Icemaker: City Fall [Pedestrian Virus - TrumpUSA?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The modern world is really a commerce/traffic grid, and all the activity with pedestrians in Rocky Center in NYC for TrumpUSA Christmastime [2018] reminds us that the modern city is a place of great social activity related to capitalism, democracy (hopefully), and networking.

Imagine therefore that modern civilization is a giant ice-skating rink (or 'show'). We want to keep pace in such an environment by skating as fast as anyone else, and if someone knocks us down to get ahead themselves, we might even go extinct(!). We don't want to be ignorant of Wall Street trends, MTV chic, CNN reporting, or Louvre exhibitions, by George!

So if the world seems like it's 'rifting' between competitive skaters and even pirate/shark-like bullies who knock others out of the 'big picture' to get ahead themselves, could we imagine that our civilization is somehow 'vulnerable' to the 'predators or pirates' who unwittingly create 'macro-traffic' viruses that unnerve our everyday confidence regarding competitiveness...or even commerce?

Did terrorists destroy the World Trade Center to frighten Westerners about our confidence-sensibilities regarding the delicate balances between globalization-traffic and customs/etiquette-hygiene? How do terrorists regard TrumpUSA, since President Donald Trump was a capitalism-baron/casino-mogul?



"My name is Icemaker. I am comprised entirely of ice. I am from a region in the underworld, but I'm not the brother of Hades; I'm more like his mild 'rival.' As the Icemaker, my 'job' is to detect the presence of modern civilization (21st Century TrumpUSA, European Union, OPEC, World Bank, etc.) pirates who cause people to 'slip and fall' on this giant new Earth ice-rink of skating/competing brokers, engineers, artists, diplomats, and pilots. As the Icemaker, I basically goad the pirates to continue in their dangerous path to see if humanity is truly self-susceptible (guilty by their own daydreams!) to a 'pedestrian virus'."


"I take great delight in my mischievous work. I noticed how humans are fascinated by the mythological angel/deity Cupid who shoots arrows to create romance/sentimentality between individuals (on Valentine's Day). Well, I'm the opposite of Cupid. I spread imbalance and schizophrenia by causing urbanites to slip and fall while going to work or walking to school or walking their dogs. As I watch pedestrians of the modern American city, citizens of the consumerism-hypnotized 'TrumpUSA,' I realize that human civilization is one big balance-beam."


"I consider myself a teacher of civilization/civility really, since when urbanites I goad slip and fall in the 'giant ice-rink' of Wall Street and NYC, humanity awakens to the reality that civilization, by definition, is like one big factory or steam-engine or power-plant or railway center which requires all citizens to be cognizant of the delicate balances between traffic...and self-awareness. If TrumpUSA and hence capitalism itself is to create peace through commerce and networking (and globalization!), then Americans must appreciate why/how the modern city is an arena for great paranoia. Without serious attention to frailty, we can't appreciate why risk-assessment factors in capitalism/investment analysis create 'true patriotism'."


"Then, one day, I came across a child-like stick-figure doodle a small boy in Virginia made of a fictional TrumpUSA Christmastime [2018] consumerism sprite named 'Evil Elf.' The boy, Ethan Hunt, believed that Evil Elf typified why capitalism/consumerism was both fun and imaginative and therefore promoted patriotic thinking --- especially during Christmas. I became anxious about the sociological symbolism of Evil Elf and wondered if such 'network-oriented festivity/imagination' was the positive cure to this modern civilization commerce/traffic/congestion related social paranoia about slipping and falling on this giant ice-rink of Wall Street!"

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TRUMP: What do you make of this 'Icemaker,' Carter?
CARTER: He's the Devil incarnate, Mr. President...
TRUMP: Well, I appreciate Ethan Hunt's 'Evil Elf' drawings.
CARTER: They were taken from Highlights Magazine...
TRUMP: ...and then reprinted in the New Yorker (I know)!
CARTER: It was a New Yorker editorial about kids' love of consumerism.
TRUMP: Ethan gave TrumpUSA a special image of commercial happiness.
CARTER: I think Evil Elf is taking the wind out of Icemaker's sails, sir.
TRUMP: If we're to use capitalism to create security, we need more guard-rails.
CARTER: The best cure to pedestrian/traffic viruses may be doses of folklore!
TRUMP: You mean use storytelling to address humanity's fears of commerce vertigo?
CARTER: Why not? Ever see the film Falling Down (Michael Douglas)?



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