Idaho loses its 'Teacher of the Year' after right-wing parents chase her out of state

If you are so ignorant regarding the political climate of where you work that's your fault.

And what makes you think I condone violence or racism?

So which is it?

Right, no one can decide.

Sign up to teach everyone!
So you DO endorse people being chased out of jobs for saying "stupid stuff". Okay.

Where did I say that?

It's just the way it is.

It happens and it happens all the time. Are you telling me you haven't figured that out yet?

I learned that lesson when I was still a teenager.
As much as I'm dead sick of the teacher hate in here, this is just not true. And it makes you look very far out of touch for saying it.
I've had experience with home schooled kids. Of course there are some home schooled kids who do well. First, because their parents knew enough of the material to teach them, and next because the parents are willing to invest the time required to teach the kids. Neither of those requirements are met by many home school parents. In states like Texas, there is no effort made to determine if the children are even receiving any kind of formal education. When you can assure that all home schooled kids are recieving an adequate education, or that there are certain minimum requirements for home schooling, then we might have something to talk about. Till then, I'm not good with children being denied an education that makes the difference between them having a productive life, and abject poverty because of no education.
I've had experience with home schooled kids. Of course there are some home schooled kids who do well. First, because their parents knew enough of the material to teach them, and next because the parents are willing to invest the time required to teach the kids. Neither of those requirements are met by many home school parents. In states like Texas, there is no effort made to determine if the children are even receiving any kind of formal education. When you can assure that all home schooled kids are recieving an adequate education, or that there are certain minimum requirements for home schooling, then we might have something to talk about. Till then, I'm not good with children being denied an education that makes the difference between them having a productive life, and abject poverty because of no education.
There is no guarantee that a child in public school will learn anything either.

Social promotion through the grades, grading tests on a curve etc do nothing to make sure a kid is learning anything.

Awesome. Proof that parents CAN make a difference in their kids' education, and that WOKE idiots don't have free rein over the education system. Keep up the good work, patriots.
Awesome. Proof that parents CAN make a difference in their kids' education, and that WOKE idiots don't have free rein over the education system. Keep up the good work, patriots.
Was there any evidence at all that this teacher was not following the school curriculum? Was she teaching subjects on CRT or homosexuality against school policy?

People are able to compartmentalize their public and professional lives you know.

Well at least intelligent people are able to.
I'm glad our public schools here are insulated against all this. We still respect them here in our rural school. Only a couple of kids don't go onto tech or 4 year schools.
Idaho's newly minted teacher of the year was chased out of the state by right wing parents. Moving to Illinois.
its my understanding Idaho already has a severe teacher shortage. Don't see how this helps.

I usually stay away from far left and far right spin sites but I read it and after the spin the bottom line is: Teacher advances her career by fulfilling a long term goal of being a teacher at a university. Glad she advanced her career, why is this upsetting to you?
Was there any evidence at all that this teacher was not following the school curriculum? Was she teaching subjects on CRT or homosexuality against school policy?

People are able to compartmentalize their public and professional lives you know.

Well at least intelligent people are able to.
She can compartmentalize all she wishes. And the parents can protest her curriculum all they wish as well. She may not have been breaking any laws or school policies, but neither were the parents. Personally, I don't want a closet supporter of BLM or LGBTQ+Pedo teaching my kids because it's my belief that closet activists are still activists.
She can compartmentalize all she wishes. And the parents can protest her curriculum all they wish as well. She may not have been breaking any laws or school policies, but neither were the parents. Personally, I don't want a closet supporter of BLM or LGBTQ+Pedo teaching my kids because it's my belief that closet activists are still activists.
Well if she was a closet supporter the parents would never know would they?

This is the point.

If this woman had no social media the parents would have thought she was a great teacher.

This just illustrates how stupid this entire situation is.
Well if she was a closet supporter the parents would never know would they?

This is the point.

If this woman had no social media the parents would have thought she was a great teacher.

This just illustrates how stupid this entire situation is.
True. If she was actually a "closet supporter" then the parents wouldn't know a thing. But the fact that they DID know something about her beliefs is evidence that she wasn't an actual "closet supporter." Do any of us believe that the students wouldn't have access to their teacher's social media posts? If the parents found them then so could the students. So whether directly or tacitly, she could have influence in the students' thinking process. The parents have a right determine to who's teaching their kids.
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She can be a good teacher and still do stupid things. Doing stupid things can ruin you as she just learned.

And I SAID people who don't self censor are too stupid to be teaching kids.

Knowing what not to say is far more important than most people these days realize.
Except of course those posts are only stupid purely because you disagree with them. They are not radical or controversial to s majority of the US.

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