Icarus: Capitalism Vigilantism Division


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a commerce-culture parable inspired by the fortune-pensive films American Made and Croupier.



Kid Icarus was a Penn State student who dressed up as Scarecrow and posted on the Internet as a 'democracy-vigilante.' Kid Icarus was a college campus DJ who was fed up with the loopholes in capitalism and federalism corruption and the legions of protesters against 'TrumpUSA.' Kid Icarus wanted to post messages about the general 'macro-gambling' involved with modern capitalism (e.g., World Bank). Kid Icarus kept in his pocket his signature 'lucky-deck' of miniature playing-cards which served as a 'missionary symbol' for the idealist.


Kid Icarus wrote on the Internet that if the modern world was gauged by countless points of investors interacting on a dynamic and nearly 'organic' Wall Street gambling-grid, then a hypothetical self-organizing 'dragon-like creature' of gambling 'seduction' would rise from the abyss of the unknown (from that generic 'well' of mathematical enigmas associated with point-mapping and uncertainty). According to Kid Icarus, if 'TrumpUSA' did not curb its seeming obsession with commerce and media, a giant shark of fortune-disintegration would rise from the abyss and cause a shock greater than the one felt during the Great Depression (when iconic American bank-robbers Bonnie and Clyde became celebrities!).


Kid Icarus decided to go to a Halloween party in Las Vegas that year dressed as the Scarecrow of course and spread little lies regarding President Trump's biases towards commerce-based politics (given his capitalism-biased background). People at the Vegas Halloween party remarked that Scarecrow/Icarus was a strange fellow indeed but wondered if his sardonic remarks regarding the 'natural biases' of the American President held any merit. Attending the party were quite a few wealthy businessmen who would otherwise be eager to do solid business the next full trading-day on Wall Street. Kid Icarus was pleased with his 'commerce-crusade' at this offbeat Halloween party.


Kid Icarus (aka, 'Scarecrow') decided to make the Chinese restaurant fortune-cookie (a delightfully-tasty cookie-snack served after dinner and containing a paper with a typed fortune printed on it!) his personal 'engram.' To Icarus/Scarecrow, the fortune-cookie was everything the American Dream promised --- multiculturalism, luck daydreams, pedestrian conversationalism, and of course imaginarium flyers and toys. However, to Icarus/Scarecrow, the fortune-cookie was anything but a 'carnivale candy' in a modern world plagued by commerce-related political troubles. Meanwhile, the Trump Administration was still 'evaluating' the nuclear-missile fiasco/threat from North Korea during Labor Day weekend.


An aide at the White House responsible for Internet PR noticed the posts by Icarus/Scarecrow and informed the President that an idealistic American citizen was posting many radical thoughts about 'anarchy and dragons' arising from the sea of modern Wall Street 'politics-gambling grids.' President Trump was intrigued, since he himself once studied (very casually) some macro-patterns of chaos that might naturally arise from a large network immersed in risk-based investing/speculating/gambling. Trump wanted to know if Icarus/Scarecrow was serious about real 'creatures/dragons' arising in the world of 'political metaphysics' during times of great commercial intrigue/turbulence. Ironically enough, Icarus soon became a 'consumerism consultant' for the White House!



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