Idaho toddler shoots mother dead in Walmart store.

pathetic to use this tragedy to try to make a political point.

The point being that we are a gun loving society and we are willing to put up with an occaisional child shooting

No big deal
Bullshit you effing liar. No one is putting up with "occasional" child shootings. WTF is wrong you? Are you mentally unstable or something?
Of course we are. Every year we put up with it. But it's part of having the 2nd amendment freedoms to keep our guns. So what?
pathetic to use this tragedy to try to make a political point.

The point being that we are a gun loving society and we are willing to put up with an occaisional child shooting

No big deal
Bullshit you effing liar. No one is putting up with "occasional" child shootings. WTF is wrong you? Are you mentally unstable or something?
Of course we are. Every year we put up with it. But it's part of having the 2nd amendment freedoms to keep our guns. So what?

Much as we put up with fake ass lesbian former naval aviators all in the name of freedom of speech I suppose.
No, that is not what we say. We do not say "Because of the 0.01% we are taking the guns away from everyone!", but we don't say there is nothing we can do.

We can have better security at schools, better mental health options available and we can put violent offenders away and keep them away.
There are 300 million guns out there....nobody is going to take them away

Guns are part of our culture, we have to live with the consequences
Those consequences are:
High murder rate
Bullshit. Guns are just a dangerous tool. No different than any other dangerous tool.

Guns are a tool that can fire a projectile at over 1000 ft/sec at a range of over a mile. Its primary function is for killing. Other nations have seen fit to limit access to this tool and experience lower murder, suicide, massacres and accidental shooting rates.

But our nation has embraced this tool and celebrate it as part of our culture. As a result, we have to tolerate 2 year olds accidentally shooting their mothers
Well, clearly everyone knows you are lying, cause (1) you are against unfettered access, you have stated so numerous times, (2) guns are not the only tools used in murders, suicides, massacres, or even accidental projectile deaths.

Additionally, this statement of yours that anyone tolerates the stupidity of gun owners is utter nonsense. If YOU want to tolerate 2 year olds accidentally shooting their mothers with unattended guns, that's your business. But YOU don't speak for me. Do you or do you not understand that you don't speak for me?

I'm glad to hear that

What legislation are you proposing as a result of that 2 year old killing his mother? If your answer is nothing then you are proving my point
I would propose legislation to require unattended guns be child proofed/locked up to prevent access by children. Some sort of child proof safety should be engaged on all unattended guns when a child has access. Examples, of ways to child proof a gun would span from any sort of child safe latch on a container for the gun, such as a turn and press latch on a purse, to a bio trigger lock on the gun.
Latest cable news update is the Hayden police are stating that the gun was not properly secured. But there's no details.

I bet this silly woman had the gun just sitting inside this carrier and it was open. I mean, come on....a 2-year-old does not possess the dexterity to open a supposedly child-proof carrier. Sorry if I appear to be callous, but I will only shake my head so many times of America's obsession with owning and carrying guns for no fucking good reason except to endanger their own or other innocent lives.

Shopping on Cheltenham Ave in Philadelphia at midnight? OK. Shopping at Walmart in rural Idaho, nope.

A toddler is dead after a 4-year-old child put a car into gear and hit the little girl Sunday afternoon.

Child puts car in gear kills toddler Amarillo Globe-News

Yeah that's the price we pay for having cars... Rolls eyes.
Another thing we are ok with happening occasionally. Thank you for pointing that out also. Freedom to have our guns. Freedom to have our cars.

Yet, as a society, we are willing to do things to reduce the numbr of auto deaths.
Safer roads, safer cars, tough drunk driving laws, licensing, registration

Yet when children are shot or in this case choots his mother all we do as a society is shrug and say.....Thats too bad
A toddler is dead after a 4-year-old child put a car into gear and hit the little girl Sunday afternoon.

Child puts car in gear kills toddler Amarillo Globe-News

Yeah that's the price we pay for having cars... Rolls eyes.
Another thing we are ok with happening occasionally. Thank you for pointing that out also. Freedom to have our guns. Freedom to have our cars.
Wrong again... regulations are put in place all the time to make cars safer.
There are 300 million guns out there....nobody is going to take them away

Guns are part of our culture, we have to live with the consequences
Those consequences are:
High murder rate
Bullshit. Guns are just a dangerous tool. No different than any other dangerous tool.

Guns are a tool that can fire a projectile at over 1000 ft/sec at a range of over a mile. Its primary function is for killing. Other nations have seen fit to limit access to this tool and experience lower murder, suicide, massacres and accidental shooting rates.

But our nation has embraced this tool and celebrate it as part of our culture. As a result, we have to tolerate 2 year olds accidentally shooting their mothers
Well, clearly everyone knows you are lying, cause (1) you are against unfettered access, you have stated so numerous times, (2) guns are not the only tools used in murders, suicides, massacres, or even accidental projectile deaths.

Additionally, this statement of yours that anyone tolerates the stupidity of gun owners is utter nonsense. If YOU want to tolerate 2 year olds accidentally shooting their mothers with unattended guns, that's your business. But YOU don't speak for me. Do you or do you not understand that you don't speak for me?

I'm glad to hear that

What legislation are you proposing as a result of that 2 year old killing his mother? If your answer is nothing then you are proving my point
I would propose legislation to require unattended guns be child proofed/locked up to prevent access by children. Some sort of child proof safety should be engaged on all unattended guns when a child has access. Examples, of ways to child proof a gun would span from any sort of child safe latch on a container for the gun, such as a turn and press latch on a purse, to a bio trigger lock on the gun.

Did you see the link I showed to the lock system Taurus uses? Simple, built in, impossible to remove or defeat
A toddler is dead after a 4-year-old child put a car into gear and hit the little girl Sunday afternoon.

Child puts car in gear kills toddler Amarillo Globe-News

Yeah that's the price we pay for having cars... Rolls eyes.
Another thing we are ok with happening occasionally. Thank you for pointing that out also. Freedom to have our guns. Freedom to have our cars.
Wrong again... regulations are put in place all the time to make cars safer.

No shit, thousands of dollars per vehicle worth of safety equipment.....

Gun manufactures should be at least required to include trigger locks.
A toddler is dead after a 4-year-old child put a car into gear and hit the little girl Sunday afternoon.

Child puts car in gear kills toddler Amarillo Globe-News

Yeah that's the price we pay for having cars... Rolls eyes.
Another thing we are ok with happening occasionally. Thank you for pointing that out also. Freedom to have our guns. Freedom to have our cars.

Yet, as a society, we are willing to do things to reduce the numbr of auto deaths.
Safer roads, safer cars, tough drunk driving laws, licensing, registration

Yet when children are shot or in this case choots his mother all we do as a society is shrug and say.....Thats too bad
Again with the "we" as if you speak for us. See my proposal, cause I don't agree with the folks that think it's cool to let babies play with loaded guns.
Bullshit. Guns are just a dangerous tool. No different than any other dangerous tool.

Guns are a tool that can fire a projectile at over 1000 ft/sec at a range of over a mile. Its primary function is for killing. Other nations have seen fit to limit access to this tool and experience lower murder, suicide, massacres and accidental shooting rates.

But our nation has embraced this tool and celebrate it as part of our culture. As a result, we have to tolerate 2 year olds accidentally shooting their mothers
Well, clearly everyone knows you are lying, cause (1) you are against unfettered access, you have stated so numerous times, (2) guns are not the only tools used in murders, suicides, massacres, or even accidental projectile deaths.

Additionally, this statement of yours that anyone tolerates the stupidity of gun owners is utter nonsense. If YOU want to tolerate 2 year olds accidentally shooting their mothers with unattended guns, that's your business. But YOU don't speak for me. Do you or do you not understand that you don't speak for me?

I'm glad to hear that

What legislation are you proposing as a result of that 2 year old killing his mother? If your answer is nothing then you are proving my point
I would propose legislation to require unattended guns be child proofed/locked up to prevent access by children. Some sort of child proof safety should be engaged on all unattended guns when a child has access. Examples, of ways to child proof a gun would span from any sort of child safe latch on a container for the gun, such as a turn and press latch on a purse, to a bio trigger lock on the gun.

Did you see the link I showed to the lock system Taurus uses? Simple, built in, impossible to remove or defeat
I didn't see a link. The problem with internal lock systems with a key is that most people are just gonna turn the key on and leave it on pretty much forever. Carrying keys around is a pain in the ass and a 5year old can easily use a key.
pathetic to use this tragedy to try to make a political point.

The point being that we are a gun loving society and we are willing to put up with an occaisional child shooting

No big deal
Bullshit you effing liar. No one is putting up with "occasional" child shootings. WTF is wrong you? Are you mentally unstable or something?
Of course we are. Every year we put up with it. But it's part of having the 2nd amendment freedoms to keep our guns. So what?

Much as we put up with fake ass lesbian former naval aviators all in the name of freedom of speech I suppose.
Poor Mal...has to make this excellent topic about me. Didn't you get enough attention at home this Holiday?
A toddler is dead after a 4-year-old child put a car into gear and hit the little girl Sunday afternoon.

Child puts car in gear kills toddler Amarillo Globe-News

Yeah that's the price we pay for having cars... Rolls eyes.
Another thing we are ok with happening occasionally. Thank you for pointing that out also. Freedom to have our guns. Freedom to have our cars.
Wrong again... regulations are put in place all the time to make cars safer.
And people still misuse them and have accidents. Oh well. It's the price we pay. Nothing to do about it.
no, this was an accidental death , that's how it will be ruled, and I doubt the mother would have faced charges if someone else had been shot and killed either. It would be VERY difficult to prove that she committed any reckless actions which led to the shooting.
If true, IMO, that's wrong. I'd be good with a law covering child safety regulations regarding guns. For example, either the purse or the gun in the purse should have had a child proof safety device. Thus the absence would make it obvious that she was being reckless in not having said regulated device.

I'd be good with such laws as well. And I wholeheartedly agree with those who state that there are people carrying guns who have no business carrying guns.
I suppose just like there are people driving who have no business driving, some regulations for who can drive in public and carry guns in public are necessary.

The mother had an advanced degree and was a chemical engineer. And still stupid as a rock, evidently. I am familiar with Coeur d' Alene area of Idaho. It's FULL of retired cops from California. One of my brothers has been in the area since 1984. No reason for anyone to carry a damn gun with a bunch of kids to the store.
So no mother has ever been mugged heading out to her car in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho?

I don't know, why don't you look it up.

I checked the rate of gun deaths in Hayden/Coeur d' Alene, and looks like she is the first one for 2014.
Child proofing does not require making it hard to open for an adult.
It adds complexity by definition. It could slow you down, you don't know that. The simple solution would be to keep your weapon on you instead of laying around in a shopping cart. Which may not even have been legal.
no, this was an accidental death , that's how it will be ruled, and I doubt the mother would have faced charges if someone else had been shot and killed either. It would be VERY difficult to prove that she committed any reckless actions which led to the shooting.
If true, IMO, that's wrong. I'd be good with a law covering child safety regulations regarding guns. For example, either the purse or the gun in the purse should have had a child proof safety device. Thus the absence would make it obvious that she was being reckless in not having said regulated device.

I'd be good with such laws as well. And I wholeheartedly agree with those who state that there are people carrying guns who have no business carrying guns.
I suppose just like there are people driving who have no business driving, some regulations for who can drive in public and carry guns in public are necessary.

The mother had an advanced degree and was a chemical engineer. And still stupid as a rock, evidently. I am familiar with Coeur d' Alene area of Idaho. It's FULL of retired cops from California. One of my brothers has been in the area since 1984. No reason for anyone to carry a damn gun with a bunch of kids to the store.
So no mother has ever been mugged heading out to her car in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho?
If I lived in that white power stronghold I'd carry a gun, but I sure wouldn't leave it unsecured around anyone, especially children.
Many Americans believe it should be however. And you know this to be true.

Personally, I think gun manufacturers need to be made responsible for safety equipment. No different than cars.

Beginning in 2016 all new vehicles sold in the US must include a back up camera. If we can mandate that,we can likewise mandate trigger locks on all new weapons sold in the US.

Something like this would have saved this woman

Taurus International Manufacturing Inc
We can mandate anything given that train of thought. I back in to my drive way, people can do the same and not worry about backing over their kids. But big government steps in and makes yet another law in an attempt to nanny us.

Gun manufacturers aren't in the gun lock business unless they offer it as an assessory. You can buy any number of locks out on the market. I'd rather that mother government let me decide on how accessible my guns are.
From WaPo:
The inside story of how an Idaho toddler shot his mom at Wal-Mart - The Washington Post

""""Sandow told The Post she often sees people with a gun cradled at their side. “In Idaho, we don’t have to worry about a lot of crime and things like that,” she said. “And to see someone with a gun isn’t bizarre. [Veronica] wasn’t carrying a gun because she felt unsafe. She was carrying a gun because she was raised around guns.""

People are just plain fucking stupid, especially gun nuts.

I take my golden retriever with me everywhere, not because I feel unsafe, but because I'm a dog person, raised around dogs. Goldens are extremely docile dogs who rarely even bark. He doesn't pose a danger to himself, me or others. No one will die in PetSmart because of my dog. Now that just makes plain sense.
If true, IMO, that's wrong. I'd be good with a law covering child safety regulations regarding guns. For example, either the purse or the gun in the purse should have had a child proof safety device. Thus the absence would make it obvious that she was being reckless in not having said regulated device.

I'd be good with such laws as well. And I wholeheartedly agree with those who state that there are people carrying guns who have no business carrying guns.
I suppose just like there are people driving who have no business driving, some regulations for who can drive in public and carry guns in public are necessary.

The mother had an advanced degree and was a chemical engineer. And still stupid as a rock, evidently. I am familiar with Coeur d' Alene area of Idaho. It's FULL of retired cops from California. One of my brothers has been in the area since 1984. No reason for anyone to carry a damn gun with a bunch of kids to the store.
So no mother has ever been mugged heading out to her car in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho?
If I lived in that white power stronghold I'd carry a gun, but I sure wouldn't leave it unsecured around anyone, especially children.

It's OK if you're white, though.
What legislation are you proposing as a result of that 2 year old killing his mother? If your answer is nothing then you are proving my point
I would propose legislation to require unattended guns be child proofed/locked up to prevent access by children. Some sort of child proof safety should be engaged on all unattended guns when a child has access. Examples, of ways to child proof a gun would span from any sort of child safe latch on a container for the gun, such as a turn and press latch on a purse, to a bio trigger lock on the gun.[/QUOTE]It's illegal to leave a gun, knife, explosives, poison, etc. around children.

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