IAF Bombers Over Syria: al-Qa'ida's Air Force

"...I see. With your earlier claims being completely dismantled, you're forced to retreat to something completely unrelated..."
He does that a lot.

And he's not the only one, on that side of the fence.

"...Oh, I couldn't help but chuckle at the 'Islam is a religion of peace' claim that linked to Loonwatch"
Somebody forgot to cc: Muhammed on that memo.
And Moses, yet another highly esteemed pedophile.

Warrior Prophet: Moses or Muhammad? | loonwatch.com
What the hell does Moses or pedophilia have to do with claims that Islam is a religion of peace?

Is there a clinical reason why you cannot remain focused on the subject matters?
He does that a lot.

And he's not the only one, on that side of the fence.

Somebody forgot to cc: Muhammed on that memo.
And Moses, yet another highly esteemed pedophile.

Warrior Prophet: Moses or Muhammad? | loonwatch.com
What the hell does Moses or pedophilia have to do with claims that Islam is a religion of peace?

Is there a clinical reason why you cannot remain focused on the subject matters?

What is your excuse for departing from the thread topic?

It is not about the nature of Islam, whether it is a religion of peace or not.

Learn to read English.
did sherri just claim that "ISLAM" has nothing to do with the topic "MIDDLE EAST"??
And Moses, yet another highly esteemed pedophile.

Warrior Prophet: Moses or Muhammad? | loonwatch.com
What the hell does Moses or pedophilia have to do with claims that Islam is a religion of peace?

Is there a clinical reason why you cannot remain focused on the subject matters?

What is your excuse for departing from the thread topic?

It is not about the nature of Islam, whether it is a religion of peace or not.

Learn to read English.
My comment is linked to the side-comment made by George in No. 37...

"...'Islam is a religion of peace' claim..."

Next time, DO try to ensure that you have correctly identified the person who initiated the sidebar, before you begin throwing rocks at someone for participating in one, eh?

Besides, I was not aware that USMB had crafted a new Rule which states...

"Anytime that a poster wishes to comment upon a sidebar which surfaces in a thread in which Sherri is participating, that poster must first seek and obtain the permission of Sherri before doing so."

Pffffftttt !!!

Translation: Epic Fail.

Any other insignificant nits to pick, while we're at it?
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"...The US has maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of Muslims since 911..."
And we're not done yet... you should have left us alone on 9-11... too late now, though.


Most Americans have no heart or balls, or the strength of belief in this ill-defined mission(an endless war). Occupations never succeed. I don't think America will be successful in the long run in the "War on Terror".

sherri and georgie endorsed this idiotic post. The occupation of Japan
was SOOOO successful for Japan------that a movie regarding the benefits
of occupation by the USA------came around in the 1960s----REMEMBER?


for the benefits to gazans-----find a gazan who remembers
life in Gaza----pre 1967----better yet---OFFER THE
BEST-----tack yourselves back onto EGYPT as
What the hell does Moses or pedophilia have to do with claims that Islam is a religion of peace?

Is there a clinical reason why you cannot remain focused on the subject matters?

What is your excuse for departing from the thread topic?

It is not about the nature of Islam, whether it is a religion of peace or not.

Learn to read English.
My comment is linked to the side-comment made by George in No. 37...

"...'Islam is a religion of peace' claim..."

Next time, DO try to ensure that you have correctly identified the person who initiated the sidebar, before you begin throwing rocks at someone for participating in one, eh?

Besides, I was not aware that USMB had crafted a new Rule which states...

"Anytime that a poster wishes to comment upon a sidebar which surfaces in a thread in which Sherri is participating, that poster must first seek and obtain the permission of Sherri before doing so."

Pffffftttt !!!

Translation: Epic Fail.

Any other insignificant nits to pick, while we're at it?

No rules about side comments I find but the rules you make up.

When you choose to embark on your regular I hate Islam rant, expect posters to respond.
What is your excuse for departing from the thread topic?

It is not about the nature of Islam, whether it is a religion of peace or not.

Learn to read English.
My comment is linked to the side-comment made by George in No. 37...

"...'Islam is a religion of peace' claim..."

Next time, DO try to ensure that you have correctly identified the person who initiated the sidebar, before you begin throwing rocks at someone for participating in one, eh?

Besides, I was not aware that USMB had crafted a new Rule which states...

"Anytime that a poster wishes to comment upon a sidebar which surfaces in a thread in which Sherri is participating, that poster must first seek and obtain the permission of Sherri before doing so."

Pffffftttt !!!

Translation: Epic Fail.

Any other insignificant nits to pick, while we're at it?

No rules about side comments I find but the rules you make up.

When you choose to embark on your regular I hate Islam rant, expect posters to respond.

Can someone explain to me why sherri outlaws "I HATE...." rants depending
ENTIRELY upon the object of the "HATE" Perhaps she can post a list
of LEGAL TARGETS OF HATE -----as per the jihado nazi creed.
"...When you choose to embark on your regular I hate Islam rant, expect posters to respond."

Isn't it amazing, how when Sherri vomits hate-filled bile, it's all in the name of protecting others, but when anyone working the other side of the street says (or even implies) anything negative about her favorite adopted people and their so-called prophet, suddenly, it's borderline hate-speech? Pfffffftttt !!! Just another dogmatic.
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"...No rules about side comments I find but the rules you make up..."
More like the rules you have swiirling around your head, which others give voice to, when necessary...

To bring you back to reality with the repeated revelation that you are not the Ex-Officio Board Police... you're just another poster.
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And we're not done yet... you should have left us alone on 9-11... too late now, though.


Most Americans have no heart or balls, or the strength of belief in this ill-defined mission(an endless war). Occupations never succeed. I don't think America will be successful in the long run in the "War on Terror".

sherri and georgie endorsed this idiotic post. The occupation of Japan
was SOOOO successful for Japan------that a movie regarding the benefits
of occupation by the USA------came around in the 1960s----REMEMBER?


for the benefits to gazans-----find a gazan who remembers
life in Gaza----pre 1967----better yet---OFFER THE
BEST-----tack yourselves back onto EGYPT as
"Two weeks into the occupation, the Japanese press began to report on rapes and looting.13 MacArthur responded by promptly censoring all media. Monica Braw, whose research revealed that even mention of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and particularly the effects of the bomb on civilians, were censored, maintains that pervasive censorship continued throughout the occupation years.

"'It [censorship] covered all means of communications and set up rules that were so general as to cover everything. It did not specify subjects prohibited, did not state punishment for violations, although it was clear that there were such punishments, and prohibited all discussion even about the existence of the censorship itself.'14

"Censorship was not limited to the Japanese press.

"MacArthur threw prominent American journalists such as Gordon Walker, editor of the Christian Science Monitor, and Frank Hawley of the New York Times out of Japan for disobeying his orders. Even internal military reports were censored.15

"Five months after the occupation began, one in four American soldiers had contracted VD."

Sounds like your kinda occupation (don't forget to swallow)

U.S. Courts-Martial in Occupation Japan: Rape, Race, and Censorship :: JapanFocus

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