does because she is devious in service to Islam.
The poll choices are inadequate. I'd rather have a cute widdle pot belly piglet.

View attachment 81402

Of course, the pigs are also our friends, especially the baby pigs :smile:


Adorable!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^:biggrin:
Yeah but wait when they hit 600 pounds.

Those are Micro Mini Baby Pigs, so they won't grow into Mega Pigs, they'll stay small, they're bred essentially to be pets.

Here's another Micro Mini Pig.


The size comparison between Micro Mini Pigs and other pigs.


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