Idaho loses its 'Teacher of the Year' after right-wing parents chase her out of state

What does that have to do with the teacher?

She fell for the BLM scam, clearly indicating she lacks even a basic ability to discern truth from fiction. That's not a good quality for a teacher to lack. You fell for it, but hopefully you're not in a position of authority over children.
I fell for it? Unless you are St Jude or a doggies charity I know Nothing!

I fell for it? Unless you are St Jude or a doggies charity I know Nothing!


This isn't you?

The fun part of course is that any BLM protest would be larger than the population of said redneck burg, much less anyone under sixty.

A decent dized protest could literally murder your entire small town in an hour. And you couldn't do shit about it.

This isn't you?
Yep. Any decent sized BLM protest would be larger than the microtown referenced in that post. But thats akin to saying you believe in fairies because wrenches are made by the Lizard People. Only the homeless dude under the bridge thinks you are making sense.
Yep. Any decent sized BLM protest would be larger than the microtown referenced in that post. But thats akin to saying you believe in fairies because wrenches are made by the Lizard People. Only the homeless dude under the bridge thinks you are making sense.

Speaking at the rally outside a police station in the South Loop where organizers said the suspected looters are in custody, organizer Ariel Atkins excused the looting — which reportedly caused at least $60 million in property damage and left 13 police officers injured — calling the theft “reparations,” NBC Chicago reported.

“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, said. “That makes sure that person has clothes.”

“That is reparations,” Atkins added. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”
I am sure your post means something to you, but has nothing to do with this thread.

I see you don't know how to use the "reply" function on this board, but I'm going to assume you're replying to me.

So you really can't see the connection between this teacher supporting a scam like BLM, and the parents of her students being reasonably concerned about her competence?

Would you want your kids being taught by someone who fell for the "flat earth" theory? What about someone who believes that the moon is made of cheese? Are you ok with that person being a teacher?
You can certainly think anything you want. You're wrong, but you can think wrong things
Other people are free to send their kids into those indoctrination chambers if they wish. No child of mine would ever see the inside of a public school or participate in any public education, sports, or other program
If a teacher had been teaching anti American stuff I would have complained. Same would have gone for rah rah america. I'm complaining there too. Just the facts please.
Not when it comes to the employment of a teacher they don't.
Yes they do because the teacher is affecting their children

I think the woke lib teacher did the right thing by leaving the state

Thats a win for the parents and an escape hatch for the teacher
If a teacher had been teaching anti American stuff I would have complained. Same would have gone for rah rah america. I'm complaining there too. Just the facts please.
I want to see rah rah America
Don’t post your leftist BS on social media if you don’t want to be called out on it.

Lefties love to call out everyone else’s Political postings on social media. But then are shocked when it happens to them. You reap what you sow.

Sure, I agree. But then the flip side of this is: don't be surprised when, after you hound teachers out of their job by demanding this, that the the other--don't be surprised when the Crime Wave of Education comes to a school near you.

Reaping and sowing
Government school teachers probably should know better than to publicly advocate for extremist politics.

And if the teacher was bringing this kind of Far Left Kookdom into the classroom, that just aggravates the situation.

Ms. Lauritzen should probably just pick up and move to Los Angeles or Portland where this kind of Marxist indoctrination just isn't tolerated, its expected.

You make an important point, one I wish more conservatives acknowledged: the public school "system" is not one big monolith. It is your local elementary school. It is not the same in Anytown, Nebraska as it is in Brooklyn, NY as it is in Berkeley, CA as it is in Provo, Utah.

For pity's sake people
Lib teachers often display an arrogance and entitlement mentality when parents object to the things they are teaching children

She displayed WrongThink, so my fellow conservatives hounded her at work. She was hounded out of the state.

As I keep telling you all: wait til the D teaching team shows up. You will hate it, and you deserve it.
I want to see rah rah America

Why? What the heck? THIS America? For what?

I will teach the very same curriculum I have always taught and deliver it the same way. Why in THE WORLD would anyone "rah rah" THIS? Ex-presidents being litigated and hounded by the so-called "justice" system, the border a joke, every agency outright lying and gaslighting us....are you kidding? "rah rah"?

I respect my students much more than that.

Was he/she/it literally CHASED out -- threatened with torches and pitchforks, or did he/she/it choose to move to a place where his/her/its personal ideology would be more accepted?

If that's the case, then it's a matter of more sleazy leftist drama.

I doubt that he/she/it was physically run out of the state.


25-30 students.

At least half the families already actively hate you.

Probably making in Idaho maybe 60K a year.

Standardized tests, grading, "trauma", "social emotional learning", etc. Kids strung out on devices, processed food, and poor sleep. Behavior is in the tank.

Now on top of everything, because of some social media posts, parents demand to see your lesson plans. Assuming there's no evidence that you've ever taught children your own political views, yeah, no teacher has any time nor energy left for that kind of BS.

As I keep saying. Chase out the A, B and C team and wait til the D team shows up.
I never said home schooled kids were stupid. Just all of them I know. Most parents don't have the knowledge, or time to be an adequate school teacher. The children suffer when their parents attempt a task they are unqualified to do.

As much as I'm dead sick of the teacher hate in here, this is just not true. And it makes you look very far out of touch for saying it.
We need cameras in the classrooms to supply the missing evidence

And then school choice so that parents can move children out of bad schools

Not gonna get back into this with you, since you seem incapable of critical thought or learning. Just ponder why no public schools have done this after months and months--maybe a year--of banging on about it.

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