IAF Bombers Over Syria: al-Qa'ida's Air Force

And we're not done yet... you should have left us alone on 9-11... too late now, though.

Once the blood is up... 100-to-1 kill-ratios are good... 1000-to-1 kill ratios would be better.

Mess with those crazy-fucker Americans and you're openin'-up a whole can o' whoop-ass.

Most Americans have no heart or balls, or the strength of belief in this ill-defined mission(an endless war). Occupations never succeed. I don't think America will be successful in the long run in the "War on Terror".

I agree with you completely.
Wow, look, one IslamoNazi lunatic agrees with another Neo nazi lunatic. How romantic. Ha ha ha.
Israels bombings were for Preventive Maintenance. They didn't want a bunch of Roosian missles flying into Israel from Lebanon or Syria. Pisses terrorist supporters off, but that's the way the mop flops.

The only terrorists are the Al Qaeda rebels supported by the US, Turkey, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and now apparently Israel.

No, not the Assad regime who has turned the Syrian military on its own people killing over 110,000, including dropping chemical weapons. The Assad regime are the "good guys" in this fight, righto. :cuckoo: Ha ha ha.

That's right, every Islamist rebel and Western/Arab mercenary should be liquidated. The chemical attack in Ghouta was committed by Al Qaeda linked Saudi backed rebels. The false narrative with absolutely no proof given by the Obama Administration and the Cameron Cabinet in the UK has been thoroughly debunked.
EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

The Syrian Government have the radical islamist scum on the run. Without Western boots on the ground these terrorists stand no chance.
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The only terrorists are the Al Qaeda rebels supported by the US, Turkey, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and now apparently Israel.

No, not the Assad regime who has turned the Syrian military on its own people killing over 110,000, including dropping chemical weapons. The Assad regime are the "good guys" in this fight, righto. :cuckoo: Ha ha ha.

That's right, every Islamist rebel and Western/Arab mercenary should be liquidated. The chemical attack in Ghouta was committed by Al Qaeda linked Saudi backed rebels. The false narrative with absolutely no proof given by the Obama Administration and the Cameron Cabinet in the UK has been thoroughly debunked.
EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

The Syrian Government have the radical islamist scum on the run. Without Western boots on the ground these terrorists stand no chance.
Get it right, nazi boy.

The radical Islamists moved in after the Syrians watched the world stand by and did nothing, while Assad committed genocide on his own people. Including the Chemical attack that was conducted by Assad and his henchmen.

Assad is no different than all the mass murdering butchers in other Muslim countries such as Sadam and even his own father.

Assad does support Islamic terrorists, but only those that are his and Iran's puppets, such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

And Israel of course would never support Islamists.
No, not the Assad regime who has turned the Syrian military on its own people killing over 110,000, including dropping chemical weapons. The Assad regime are the "good guys" in this fight, righto. :cuckoo: Ha ha ha.

That's right, every Islamist rebel and Western/Arab mercenary should be liquidated. The chemical attack in Ghouta was committed by Al Qaeda linked Saudi backed rebels. The false narrative with absolutely no proof given by the Obama Administration and the Cameron Cabinet in the UK has been thoroughly debunked.
EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

The Syrian Government have the radical islamist scum on the run. Without Western boots on the ground these terrorists stand no chance.
Get it right, nazi boy.

The radical Islamists moved in after the Syrians watched the world stand by and did nothing, while Assad committed genocide on his own people. Including the Chemical attack that was conducted by Assad and his henchmen.

Assad is no different than all the mass murdering butchers in other Muslim countries such as Sadam and even his own father.

Assad does support Islamic terrorists, but only those that are his and Iran's puppets, such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

And Israel of course would never support Islamists.

Wrong. He committed no chemical attack, there is no proof to your claims. That is why Obama's bid for war failed.

Al Nusra is the largest rebel group, and it is and Islamist Terrorist Organization. It was around long before this recent chemical attack by the Islamist rebels.

Al Nusra is an offshot of Al Qaeda in Iraq, which has been sending fighters to Syria since the beginning of the war in 2011.
Al-Nusra Front - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hamas supports the Syrian Rebels
'Military wing of Hamas training Syrian rebels' | JPost | Israel News
And what a surprise, Hamas was spawned by Mossad to undermine the secular PLO.
How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas - WSJ.com

Israel clearly supports Islamists if it means taking out enemies like Iran and Syria, who threaten their hegemony.

Thankfully, Israel's efforts are in vain, and the terrorists will lose. Syria will retain it's sovereignty.
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That's right, every Islamist rebel and Western/Arab mercenary should be liquidated. The chemical attack in Ghouta was committed by Al Qaeda linked Saudi backed rebels. The false narrative with absolutely no proof given by the Obama Administration and the Cameron Cabinet in the UK has been thoroughly debunked.
EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

The Syrian Government have the radical islamist scum on the run. Without Western boots on the ground these terrorists stand no chance.
Get it right, nazi boy.

The radical Islamists moved in after the Syrians watched the world stand by and did nothing, while Assad committed genocide on his own people. Including the Chemical attack that was conducted by Assad and his henchmen.

Assad is no different than all the mass murdering butchers in other Muslim countries such as Sadam and even his own father.

Assad does support Islamic terrorists, but only those that are his and Iran's puppets, such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

And Israel of course would never support Islamists.

Wrong. He committed no chemical attack, there is no proof to your claims. That is why Obama's bid for war failed.

Al Nusra is the largest rebel group, and it is and Islamist Terrorist Organization. It was around long before this recent chemical attack by the Islamist rebels.

Al Nusra is an offshot of Al Qaeda in Iraq, which has been sending fighters to Syria since the beginning of the war in 2011.
Al-Nusra Front - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hamas supports the Syrian Rebels
'Military wing of Hamas training Syrian rebels' | JPost | Israel News
And what a surprise, Hamas was spawned by Mossad to undermine the secular PLO.
How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas - WSJ.com

Israel clearly supports Islamists if it means taking out enemies like Iran and Syria, who threaten their hegemony.

Thankfully, Israel's efforts are in vain, and the terrorists will lose. Syria will retain it's sovereignty.
Just who do you think you're fooling with these lies and idiotic claims?

I take it back, you do know a lot about balls, especially the ones you regularly place in your mouth.
If they only had the decency to stop WHINING about TERRORISM, ya know?

Pretty clueless, George.

Who's whining about Islamic terrorism? In the US, we don't whine. We deal with islamists where they hide in Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere..

Israel deals with Islamic terrorists in Gaza.

The elimination of Islamic terrorists might offend you, but who cares? Stop whining.
The US has maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of Muslims since 911. Would you WHINE if your family had been on the receiving end of US terrorism?

I’m not a generous toward Islamic terrorists as you are George. I also think your “millions of muslims” is phony.

Your apparent solution to Islamic terrorism is either appeasement or whining and whimpering. None of those actions will prevent future attacks.

A rational, ethical person sees the hypocritical madness of how you and the Islamic terrorists appeasers will blame yourself and everyone else for defending themselves from islam’s jihad. Why do Islamic terrorists and their enablers, supporters and promoters get a free pass, while Israel, the US and others are portrayed as villains by you and the do nothing appeasers? What a shame that you have no issue with “Palestinian” Arab Moslems getting away with the ceaseless killing and destroying?

It's simple: Hating, killing, and destroying has always worked for Islam and more recently for Palestinian beggars and squatters. It's brought them everything they hoped for and more. The chronic Western appeasement and apologetics for their bad behavior, along with biased criticism of Israel has justified Palestinian Arab terror and provided incentive to carry out more. It would be illogical, if moral, for them to stop doing what has gained them so much.
"...The US has maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of Muslims since 911..."
And we're not done yet... you should have left us alone on 9-11... too late now, though.

Once the blood is up... 100-to-1 kill-ratios are good... 1000-to-1 kill ratios would be better.

Mess with those crazy-fucker Americans and you're openin'-up a whole can o' whoop-ass.

Most Americans have no heart or balls, or the strength of belief in this ill-defined mission(an endless war).
The dead Islamic terrorists across the globe who are now charred spots on the pavement refutes that claim.

Occupations never succeed. I don't think America will be successful in the long run in the "War on Terror".

Applying the misinformed notions of the Islamic terrorist as the noble savage and rooting for the people who despise you is a guarantee for future Islamic terrorist attacks. For those self-haters / Death Cult apologists who want to appease those with the exotic religion and the high-explosive apparel, they've already decided that those with the fascist politico-religious ideology must be the victims of 'da white man with the Western culture and Apache Longbow helicopters equipped with Hellfire missiles. The backward Death Cultists who raise their kids to hate and kill are surely more worthy than the prosperous society whose children grow up to cure diseases, advance technology, and routinely win Nobel Peace Prizes.
"...The US has maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of Muslims since 911..."
And we're not done yet... you should have left us alone on 9-11... too late now, though.

Once the blood is up... 100-to-1 kill-ratios are good... 1000-to-1 kill ratios would be better.

Mess with those crazy-fucker Americans and you're openin'-up a whole can o' whoop-ass.
We're done, Son, or maybe that kool-aid you've been guzzling has disrupted your ability to comprehend one of many reasons why 911 happened?

"Although Cheney said shortly after the 1991 Gulf War that 'we have no way of knowing precisely how many casualties occurred' during the fighting 'and may never know,'

"Daponte had estimated otherwise: 13,000 civilians were killed directly by American and allied forces, and about 70,000 civilians died subsequently from war-related damage to medical facilities and supplies, the electric power grid, and the water system, she calculated.

"In all, 40,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed in the conflict, she concluded, putting total Iraqi losses from the war and its aftermath at 158,000, including 86,194 men, 39,612 women, and 32,195 children."

When's the last time Evil Muslims went all whoop-ass on 32, 195 children in your hood?

Toting the Casualties of War - Businessweek
Israels bombings were for Preventive Maintenance. They didn't want a bunch of Roosian missles flying into Israel from Lebanon or Syria. Pisses terrorist supporters off, but that's the way the mop flops.

The only terrorists are the Al Qaeda rebels supported by the US, Turkey, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and now apparently Israel.

No, not the Assad regime who has turned the Syrian military on its own people killing over 110,000, including dropping chemical weapons. The Assad regime are the "good guys" in this fight, righto. :cuckoo: Ha ha ha.
Where did "Syria" come from, Chuckles?

"The Sykes–Picot Agreement, officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom and France,[1] with the assent of Russia, defining their proposed spheres of influence and control in the Middle East should the Triple Entente succeed in defeating the Ottoman Empire during World War I. The negotiation of the treaty occurred between November 1915 and March 1916.[2] The agreement was concluded on 16 May 1916."

Same place 'jew did?

Sykes?Picot Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pretty clueless, George.

Who's whining about Islamic terrorism? In the US, we don't whine. We deal with islamists where they hide in Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere..

Israel deals with Islamic terrorists in Gaza.

The elimination of Islamic terrorists might offend you, but who cares? Stop whining.
The US has maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of Muslims since 911. Would you WHINE if your family had been on the receiving end of US terrorism?

I’m not a generous toward Islamic terrorists as you are George. I also think your “millions of muslims” is phony.

Your apparent solution to Islamic terrorism is either appeasement or whining and whimpering. None of those actions will prevent future attacks.

A rational, ethical person sees the hypocritical madness of how you and the Islamic terrorists appeasers will blame yourself and everyone else for defending themselves from islam’s jihad. Why do Islamic terrorists and their enablers, supporters and promoters get a free pass, while Israel, the US and others are portrayed as villains by you and the do nothing appeasers? What a shame that you have no issue with “Palestinian” Arab Moslems getting away with the ceaseless killing and destroying?

It's simple: Hating, killing, and destroying has always worked for Islam and more recently for Palestinian beggars and squatters. It's brought them everything they hoped for and more. The chronic Western appeasement and apologetics for their bad behavior, along with biased criticism of Israel has justified Palestinian Arab terror and provided incentive to carry out more. It would be illogical, if moral, for them to stop doing what has gained them so much.
You seem very generous towards those who murder, maim, rape, and displace children for money, Hollie.

"Malnutrition rates have risen from 19% before the U.S.‑led invasion to a national average of 28% four years later.[356]

"Some 60–70% of Iraqi children are suffering from psychological problems.[357] 68% of Iraqis have no access to safe drinking water. A cholera outbreak in northern Iraq is thought to be the result of poor water quality.[358] As many as half of Iraqi doctors have left the country since 2003.[359]

"As of 2011, nearly 3 million Iraqis have been displaced, with 1.3 million within the Iraq and 1.6 million in neighboring countries, mainly Jordan and Syria.[360]

"More than half of Iraqi Christians have fled to neighboring countries since the start of the war."

It's not rocket science: Only one (Christian) country on this planet has maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of innocent human beings on the opposite side of the world from its homeland since 1945.

Can you name the Bea$t?

Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And we're not done yet... you should have left us alone on 9-11... too late now, though.

Once the blood is up... 100-to-1 kill-ratios are good... 1000-to-1 kill ratios would be better.

Mess with those crazy-fucker Americans and you're openin'-up a whole can o' whoop-ass.

The dead Islamic terrorists across the globe who are now charred spots on the pavement refutes that claim.

Occupations never succeed. I don't think America will be successful in the long run in the "War on Terror".

Applying the misinformed notions of the Islamic terrorist as the noble savage and rooting for the people who despise you is a guarantee for future Islamic terrorist attacks. For those self-haters / Death Cult apologists who want to appease those with the exotic religion and the high-explosive apparel, they've already decided that those with the fascist politico-religious ideology must be the victims of 'da white man with the Western culture and Apache Longbow helicopters equipped with Hellfire missiles. The backward Death Cultists who raise their kids to hate and kill are surely more worthy than the prosperous society whose children grow up to cure diseases, advance technology, and routinely win Nobel Peace Prizes.

You are the ones appeasing Islamic terrorism by opposing Assad and supporting the Al Qaeda led rebels. Not me.
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And we're not done yet... you should have left us alone on 9-11... too late now, though.

Once the blood is up... 100-to-1 kill-ratios are good... 1000-to-1 kill ratios would be better.

Mess with those crazy-fucker Americans and you're openin'-up a whole can o' whoop-ass.

The dead Islamic terrorists across the globe who are now charred spots on the pavement refutes that claim.

Occupations never succeed. I don't think America will be successful in the long run in the "War on Terror".

Applying the misinformed notions of the Islamic terrorist as the noble savage and rooting for the people who despise you is a guarantee for future Islamic terrorist attacks. For those self-haters / Death Cult apologists who want to appease those with the exotic religion and the high-explosive apparel, they've already decided that those with the fascist politico-religious ideology must be the victims of 'da white man with the Western culture and Apache Longbow helicopters equipped with Hellfire missiles. The backward Death Cultists who raise their kids to hate and kill are surely more worthy than the prosperous society whose children grow up to cure diseases, advance technology, and routinely win Nobel Peace Prizes.
Speaking of "misinformed notions"...

"In (Wesley) Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia,Sudan and finishing off Iran.'"

Do you imagine your government is noble or savage in its dealings with "Backward Death Cultists" who love their children as much as Americans allegedly do? How many children have Muslims murdered in your city lately?

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Attack us, and we kill you in huge, tremendous numbers.

It's how we win.

It's how you lose.

Want to live?

Don't attack us.

Attack us, and we kill you in huge, tremendous numbers.

It's how we win.

It's how you lose.

Want to live?

Don't attack us.

Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World.
It's how the world loses.
Want to live?
Stop killing children on the opposite side of the planet for money.
Think of it as Natural Selection.
Or die.
The dead Islamic terrorists across the globe who are now charred spots on the pavement refutes that claim.

Applying the misinformed notions of the Islamic terrorist as the noble savage and rooting for the people who despise you is a guarantee for future Islamic terrorist attacks. For those self-haters / Death Cult apologists who want to appease those with the exotic religion and the high-explosive apparel, they've already decided that those with the fascist politico-religious ideology must be the victims of 'da white man with the Western culture and Apache Longbow helicopters equipped with Hellfire missiles. The backward Death Cultists who raise their kids to hate and kill are surely more worthy than the prosperous society whose children grow up to cure diseases, advance technology, and routinely win Nobel Peace Prizes.
Speaking of "misinformed notions"...

"In (Wesley) Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia,Sudan and finishing off Iran.'"

Do you imagine your government is noble or savage in its dealings with "Backward Death Cultists" who love their children as much as Americans allegedly do? How many children have Muslims murdered in your city lately?

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some odd observations on your part, George.

Islam is a divinely inspired (via the koran) culture of death. In no other cultural construct is death a more revered and desirable part of life. Whether it is the killing of infidels who refuse to accept Islam's supremacy or dying while endeavoring to kill them, death is fanatically embraced by Moslems. Islamist holy warriors™ are not brave for their robotic resolution in carrying out their Islamikaze missions. They are merely brainwashed cowards who have come to believe that they are serving God and will be rewarded in the afterlife with pleasures of the flesh. It's really quite sordid if you think about it. They're not courageous. They love death.

They're raised from infancy to hold death for God--at any age--as life's highest ideal.

“You love life, we love death”

Tell us a bit about where that slogan came from.

In connection with your other odd observation of "How many children have Muslims murdered in your city lately".

Well, let's think about this. New York, twice. Boston. Without the extraordinary efforts of law enforcement, that list would no doubt have expanded immensely.
Speaking of "misinformed notions"...

"In (Wesley) Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia,Sudan and finishing off Iran.'"

Do you imagine your government is noble or savage in its dealings with "Backward Death Cultists" who love their children as much as Americans allegedly do? How many children have Muslims murdered in your city lately?

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some odd observations on your part, George.

Islam is a divinely inspired (via the koran) culture of death. In no other cultural construct is death a more revered and desirable part of life. Whether it is the killing of infidels who refuse to accept Islam's supremacy or dying while endeavoring to kill them, death is fanatically embraced by Moslems. Islamist holy warriors™ are not brave for their robotic resolution in carrying out their Islamikaze missions. They are merely brainwashed cowards who have come to believe that they are serving God and will be rewarded in the afterlife with pleasures of the flesh. It's really quite sordid if you think about it. They're not courageous. They love death.

They're raised from infancy to hold death for God--at any age--as life's highest ideal.

“You love life, we love death”

Tell us a bit about where that slogan came from.

In connection with your other odd observation of "How many children have Muslims murdered in your city lately".

Well, let's think about this. New York, twice. Boston. Without the extraordinary efforts of law enforcement, that list would no doubt have expanded immensely.
Would you rather live in New York, Boston, or Fallujah?

"Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima' - Middle East - World - The Independent

Capitalism is a cultural construct that kills millions for money.
Islam is a religion of peace, by comparison.

Mehdi Hasan at Oxford Union: "Islam is a religion of peace" | loonwatch.com
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Some odd observations on your part, George.

Islam is a divinely inspired (via the koran) culture of death. In no other cultural construct is death a more revered and desirable part of life. Whether it is the killing of infidels who refuse to accept Islam's supremacy or dying while endeavoring to kill them, death is fanatically embraced by Moslems. Islamist holy warriors™ are not brave for their robotic resolution in carrying out their Islamikaze missions. They are merely brainwashed cowards who have come to believe that they are serving God and will be rewarded in the afterlife with pleasures of the flesh. It's really quite sordid if you think about it. They're not courageous. They love death.

They're raised from infancy to hold death for God--at any age--as life's highest ideal.

“You love life, we love death”

Tell us a bit about where that slogan came from.

In connection with your other odd observation of "How many children have Muslims murdered in your city lately".

Well, let's think about this. New York, twice. Boston. Without the extraordinary efforts of law enforcement, that list would no doubt have expanded immensely.
Would you rather live in New York, Boston, or Fallujah?

"Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima' - Middle East - World - The Independent

Capitalism is a cultural construct that kills millions for money.
Islam is a religion of peace, by comparison.

Mehdi Hasan at Oxford Union: "Islam is a religion of peace" | loonwatch.com
I see. With your earlier claims being completely dismantled, you're forced to retreat to something completely unrelated.

Oh, I couldn't help but chuckle at the "Islam is a religion of peace" claim that linked to Loonwatch.
"...I see. With your earlier claims being completely dismantled, you're forced to retreat to something completely unrelated..."
He does that a lot.

And he's not the only one, on that side of the fence.

"...Oh, I couldn't help but chuckle at the 'Islam is a religion of peace' claim that linked to Loonwatch"
Somebody forgot to cc: Muhammed on that memo.
"...I see. With your earlier claims being completely dismantled, you're forced to retreat to something completely unrelated..."
He does that a lot.

And he's not the only one, on that side of the fence.

"...Oh, I couldn't help but chuckle at the 'Islam is a religion of peace' claim that linked to Loonwatch"
Somebody forgot to cc: Muhammed on that memo.
And Moses, yet another highly esteemed pedophile.

Warrior Prophet: Moses or Muhammad? | loonwatch.com
Would you rather live in New York, Boston, or Fallujah?

"Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima' - Middle East - World - The Independent

Capitalism is a cultural construct that kills millions for money.
Islam is a religion of peace, by comparison.

Mehdi Hasan at Oxford Union: "Islam is a religion of peace" | loonwatch.com
I see. With your earlier claims being completely dismantled, you're forced to retreat to something completely unrelated.

Oh, I couldn't help but chuckle at the "Islam is a religion of peace" claim that linked to Loonwatch.
Which of my claims do you imagine you've "completely dismantled?"
Re: Loonwatch...You're projecting.

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