I would vilify Trump if he

Remember, the documents were all turned over to the FBI, and if not, then they weren't classified anyways, and if they were, then Trump declassified them because Trump can declassify things retroactively just by thinking about it.

And Trump did not pack the boxes, so he didn't know their contents, but those contents were safe because someone put another lock on the door to protect the classified material.

And so what if he did do it, Clinton and Obama did it too, but in any case, everything was planted by the FBI.

Does that about cover it, Trump cultists?
I ask Again. If they were so dangerous why did the Justice Dept wait 18 mos to grab them? Maybe Lisa Page can tell us?
They didn't wait 18 months. Subpoenas for the material were issued months ago, along with requests to better secure what was sought. Trump did add a padlock to the door, but that is all the increased security he bothered with, and the FBI lost faith that trump would ever willingly turn the material over.
They waited 18 mos. If it were a matter of national security you can get a warrant in five minutes and raid the property. So the FBI was OK with him having the material until they saw that he may announce a 2024 run. Does that about cover it?
Because they kept asking nicely first, over and over and over.

Do keep up with current events, eh? I shouldn't have to educate you on the basics.

Wrong. He told them months ago that they could take whatever they needed. Its just more deception, propaganda, and lies by the fbi. Nobody cares what they say so they must amp up the rhetoric and hyperbole exponentially to snare a pigeon now. This is what people who lie do.
You put me on ignore for years. You’re a race baiting pro cancel culture cancer. Inflation has everything to do with Biden. Read a book instead of burning it.
You're projecting again little boy. Inflation is worldwide as a result of the pandemic. Try reading something besides cartoon and right wing trash.
Wrong. He told them months ago that they could take whatever they needed. Its just more deception, propaganda, and lies by the fbi. Nobody cares what they say so they must amp up the rhetoric and hyperbole exponentially to snare a pigeon now. This is what people who lie do.
Dramatization is trending, though the Republic will be saved by operations in three real-time dimensions. Weaning from screenal space is becoming an attractive option.
He plead guilty, at some point he admitted to taking them and destroying them.
Because they kept asking nicely first, over and over and over.

Do keep up with current events, eh? I shouldn't have to educate you on the basics.
So if it was so dangerous why would they ask nicely? I mean if he is such a danger to Democracy? Could it be that he was about to announce his run for 2024?

You're projecting again little boy. Inflation is worldwide as a result of the pandemic. Try reading something besides cartoon and right wing trash.
Don’t deflect. You put me on ignore. You are pro cancel culture. You have zero say here. Go away you’re not wanted you race baiting waste of life.
Because he was the president, and because he has a habit of stirring up legions of violent unstable traitors.

You're not really as dumb as you sound here, so why are you pretending that you are?
Hold on. He has a a habit? One time = habit? And if the fake news media didn’t stir the pot on a stolen election and call BLM riots mostly peaceful there is no Jan 6th. Most Americans don’t trust the election process. So I ask again if they saw him as a danger to national security why wait 18 mos to do this!? 18 mos!!!!! They should not even waited 18 days. You’re as dumb as you sound, crazy cat lady.
Hold on. He has a a habit? One time = habit? And if the fake news media didn’t stir the pot on a stolen election and call BLM riots mostly peaceful there is no Jan 6th. Most Americans don’t trust the election process. So I ask again if they saw him as a danger to national security why wait 18 mos to do this!? 18 mos!!!!! They should not even waited 18 days. You’re as dumb as you sound, crazy cat lady.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you really _are_ as dumb as you sound.
All you need to know about the OP:

View attachment 681689

He’s a Treason Trump worshipper or better known as a nut. Let’s enjoy the pity show.
Maybe you should post the context to be an honest person? I followed That up with “at least he answered questions”. Funny how your posts are like the news channels you watch. Full of deceit. What a loser you are.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you really _are_ as dumb as you sound.
I accept Your surrender. So if a terrorists is planning a terror attack, the FBI in your view should wait 18 mos to arrest them? Stupid crazy cat lady. LOL

You’re dismissed, defect.
Do you really think that another delusional BDS rant is going to save DearLeader?

It's clear that you're grieving the death of your cult. Move past the "denial" stage already.
No bds when what happened would make a reasonable person question biden's actions.
Maybe you should post the context to be an honest person? I followed That up with “at least he answered questions”. Funny how your posts are like the news channels you watch. Full of deceit. What a loser you are.
I like to use that pic when I can. The context of your OP was disingenuous and full of bullshit. An eye for an eye.
  • Sat there as the price of gas doubled and the price of food increased by approx. 40%;

It's a global commodities recession - deal.

  • Withdrew from Afghanistan and several US soldiers died and left billions of weapons behind making us look so weak that Putin and Xi felt empowered to impose their will on Ukraine and Taiwan, respectively;

It was Trump's stupid treaty with the Taliban that forced us to leave on a timetable. Worse, Team MAGA negotiated directly with the Taliban without the involvement of the Afghan government that we were spending billions to support. But I realize that Republicans only cared about 'gubmint' waste when Obama was president.

  • Ignored the southern border and thousands of illegals pouring into our country;

How is Biden supposed to stop people who enter Mexico illegally from moving through Mexico to attempt an illegal border crossing into the US?

  • Shrugged as prosecutors in leftist cities allowed criminals to walk free while supporting the defund the police movement;

I'm with you on this one - to a point. We also need to start really investing a lot more money into recruiting and professional training of local police departments. Defund was a stupid slogan; if anything we need double the funding, but it needs to be spent smarter too, and come with some strings attached. That would solve both the left's and the right's gripes about policing.

  • Appointed a Supreme Court justice who could not or would not define what a woman is;

Didn't want to play stupid little word games of racist homophobes - good for her.
No, he _said_ he did that. That's an entirely different thing.

This is Trump. He lies about _everything_, even when there's no need to lie. It's a habit he can't break. Non-cultists understand that.

Yeah, he has before but the fbi lied about the fake russian dossier and collusion and was shown to be a hoax. This is about suppressing the populace. The fbi now knows that it can do anything without repercussions because no one will hold them accountable for their deceptive nature.

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