Idaho loses its 'Teacher of the Year' after right-wing parents chase her out of state

1. I don't see proof that this is occurring with this teacher.
2. I don't want either side brainwashing. PragerU crap is the opposite side of this.
3. I want the teachers to teach the plan given to them by the school as approved by the school board / school system. If they are doing that then they are acting appropriately yes?

Also I like her hair. When my daughter was doing her first internship helping at risk kids in elementary school, she would change her hair color every week and they would try to guess what character she was.

She can't do that, she can't work with kids.

Different hair color. Chase her out.

Not so conservative that they didn't name her teacher of the year though.

Do her social media posts really disqualify her from teaching if she was actually following the curriculum?

Uh dude you JUST SAID teachers who post on social media are too stupid to be teaching kids


This is one poster who is not dumb and he said two different things in the same topic.

See why teachers can never, ever win? And why we're quitting, and no one is going into it.
She fell for the BLM scam, clearly indicating she lacks even a basic ability to discern truth from fiction. That's not a good quality for a teacher to lack. You fell for it, but hopefully you're not in a position of authority over children.

What pay are you offering people smart enough to see through the deluge of propaganda and gaslighting that presents itself daily?

Seriously. Don't say 50K a year. Pay up for that.
Idaho's newly minted teacher of the year was chased out of the state by right wing parents. Moving to Illinois.
its my understanding Idaho already has a severe teacher shortage. Don't see how this helps.

The right’s war on education continues.
Yes they do because the teacher is affecting their children

I think the woke lib teacher did the right thing by leaving the state

Thats a win for the parents and an escape hatch for the teacher

All they can do is petition the school board.

And it seems to me these kids lost a good teacher over some trivial shit.
Interesting. So teachers can't express political opinions on social media, lest parents have contrasting political opinions?
They can if they want to ignore the political climate of where the teach but then they have to face the consequences like this woman did.

I think it's stupid that people post all their private shit on social media so I don't have too much sympathy for people who get burned by it.

I also think it's stupid to say a person can't be good at their job because other people don't like her social media posts

So there's plenty of stupid to go around here.
I think it's stupid that people post all their private shit on social media so I don't have too much sympathy for people who get burned by it.

I also think it's stupid to say a person can't be good at their job because other people don't like her social media posts

So which is it?
Uh dude you JUST SAID teachers who post on social media are too stupid to be teaching kids


This is one poster who is not dumb and he said two different things in the same topic.

See why teachers can never, ever win? And why we're quitting, and no one is going into it.

She can be a good teacher and still do stupid things. Doing stupid things can ruin you as she just learned.

And I SAID people who don't self censor are too stupid to be teaching kids.

Knowing what not to say is far more important than most people these days realize.
She can be a good teacher and still do stupid things. Doing stupid things can ruin you as she just learned.

And I SAID people who don't self censor are too stupid to be teaching kids.

Knowing what not to say is far more important than most people these days realize.

You're speaking out of both sides of your mouth, which is illustrative as to why teachers have an impossible job and cannot win no matter what they do.

Who would do this job now, for THIS public?
You're speaking out of both sides of your mouth, which is illustrative as to why teachers have an impossible job and cannot win no matter what they do.

Who would do this job now, for THIS public?
I really don't care since I have no children and if I did have children I would home school.
Yes I should have said people who don't self censor there social media deserve what they get.

Oh, and there's no shade or nuance to that?

For instance this teacher just seemed to say a few mild things about BLM and CRT. I do not agree, but wasn't offended. Is that worth being chased out?

OTOH, if a teacher calls for violence or says blatantly racist (I mean really racist, not "my feelings are hurt, therefore racist" BS) or otherwise clearly horrid things, that's different.
I really don't care since I have no children and if I did have children I would home school.

Making a stance and then saying "I don't really care" seems like a dodge. If you don't care, why are you even posting here?
Oh, and there's no shade or nuance to that?

For instance this teacher just seemed to say a few mild things about BLM and CRT. I do not agree, but wasn't offended. Is that worth being chased out?

OTOH, if a teacher calls for violence or says blatantly racist (I mean really racist, not "my feelings are hurt, therefore racist" BS) or otherwise clearly horrid things, that's different.

If you are so ignorant regarding the political climate of where you work that's your fault.

And what makes you think I condone violence or racism?
25-30 students.

At least half the families already actively hate you.

Probably making in Idaho maybe 60K a year.

Standardized tests, grading, "trauma", "social emotional learning", etc. Kids strung out on devices, processed food, and poor sleep. Behavior is in the tank.

Now on top of everything, because of some social media posts, parents demand to see your lesson plans. Assuming there's no evidence that you've ever taught children your own political views, yeah, no teacher has any time nor energy left for that kind of BS.

As I keep saying. Chase out the A, B and C team and wait til the D team shows up.


Who is the "you" you are addressing?

Well usually teacher of the year award usually gets awarded to the most liberal teacher they could find… so this is a good thing

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