Idaho loses its 'Teacher of the Year' after right-wing parents chase her out of state

I've had experience with home schooled kids. Of course there are some home schooled kids who do well. First, because their parents knew enough of the material to teach them, and next because the parents are willing to invest the time required to teach the kids. Neither of those requirements are met by many home school parents. In states like Texas, there is no effort made to determine if the children are even receiving any kind of formal education. When you can assure that all home schooled kids are recieving an adequate education, or that there are certain minimum requirements for home schooling, then we might have something to talk about. Till then, I'm not good with children being denied an education that makes the difference between them having a productive life, and abject poverty because of no education.

Where this is happening it's of course awful, but this is by no means prevalent. Most parents who are negligent or uncaring do not homeschool their kids; they want them foisted off on the schools as much as possible, for the most part. So for the most part, homeschooling parents are dedicated and, now more than ever, there are great options for remote and shared learning in areas where parents are proficient.
True. If she was actually a "closet supporter" then the parents wouldn't know a thing. But the fact that they DID know something about her beliefs is evidence that she wasn't an actual "closet supporter." Do any of us believe that the students wouldn't have access to their teacher's social media posts? If the parents found them then so could the students. So whether directly or tacitly, she could have influence in the students' thinking process. The parents have a right determine to who's teaching their kids.

I think you're going a step really, REALLY too far if you're asking teachers never to express opinions online because some parents will disagree.


As long as teachers aren't attempting to inculcate students with these with it. Moreover, this teaches children that there are all kinds of opinions in the world, some that you might even find wrong, and you are occasionally expected to get along with the holders of those opinions.
Interesting. So teachers can't express political opinions on social media, lest parents have contrasting political opinions?
The left makes it so that conservatives lose jobs for their social media posts. Which I’m sure that teacher never questioned or cared about. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Lefties never care until it bites their side in the ass.

Too bad,so sad.
The left makes it so that conservatives lose jobs for their social media posts. Which I’m sure that teacher never questioned or cared about. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Lefties never care until it bites their side in the ass.

Too bad,so sad.

I understand your point and I'm not in total disagreement. But I'd rather the "turnaround is fair play" go to the power players whenever possible, not people just trying to make a living.
You're speaking out of both sides of your mouth, which is illustrative as to why teachers have an impossible job and cannot win no matter what they do.

Who would do this job now, for THIS public?

People who really care about students and about the future of this country.

Now on top of everything, because of some social media posts, parents demand to see your lesson plans. .....

I have no problem sharing and discussing my lesson plans with parents. I'm happy to do so. It's an important part of my job to make and maintain connections with caregivers.
True. If she was actually a "closet supporter" then the parents wouldn't know a thing. But the fact that they DID know something about her beliefs is evidence that she wasn't an actual "closet supporter." Do any of us believe that the students wouldn't have access to their teacher's social media posts? If the parents found them then so could the students. So whether directly or tacitly, she could have influence in the students' thinking process. The parents have a right determine to who's teaching their kids.

Why should any teacher allow her students to see her social media?

IMO Schools need to have a policy that teachers do not engage on social media with their students other than from an official school sponsored account. Just like a business has accounts for employees to interact with customers that are not for personal use.

And If I were a teacher my Social Media accounts ( if I had any) would all be private and/or under a pseudonym
Except of course those posts are only stupid purely because you disagree with them. They are not radical or controversial to s majority of the US.
I don't disagree with them. I think it's stupid for anyone to post every aspect of their personal life on social media. Just like I think it's stupid for people to deem a person unworthy of a job because they post shit someone doesn't like.


The world we live in today is populated with lots of stupid people and knowing that I would think any professional would be wise to self censor when it comes to social media.
When you send your child to a community (public) school, you are basically agreeing that he/she might hear SOME things that you have personal beef with.

Back when we were a reasonable society, having your child exposed to something like the United Nations, or different cultures, might have ruffled your feathers, but not the point of demanding to see the teacher's lesson plans.

But my fellow conservatives have a Moral Panic underway, the flip side of the Moral Panic you all had with Covid. Yes, you did. Ugly, isn't it? Silly too.

At any rate, if the teacher is bringing some of these views into the classroom, obviously that's wrong. If she is not, it's not their business.

But as I said: we do so love our Moral Panics in the 21st century. Me, I'm dead sick of them.
Well said.... Having said that I think there must be more to the story than we're being treated to by the very selective mainstream media.

I would personally like to hear from some of the parents and what they have to say. Five will get you ten.... There are some details that haven't been covered by the news story. People.... especially conservative parents... don't just jump up out of their chair and chase people for nothing. Sorry but I'm not buying it.
Why should any teacher allow her students to see her social media?

IMO Schools need to have a policy that teachers do not engage on social media with their students other than from an official school sponsored account. Just like a business has accounts for employees to interact with customers that are not for personal use.

And If I were a teacher my Social Media accounts ( if I had any) would all be private and/or under a pseudonym
Like I said. If the parents were able to find her posts, then students could do the same. I agree that a person should have the right to believe whatever they want, but the parents are allowed to have a say in who teaches their kids. If the teacher likes her job, then she should keep her opinions to herself if they're going to jeopardize her job. I have to watch what I say where I work.
Like I said. If the parents were able to find her posts, then students could do the same. I agree that a person should have the right to believe whatever they want, but the parents are allowed to have a say in who teaches their kids. If the teacher likes her job, then she should keep her opinions to herself if they're going to jeopardize her job. I have to watch what I say where I work.

Overreacting to a person's political beliefs is stupid.

If this teacher was really doing a poor job then the parents would have had actual evidence that she was a bad teacher.

Like I said there's plenty of stupid to go around on this issue.
Overreacting to a person's political beliefs is stupid.

If this teacher was really doing a poor job then the parents would have had actual evidence that she was a bad teacher.

Like I said there's plenty of stupid to go around on this issue.
It may be an overreaction to you, but in a world where the pedo community is forcing their beliefs on kids across the nation, it may not be an overreaction to a parent whose young, impressionable child is being influenced by a pro-LGBTQ pro-BLM type of teacher. The problem is real. Many Idahoans fled California due to "woke" policies, and they chose to raise their child in a more conservative state where the cancer of "wokeism" hasn't crept.

As the old saying goes: (Paraphrased), "the only way for evil to prosper is for good people to do nothing." Good, wholesome parents are simply making sure the proverbial "woke" foot doesn't get in the proverbial conservative door.
Idaho's newly minted teacher of the year was chased out of the state by right wing parents. Moving to Illinois.
its my understanding Idaho already has a severe teacher shortage. Don't see how this helps.

Lol, not surprising. The county I grew up in in western Ohio is super Trump country. During covid they chased half the doctors out of town. Now a good percentage has to drive 40 miles for their doctor appointments. They did nit learn a damn thing from it. Add in the loss of money to the farms for Trump's tariff programs another big kick in the balls. Still learned nothing. I guess running around calling everyone a pedo is more important to them.
It may be an overreaction to you, but in a world where the pedo community is forcing their beliefs on kids across the nation, it may not be an overreaction to a parent whose young, impressionable child is being influenced by a pro-LGBTQ pro-BLM type of teacher. The problem is real. Many Idahoans fled California due to "woke" policies, and they chose to raise their child in a more conservative state where the cancer of "wokeism" hasn't crept.

As the old saying goes: (Paraphrased), "the only way for evil to prosper is for good people to do nothing." Good, wholesome parents are simply making sure the proverbial "woke" foot doesn't get in the proverbial conservative door.
There is absolutely no evidence that this teacher was pushing any political agendas on her students.
Lol, not surprising. The county I grew up in in western Ohio is super Trump country. During covid they chased half the doctors out of town. Now a good percentage has to drive 40 miles for their doctor appointments. They did nit learn a damn thing from it. Add in the loss of money to the farms for Trump's tariff programs another big kick in the balls. Still learned nothing. I guess running around calling everyone a pedo is more important to them.
Glad they chased the "woke" idiots out of town. Medical malpractice kills a lot more folks than guns do. The town is likely a safer place now.
Glad they chased the "woke" idiots out of town. Medical malpractice kills a lot more folks than guns do. The town is likely a safer place now.
Lol, retard story time I love it. Very entertaining. What else ya got? Iam happy those idiots don't have medical attention when they need it. Darwinism at work. Less retards like you through natural selection.
Where this is happening it's of course awful, but this is by no means prevalent. Most parents who are negligent or uncaring do not homeschool their kids; they want them foisted off on the schools as much as possible, for the most part. So for the most part, homeschooling parents are dedicated and, now more than ever, there are great options for remote and shared learning in areas where parents are proficient.
Sure. Great options, with option being the relivant word. You complain about crooks, drug users and homeless people in our largest towns, yet you believe being a parent means you are willing and capable of teaching unruly kids what they need to know. I gave you credit for more reasoning ability than that.

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