IBM stops advertising on Twitter (due to antisemitism)

The company led by the antisemitic Tesla owner just lost a big advertiser and others are under pressure after Musk agreed with a statement that Jews hate white people.

Musk said nothing anti joooo

Candice is right
This hate/ kill whitey shit have been coming from leftist jews for couple decade now at least

What Elon actually said

But yet it was advertising when Twitter was censoring everything the goddamn DNC didn't like?
Your parody bit makes it impossible to understand what point you're making.

Maybe drop that BS?
MinTrut doesn’t get the point that Elon Musk is losing advertisers for being antisemitic. He’s pretending there’s some complicated message going on here.

Here’s more crow for you to eat, gaslighter:
Do Apple and Disney exist?
I see disney films, I see apple products, I do not see IBM products, I do not see IBM advertisements, I hear of intell chips.

Does IBM still exist, what are they making. I know they made laptops and desktops and mainframes years and years ago, but do they make anything today?

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