Idaho toddler shoots mother dead in Walmart store.

It adds complexity by definition. It could slow you down, you don't know that. The simple solution would be to keep your weapon on you instead of laying around in a shopping cart. Which may not even have been legal.
Not necessarily. It only adds complexity by your particular understanding. There is no specific reason why child proofing has to add complexity or slow you down.
My particular understanding? How can you add a safety device that doesn't add complexity? Instead of blowing wind out of your ass explain it.
Properties of a baby/child hand: short fingers, low strength.
Solutions drawn from requirements: use an amount of force or finger length that is beyond a typical child's capability to access the device.

A purse with a magnetic clasp on a flap, use a magnet strong enough to prevent a small child from pulling the flap open. Same purse use a push button on a strong spring for the clasp, use a pull latch with a heavy force requirement, ...

A holster for the gun with a strap ... see above ways to make it just hard enough to pull off that a child can't get it off without using a lever.

Adult too weak to out pull a baby? Ok instead of putting the latch for the purse on the outside put a hole in the top of the purse big enough for a finger, and move the latch to the inside of the purse.

So now the responsibility is not on the on parent, nor the gun manufacturer, but is instead on a company that makes purses.

take a look at this handgun


German-designed smart guns rerouted after cultural backlash in U.S. - The Globe and Mail

That could be on every new hand gun sold in this country.

problem solved
Not all purses.. I was talking about an opportunity for someone to sell baby proof holsters/purses.

I'd rather have a palm print scanner or such on the gun than a proximity/rfid device.
I'd rather see someone sell idiot proof guns.
I agree - the requirements vary per state, some have no requirements whatsoever. That doesn't seem good. I don't get why we have to jump through hoops for a drivers license but in some locales anyone can get a concealed or open carry permit.
I've never heard of an open carry permit. Maybe some state has one but generally you have open carry by default if there is no law against it. Same with shall issue, like here. If there's no reason for you to not have a gun then they must let you have one. It's your right and you shouldn't need government approval to own a firearm. Every state should be like that and shame on those that aren't.

If you were allowed to target practice at the mall, you'd have a good analogy with autos.
The event caused me to take a serious and sober reflection on the issue of gun nuts packing heat in crowded urban type environments. I am forced to admit that this story does not, in itself, cause me to be outraged. This story is a prime example of the Darwin principle in action. Woman packs loaded automatic in her purse, almost certainly with a bullet in the chamber. Leaves purse unattended with her 2 year old, who pulls out gun and shoots her dead in the middle of a crowded Walmart. The woman was a walking time bomb. Anyone this careless would also be stupid enough to reach for a plugged in hair dryer while in a full bathtub. I would only have been really outraged if the kid had killed himself or somebody else. As for what happened to the mother. Meh.
But what about the pot head that tokes on a pipe going down the freeway and gets distracted and kills a family in a minivan? Such a sober reflection should have you seriously considering stripping driving rights from anyone that smokes dope or just stay at home.

Hey...we have 300 million guns in this country

Occaisionally, these weapons will fall into the hands of children. It is the price we pay for a second amendment

300 million abortions.. its the price we pay for lazy irresponsible murderers.

So as long as abortion remains legal throughout the world, nobody can complain about deaths due to guns?

Hey...we have 300 million guns in this country

Occaisionally, these weapons will fall into the hands of children. It is the price we pay for a second amendment

guns are legal too.

300 million abortions.. its the price we pay for lazy irresponsible murderers.

So as long as abortion remains legal throughout the world, nobody can complain about deaths due to guns?
The victim’s father-in-law, Terry Rutledge, told Associated Press that she “was a beautiful, young, loving mother.”

“She was not the least bit irresponsible,” he said. “She was taken much too soon.”

What would this guy call irresponsible? If I had a gun in my purse I sure as hell wouldn't have that purse in arms reach of my kids. Actually I refused to get a gun until my kids were grown. I'm just glad the child wasn't hurt.

That child may not have been physically hurt but it was hurt in other ways.

That child now will have to grow up with it's mother. Without her love and guidance.

That child will have to live all it's life knowing it killed it's own mother.

In my opinion, that's a lot of hurt.
A toddler is dead after a 4-year-old child put a car into gear and hit the little girl Sunday afternoon.

Child puts car in gear kills toddler Amarillo Globe-News

Yeah that's the price we pay for having cars... Rolls eyes.
Another thing we are ok with happening occasionally. Thank you for pointing that out also. Freedom to have our guns. Freedom to have our cars.

Yet, as a society, we are willing to do things to reduce the numbr of auto deaths.
Safer roads, safer cars, tough drunk driving laws, licensing, registration

Yet when children are shot or in this case choots his mother all we do as a society is shrug and say.....Thats too bad
Again with the "we" as if you speak for us. See my proposal, cause I don't agree with the folks that think it's cool to let babies play with loaded guns.

I agree with your solutions to this problem.

Unfortunately too many gun owners don't.

When one gun seller advertised he was going to sell smart guns, he was attacked by gun owners and the nra. He backed down and agreed not to sell any smart guns.

When the people of Washington state had the opportunity to vote on a bill that would require background checks on all gun sales, the gun people went nuts. When any reasonable gun safety measures are even suggested, the gun nuts start screaming that they'll lose their gun. That the government is coming after their gun.

Those two examples shows that right-winger is right. We shrug our shoulders, say it's too bad and forget it until the next gun accident happens.
The victim’s father-in-law, Terry Rutledge, told Associated Press that she “was a beautiful, young, loving mother.”

“She was not the least bit irresponsible,” he said. “She was taken much too soon.”

What would this guy call irresponsible? If I had a gun in my purse I sure as hell wouldn't have that purse in arms reach of my kids. Actually I refused to get a gun until my kids were grown. I'm just glad the child wasn't hurt.

That child may not have been physically hurt but it was hurt in other ways.

That child now will have to grow up with it's mother. Without her love and guidance.

That child will have to live all it's life knowing it killed it's own mother.

In my opinion, that's a lot of hurt.

That child is not an it.
When one gun seller advertised he was going to sell smart guns, he was attacked by gun owners and the nra. He backed down and agreed not to sell any smart guns.

When the people of Washington state had the opportunity to vote on a bill that would require background checks on all gun sales, the gun people went nuts. When any reasonable gun safety measures are even suggested, the gun nuts start screaming that they'll lose their gun. That the government is coming after their gun.

Those two examples shows that right-winger is right. We shrug our shoulders, say it's too bad and forget it until the next gun accident happens.
But you don't know what you're talking about so....

The "smart" gun was "attacked" by the NRA as legislation. They don't care if someone makes a gun virtually inoperable with safety devices. It's your problem. They will point out the folly, and they should. What if a spouse or friend needs it in a moment's notice? Even IF they got the technology down, which they haven't. It's still a liberal's wet dream.

And WA state voters didn't know what was in the law, as you've demonstrated before. The libs have the stupid vote locked up.
It's really pathetic to see the celebration and exploitation of this tragic event by the moonbat brigade.

Just sayin'.
When one gun seller advertised he was going to sell smart guns, he was attacked by gun owners and the nra. He backed down and agreed not to sell any smart guns.

When the people of Washington state had the opportunity to vote on a bill that would require background checks on all gun sales, the gun people went nuts. When any reasonable gun safety measures are even suggested, the gun nuts start screaming that they'll lose their gun. That the government is coming after their gun.

Those two examples shows that right-winger is right. We shrug our shoulders, say it's too bad and forget it until the next gun accident happens.
But you don't know what you're talking about so....

The "smart" gun was "attacked" by the NRA as legislation. They don't care if someone makes a gun virtually inoperable with safety devices. It's your problem. They will point out the folly, and they should. What if a spouse or friend needs it in a moment's notice? Even IF they got the technology down, which they haven't. It's still a liberal's wet dream.

And WA state voters didn't know what was in the law, as you've demonstrated before. The libs have the stupid vote locked up.

I wasn't talking about legislation. I was talking about a dealer who advertised that he was going to sell smart guns.

When he did that gun nuts and people from the nra attacked him. He got death threats so he backed down and didn't sell the gun.

Death threats stop gun store from selling 'smart' gun. Why? -

This is from the article link above:

But the NRA and many gun owners say it’s a government Trojan horse intended to open the door for laws that will mandate “smart” technology in new guns in order to identify gun owners – a notion that’s widely seen by gun owners as a threat to Second Amendment rights. When Mr. Raymond said he’d sell the Armatix, he was deluged with complaints and threats against his life, even the life of his dog. Before relenting on Thursday, Raymond lashed out against his critics in a YouTube video.

Gun Seller Backs Down on Smart Gun Plans After Threats
This is from the article link above:

The NRA recently said in a blog post that the guns have the potential "to mesh with the anti-gunner's agenda, opening the door to a ban on all guns that do not possess the government-required technology,"

So the gun nuts and the nra attacked this man for trying to sell a legal gun. They actually violated the second amendment rights of that gun dealer and anyone who wants to buy that gun.

It looks like gun nuts and the nra are going to do anything they can to prevent any reasonable safety measures and they believe they have the right to tell everyone what gun they can own or sell.
When one gun seller advertised he was going to sell smart guns, he was attacked by gun owners and the nra. He backed down and agreed not to sell any smart guns.

When the people of Washington state had the opportunity to vote on a bill that would require background checks on all gun sales, the gun people went nuts. When any reasonable gun safety measures are even suggested, the gun nuts start screaming that they'll lose their gun. That the government is coming after their gun.

Those two examples shows that right-winger is right. We shrug our shoulders, say it's too bad and forget it until the next gun accident happens.
But you don't know what you're talking about so....

The "smart" gun was "attacked" by the NRA as legislation. They don't care if someone makes a gun virtually inoperable with safety devices. It's your problem. They will point out the folly, and they should. What if a spouse or friend needs it in a moment's notice? Even IF they got the technology down, which they haven't. It's still a liberal's wet dream.

And WA state voters didn't know what was in the law, as you've demonstrated before. The libs have the stupid vote locked up.
I wasn't talking about legislation. I was talking about a dealer who advertised that he was going to sell smart guns.

When he did that gun nuts and people from the nra attacked him. He got death threats so he backed down and didn't sell the gun.

Death threats stop gun store from selling 'smart' gun. Why? -

This is from the article link above:

But the NRA and many gun owners say it’s a government Trojan horse intended to open the door for laws that will mandate “smart” technology in new guns in order to identify gun owners – a notion that’s widely seen by gun owners as a threat to Second Amendment rights. When Mr. Raymond said he’d sell the Armatix, he was deluged with complaints and threats against his life, even the life of his dog. Before relenting on Thursday, Raymond lashed out against his critics in a YouTube video.

Gun Seller Backs Down on Smart Gun Plans After Threats
This is from the article link above:

The NRA recently said in a blog post that the guns have the potential "to mesh with the anti-gunner's agenda, opening the door to a ban on all guns that do not possess the government-required technology,"

So the gun nuts and the nra attacked this man for trying to sell a legal gun. They actually violated the second amendment rights of that gun dealer and anyone who wants to buy that gun.

It looks like gun nuts and the nra are going to do anything they can to prevent any reasonable safety measures and they believe they have the right to tell everyone what gun they can own or sell.

Do you know why they didn't like him and his product....because in New Jersey...once a so called smart gun is created, they have a law that states that in so many years, all guns sold in the state have to use that technology....even if it is crap....
He unknowingly joined an anti 2nd amendment side of the fight for that of course he was resisted....
A toddler is dead after a 4-year-old child put a car into gear and hit the little girl Sunday afternoon.

Child puts car in gear kills toddler Amarillo Globe-News

Yeah that's the price we pay for having cars... Rolls eyes.
Another thing we are ok with happening occasionally. Thank you for pointing that out also. Freedom to have our guns. Freedom to have our cars.

Yet, as a society, we are willing to do things to reduce the numbr of auto deaths.
Safer roads, safer cars, tough drunk driving laws, licensing, registration

Yet when children are shot or in this case choots his mother all we do as a society is shrug and say.....Thats too bad
Again with the "we" as if you speak for us. See my proposal, cause I don't agree with the folks that think it's cool to let babies play with loaded guns.

I agree with your solutions to this problem.

Unfortunately too many gun owners don't.

When one gun seller advertised he was going to sell smart guns, he was attacked by gun owners and the nra. He backed down and agreed not to sell any smart guns.

When the people of Washington state had the opportunity to vote on a bill that would require background checks on all gun sales, the gun people went nuts. When any reasonable gun safety measures are even suggested, the gun nuts start screaming that they'll lose their gun. That the government is coming after their gun.

Those two examples shows that right-winger is right. We shrug our shoulders, say it's too bad and forget it until the next gun accident happens.

Universal background checks won't work and are ways that the anti gunners get lawful guns banned....because to have a Universal Background must...must...register all guns so the background checks can take place....otherwise how does the government know when a gun is transferred from one person to another....? That is what most people don't understand about the mythical Universal Background also means you can't give a gun to a family member without going and getting a background check done......not even if they have a concealed carry permit and the gun is owned by one member of the family.....

It is a deceitful way to pass more anti gun regulations....
When one gun seller advertised he was going to sell smart guns, he was attacked by gun owners and the nra. He backed down and agreed not to sell any smart guns.

When the people of Washington state had the opportunity to vote on a bill that would require background checks on all gun sales, the gun people went nuts. When any reasonable gun safety measures are even suggested, the gun nuts start screaming that they'll lose their gun. That the government is coming after their gun.

Those two examples shows that right-winger is right. We shrug our shoulders, say it's too bad and forget it until the next gun accident happens.
But you don't know what you're talking about so....

The "smart" gun was "attacked" by the NRA as legislation. They don't care if someone makes a gun virtually inoperable with safety devices. It's your problem. They will point out the folly, and they should. What if a spouse or friend needs it in a moment's notice? Even IF they got the technology down, which they haven't. It's still a liberal's wet dream.

And WA state voters didn't know what was in the law, as you've demonstrated before. The libs have the stupid vote locked up.
I wasn't talking about legislation. I was talking about a dealer who advertised that he was going to sell smart guns.

When he did that gun nuts and people from the nra attacked him. He got death threats so he backed down and didn't sell the gun.

Death threats stop gun store from selling 'smart' gun. Why? -

This is from the article link above:

But the NRA and many gun owners say it’s a government Trojan horse intended to open the door for laws that will mandate “smart” technology in new guns in order to identify gun owners – a notion that’s widely seen by gun owners as a threat to Second Amendment rights. When Mr. Raymond said he’d sell the Armatix, he was deluged with complaints and threats against his life, even the life of his dog. Before relenting on Thursday, Raymond lashed out against his critics in a YouTube video.

Gun Seller Backs Down on Smart Gun Plans After Threats
This is from the article link above:

The NRA recently said in a blog post that the guns have the potential "to mesh with the anti-gunner's agenda, opening the door to a ban on all guns that do not possess the government-required technology,"

So the gun nuts and the nra attacked this man for trying to sell a legal gun. They actually violated the second amendment rights of that gun dealer and anyone who wants to buy that gun.

It looks like gun nuts and the nra are going to do anything they can to prevent any reasonable safety measures and they believe they have the right to tell everyone what gun they can own or sell.

Do you know why they didn't like him and his product....because in New Jersey...once a so called smart gun is created, they have a law that states that in so many years, all guns sold in the state have to use that technology....even if it is crap....

That is one of the reasons they don't want that gun sold.

It's not the only one.

One of the articles I posted included the fact that the New Jersey legislature is going to repeal that law. The nra has to agree to stop preventing that gun being sold for New Jersey to do it.

I think that it's a good idea to make all guns smart guns. That way there will be less accidents and less guns stolen to be used in a crime.

If the woman had been using a smart gun, she would be alive right now.
When one gun seller advertised he was going to sell smart guns, he was attacked by gun owners and the nra. He backed down and agreed not to sell any smart guns.

When the people of Washington state had the opportunity to vote on a bill that would require background checks on all gun sales, the gun people went nuts. When any reasonable gun safety measures are even suggested, the gun nuts start screaming that they'll lose their gun. That the government is coming after their gun.

Those two examples shows that right-winger is right. We shrug our shoulders, say it's too bad and forget it until the next gun accident happens.
But you don't know what you're talking about so....

The "smart" gun was "attacked" by the NRA as legislation. They don't care if someone makes a gun virtually inoperable with safety devices. It's your problem. They will point out the folly, and they should. What if a spouse or friend needs it in a moment's notice? Even IF they got the technology down, which they haven't. It's still a liberal's wet dream.

And WA state voters didn't know what was in the law, as you've demonstrated before. The libs have the stupid vote locked up.
I wasn't talking about legislation. I was talking about a dealer who advertised that he was going to sell smart guns.

When he did that gun nuts and people from the nra attacked him. He got death threats so he backed down and didn't sell the gun.

Death threats stop gun store from selling 'smart' gun. Why? -

This is from the article link above:

But the NRA and many gun owners say it’s a government Trojan horse intended to open the door for laws that will mandate “smart” technology in new guns in order to identify gun owners – a notion that’s widely seen by gun owners as a threat to Second Amendment rights. When Mr. Raymond said he’d sell the Armatix, he was deluged with complaints and threats against his life, even the life of his dog. Before relenting on Thursday, Raymond lashed out against his critics in a YouTube video.

Gun Seller Backs Down on Smart Gun Plans After Threats
This is from the article link above:

The NRA recently said in a blog post that the guns have the potential "to mesh with the anti-gunner's agenda, opening the door to a ban on all guns that do not possess the government-required technology,"

So the gun nuts and the nra attacked this man for trying to sell a legal gun. They actually violated the second amendment rights of that gun dealer and anyone who wants to buy that gun.

It looks like gun nuts and the nra are going to do anything they can to prevent any reasonable safety measures and they believe they have the right to tell everyone what gun they can own or sell.

Do you know why they didn't like him and his product....because in New Jersey...once a so called smart gun is created, they have a law that states that in so many years, all guns sold in the state have to use that technology....even if it is crap....

That is one of the reasons they don't want that gun sold.

It's not the only one.

One of the articles I posted included the fact that the New Jersey legislature is going to repeal that law. The nra has to agree to stop preventing that gun being sold for New Jersey to do it.

I think that it's a good idea to make all guns smart guns. That way there will be less accidents and less guns stolen to be used in a crime.

If the woman had been using a smart gun, she would be alive right now.

You mean well....but you need to look more deeply at the issues guns are not reliable....especially not now....the methods to use them...rings, watches.....make it harder for someone in a real need to use them...what if the family member with the ring to use the gun is the first one killed by the does the other family member use the gun to stop further attacks....

What if you forget to put on the ring or watch....

And once criminals get into the act....they will hack the smart guns......that is what they do.....
When one gun seller advertised he was going to sell smart guns, he was attacked by gun owners and the nra. He backed down and agreed not to sell any smart guns.

When the people of Washington state had the opportunity to vote on a bill that would require background checks on all gun sales, the gun people went nuts. When any reasonable gun safety measures are even suggested, the gun nuts start screaming that they'll lose their gun. That the government is coming after their gun.

Those two examples shows that right-winger is right. We shrug our shoulders, say it's too bad and forget it until the next gun accident happens.
But you don't know what you're talking about so....

The "smart" gun was "attacked" by the NRA as legislation. They don't care if someone makes a gun virtually inoperable with safety devices. It's your problem. They will point out the folly, and they should. What if a spouse or friend needs it in a moment's notice? Even IF they got the technology down, which they haven't. It's still a liberal's wet dream.

And WA state voters didn't know what was in the law, as you've demonstrated before. The libs have the stupid vote locked up.
I wasn't talking about legislation. I was talking about a dealer who advertised that he was going to sell smart guns.

When he did that gun nuts and people from the nra attacked him. He got death threats so he backed down and didn't sell the gun.

Death threats stop gun store from selling 'smart' gun. Why? -

This is from the article link above:

But the NRA and many gun owners say it’s a government Trojan horse intended to open the door for laws that will mandate “smart” technology in new guns in order to identify gun owners – a notion that’s widely seen by gun owners as a threat to Second Amendment rights. When Mr. Raymond said he’d sell the Armatix, he was deluged with complaints and threats against his life, even the life of his dog. Before relenting on Thursday, Raymond lashed out against his critics in a YouTube video.

Gun Seller Backs Down on Smart Gun Plans After Threats
This is from the article link above:

The NRA recently said in a blog post that the guns have the potential "to mesh with the anti-gunner's agenda, opening the door to a ban on all guns that do not possess the government-required technology,"

So the gun nuts and the nra attacked this man for trying to sell a legal gun. They actually violated the second amendment rights of that gun dealer and anyone who wants to buy that gun.

It looks like gun nuts and the nra are going to do anything they can to prevent any reasonable safety measures and they believe they have the right to tell everyone what gun they can own or sell.

Do you know why they didn't like him and his product....because in New Jersey...once a so called smart gun is created, they have a law that states that in so many years, all guns sold in the state have to use that technology....even if it is crap....

I will also add, why do you hate capitalism and the free market?

That law states that the guns have to be sold for 3 years. That's letting the market decide. If the guns don't sell then the market decided. If they do sell the market has decided. If someone prevents the sale because of a law in another state, that's not free market capitalism. That's violating the second amendment and the rights of the people in New Jersey and all other states.

The people of New Jersey have the right to have that law. People from another state have no right to prevent that law from going into effect.
I have no problem with them selling the gun...just having politicians mandating that that will be the only technology for guns allowed to be sold....don't you agree.....? You say you believe in the free market...yes? So he should sell his gun alongside all the other guns and see who buys what....right? Or do you think that politicians should say only smart guns can be sold?
When one gun seller advertised he was going to sell smart guns, he was attacked by gun owners and the nra. He backed down and agreed not to sell any smart guns.

When the people of Washington state had the opportunity to vote on a bill that would require background checks on all gun sales, the gun people went nuts. When any reasonable gun safety measures are even suggested, the gun nuts start screaming that they'll lose their gun. That the government is coming after their gun.

Those two examples shows that right-winger is right. We shrug our shoulders, say it's too bad and forget it until the next gun accident happens.
But you don't know what you're talking about so....

The "smart" gun was "attacked" by the NRA as legislation. They don't care if someone makes a gun virtually inoperable with safety devices. It's your problem. They will point out the folly, and they should. What if a spouse or friend needs it in a moment's notice? Even IF they got the technology down, which they haven't. It's still a liberal's wet dream.

And WA state voters didn't know what was in the law, as you've demonstrated before. The libs have the stupid vote locked up.
I wasn't talking about legislation. I was talking about a dealer who advertised that he was going to sell smart guns.

When he did that gun nuts and people from the nra attacked him. He got death threats so he backed down and didn't sell the gun.

Death threats stop gun store from selling 'smart' gun. Why? -

This is from the article link above:

But the NRA and many gun owners say it’s a government Trojan horse intended to open the door for laws that will mandate “smart” technology in new guns in order to identify gun owners – a notion that’s widely seen by gun owners as a threat to Second Amendment rights. When Mr. Raymond said he’d sell the Armatix, he was deluged with complaints and threats against his life, even the life of his dog. Before relenting on Thursday, Raymond lashed out against his critics in a YouTube video.

Gun Seller Backs Down on Smart Gun Plans After Threats
This is from the article link above:

The NRA recently said in a blog post that the guns have the potential "to mesh with the anti-gunner's agenda, opening the door to a ban on all guns that do not possess the government-required technology,"

So the gun nuts and the nra attacked this man for trying to sell a legal gun. They actually violated the second amendment rights of that gun dealer and anyone who wants to buy that gun.

It looks like gun nuts and the nra are going to do anything they can to prevent any reasonable safety measures and they believe they have the right to tell everyone what gun they can own or sell.

Do you know why they didn't like him and his product....because in New Jersey...once a so called smart gun is created, they have a law that states that in so many years, all guns sold in the state have to use that technology....even if it is crap....

That is one of the reasons they don't want that gun sold.

It's not the only one.

One of the articles I posted included the fact that the New Jersey legislature is going to repeal that law. The nra has to agree to stop preventing that gun being sold for New Jersey to do it.

I think that it's a good idea to make all guns smart guns. That way there will be less accidents and less guns stolen to be used in a crime.

If the woman had been using a smart gun, she would be alive right now.

You mean well....but you need to look more deeply at the issues guns are not reliable....especially not now....the methods to use them...rings, watches.....make it harder for someone in a real need to use them...what if the family member with the ring to use the gun is the first one killed by the does the other family member use the gun to stop further attacks....

What if you forget to put on the ring or watch....

And once criminals get into the act....they will hack the smart guns......that is what they do.....

So you're proving rightwinger to be correct. That we just shrug our shoulders and say there's nothing we can or should do. It's just a part what goes with second amendment rights.

You're also proving me correct. I posted to anther person that rightwinger is correct. You're now proving what we both said.

I don't know about you but I grew up with guns in our garage all my life. My dad used to hunt with my grandfather. I don't recall such things happening in the time I grew up. If they did, they were a very rare occurrence and people would do something to prevent it happening again.

America is very opposite of that now.

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