Idaho toddler shoots mother dead in Walmart store.

I didn't see a link. The problem with internal lock systems with a key is that most people are just gonna turn the key on and leave it on pretty much forever. Carrying keys around is a pain in the ass and a 5year old can easily use a key.

Oh, I agree, it WOULD be abused. But THEN you seen THEN we have a crime. If your gun came with a lock and you didn't use it and your child used your gun to kill someone, even if by accident, YOU are guilty of negligent homicide.

Or who here believes that a biometric lock couldn't be built into a handgun? No authorized fingerprint no bang bang.
I don't like forcing biometric locks on people... but I do like the idea of having the option.

People didn't like the idea of seat belts being forced on them either.
Yeah well seat belts are required by law but you can operate the car without them.


air bags
traction control
air bags... optional for passenger.
abs and traction control optional based on driver mode selection preferences.
Apparently accidents happen... even when the shooting is on purpose.

I think the take away is owners should recognize just how dangerous their guns are in the hands of someone that is not equipped mentally and/or physically to handle said guns. And if they don't... someone might get killed.

She was in training to be a responsible gun owner!
Guns are a tool that can fire a projectile at over 1000 ft/sec at a range of over a mile. Its primary function is for killing. Other nations have seen fit to limit access to this tool and experience lower murder, suicide, massacres and accidental shooting rates.

But our nation has embraced this tool and celebrate it as part of our culture. As a result, we have to tolerate 2 year olds accidentally shooting their mothers
Well, clearly everyone knows you are lying, cause (1) you are against unfettered access, you have stated so numerous times, (2) guns are not the only tools used in murders, suicides, massacres, or even accidental projectile deaths.

Additionally, this statement of yours that anyone tolerates the stupidity of gun owners is utter nonsense. If YOU want to tolerate 2 year olds accidentally shooting their mothers with unattended guns, that's your business. But YOU don't speak for me. Do you or do you not understand that you don't speak for me?

I'm glad to hear that

What legislation are you proposing as a result of that 2 year old killing his mother? If your answer is nothing then you are proving my point
I would propose legislation to require unattended guns be child proofed/locked up to prevent access by children. Some sort of child proof safety should be engaged on all unattended guns when a child has access. Examples, of ways to child proof a gun would span from any sort of child safe latch on a container for the gun, such as a turn and press latch on a purse, to a bio trigger lock on the gun.

So you're for "gun control".

"gun control" is a broad undefined political campaign slogan...

I'm for reasoned common sense regulations on most public matters.

I'm not for non-nonsensical regulations designed to harm the public.

Liberty does not mean liberty to take liberty away from others. Thus if your liberty is likely to cause harm in public use it needs some common sense regulations.

I guess that's a 'yes'.
Oh, I agree, it WOULD be abused. But THEN you seen THEN we have a crime. If your gun came with a lock and you didn't use it and your child used your gun to kill someone, even if by accident, YOU are guilty of negligent homicide.

Or who here believes that a biometric lock couldn't be built into a handgun? No authorized fingerprint no bang bang.
I don't like forcing biometric locks on people... but I do like the idea of having the option.

People didn't like the idea of seat belts being forced on them either.
Yeah well seat belts are required by law but you can operate the car without them.


air bags
traction control
air bags... optional for passenger.
abs and traction control optional based on driver mode selection preferences.

no airbags are not optional for passenger any more. Stage III airbags can detect a small child and deploy accordingly but you cant turn them off on new vehicles.

And ABS can't be turned off either.

Well, short of removing the power from either one of course.
there is a compromise that can be made that both allows you to carry your penis replacement as safely as possible.

If you are not willing to make that compromise, you can just leave your gun at home.

ANY compromise that increases the amount of time necessary to bring that firearm into action is one which I will never agree to. Not in my home, not on the street, not in my car. Nowhere. My ability to defend myself supereedes any "safety" concerns for anyone, including myself.

And I will reiterate, SOMETHING is going to be done here, if you idiots won't compromise you will simply be left out of the conversation.


when will you morons learn?
And I will reiterate, SOMETHING is going to be done here, if you idiots won't compromise you will simply be left out of the conversation.


when will you morons learn?

When you folks kill us all. Until then, there will be no compromise. Better to be DEAD than to be RED, and those appear to be the only two choices you're offering.
And I will reiterate, SOMETHING is going to be done here, if you idiots won't compromise you will simply be left out of the conversation.


when will you morons learn?

When you folks kill us all. Until then, there will be no compromise. Better to be DEAD than to be RED, and those appear to be the only two choices you're offering.

Who, other than you , even made that an option you idiot?
I'm pro gun ownership. Own well over 500 myself, but I'm pro "responsible" gun ownership.

You sir, are not a responsible gun owner and give us all a bad name.

You're like the idiotic motorcycle rider who insists he shouldn't have to wear a helmet when riding.

Or , more to the point, the idiot who refuses to buckle his kids up in the car cuz "aint no stinkin liberal gonna make me add 30 seconds to my commute"

You're a fool. You sit here talking about you won't compromise as you scream about "the other side" wont compromise with you.
Has anyone heard what type of gun? Given how easily the gun was shot by a 2 year old I still suspect a semi auto with bullet in chamber and no safety. I don't see a 2 year old making it fire otherwise. Just a safety and not a lock may have been enough in this case. Would save some carry people from shooting themselves too.
Every bit as much as yours has to do with responsible gun owners.

No, your implication is that there is no such thing as a responsible gun owner, which is pure unadulterated horse manure. If we use your definition then there is no such thing as a responsible homosexual, or car driver, or chef, or whatever you decide you want to attack on any particular day. That's why your whole statement is a logic fail.

It is a cheap shot, taking advantage of a terrible accident to further your particular political goal. I can do the exact same thing whenever a gay person makes a mistake, or engages in unprotected sex etc. etc. etc.

It would be equally disgusting.

Westwall aren't you the one that stated on another forum that you aren't allowed to own a gun anymore?

I'm on no other forums and I own plenty of firearms. I am also a gunsmith and once upon a time a friend of mine had a Title II manufacturing license and we used to make some pretty cool weapons for law enforcement. So no, I am fully allowed to own any darn thing I want to.

Well you have a clone Westwall.

He goes to every politically based forum and his/her only fixation is weapons. He/she is generally the first disposed argument knowing the least about the conversation. He/She even uses the same friends and avatar in other forums. Forgive me because I am bad at basic MATH and common sense. I seem to have mistaken you for someone acting just like you for years now.


The fact that you suffer from poor mental acuity is well known. However, this is the only forum I am on. I used to post at the James Randi forum a few years ago but stopped that when it was obvious all they wanted to hear was themselves.

I can't speak for my supposed doppelganger that it seems only you are able to see, but this forum is it, and has been for at least three years now.
A well organized militia being necessary, the two year old had every constitutional right to that gun.

^That's deep.

And it's 2014.

And it's "well regulated" ...............not organized...............organized is the secondary term of regulated.

Please learn to recognize sarcasm.

"Smart" progressives don't understand sarcasm. Of course one must first be smart to understand sarcasm, so I guess that explains why they never get it. Randi Rhodes took Stephen Colbert to task once because of a gag he did on his show about Rosa Parks. Randi bought it hook, line, and sinker. That was when I figured out that she was just really dumb.
The bag below is advertised as a concealed carry bag for women, but doesn't say anything about child-proof. I think the press has contacted the manufacturer already and it's bullshit.

She could keep the bag on her. Making it child proof would make it difficult to get to in time of need. The gun and purse operated as designed.
Resulting in the death of a mother at the hands of a 2 year old.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
pathetic to use this tragedy to try to make a political point.

The point being that we are a gun loving society and we are willing to put up with an occaisional child shooting

No big deal
Bullshit you effing liar. No one is putting up with "occasional" child shootings. WTF is wrong you? Are you mentally unstable or something?
Of course we are. Every year we put up with it. But it's part of having the 2nd amendment freedoms to keep our guns. So what?

Much as we put up with fake ass lesbian former naval aviators all in the name of freedom of speech I suppose.
Mal, get yerself under control!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I don't like forcing biometric locks on people... but I do like the idea of having the option.

People didn't like the idea of seat belts being forced on them either.
Yeah well seat belts are required by law but you can operate the car without them.


air bags
traction control
air bags... optional for passenger.
abs and traction control optional based on driver mode selection preferences.

no airbags are not optional for passenger any more. Stage III airbags can detect a small child and deploy accordingly but you cant turn them off on new vehicles.

And ABS can't be turned off either.

Well, short of removing the power from either one of course.
Yeah illegal for a license dealer / service agency to give you a switch, but you can put one in.
People didn't like the idea of seat belts being forced on them either.
Yeah well seat belts are required by law but you can operate the car without them.


air bags
traction control
air bags... optional for passenger.
abs and traction control optional based on driver mode selection preferences.

no airbags are not optional for passenger any more. Stage III airbags can detect a small child and deploy accordingly but you cant turn them off on new vehicles.

And ABS can't be turned off either.

Well, short of removing the power from either one of course.
Yeah illegal for a license dealer / service agency to give you a switch, but you can put one in.

Of course you can. But the auto MANUFACTURER is required to install said devices. and by the way, they are much harder to defeat than you seem to believe, but that is irrelevant to this topic.
The bag below is advertised as a concealed carry bag for women, but doesn't say anything about child-proof. I think the press has contacted the manufacturer already and it's bullshit.

She could keep the bag on her. Making it child proof would make it difficult to get to in time of need. The gun and purse operated as designed.
Resulting in the death of a mother at the hands of a 2 year old.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Bottom line: Five+ lives ruined for a fucking hobby. Hope this family has the money to pay for the psychological therapy these kids are going to need for the rest of their lives.
The Mom was an idiot who failed to follow a very basic set of safety rules.
Wrong! The Mom was nuclear research scientist. Those people are smart & follow rigorous safety rules.

Little terrible two's toddler had PTSD episode after Mom failed to get him what he wanted for Christmas. :lol:
The Mom was an idiot who failed to follow a very basic set of safety rules.
Wrong! The Mom was nuclear research scientist. Those people are smart & follow rigorous safety rules.

Little terrible two's toddler had PTSD episode after Mom failed to get him what he wanted for Christmas.
omg. ...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Oh, I've no doubt that twice in 15 years you felt like a big man showing someone you were armed.

In both cases I was facing multiple potential threats who were larger than I am. In both cases I was simply going about my own business and these individuals chose to involve themselves in my life unnecessarily. Only one time did I have to even show the gun. The other time, the mere announcement that I was armed was sufficient to end the situation immediately and without issue.

Both times the gun did its job without a shot ever needing to be fired. The incidents were defused without the gun ever leaving the holster. THAT is the main purpose of carrying a gun..... to stop things BEFORE it gets to the point of needing to be bloodshed.
Please understand that I do NOT care.

there is a compromise that can be made that both allows you to carry your penis replacement as safely as possible.

If you are not willing to make that compromise, you can just leave your gun at home.
Penis replacement? WTF? You protect yourself with your penis? No one needs to compromise with you. I can open carry my 1911 cocked if I wanted but choose not to. I do carry cocked and locked but the thumb safety only takes a second.

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