IDF Annihilates 50 Families in Gaza

Move the goal post much.
Your link was five years old.
It proves nothing about what's being worn by racists in Israel today.

Dhimmi George, since you wimped out of basic training after only ten days, saying you had a bad back, how about next time I am in the Base Eschange in El Seguno, I buy you a T shirt that says something like U.S.A.F. with an American Eagle on it? Meanwhile, does anyone think that Dhimmi George would have had a problem with the previous King of Jordan having thousands and thousands of Palestinians killed with the help of the Pakistan Army. He would have just closed his eyes to this since he couldn't blame his scapegoats.

I really think Dhimmi George should take a trip to some Muslim country, like one of those in North Africa where there are very lighter-skinned Arabs, and see how they would treat him.
Next time you visit the base exchange buy some Malathion and drink deeply.
Better yet, pick up a couple of "two kill" T-shirts for the great-grand kiddies:lol:
The media just said the IDF barbarian body count has reached 40 today.

Hopefully, it will be 50+ by this time tomorrow. ..... :thup:

Over 200 Hamas terrorist killed and many more injured and taken into custody!
Not to mention a large amount of their headquarters and tunnels destroyed!

Hamas is such scum, leaving their civilians to get killed in Gaza while they watch from afar living in luxury:

Private jets, restaurants, luxury hotels: the good life of senior Hamas offi... - Israel News, Ynetnews
The media just said the IDF barbarian body count has reached 40 today.

Hopefully, it will be 50+ by this time tomorrow. ..... :thup:
Only 40?

And with the Hamas body count only 210 (call it 200, a nice round number)?

200 / 40 = 5 Hamas scumbags killed for every brave IDF trooper.

A 5-to-1 kill ratio?

The IDF is slipping.

That, or they're limiting themselves too much, trying to minimize Gazan civilian casualties.

With 700 Gazan casualties total...

700 Gazans - 200 Hamas = 500 civilian casualties.

500 civilians / 200 Hamas = 2.5 Gazan civilians killed for every Hamas scumbag killed.

Given that Hamas embeds war-assets (launchers, weapons and munitions caches, command posts, barracks, shooting-points, etc.) within heavily populated areas, hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like chickenshit cowards...

A 2.5 civilian kill-ratio for every Hamas scumbag killed is a damned respectable track record...

How many civilians were killed in the final assault on Berlin, for every German soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the siege of Stalingrad, for every Russian soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the siege of Vicskburg, for every Confederate soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the investment of Warsaw, for every Polish soldier killed?

According to objective and quantifiable data, the IDF is doing just fine, in minimizing Gazan civilian casualties, in light of the scope and the objective of this operation.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Given that Jews continue to inflict an illegal blockade on civilians in hopes of stealing what's left of the land between the River and the sea, the Warsaw Ghetto makes for a better historical analogy than Vicksburg or Stalingrad; although, I suspect Hitler would have found a use for Netanyahu on the Eastern Front.:D
The media just said the IDF barbarian body count has reached 40 today.

Hopefully, it will be 50+ by this time tomorrow. ..... :thup:
Only 40?

And with the Hamas body count only 210 (call it 200, a nice round number)?

200 / 40 = 5 Hamas scumbags killed for every brave IDF trooper.

A 5-to-1 kill ratio?

The IDF is slipping.

That, or they're limiting themselves too much, trying to minimize Gazan civilian casualties.

With 700 Gazan casualties total...

700 Gazans - 200 Hamas = 500 civilian casualties.

500 civilians / 200 Hamas = 2.5 Gazan civilians killed for every Hamas scumbag killed.

Given that Hamas embeds war-assets (launchers, weapons and munitions caches, command posts, barracks, shooting-points, etc.) within heavily populated areas, hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like chickenshit cowards...

A 2.5 civilian kill-ratio for every Hamas scumbag killed is a damned respectable track record...

How many civilians were killed in the final assault on Berlin, for every German soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the siege of Stalingrad, for every Russian soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the siege of Vicskburg, for every Confederate soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the investment of Warsaw, for every Polish soldier killed?

According to objective and quantifiable data, the IDF is doing just fine, in minimizing Gazan civilian casualties, in light of the scope and the objective of this operation.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Given that Jews continue to inflict an illegal blockade on civilians in hopes of stealing what's left of the land between the River and the sea, the Warsaw Ghetto makes for a better historical analogy than Vicksburg or Stalingrad; although, I suspect Hitler would have found a use for Netanyahu on the Eastern Front.:D

LINK that shows it is an illegal blockade, from a source with the remit to actually say so..............
The media just said the IDF barbarian body count has reached 40 today.

Hopefully, it will be 50+ by this time tomorrow. ..... :thup:
Only 40?

And with the Hamas body count only 210 (call it 200, a nice round number)?

200 / 40 = 5 Hamas scumbags killed for every brave IDF trooper.

A 5-to-1 kill ratio?

The IDF is slipping.

That, or they're limiting themselves too much, trying to minimize Gazan civilian casualties.

With 700 Gazan casualties total...

700 Gazans - 200 Hamas = 500 civilian casualties.

500 civilians / 200 Hamas = 2.5 Gazan civilians killed for every Hamas scumbag killed.

Given that Hamas embeds war-assets (launchers, weapons and munitions caches, command posts, barracks, shooting-points, etc.) within heavily populated areas, hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like chickenshit cowards...

A 2.5 civilian kill-ratio for every Hamas scumbag killed is a damned respectable track record...

How many civilians were killed in the final assault on Berlin, for every German soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the siege of Stalingrad, for every Russian soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the siege of Vicskburg, for every Confederate soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the investment of Warsaw, for every Polish soldier killed?

According to objective and quantifiable data, the IDF is doing just fine, in minimizing Gazan civilian casualties, in light of the scope and the objective of this operation.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Given that Jews continue to inflict an illegal blockade on civilians in hopes of stealing what's left of the land between the River and the sea, the Warsaw Ghetto makes for a better historical analogy than Vicksburg or Stalingrad; although, I suspect Hitler would have found a use for Netanyahu on the Eastern Front.:D
It doesn't really matter what you're ranting on about, the important thing to remember is that the IDF is kicking some MAJOR Arab ass, and Arabs have zero chance of winning. And actually, they'd be better off just surrendering unconditionally, as that tactic worked really well for Japan in the long run. Don't forget it. :D
...Given that Jews continue to inflict an illegal blockade on civilians in hopes of stealing what's left of the land between the River and the sea, the Warsaw Ghetto makes for a better historical analogy than Vicksburg or Stalingrad; although, I suspect Hitler would have found a use for Netanyahu on the Eastern Front.
Blah, blah, meaningless blah...

Hope you're enjoying Hamas getting its ass kicked good-and-proper, as much as we are...

Purina Vulture Chow... a fitting end for the mad dogs of Hamas...
Your link was five years old.
It proves nothing about what's being worn by racists in Israel today.

Dhimmi George, since you wimped out of basic training after only ten days, saying you had a bad back, how about next time I am in the Base Eschange in El Seguno, I buy you a T shirt that says something like U.S.A.F. with an American Eagle on it? Meanwhile, does anyone think that Dhimmi George would have had a problem with the previous King of Jordan having thousands and thousands of Palestinians killed with the help of the Pakistan Army. He would have just closed his eyes to this since he couldn't blame his scapegoats.

I really think Dhimmi George should take a trip to some Muslim country, like one of those in North Africa where there are very lighter-skinned Arabs, and see how they would treat him.

Next time you visit the base exchange buy some Malathion and drink deeply.
Better yet, pick up a couple of "two kill" T-shirts for the great-grand kiddies:lol:

And here I thought I was doing Dhimmi George a good deed by buying him a brand new T-shirt instead of one from the GoodWill Store. Moreover, I would suggest that you. Dhimmi George, ask your doctor for something to help you sleep all night through. I am not the one who gets up with the roosters in Los Angeles to start crowing on forums like you do.
Only 40?

And with the Hamas body count only 210 (call it 200, a nice round number)?

200 / 40 = 5 Hamas scumbags killed for every brave IDF trooper.

A 5-to-1 kill ratio?

The IDF is slipping.

That, or they're limiting themselves too much, trying to minimize Gazan civilian casualties.

With 700 Gazan casualties total...

700 Gazans - 200 Hamas = 500 civilian casualties.

500 civilians / 200 Hamas = 2.5 Gazan civilians killed for every Hamas scumbag killed.

Given that Hamas embeds war-assets (launchers, weapons and munitions caches, command posts, barracks, shooting-points, etc.) within heavily populated areas, hiding behind the skirts of their women and children like chickenshit cowards...

A 2.5 civilian kill-ratio for every Hamas scumbag killed is a damned respectable track record...

How many civilians were killed in the final assault on Berlin, for every German soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the siege of Stalingrad, for every Russian soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the siege of Vicskburg, for every Confederate soldier killed?

How many civilians were killed in the investment of Warsaw, for every Polish soldier killed?

According to objective and quantifiable data, the IDF is doing just fine, in minimizing Gazan civilian casualties, in light of the scope and the objective of this operation.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Given that Jews continue to inflict an illegal blockade on civilians in hopes of stealing what's left of the land between the River and the sea, the Warsaw Ghetto makes for a better historical analogy than Vicksburg or Stalingrad; although, I suspect Hitler would have found a use for Netanyahu on the Eastern Front.:D
It doesn't really matter what you're ranting on about, the important thing to remember is that the IDF is kicking some MAJOR Arab ass, and Arabs have zero chance of winning. And actually, they'd be better off just surrendering unconditionally, as that tactic worked really well for Japan in the long run. Don't forget it. :D
The IDF is killing women and kids by the hundreds but we already knew how good they are at that. You seem to have forgotten Japan was defeated in a war, and the Arabs in Gaza are involved with a belligerent occupation with a rogue state that's a serial human rights abuser.
...Given that Jews continue to inflict an illegal blockade on civilians in hopes of stealing what's left of the land between the River and the sea, the Warsaw Ghetto makes for a better historical analogy than Vicksburg or Stalingrad; although, I suspect Hitler would have found a use for Netanyahu on the Eastern Front.
Blah, blah, meaningless blah...

Hope you're enjoying Hamas getting its ass kicked good-and-proper, as much as we are...

Purina Vulture Chow... a fitting end for the mad dogs of Hamas...
What comes after Hamas, Himmler?
...Given that Jews continue to inflict an illegal blockade on civilians in hopes of stealing what's left of the land between the River and the sea, the Warsaw Ghetto makes for a better historical analogy than Vicksburg or Stalingrad; although, I suspect Hitler would have found a use for Netanyahu on the Eastern Front.
Blah, blah, meaningless blah...

Hope you're enjoying Hamas getting its ass kicked good-and-proper, as much as we are...

Purina Vulture Chow... a fitting end for the mad dogs of Hamas...
What comes after Hamas, Himmler?
Don't try being clever, Queenie, you've no talent for it.

As to what comes after Hamas, I dunno.

But I'm sure you'll be happy to share your vivid and feverish and bloody Militant Muslim visions with the rest of the class.

Always entertaining, that.

Now, back to dinner and a show, as the brave boys and girls of the IDF turn more and more Hamas savages into Purina Vulture Chow.

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Blah, blah, meaningless blah...

Hope you're enjoying Hamas getting its ass kicked good-and-proper, as much as we are...

Purina Vulture Chow... a fitting end for the mad dogs of Hamas...
What comes after Hamas, Himmler?
Don't try being clever, Queenie, you've no talent for it.

As to what comes after Hamas, I dunno.

But I'm sure you'll be happy to share your vivid and feverish and bloody Militant Muslim visions with the rest of the class.

Always entertaining, that.

Now, back to dinner and a show, as the brave boys and girls of the IDF turn more and more Hamas savages into Purina Vulture Chow.
Whatever comes after the Jewish state won't be half as pathic as you, Yeppers.
What comes after Hamas, Himmler?
Don't try being clever, Queenie, you've no talent for it.

As to what comes after Hamas, I dunno.

But I'm sure you'll be happy to share your vivid and feverish and bloody Militant Muslim visions with the rest of the class.

Always entertaining, that.

Now, back to dinner and a show, as the brave boys and girls of the IDF turn more and more Hamas savages into Purina Vulture Chow.
Whatever comes after the Jewish state won't be half as pathic as you, Yeppers.
Are you operating under the impression that Israel is going somewhere, Queenie?

Enlighten us, thou oracle of the side that's getting its ass kicked (again).

Oh, and, just for grins and giggles, what does 'pathic' mean?

And now, a word from our sponsors... Purina Vulture Chow... made from the finest blown-up Hamas fighters...
path is a kind of suffix in reference to a disorder in medical science------Pathology
is the study of abnormal animal (and for botonists plant) tissues or dead tissues.
sociopathy refers to the poster who wrote "pathic"
Given that Jews continue to inflict an illegal blockade on civilians in hopes of stealing what's left of the land between the River and the sea, the Warsaw Ghetto makes for a better historical analogy than Vicksburg or Stalingrad; although, I suspect Hitler would have found a use for Netanyahu on the Eastern Front.:D
It doesn't really matter what you're ranting on about, the important thing to remember is that the IDF is kicking some MAJOR Arab ass, and Arabs have zero chance of winning. And actually, they'd be better off just surrendering unconditionally, as that tactic worked really well for Japan in the long run. Don't forget it. :D
The IDF is killing women and kids by the hundreds but we already knew how good they are at that. You seem to have forgotten Japan was defeated in a war, and the Arabs in Gaza are involved with a belligerent occupation with a rogue state that's a serial human rights abuser.
Not an occupation but a re-taking of land. And when you're dealing with Arab dogs who want to wipe Israel off the map, well, if they want Chinese food, then that's what they've got. Hide among children and they'll get whacked too, pretty simple, no?
Don't try being clever, Queenie, you've no talent for it.

As to what comes after Hamas, I dunno.

But I'm sure you'll be happy to share your vivid and feverish and bloody Militant Muslim visions with the rest of the class.

Always entertaining, that.

Now, back to dinner and a show, as the brave boys and girls of the IDF turn more and more Hamas savages into Purina Vulture Chow.
Whatever comes after the Jewish state won't be half as pathic as you, Yeppers.
Are you operating under the impression that Israel is going somewhere, Queenie?

Enlighten us, thou oracle of the side that's getting its ass kicked (again).

Oh, and, just for grins and giggles, what does 'pathic' mean?

And now, a word from our sponsors... Purina Vulture Chow... made from the finest blown-up Hamas fighters...
"pathic (plural pathics)
The passive male partner in anal intercourse."
You don't have to play ignorant, Yeppers.:badgrin:
It doesn't really matter what you're ranting on about, the important thing to remember is that the IDF is kicking some MAJOR Arab ass, and Arabs have zero chance of winning. And actually, they'd be better off just surrendering unconditionally, as that tactic worked really well for Japan in the long run. Don't forget it. :D
The IDF is killing women and kids by the hundreds but we already knew how good they are at that. You seem to have forgotten Japan was defeated in a war, and the Arabs in Gaza are involved with a belligerent occupation with a rogue state that's a serial human rights abuser.
Not an occupation but a re-taking of land. And when you're dealing with Arab dogs who want to wipe Israel off the map, well, if they want Chinese food, then that's what they've got. Hide among children and they'll get whacked too, pretty simple, no?
I'm sure brain-dead retarded fools understand you completely.
When did the Jews claim title to Gaza?
The IDF is killing women and kids by the hundreds but we already knew how good they are at that. You seem to have forgotten Japan was defeated in a war, and the Arabs in Gaza are involved with a belligerent occupation with a rogue state that's a serial human rights abuser.
Not an occupation but a re-taking of land. And when you're dealing with Arab dogs who want to wipe Israel off the map, well, if they want Chinese food, then that's what they've got. Hide among children and they'll get whacked too, pretty simple, no?
I'm sure brain-dead retarded fools understand you completely.
When did the Jews claim title to Gaza?

I wonder if Dhimmi George can tell us why, when the Brotherhood was in charge in Egypt, one of the leaders said that the Gazans should come home to Egypt. Was he trying to tell them that their roots are actually in Egypt?
Whatever comes after the Jewish state won't be half as pathic as you, Yeppers.
Are you operating under the impression that Israel is going somewhere, Queenie?

Enlighten us, thou oracle of the side that's getting its ass kicked (again).

Oh, and, just for grins and giggles, what does 'pathic' mean?

And now, a word from our sponsors... Purina Vulture Chow... made from the finest blown-up Hamas fighters...
"pathic (plural pathics)
The passive male partner in anal intercourse."
You don't have to play ignorant, Yeppers.
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, Queenie.

And DO try to stay on-topic, yes?

The subject is an accusation that the IDF has intentionally annihilated 50 families in Gaza.

Do you have anything substantive to add to the conversation?

Has your Gay-Boys-in-Bondage Arab-Butt-Buddies Tourettes Syndrome Festival reached its climax yet?

You're not even very good at insults, never mind routine dialogue, nor even effective propagandizing.

I can just envision a half-dozen real Palestinian propaganda bloggers seeing some of your work, face-palming themselves, and praying... "Please, Allah, keep him off our side."


We're all waiting for you to just impress the hell out of us, with your fine analysis of how the IDF annihilated those 50 families...

If you can...
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