I'd be boycotting Disney.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
"Yer fired....but before you go, you have to train this untrained younger person that can barely speak English that is from India, so they can take your place".

Um. Fuck you.


They said only a handful of those laid off were moved directly by Disney to other company jobs. The rest were left to compete for positions through Disney job websites. Despite the company’s figures, few people they knew had been hired, they said, and then often at a lower pay level. No one was offered retraining, they said. One former worker, a 57-year-old man with more than 10 years at Disney, displayed a list of 18 jobs in the company he had applied for. He had not had more than an initial conversation on any one, he said.

Disney “made the difficult decision to eliminate certain positions, including yours,” as a result of “the transition of your work to a managed service provider,” said a contract presented to employees on the day the layoffs were announced. It offered a “stay bonus” of 10 percent of severance pay if they remained for 90 days. But the bonus was contingent on “the continued satisfactory performance of your job duties.” For many, that involved training a replacement. Young immigrants from India took the seats at their computer stations.

“The first 30 days was all capturing what I did,” said the American in his 40s, who worked 10 years at Disney. “The next 30 days, they worked side by side with me, and the last 30 days, they took over my job completely.” To receive his severance bonus, he said, “I had to make sure they were doing my job correctly.”

In late November, this former employee received his annual performance review, which he provided to The New York Times. His supervisor, who was not aware the man was scheduled for layoff, wrote that because of his superior skills and “outstanding” work, he had saved the company thousands of dollars. The supervisor added that he was looking forward to another highly productive year of having the employee on the team.

The employee got a raise. His severance pay had to be recalculated to include it.

The former Disney employee who is 57 worked in project management and software development. His résumé lists a top-level skill certification and command of seven operating systems, 15 program languages and more than two dozen other applications and media.

“I was forced into early retirement,” he said. The timing was “horrible,” he said, because his wife recently had a medical emergency with expensive bills. Shut out of Disney, he is looking for a new job elsewhere.

Former employees said many immigrants who arrived were younger technicians with limited data skills who did not speak English fluently and had to be instructed in the basics of the work.

"Yer fired....but before you go, you have to train this untrained younger person that can barely speak English that is from India, so they can take your place".

Um. Fuck you.


They said only a handful of those laid off were moved directly by Disney to other company jobs. The rest were left to compete for positions through Disney job websites. Despite the company’s figures, few people they knew had been hired, they said, and then often at a lower pay level. No one was offered retraining, they said. One former worker, a 57-year-old man with more than 10 years at Disney, displayed a list of 18 jobs in the company he had applied for. He had not had more than an initial conversation on any one, he said.

Disney “made the difficult decision to eliminate certain positions, including yours,” as a result of “the transition of your work to a managed service provider,” said a contract presented to employees on the day the layoffs were announced. It offered a “stay bonus” of 10 percent of severance pay if they remained for 90 days. But the bonus was contingent on “the continued satisfactory performance of your job duties.” For many, that involved training a replacement. Young immigrants from India took the seats at their computer stations.

“The first 30 days was all capturing what I did,” said the American in his 40s, who worked 10 years at Disney. “The next 30 days, they worked side by side with me, and the last 30 days, they took over my job completely.” To receive his severance bonus, he said, “I had to make sure they were doing my job correctly.”

In late November, this former employee received his annual performance review, which he provided to The New York Times. His supervisor, who was not aware the man was scheduled for layoff, wrote that because of his superior skills and “outstanding” work, he had saved the company thousands of dollars. The supervisor added that he was looking forward to another highly productive year of having the employee on the team.

The employee got a raise. His severance pay had to be recalculated to include it.

The former Disney employee who is 57 worked in project management and software development. His résumé lists a top-level skill certification and command of seven operating systems, 15 program languages and more than two dozen other applications and media.

“I was forced into early retirement,” he said. The timing was “horrible,” he said, because his wife recently had a medical emergency with expensive bills. Shut out of Disney, he is looking for a new job elsewhere.

Former employees said many immigrants who arrived were younger technicians with limited data skills who did not speak English fluently and had to be instructed in the basics of the work.

Why is anyone surprised over this? My company a few years ago, cut 65% of our work force and shipped these jobs to Mumbia India. You can't pick up a phone today without speaking to someone from India. Corporate America has been stickin it to the american people for decades and instead of us, protesting these moves and taking our hard earned money to places that respect american workers, we embraced this newness and blamed......Obama, blamed the democrats, blamed everybody but who's responsible...CORPORATE AMERICA!!
Not only can't you understand these people when they speak, they stink to high heaven. I swear some of them smell like they soak in a tub of perfume/cologne before coming to wok in the morning.
Not only can't you understand these people when they speak, they stink to high heaven. I swear some of them smell like they soak in a tub of perfume/cologne before coming to wok in the morning.

You want to go there? Try smelling a white man who wears the same shabby suit to work for the last 15 years!!
Not only can't you understand these people when they speak, they stink to high heaven. I swear some of them smell like they soak in a tub of perfume/cologne before coming to wok in the morning.

You want to go there? Try smelling a white man who wears the same shabby suit to work for the last 15 years!!

He probably smells just as bad as a black man that wore the same shabby suit to work for the last 15 years.
If I recall correctly, Disney employees are unionized and dissastified with their contracts...
I wouldn't lift another finger for someone who fires me either. Why should I help them if all that they are going to do is kick me to the curb?

God bless you always!!!

This is an ongoing trend by corporations to eliminate older workers and thus prevent having to pay out retirement monies, as well as some younger workers and in doing so, pay the new foreign worker less.
I agree with the sentiment that Disney should be boycotted, even though they did find some work within the company for some of the younger employees.
Nobody really cares cuz it isn't their job lost. Or a family member. As long as it does not affect them....why not go have a great time, pay all that money for that good time, that doesn't go into the pocket of a loyal worker who has been there for years and instead goes in the pocket of some foreigner.
'"Yer fired....but before you go, you have to train this untrained younger person that can barely speak English that is from India, so they can take your place".

Um. Fuck you.'

This is consistent with free market capitalism you and others on the right advocate, where human beings are no different than any other cost of doing business, and subject to the same market forces that determine profits.

Consequently, your 'boycott' is inappropriate and unwarranted, Disney is doing what any other responsible company is doing: cutting costs to maximize profits, where Disney exists to make money, not employ people.

Conservatives can't have it both ways: you can't be champions of free markets on the one hand and condemn businesses because you disapprove of how they seek to maximize profits on the other.
'"Yer fired....but before you go, you have to train this untrained younger person that can barely speak English that is from India, so they can take your place".

Um. Fuck you.'

This is consistent with free market capitalism you and others on the right advocate, where human beings are no different than any other cost of doing business, and subject to the same market forces that determine profits.

Consequently, your 'boycott' is inappropriate and unwarranted, Disney is doing what any other responsible company is doing: cutting costs to maximize profits, where Disney exists to make money, not employ people.

Conservatives can't have it both ways: you can't be champions of free markets on the one hand and condemn businesses because you disapprove of how they seek to maximize profits on the other.
Last I checked, in free market capitalism, you are free to chose who you engage or don't engage in business with. Not really a free market if you can't.

Perhaps you are privy to a different definition of freedom the rest of us aren't aware of?
'"Yer fired....but before you go, you have to train this untrained younger person that can barely speak English that is from India, so they can take your place".

Um. Fuck you.'

This is consistent with free market capitalism you and others on the right advocate, where human beings are no different than any other cost of doing business, and subject to the same market forces that determine profits.

Consequently, your 'boycott' is inappropriate and unwarranted, Disney is doing what any other responsible company is doing: cutting costs to maximize profits, where Disney exists to make money, not employ people.

Conservatives can't have it both ways: you can't be champions of free markets on the one hand and condemn businesses because you disapprove of how they seek to maximize profits on the other.
oh stfu.
I have mixed opinions regarding our free-market system. I tend to be a centrist. I never vote either far-left, or far-right.
While I have no problem with an indivudal getting rich by his work ethic and ingenuity and thus able to buy a fancy manor and a yacht, et cetera, I believe that some ethics should transend simply the bottom-line, dollar. If you have good working employees that have been with your firm for many years and as such are older and so, knowing that their finding new employment would be difficult, if not impossible, you should keep them, rather than hiring younger foreign workers to replace them. If that older employee is productive and works hard for you and you lay him/her off to bring in foreign blood at less cost, just so you can renege on paying out for a retiree, why should any employee be productive and have loyalty to your firm? Loyalty is a two-way street.
From the article:

"its theme park workers, who number 74,000 in the Orlando area."

"About 250 Disney employees were told in late October that they would be laid off."

"Of those laid off, 120 took new jobs at Disney, and about 40 retired or left the company before the end of the transition period, while about 90 did not find new Disney jobs, executives said."

And according to this ~ U.S. Largest Employers Statistic Brain (Walt Disney is the #42 employer in the country) employing 133,000 people in the US.

So they ultimately canned 90 people. I'm just not seeing this worthy of an uproar honestly.

That said, I'm not sure I'm keen on this visa thing, so maybe folks will take a better look at it now and adjust it.

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