IDF Annihilates 50 Families in Gaza

Check BBC and CNN?
By body count.....Yes

In the court of world opinion......No

Prove it.

Remember, Arab/Muslims will always declare victory , even if they are getting the beat down of a life time.
Islam and lying go hand in hand.
A perfect example of this is after the Yom Kippur war when Egypt declared victory at the end. Even though they did not complete their objective of getting the Sinai back, lost 5 times the amount of troops and military assets and even though their attempt to invade Israel was repelled.
IDF should annihilate everyone in gaza.
Because they're not Jews?:cuckoo:

Why are you so concerned, Dhimmi George? You certainly appear to have no problem with all those innocent people the Muslims have murdered, now have you? If some Muslim dictator like the President of the Sudan murdered every last Christian and every last Black in his country, you wouldn't even blink. So far two millioin plus Christians have been murdered there, but naturally these people mean nothing to you since you can't blame your favorite scapegoats, the Jews.
What a stupid fuckin comment from the Jew Hating welfare receiving scumbag...

Muslims didn't evict any Jews from Mandatory Palestine because he Jews didn't let them. But what do you think they tried to do during the Arab revolt? Or even more so during the 1948 Arab Israeli war? Or the 6 day war? Yom Kippur war?
Had Muslims won ANY of those wars, the Jews would have been expelled.
It was the creation of your parasitic state in 1948 that created massive displacement among Jew and Arab alike in the ME. Jews have never hidden their intention to inflict a Jewish state upon Palestine, regardless of demographics. Do you think Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea today?

Again, those 5 Arab armies are responsible for starting the 1948 War. The Palestinians BTW took part in this genocidal war. You reap what you sow!
Muslims/Arabs ar not good at conventional warfare, they should stick to terrorism :lol:

Say it with me you army deserting, welfare receiving scum if the earth anti Semitic peasant:
Wrong again, Jewsky.
If it hadn't been for those five Arab armies Jews would have stolen the West Bank in '48.
Why is it some of your people are so damn greedy.
It was the creation of your parasitic state in 1948 that created massive displacement among Jew and Arab alike in the ME. Jews have never hidden their intention to inflict a Jewish state upon Palestine, regardless of demographics. Do you think Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea today?

Again, those 5 Arab armies are responsible for starting the 1948 War. The Palestinians BTW took part in this genocidal war. You reap what you sow!
Muslims/Arabs ar not good at conventional warfare, they should stick to terrorism :lol:

Say it with me you army deserting, welfare receiving scum if the earth anti Semitic peasant:
Wrong again, Jewsky.
If it hadn't been for those five Arab armies Jews would have stolen the West Bank in '48.
Why is it some of your people are so damn greedy.

Your comment falls under the IF category Georgie boy. No one can predict what would have happened IF this took place or that didn't take place.
All we can do is look at the facts. The facts which I presented to you.

BTW George, when I first joined this forum, i don't recall you being an anti Semite. I always had clean debates with you. What happened to you?
Did you always hate Jews and it has only recently begun to show, or did some event take place that makes you hate Jews??
It's an honest question.
the tee shirt is not popular at all-----some jerky kids made it and it has been banned----the sons and
daughters of the rapist pig lie alot
Got any proof?
Of course not.
You're a Zionist shill.

Here is your proof.
Israel army bans t-shirts mocking attacks on Palestinians | Reuters
Israel's military said on Wednesday it had banned soldiers from making and wearing t-shirts encouraging violence against Palestinians.

One of the t-shirts has a rifle sight aimed at a pregnant Palestinian with the slogan "1 shot, 2 kills," according to a report last month in the Haaretz newspaper.

A spokesman for the military called the shirts "simply tasteless," and said the armed forces' chief educational officer had instructed commanders to ensure soldiers did not create or wear the items and to discipline those who disobeyed.
"Israel army bans t-shirts mocking attacks on Palestinians
JERUSALEM Wed Apr 1, 2009
Much has changed in Israel during the last five years.
Again, those 5 Arab armies are responsible for starting the 1948 War. The Palestinians BTW took part in this genocidal war. You reap what you sow!
Muslims/Arabs ar not good at conventional warfare, they should stick to terrorism :lol:

Say it with me you army deserting, welfare receiving scum if the earth anti Semitic peasant:
Wrong again, Jewsky.
If it hadn't been for those five Arab armies Jews would have stolen the West Bank in '48.
Why is it some of your people are so damn greedy.

Your comment falls under the IF category Georgie boy. No one can predict what would have happened IF this took place or that didn't take place.
All we can do is look at the facts. The facts which I presented to you.

BTW George, when I first joined this forum, i don't recall you being an anti Semite. I always had clean debates with you. What happened to you?
Did you always hate Jews and it has only recently begun to show, or did some event take place that makes you hate Jews??
It's an honest question.
It's a good question.
I don't hate all Jews, but I don't believe the US and Israel are held to the same standards of human rights as much of the rest of the world. If hate is the correct word for what I feel, I think it's reserved for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims who get rich from arms sales and oil sales. I suppose it's also possible that during times when the real world is experiencing death and destruction like what we're seeing in Gaza right now, emotions tend to heat up in cyberspace, as well. I'll try to clean up my act, Toastie.:smiliehug:
Got any proof?
Of course not.
You're a Zionist shill.

Here is your proof.
Israel army bans t-shirts mocking attacks on Palestinians | Reuters
Israel's military said on Wednesday it had banned soldiers from making and wearing t-shirts encouraging violence against Palestinians.

One of the t-shirts has a rifle sight aimed at a pregnant Palestinian with the slogan "1 shot, 2 kills," according to a report last month in the Haaretz newspaper.

A spokesman for the military called the shirts "simply tasteless," and said the armed forces' chief educational officer had instructed commanders to ensure soldiers did not create or wear the items and to discipline those who disobeyed.
"Israel army bans t-shirts mocking attacks on Palestinians
JERUSALEM Wed Apr 1, 2009
Much has changed in Israel during the last five years.
Move the goal post much.
Wrong again, Jewsky.
If it hadn't been for those five Arab armies Jews would have stolen the West Bank in '48.
Why is it some of your people are so damn greedy.

Your comment falls under the IF category Georgie boy. No one can predict what would have happened IF this took place or that didn't take place.
All we can do is look at the facts. The facts which I presented to you.

BTW George, when I first joined this forum, i don't recall you being an anti Semite. I always had clean debates with you. What happened to you?
Did you always hate Jews and it has only recently begun to show, or did some event take place that makes you hate Jews??
It's an honest question.
It's a good question.
I don't hate all Jews, but I don't believe the US and Israel are held to the same standards of human rights as much of the rest of the world. If hate is the correct word for what I feel, I think it's reserved for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims who get rich from arms sales and oil sales. I suppose it's also possible that during times when the real world is experiencing death and destruction like what we're seeing in Gaza right now, emotions tend to heat up in cyberspace, as well. I'll try to clean up my act, Toastie.:smiliehug:

Fair enough. I appreciate your honesty . I will do the same ..
"Israel army bans t-shirts mocking attacks on Palestinians
JERUSALEM Wed Apr 1, 2009
Much has changed in Israel during the last five years.
Move the goal post much.
Your link was five years old.
It proves nothing about what's being worn by racists in Israel today.

Dhimmi George, since you wimped out of basic training after only ten days, saying you had a bad back, how about next time I am in the Base Eschange in El Seguno, I buy you a T shirt that says something like U.S.A.F. with an American Eagle on it? Meanwhile, does anyone think that Dhimmi George would have had a problem with the previous King of Jordan having thousands and thousands of Palestinians killed with the help of the Pakistan Army. He would have just closed his eyes to this since he couldn't blame his scapegoats.

I really think Dhimmi George should take a trip to some Muslim country, like one of those in North Africa where there are very lighter-skinned Arabs, and see how they would treat him.
Got any proof?
Of course not.
You're a Zionist shill.

Here is your proof.
Israel army bans t-shirts mocking attacks on Palestinians | Reuters
Israel's military said on Wednesday it had banned soldiers from making and wearing t-shirts encouraging violence against Palestinians.

One of the t-shirts has a rifle sight aimed at a pregnant Palestinian with the slogan "1 shot, 2 kills," according to a report last month in the Haaretz newspaper.

A spokesman for the military called the shirts "simply tasteless," and said the armed forces' chief educational officer had instructed commanders to ensure soldiers did not create or wear the items and to discipline those who disobeyed.
"Israel army bans t-shirts mocking attacks on Palestinians
JERUSALEM Wed Apr 1, 2009
Much has changed in Israel during the last five years.
The pic that was posted was from 2009 too!

A popular IDF "T" shirt worn in Israel

(pregnant muslim mother in Gaza)


You complain about my counter to your post being from 2009 when the image you posted is also from 2009.

Israeli Army T-Shirts Mock Gaza Killings - Sky News
Mar 20, 2009 - The printed t-shirts were discovered by an Israeli newspaper (Pic: courtesy of Yanai Yechiel) ... One, printed for a platoon of Israeli snipers depicts an armed ... of a rifle, with the disturbing caption in English: "1 shot 2 kills".

Israeli Army T-Shirts Mock Gaza Killings

Again, move the goal post much, typical liberal bullshit.
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The media just said the IDF barbarian body count has reached 40 today.

Hopefully, it will be 50+ by this time tomorrow. ..... :thup:
Only 40?

And with the Hamas body count only 210 (call it 200, a nice round number)?

200 / 40 = 5 Hamas scumbags killed for every brave IDF trooper.

A 5-to-1 kill ratio?

The IDF is slipping.

That, or they're limiting themselves too much, trying to minimize Gazan civilian casualties.

With 700 Gazan casualties total...

700 Gazans - 200 Hamas = 500 civilian casualties.

500 civilians / 200 Hamas = 2.5 Gazan civilians killed for every Hamas scumbag killed.

Given that Hamas embeds war-assets (launchers, weapons and munitions caches, command posts, barracks, shooting-points, etc.) within heavily populated areas, hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like chickenshit cowards...

A 2.5 civilian kill-ratio for every Hamas scumbag killed is a damned respectable track record...

How many civilians were killed in the final assault on Berlin, for every German soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the siege of Stalingrad, for every Russian soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the siege of Vicskburg, for every Confederate soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the investment of Warsaw, for every Polish soldier killed?

According to objective and quantifiable data, the IDF is doing just fine, in minimizing Gazan civilian casualties, in light of the scope and the objective of this operation.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
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The media just said the IDF barbarian body count has reached 40 today.

Hopefully, it will be 50+ by this time tomorrow. ..... :thup:

Hey, you have to break a few eggs to kill a whole bunch of arab scum terrorists. I'm glad that you're happy the arabs are getting pounded. :cool:

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