Icon of the Left: George Soros

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanything but our icon!

Obvious hacks are obvious.
I dispelled two myths about Soros that CG brought up.

The others are probably just as easy to prove wrong. For instance, it is more than likely the fault of Britain that the pound was devalued. But I'm not going to bother researching that because proving two lies were told is enough for one thread.
It's sort of cute to see you content with an incomplete job.

Regardless of your whether you agree or disagree with her...one woman using such a disparaging and low blow insult to another woman is worse than a man doing so.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Bad form.

telling women what words they should use is so 50s.

Expecting you to appreciate someone finding disapproval in such disrespect for another person just to make a point would be so 2010's.
Somethings should be timeless, one woman calling another women a **** so easily is one of them

Not for Luissa. It's SOP for her... sadly.
Regardless of your whether you agree or disagree with her...one woman using such a disparaging and low blow insult to another woman is worse than a man doing so.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Bad form.

telling women what words they should use is so 50s.

Expecting you to appreciate someone finding disapproval in such disrespect for another person just to make a point would be so 2010's.
Somethings should be timeless, one woman calling another women a **** so easily is one of them

c u n t is just describing a strong independent woman who does not take shit from no one.

it stands for "conservative understanding nice twat".
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanything but our icon!

Obvious hacks are obvious.
I dispelled two myths about Soros that CG brought up.

The others are probably just as easy to prove wrong. For instance, it is more than likely the fault of Britain that the pound was devalued. But I'm not going to bother researching that because proving two lies were told is enough for one thread.
It's sort of cute to see you content with an incomplete job.


Odd that Ravi sees a victory in 'dispelling' something I didn't say. :lol:

I use facts, she uses 'more than likely'.... with nothing more than her bias to back that up. I could, if I could be arsed, provide links to the BBC about the damage inflicted by Soros on the British people.... but I have no doubt that she'd call the BBC right wing.
Eder had a sex change? I knew one was imminent, but congrats, Eder.


Eder is female?

I had no idea....
I have no idea, nor do I care. He was the one who first used the c-word then someone said something about women calling that to each other.

I thought the weasel got a sex change.

But, I really don't care. He's just a queen starved for attention. I give him some at times.

Otherwise, his input is beyond useless.

I think that may be the first time I've even acknowledged his presence in a thread.
Eder had a sex change? I knew one was imminent, but congrats, Eder.


Eder is female?

I had no idea....
I have no idea, nor do I care. He was the one who first used the c-word then someone said something about women calling that to each other.

I thought the weasel got a sex change.

But, I really don't care. He's just a queen starved for attention. I give him some at times.

Otherwise, his input is beyond useless.

I think that may be the first time I've even acknowledged his presence in a thread.

You'd define it as 'input'? Really? :lol::lol:

But still no comment on the facts about Soros from the left. Interesting.... not.
131 posts and not one from the left has the courage to call Soros for what he is.

I posted exactly what he is. Soros is a right wing bogey man trumped up to scare Fox News viewers. He has been sold as a puppet master scaring impressionable right-wingers into believing in an evil left wing conspiracy

I am surprised someone of your supposed intellect would be so gullible
I dispelled two myths about Soros that CG brought up.

The others are probably just as easy to prove wrong. For instance, it is more than likely the fault of Britain that the pound was devalued. But I'm not going to bother researching that because proving two lies were told is enough for one thread.
It's sort of cute to see you content with an incomplete job.


Odd that Ravi sees a victory in 'dispelling' something I didn't say. :lol:

I use facts, she uses 'more than likely'.... with nothing more than her bias to back that up. I could, if I could be arsed, provide links to the BBC about the damage inflicted by Soros on the British people.... but I have no doubt that she'd call the BBC right wing.
Ravi loves her straw.

I often help her beat those bad strawmen to death. Pummel the fuckers, then move on. Bad straw!

Ooops. I said 'move on' in a thread about Soros.

Soros, the icon whom no one can bring themselves to say a single bit of criticism.
To make this real easy for you Toxic, I never call women that - not even half-wits like Rati and Jillian. L.K. came in here spewing his idiocy, calling Cali that, so I tossed it back on him.

Simple enough to follow?
Whatever floats your boat Uncensored.....if you were giving back what you got....

I'm just a prude when it comes to profanity lately...it's probably just a phase anyway.
I have no idea, nor do I care. He was the one who first used the c-word then someone said something about women calling that to each other.

I thought the weasel got a sex change.

But, I really don't care. He's just a queen starved for attention. I give him some at times.

Otherwise, his input is beyond useless.

I think that may be the first time I've even acknowledged his presence in a thread.

I get it.

No, the admonishing of women calling each other that was that Rati jimped on board and called Cali it as well.

If someone claimed that Rati was really a 350 pound 22 year old boy in his mothers basement, I'd believe it.
To make this real easy for you Toxic, I never call women that - not even half-wits like Rati and Jillian. L.K. came in here spewing his idiocy, calling Cali that, so I tossed it back on him.

Simple enough to follow?
Whatever floats your boat Uncensored.....if you were giving back what you got....

I'm just a prude when it comes to profanity lately...it's probably just a phase anyway.

Well, then, call out your buddy LK for it. He's the one who's desperately trying to turn this thread into a personality bitchfest instead of a discussion about Soros.

To make this real easy for you Toxic, I never call women that - not even half-wits like Rati and Jillian. L.K. came in here spewing his idiocy, calling Cali that, so I tossed it back on him.

Simple enough to follow?
Whatever floats your boat Uncensored.....if you were giving back what you got....

I'm just a prude when it comes to profanity lately...it's probably just a phase anyway.

Well, then, call out your buddy LK for it. He's the one who's desperately trying to turn this thread into a personality bitchfest instead of a discussion about Soros.

Hypocrites are idiots.

I have to wonder if Soros is beyond an icon and now a demi-god armed with lightening if a lefty says a bad word about him.

Well, you've provided quite the support for your use of 'icon' here. ;)
Whatever floats your boat Uncensored.....if you were giving back what you got....

I'm just a prude when it comes to profanity lately...it's probably just a phase anyway.

I understand.

I'm sort of a potty mouth...

Okay, a BIG TIME potty mouth....

Ever watch Dexter? I'm kind of like Deborah Morgan in that show. (Except male, old, not a cop, married and a few minor differences like that!)
George Soros - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In politics and economics, Black Wednesday refers to the events of 16 September 1992 when the British Conservative government was forced to withdraw the pound sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) after they were unable to keep it above its agreed lower limit. George Soros, the most high profile of the currency market investors, made over US$1 billion profit by short selling sterling.
In 1997 the UK Treasury estimated the cost of Black Wednesday at £3.4 billion, with the actual cost being £3.3 billion which was revealed in 2005 under the Freedom of Information Act (FoI).[1]
The trading losses in August and September were estimated at £800 million, but the main loss to taxpayers arose because the devaluation could have made them a profit. The papers show that if the government had maintained $24 billion foreign currency reserves and the pound had fallen by the same amount, the UK would have made a £2.4 billion profit on sterling's devaluation.[2] Newspapers also revealed that the Treasury spent £27 billion of reserves in propping up the pound.

So, let's look at the reality of that 'crash'. Hundreds of thousands of Britons lost their homes, their pensions and their savings. Soros made $1billion. It was a deliberate action, a nice day's work for Mr Soros, not so great for all those ordinary hard working Britons.

Now, can any of you tell me that what Soros did was ok? Destroying ordinary people for a profit. Because that is his SOP. Not just Britain, I've already named the other countries. Go and research it. Find out who this man really is.

And then, for the Love of (insert optional deity here), tell me that you think he's scum. It's not that hard.
The only ones I see even mention George Soros is the right wing fear mongers. He is the new Boogie Man for right wingers

Can anyone point to a single thread about Soros that was started by someone on the left?

Soros is the name they haul out whenever anybody points out what the Koch-suckers are up to.

Like he somehow cancels them out.
To make this real easy for you Toxic, I never call women that - not even half-wits like Rati and Jillian. L.K. came in here spewing his idiocy, calling Cali that, so I tossed it back on him.

Simple enough to follow?
Whatever floats your boat Uncensored.....if you were giving back what you got....

I'm just a prude when it comes to profanity lately...it's probably just a phase anyway.

Well, then, call out your buddy LK for it. He's the one who's desperately trying to turn this thread into a personality bitchfest instead of a discussion about Soros.

Me idiot?...or LK idiot?.......and he's not my buddy. I have enjoyed some of his posts, and yours too believe it or not. Try to be original and don't just say both of you, we expect a higher grade of bantor from you.

I know you enjoy being cranky and cantankerous......I'm kind of picturing you as this tough biker bar bartender...blonde hair, with some biker chick black top....dodging the bullets, and hitting brawling biker brawlers over the head with a cast iron frying pan......am I anywhere near the mark?
Whatever floats your boat Uncensored.....if you were giving back what you got....

I'm just a prude when it comes to profanity lately...it's probably just a phase anyway.

Well, then, call out your buddy LK for it. He's the one who's desperately trying to turn this thread into a personality bitchfest instead of a discussion about Soros.

Me idiot?...or LK idiot?.......and he's not my buddy. I have enjoyed some of his posts, and yours too believe it or not. Try to be original and don't just say both of you, we expect a higher grade of bantor from you.

I know you enjoy being cranky and cantankerous......I'm kind of picturing you as this tough biker bar bartender...blonde hair, with some biker chick black top....dodging the bullets, and hitting brawling biker brawlers over the head with a cast iron frying pan......am I anywhere near the mark?

You're not far off. :lol:
Whatever floats your boat Uncensored.....if you were giving back what you got....

I'm just a prude when it comes to profanity lately...it's probably just a phase anyway.

Well, then, call out your buddy LK for it. He's the one who's desperately trying to turn this thread into a personality bitchfest instead of a discussion about Soros.

Me idiot?...or LK idiot?.......and he's not my buddy. I have enjoyed some of his posts, and yours too believe it or not. Try to be original and don't just say both of you, we expect a higher grade of bantor from you.

I know you enjoy being cranky and cantankerous......I'm kind of picturing you as this tough biker bar bartender...blonde hair, with some biker chick black top....dodging the bullets, and hitting brawling biker brawlers over the head with a cast iron frying pan......am I anywhere near the mark?
Not anywhere near the topic, but I understand why you and so many others want to avoid it.

Hypocrites don't like their hypocrisy pointed out to them. And the brain-damaged don't like their icons criticized.
Well, then, call out your buddy LK for it. He's the one who's desperately trying to turn this thread into a personality bitchfest instead of a discussion about Soros.

Me idiot?...or LK idiot?.......and he's not my buddy. I have enjoyed some of his posts, and yours too believe it or not. Try to be original and don't just say both of you, we expect a higher grade of bantor from you.

I know you enjoy being cranky and cantankerous......I'm kind of picturing you as this tough biker bar bartender...blonde hair, with some biker chick black top....dodging the bullets, and hitting brawling biker brawlers over the head with a cast iron frying pan......am I anywhere near the mark?
Not anywhere near the topic, but I understand why you and so many others want to avoid it.

Hypocrites don't like their hypocrisy pointed out to them. And the brain-damaged don't like their icons criticized.

you should start counting the fallacies in your own posts.

that would keep you busy.

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