Idaho toddler shoots mother dead in Walmart store.

A well organized militia being necessary, the two year old had every constitutional right to that gun.

^That's deep.

And it's 2014.

And it's "well regulated" ...............not organized...............organized is the secondary term of regulated.

Please learn to recognize sarcasm.

Perhaps your avatar threw me off..

I'm friends with many bikers. None of them are smart. All are chest beating idiots that don't know a thing about politics but think they do.
"They want me to ride with no helmet! That's not freedom" ..............Until you have a wreck and everyone in your insurance plan has to pay for your hospital stay.
Sad. Really sad.
There are some sick posters in this thread needing a head examination.

You can help by correcting some of your Rightie friends. If they really, truly care about their guns and their gun rights, they would be condemning the mother who was stupid enough to do this. Some of the sentences used by some of the Lefties here exactly parallels the rhetoric we hear from the NRA. Suddenly, the rhetoric is false, or what?

This is why I said it is sad, really sad. It is a tragedy that could easily have been avoided. But it doesn't mean that all gun owners are irresponsible. In fact, most all of them are. I don't condemn all gun owners. I condemn stupidity.
Sad. Really sad.
There are some sick posters in this thread needing a head examination.

You can help by correcting some of your Rightie friends. If they really, truly care about their guns and their gun rights, they would be condemning the mother who was stupid enough to do this. Some of the sentences used by some of the Lefties here exactly parallels the rhetoric we hear from the NRA. Suddenly, the rhetoric is false, or what?

This is why I said it is sad, really sad. It is a tragedy that could easily have been avoided. But it doesn't mean that all gun owners are irresponsible. In fact, most all of them are. I don't condemn all gun owners. I condemn stupidity.

I have no "Rightie" friends because I hold an Anti-Party stance. The instant you don't conform to the Right Wing, they call you a "Liberal"............2014...........

Just don't become them..
you libtards don't give a shit about anybody or anything except your anti-American leftist marxist agenda. As long as you hurt traditional family, traditional marriage and traditional common sense policies, you love it.

Its almost like you have a death wish. A monopoly on abortion isn't enough for you traitors.
There's no such thing as a "responsible" gun owner. One horrible incident can change a life forever.

Toddler shoots kills mother inside Idaho Walmart Local News - Home

HAYDEN, Idaho -

2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother after he reached into her purse at a northern Idaho Wal-Mart and her concealed gun fired, authorities said Tuesday.

Kootenai County sheriff's spokesman Stu Miller told The Associated Press the woman was shopping with her son and three other children. Her family had come to the area to visit relatives, he said.

The woman, whose identity was not released, had a concealed weapons permit. Miller said the young boy was left in a shopping cart, reached into the victim's purse and grabbed a small caliber handgun, which discharged one time.

The Mom was an idiot who failed to follow a very basic set of safety rules.

I started to quote the OP but noticed this gem........

Gun rules? Set by who? :boohoo:

I've always been someone who stands for basic gun rules. But that won't happen unless we change the 2A in the correct process.

Today, as it stands, anyone with ZERO education can get a gun and if there is a current law against it it's actually a direct confrontation of the 2A. The stupidest and most irresponsible person on the planet can get a gun and not use common sense measures, there is no law on common sense ownership!

I'm WAY ahead of this Country on this topic. I want guns and RESPONSIBLE gun owners. But not everyone in America is responsible. Ready to open that can of worms or are you still happy with the 2A and scared to death about the "slippery slope"??

I'm a proud gun owner but notice the flaws of no actions taken to suggest some sort of responsible gun ownership. I'm not fighting against guns. My only fight on this topic is against idiots with guns. EVERYONE knows I'm correct. The debate on that line is what is the only question and the one no one will have in 2014..I suggest a test such as the hunter safety course and I'm attacked by self proclaimed Constitutional lovers that only read one part of it and don't recognize it CAN change.

The worst day in recent political History was when Fox News stated the "Left" was using the tragedy of Sandy Hook as an emotional reaction to push their agenda. The truth is, that mother was not a responsible gun owner and didn't need to be........2A Law..:deal:

At one time, firearms training was available in a variety of places. It was taught by family, in public schools, at Boy Scout camps, and even church camps. It was all over the place. But with the demonization of the the gun, there are fewer and fewer places to get the basic safety rules. They are still readily available. But not from as many places in society.
There's no such thing as a "responsible" gun owner. One horrible incident can change a life forever.

Toddler shoots kills mother inside Idaho Walmart Local News - Home

HAYDEN, Idaho -

2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother after he reached into her purse at a northern Idaho Wal-Mart and her concealed gun fired, authorities said Tuesday.

Kootenai County sheriff's spokesman Stu Miller told The Associated Press the woman was shopping with her son and three other children. Her family had come to the area to visit relatives, he said.

The woman, whose identity was not released, had a concealed weapons permit. Miller said the young boy was left in a shopping cart, reached into the victim's purse and grabbed a small caliber handgun, which discharged one time.

The Mom was an idiot who failed to follow a very basic set of safety rules.

I started to quote the OP but noticed this gem........

Gun rules? Set by who? :boohoo:

I've always been someone who stands for basic gun rules. But that won't happen unless we change the 2A in the correct process.

Today, as it stands, anyone with ZERO education can get a gun and if there is a current law against it it's actually a direct confrontation of the 2A. The stupidest and most irresponsible person on the planet can get a gun and not use common sense measures, there is no law on common sense ownership!

I'm WAY ahead of this Country on this topic. I want guns and RESPONSIBLE gun owners. But not everyone in America is responsible. Ready to open that can of worms or are you still happy with the 2A and scared to death about the "slippery slope"??

I'm a proud gun owner but notice the flaws of no actions taken to suggest some sort of responsible gun ownership. I'm not fighting against guns. My only fight on this topic is against idiots with guns. EVERYONE knows I'm correct. The debate on that line is what is the only question and the one no one will have in 2014..I suggest a test such as the hunter safety course and I'm attacked by self proclaimed Constitutional lovers that only read one part of it and don't recognize it CAN change.

The worst day in recent political History was when Fox News stated the "Left" was using the tragedy of Sandy Hook as an emotional reaction to push their agenda. The truth is, that mother was not a responsible gun owner and didn't need to be........2A Law..:deal:

At one time, firearms training was available in a variety of places. It was taught by family, in public schools, at Boy Scout camps, and even church camps. It was all over the place. But with the demonization of the the gun, there are fewer and fewer places to get the basic safety rules. They are still readily available. But not from as many places in society.

Don't you think that's because they have a much smaller role in the country now? Seems like most the people I know now do not own guns.
There's no such thing as a "responsible" gun owner. One horrible incident can change a life forever.

Toddler shoots kills mother inside Idaho Walmart Local News - Home

HAYDEN, Idaho -

The Mom was an idiot who failed to follow a very basic set of safety rules.

Guess it's good it was the idiot who got killed rather than some innocent person...

It is a shame that anyone was killed. But that doesn't change the fact that the Mom was an idiot.

I am guessing the gun had a round in the chamber and no safety? Your thoughts? I would also guess there are many other mothers doing the same thing...

Not only a round in the chamber, but no safety on the gun. If there are others out there ignoring the safety rules that they should know, they need to be slapped.

While I disagree completely with some of the legislation passed about them I can't help but think a smart gun would have saved a life in this case.

So you think there is something wrong about making guns designed without a safety and ment to have a bullet in the chamber? Those are the ones that seem to be pushed most for concealed carry. Those are also the ones that I think lead to so many carry people shooting themselves or others.
There's no such thing as a "responsible" gun owner. One horrible incident can change a life forever.

Toddler shoots kills mother inside Idaho Walmart Local News - Home

HAYDEN, Idaho -

2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother after he reached into her purse at a northern Idaho Wal-Mart and her concealed gun fired, authorities said Tuesday.

Kootenai County sheriff's spokesman Stu Miller told The Associated Press the woman was shopping with her son and three other children. Her family had come to the area to visit relatives, he said.

The woman, whose identity was not released, had a concealed weapons permit. Miller said the young boy was left in a shopping cart, reached into the victim's purse and grabbed a small caliber handgun, which discharged one time.

The Mom was an idiot who failed to follow a very basic set of safety rules.

I started to quote the OP but noticed this gem........

Gun rules? Set by who? :boohoo:

I've always been someone who stands for basic gun rules. But that won't happen unless we change the 2A in the correct process.

Today, as it stands, anyone with ZERO education can get a gun and if there is a current law against it it's actually a direct confrontation of the 2A. The stupidest and most irresponsible person on the planet can get a gun and not use common sense measures, there is no law on common sense ownership!

I'm WAY ahead of this Country on this topic. I want guns and RESPONSIBLE gun owners. But not everyone in America is responsible. Ready to open that can of worms or are you still happy with the 2A and scared to death about the "slippery slope"??

I'm a proud gun owner but notice the flaws of no actions taken to suggest some sort of responsible gun ownership. I'm not fighting against guns. My only fight on this topic is against idiots with guns. EVERYONE knows I'm correct. The debate on that line is what is the only question and the one no one will have in 2014..I suggest a test such as the hunter safety course and I'm attacked by self proclaimed Constitutional lovers that only read one part of it and don't recognize it CAN change.

The worst day in recent political History was when Fox News stated the "Left" was using the tragedy of Sandy Hook as an emotional reaction to push their agenda. The truth is, that mother was not a responsible gun owner and didn't need to be........2A Law..:deal:

At one time, firearms training was available in a variety of places. It was taught by family, in public schools, at Boy Scout camps, and even church camps. It was all over the place. But with the demonization of the the gun, there are fewer and fewer places to get the basic safety rules. They are still readily available. But not from as many places in society.
Would it be to much to ask to have requirements that insist on effective training and passing some kind of test before issuing a concealed carry permit?
There's no such thing as a "responsible" gun owner. One horrible incident can change a life forever.

Toddler shoots kills mother inside Idaho Walmart Local News - Home

HAYDEN, Idaho -

2-year-old boy accidentally shot and killed his mother after he reached into her purse at a northern Idaho Wal-Mart and her concealed gun fired, authorities said Tuesday.

Kootenai County sheriff's spokesman Stu Miller told The Associated Press the woman was shopping with her son and three other children. Her family had come to the area to visit relatives, he said.

The woman, whose identity was not released, had a concealed weapons permit. Miller said the young boy was left in a shopping cart, reached into the victim's purse and grabbed a small caliber handgun, which discharged one time.

The Mom was an idiot who failed to follow a very basic set of safety rules.

I started to quote the OP but noticed this gem........

Gun rules? Set by who? :boohoo:

I've always been someone who stands for basic gun rules. But that won't happen unless we change the 2A in the correct process.

Today, as it stands, anyone with ZERO education can get a gun and if there is a current law against it it's actually a direct confrontation of the 2A. The stupidest and most irresponsible person on the planet can get a gun and not use common sense measures, there is no law on common sense ownership!

I'm WAY ahead of this Country on this topic. I want guns and RESPONSIBLE gun owners. But not everyone in America is responsible. Ready to open that can of worms or are you still happy with the 2A and scared to death about the "slippery slope"??

I'm a proud gun owner but notice the flaws of no actions taken to suggest some sort of responsible gun ownership. I'm not fighting against guns. My only fight on this topic is against idiots with guns. EVERYONE knows I'm correct. The debate on that line is what is the only question and the one no one will have in 2014..I suggest a test such as the hunter safety course and I'm attacked by self proclaimed Constitutional lovers that only read one part of it and don't recognize it CAN change.

The worst day in recent political History was when Fox News stated the "Left" was using the tragedy of Sandy Hook as an emotional reaction to push their agenda. The truth is, that mother was not a responsible gun owner and didn't need to be........2A Law..:deal:

At one time, firearms training was available in a variety of places. It was taught by family, in public schools, at Boy Scout camps, and even church camps. It was all over the place. But with the demonization of the the gun, there are fewer and fewer places to get the basic safety rules. They are still readily available. But not from as many places in society.

Don't you think that's because they have a much smaller role in the country now? Seems like most the people I know now do not own guns.

I think they play the same role that they did 60 or 70 years ago. I also think that some of the reason for people not owning guns is the negative connotations associated with them by so many people.
The Mom was an idiot who failed to follow a very basic set of safety rules.

Guess it's good it was the idiot who got killed rather than some innocent person...

It is a shame that anyone was killed. But that doesn't change the fact that the Mom was an idiot.

I am guessing the gun had a round in the chamber and no safety? Your thoughts? I would also guess there are many other mothers doing the same thing...

Not only a round in the chamber, but no safety on the gun. If there are others out there ignoring the safety rules that they should know, they need to be slapped.

While I disagree completely with some of the legislation passed about them I can't help but think a smart gun would have saved a life in this case.

So you think there is something wrong about making guns designed without a safety and ment to have a bullet in the chamber? Those are the ones that seem to be pushed most for concealed carry. Those are also the ones that I think lead to so many carry people shooting themselves or others.

I do not like any semi-auto that has no external safety. While I treat every gun as if it were loaded, I think an external safety is always a plus. But then, I only own 2 semi-auto handguns. And one of them was designed in the early 1900s, and the other traces its basic design back to 1949. So I am sorta old school when it comes to guns.
Idiot mom. Now a dead idiot mom.

The Sandy Hook mom was an idiot gun owner mom not locking up a 100 round magazine and "gun". Does that make it an "Idiot School"?

I remember when we used guns to harvest food. Not for scared to death racist Americans sure Obama is a dictator.

The school is a building. Not sure why are you are trying to equate a building with intelligence.
Apparently accidents happen... even when the shooting is on purpose.

I think the take away is owners should recognize just how dangerous their guns are in the hands of someone that is not equipped mentally and/or physically to handle said guns. And if they don't... someone might get killed.
Apparently accidents happen... even when the shooting is on purpose.

I think the take away is owners should recognize just how dangerous their guns are in the hands of someone that is not equipped mentally and/or physically to handle said guns. And if they don't... someone might get killed.

That's part of concealed carry training. Apparently this woman shouldn't have passed the class and issued the permit.
Wow, this one even made the BBC 10pm news. Surprised no one here has posted this one yet, or are these stories so common that no one here bothers with them anymore? Or maybe I am on the wrong forum?

Idaho toddler shoots and kills his mother inside Walmart US news The Guardian

You may now proceed to slag me off, or educate me as to why so many American adults have a level of common sense like that of little children.

But until that point, she was safer because she had a gun

A small price to pay for our second amendment rights
Apparently accidents happen... even when the shooting is on purpose.

I think the take away is owners should recognize just how dangerous their guns are in the hands of someone that is not equipped mentally and/or physically to handle said guns. And if they don't... someone might get killed.

That's part of concealed carry training. Apparently this woman shouldn't have passed the class and issued the permit.

It's one thing to know how to do things right, how to keep your kids safe... it's another to do it.
Wow, this one even made the BBC 10pm news. Surprised no one here has posted this one yet, or are these stories so common that no one here bothers with them anymore? Or maybe I am on the wrong forum?

Idaho toddler shoots and kills his mother inside Walmart US news The Guardian

You may now proceed to slag me off, or educate me as to why so many American adults have a level of common sense like that of little children.

But until that point, she was safer because she had a gun

A small price to pay for our second amendment rights
Nonsense. Leaving a loaded gun visible and accessible in an open purse on a shopping cart does not make anyone safer. Further, this issue has nothing to do with second amendment rights.

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