Idaho toddler shoots mother dead in Walmart store.

pathetic to use this tragedy to try to make a political point.

The point being that we are a gun loving society and we are willing to put up with an occaisional child shooting

No big deal
Bullshit you effing liar. No one is putting up with "occasional" child shootings. WTF is wrong you? Are you mentally unstable or something?

Sure we put up with it....just like we put up with Sandy Hook

We say "thats too bad" and then we shrug our shoulders and say....nothing we can do about it

No, that is not what we say. We do not say "Because of the 0.01% we are taking the guns away from everyone!", but we don't say there is nothing we can do.

We can have better security at schools, better mental health options available and we can put violent offenders away and keep them away.
There are 300 million guns out there....nobody is going to take them away

Guns are part of our culture, we have to live with the consequences
Those consequences are:
High murder rate
The irresponsible gun owner has given all of us a black eye. Part of the responsibility for this lies with the NRA and their idiotic insistance that everybody should be armed. There are a goodly number of people out there that should not be allowed within ten feet of a gun.
Apparently accidents happen... even when the shooting is on purpose.

I think the take away is owners should recognize just how dangerous their guns are in the hands of someone that is not equipped mentally and/or physically to handle said guns. And if they don't... someone might get killed.

That's part of concealed carry training. Apparently this woman shouldn't have passed the class and issued the permit.

It's one thing to know how to do things right, how to keep your kids safe... it's another to do it.

Then basically the permit is useless.

Nah.. it's just that education and permitting is only a part of the equation. Driver education and permitting brings some stability to the roads and reduces incidents. But there is no way to eliminate all incidents. Unless of course you want everyone to be living in bumper suits in padded rooms.
pathetic to use this tragedy to try to make a political point.

The point being that we are a gun loving society and we are willing to put up with an occaisional child shooting

No big deal
Bullshit you effing liar. No one is putting up with "occasional" child shootings. WTF is wrong you? Are you mentally unstable or something?

Sure we put up with it....just like we put up with Sandy Hook

We say "thats too bad" and then we shrug our shoulders and say....nothing we can do about it

No, that is not what we say. We do not say "Because of the 0.01% we are taking the guns away from everyone!", but we don't say there is nothing we can do.

We can have better security at schools, better mental health options available and we can put violent offenders away and keep them away.
There are 300 million guns out there....nobody is going to take them away

Guns are part of our culture, we have to live with the consequences
Those consequences are:
High murder rate
Bullshit. Guns are just a dangerous tool. No different than any other dangerous tool.
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The irresponsible gun owner has given all of us a black eye. Part of the responsibility for this lies with the NRA and their idiotic insistance that everybody should be armed. There are a goodly number of people out there that should not be allowed within ten feet of a gun.
When did the NRA say that? Why do you girls always make shit up?
The point being that we are a gun loving society and we are willing to put up with an occaisional child shooting

No big deal
Bullshit you effing liar. No one is putting up with "occasional" child shootings. WTF is wrong you? Are you mentally unstable or something?

Sure we put up with it....just like we put up with Sandy Hook

We say "thats too bad" and then we shrug our shoulders and say....nothing we can do about it

No, that is not what we say. We do not say "Because of the 0.01% we are taking the guns away from everyone!", but we don't say there is nothing we can do.

We can have better security at schools, better mental health options available and we can put violent offenders away and keep them away.
There are 300 million guns out there....nobody is going to take them away

Guns are part of our culture, we have to live with the consequences
Those consequences are:
High murder rate
Bullshit. Guns are just a dangerous tool. No different than any other dangerous tool.

Guns are a tool that can fire a projectile at over 1000 ft/sec at a range of over a mile. Its primary function is for killing. Other nations have seen fit to limit access to this tool and experience lower murder, suicide, massacres and accidental shooting rates.

But our nation has embraced this tool and celebrate it as part of our culture. As a result, we have to tolerate 2 year olds accidentally shooting their mothers
pathetic to use this tragedy to try to make a political point.

The point being that we are a gun loving society and we are willing to put up with an occaisional child shooting

No big deal
Bullshit you effing liar. No one is putting up with "occasional" child shootings. WTF is wrong you? Are you mentally unstable or something?

Sure we put up with it....just like we put up with Sandy Hook

We say "thats too bad" and then we shrug our shoulders and say....nothing we can do about it

No, that is not what we say. We do not say "Because of the 0.01% we are taking the guns away from everyone!", but we don't say there is nothing we can do.

We can have better security at schools, better mental health options available and we can put violent offenders away and keep them away.

Too bad I don't see much actually being done. Mental health is probably the most important one and also the least likely to happen.
The irresponsible gun owner has given all of us a black eye. Part of the responsibility for this lies with the NRA and their idiotic insistance that everybody should be armed. There are a goodly number of people out there that should not be allowed within ten feet of a gun.
When did the NRA say that? Why do you girls always make shit up?
Lordy, lordy, look at any NRA publicaton, and you will see at least one article on how the answer to our nations problems with guns is more people packing guns.
“She was not the least bit irresponsible,” he said.

Hmm, let's see. Putting a loaded gun with the safety off where a two year old could causally reach for it and shoot you? And they call that an "accident". Well, Republicans have said they want every one to have a gun. Imagine how it will be once all the teachers are armed. Guess they will have to keep the guns loaded and sitting on the desk to be really effective.
The irresponsible gun owner has given all of us a black eye. Part of the responsibility for this lies with the NRA and their idiotic insistance that everybody should be armed. There are a goodly number of people out there that should not be allowed within ten feet of a gun.

All true
“She was not the least bit irresponsible,” he said.

Hmm, let's see. Putting a loaded gun with the safety off where a two year old could causally reach for it and shoot you? And they call that an "accident". Well, Republicans have said they want every one to have a gun. Imagine how it will be once all the teachers are armed. Guess they will have to keep the guns loaded and sitting on the desk to be really effective.

The more guns that you put out there the more likely you are going to see irresponsible gun owners
“She was not the least bit irresponsible,” he said.

Hmm, let's see. Putting a loaded gun with the safety off where a two year old could causally reach for it and shoot you? And they call that an "accident". Well, Republicans have said they want every one to have a gun. Imagine how it will be once all the teachers are armed. Guess they will have to keep the guns loaded and sitting on the desk to be really effective.

The more guns that you put out there the more likely you are going to see irresponsible gun owners

<20% of gun are ever involved in any sort of shooting at all.

Do you know why the 20% is significant.
Bullshit you effing liar. No one is putting up with "occasional" child shootings. WTF is wrong you? Are you mentally unstable or something?

Sure we put up with it....just like we put up with Sandy Hook

We say "thats too bad" and then we shrug our shoulders and say....nothing we can do about it

No, that is not what we say. We do not say "Because of the 0.01% we are taking the guns away from everyone!", but we don't say there is nothing we can do.

We can have better security at schools, better mental health options available and we can put violent offenders away and keep them away.
There are 300 million guns out there....nobody is going to take them away

Guns are part of our culture, we have to live with the consequences
Those consequences are:
High murder rate
Bullshit. Guns are just a dangerous tool. No different than any other dangerous tool.

Guns are a tool that can fire a projectile at over 1000 ft/sec at a range of over a mile. Its primary function is for killing. Other nations have seen fit to limit access to this tool and experience lower murder, suicide, massacres and accidental shooting rates.

But our nation has embraced this tool and celebrate it as part of our culture. As a result, we have to tolerate 2 year olds accidentally shooting their mothers
Well, clearly everyone knows you are lying, cause (1) you are against unfettered access, you have stated so numerous times, (2) guns are not the only tools used in murders, suicides, massacres, or even accidental projectile deaths.

Additionally, this statement of yours that anyone tolerates the stupidity of gun owners is utter nonsense. If YOU want to tolerate 2 year olds accidentally shooting their mothers with unattended guns, that's your business. But YOU don't speak for me. Do you or do you not understand that you don't speak for me?
The irresponsible gun owner has given all of us a black eye. Part of the responsibility for this lies with the NRA and their idiotic insistance that everybody should be armed. There are a goodly number of people out there that should not be allowed within ten feet of a gun.
When did the NRA say that? Why do you girls always make shit up?
Lordy, lordy, look at any NRA publicaton, and you will see at least one article on how the answer to our nations problems with guns is more people packing guns.
That's different than what you said. You liars can't keep up with your own shit. And I doubt you ever even read a NRA publication, you're a member of the Chicken Little Party.
“She was not the least bit irresponsible,” he said.

Hmm, let's see. Putting a loaded gun with the safety off where a two year old could causally reach for it and shoot you? And they call that an "accident". Well, Republicans have said they want every one to have a gun. Imagine how it will be once all the teachers are armed. Guess they will have to keep the guns loaded and sitting on the desk to be really effective.
Accident is the wrong word. More like wrongful death due to negligence. If the child had shot someone other than the guilty party, I'm pretty sure we'd be looking at homicide charges against the mother.
And you are an idiot. Yes, I have read NRA publications. And they do constantly endorse more people packing guns. Without any statements of the importance of training in how to handle this dangerous tool.
“She was not the least bit irresponsible,” he said.

Hmm, let's see. Putting a loaded gun with the safety off where a two year old could causally reach for it and shoot you? And they call that an "accident". Well, Republicans have said they want every one to have a gun. Imagine how it will be once all the teachers are armed. Guess they will have to keep the guns loaded and sitting on the desk to be really effective.
Accident is the wrong word. More like wrongful death due to negligence. If the child had shot someone other than the guilty party, I'm pretty sure we'd be looking at homicide charges against the mother.
I wish you were right. In real life, this almost never happens. It is simply passed off as an unfortunate accident.
“She was not the least bit irresponsible,” he said.

Hmm, let's see. Putting a loaded gun with the safety off where a two year old could causally reach for it and shoot you? And they call that an "accident". Well, Republicans have said they want every one to have a gun. Imagine how it will be once all the teachers are armed. Guess they will have to keep the guns loaded and sitting on the desk to be really effective.
Accident is the wrong word. More like wrongful death due to negligence. If the child had shot someone other than the guilty party, I'm pretty sure we'd be looking at homicide charges against the mother.

no, this was an accidental death , that's how it will be ruled, and I doubt the mother would have faced charges if someone else had been shot and killed either. It would be VERY difficult to prove that she committed any reckless actions which led to the shooting.
MSNBC's update just now said she had the gun in a special safety gun carrying bag specifically designed to prevent access by children, and she had received this gun case just a few days ago for Christmas.

Call me crazy but I see a lawsuit on the near horizon, like filed tomorrow.
“She was not the least bit irresponsible,” he said.

Hmm, let's see. Putting a loaded gun with the safety off where a two year old could causally reach for it and shoot you? And they call that an "accident". Well, Republicans have said they want every one to have a gun. Imagine how it will be once all the teachers are armed. Guess they will have to keep the guns loaded and sitting on the desk to be really effective.
Accident is the wrong word. More like wrongful death due to negligence. If the child had shot someone other than the guilty party, I'm pretty sure we'd be looking at homicide charges against the mother.
I wish you were right. In real life, this almost never happens. It is simply passed off as an unfortunate accident.

Yeah ok, that's wrong.

Just as we have child safety locks for electrical plugs, pill bottles, doors, drawers, etc... You should always have some child safety in place to prevent access to guns, knives, pools, hot pans on a stove, etc. This is not rocket science.

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