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IDF Commander Cleared Of Excessively Shooting Innocent Palestinian Child

Excellent. What if I told you that at least one party does not want peace. It has been offered peace and flat out refused it. "If you two can't play nicely, then don't play at all". That's exactly waht Israel is doing. That's what the wall and unilateral withdrawl are. They are a mature reactions to destructive juvenile behavior. There will be dancing in the streets of Gaza when this seperation happens. That will last 2 days and then the Palestinians will have to actually make a country work. I smell Beirut. So whatever social programs etc you are contemplating to assist the Palestinians, they can take advantage (pronounced "skim") of them on their own. If Argentina was paying Mexicans to blow themsleves up in Dallas, I'm certain that a wall and landmines would be set up along the Rio Grande pronto. That's all that Israel is doing. The fact that Israel is the largest employer of Palestinians will obviously hurt, but I see no other way. We've been down this road for 50 years. Time to call a spade a spade and seperate the 2 cultures.
DaTroof said:
Excellent. What if I told you that at least one party does not want peace. It has been offered peace and flat out refused it. "If you two can't play nicely, then don't play at all". That's exactly waht Israel is doing. That's what the wall and unilateral withdrawl are. They are a mature reactions to destructive juvenile behavior. There will be dancing in the streets of Gaza when this seperation happens. That will last 2 days and then the Palestinians will have to actually make a country work. I smell Beirut. So whatever social programs etc you are contemplating to assist the Palestinians, they can take advantage (pronounced "skim") of them on their own. If Argentina was paying Mexicans to blow themsleves up in Dallas, I'm certain that a wall and landmines would be set up along the Rio Grande pronto. That's all that Israel is doing. The fact that Israel is the largest employer of Palestinians will obviously hurt, but I see no other way. We've been down this road for 50 years. Time to call a spade a spade and seperate the 2 cultures.
Excellent ! If Israel has made a decision to go the separation and wall route, so be it ! What do you care how the arabs or the rest of the world will react?
Will this wall keep out missles because you know that they will be lobbing them at you. Then what?
"What do you care how the arabs or the rest of the world will react?
Will this wall keep out missles because you know that they will be lobbing them at you. Then what?"

( http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=terrorism )
ter·ror·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tr-rzm)
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

You are telling me that I should appease the Muslim / Arab world for fear of retribution.

ap·pease ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-pz)
tr.v. ap·peased, ap·peas·ing, ap·peas·es
To pacify or attempt to pacify (an enemy) by granting concessions, often at the expense of principle.

Sharon may be wrong about some things, but he was on the money when he said that Israel will not allow itself to become a pawn in other nations attempts to appease the Arab countries. What do you think that the US, with it's manifest destiny, would do if Mexicans blew stuff up in San Antonio and claimed the Alamo as their new statehouse ?!

It's about time that you ask the palestinians to accept some real consesions as well. Someone please let them in on the fact that pretty soon it won't matter what they want. Play time was over a long time ago. They will soon be a de facto nation w/ borders and order to restore.

You critisize Israel for wanting to destroy the nuclear plant in Iran, but you openly say that they will lob missiles at Israel. Of course they will. And it doesn't really matter what Israel does. These are people that kill 2 US soldiers and 100 Iraqis and call it a job well done. And you know what .. that's why Israel has nuclear subs. Collective punishment. I've got to find out what the second oldest continuosly inhabited city in the world is because Damascus is about to move over as #1.

Once again. What do you advocate ?
dilloduck said:
Excellent ! If Israel has made a decision to go the separation and wall route, so be it ! What do you care how the arabs or the rest of the world will react?
Will this wall keep out missles because you know that they will be lobbing them at you. Then what?

Yes of course, who cares if the rest of the world reacts to Israel defending itself from destruction. The wall being built in Israel will not keep missles from being fired over the wall but it does stop suicide bombers from getting into Israel and blow up citizens.

If the Arabs wish to fire missiles over the wall, then they can expect a world reaction to missiles being fired back into Arab towns. But the missiles won't fall harmlessly into fields. Israel's missiles are more in the nature of smart missiles which will not be fired in vain.
ajwps said:
Yes of course, who cares if the rest of the world reacts to Israel defending itself from destruction. The wall being built in Israel will not keep missles from being fired over the wall but it does stop suicide bombers from getting into Israel and blow up citizens.

If the Arabs wish to fire missiles over the wall, then they can expect a world reaction to missiles being fired back into Arab towns. But the missiles won't fall harmlessly into fields. Israel's missiles are more in the nature of smart missiles which will not be fired in vain.
So the wall is a way to deter one type of killing ? No doubt it's a good start. I guess when the Muslims kick it up a notch, Israel has a plan for that too. This is certain to cause peace to bloom in the entire area !
dilloduck said:
So the wall is a way to deter one type of killing ? No doubt it's a good start. I guess when the Muslims kick it up a notch, Israel has a plan for that too. This is certain to cause peace to bloom in the entire area !

Even Pavlov's dog learned after repeated stimuli to get an effect.

Israel will eventually learn the desired response once the Muslim Arabs have spent all their unresponsive attacks on the Jewish people. If another person pokes you over and over and over and over again with a sharp stick, you eventually get the point. You flatten your antagonist until he no longer cares to or is able to poke you any longer.

The Jews want to live in peace but the time will come when they will have had enough. Then Israel will have peace and the Arabs will have palestine Jordan.
"This is certain to cause peace to bloom in the entire area !"

That's just it. You seem to think that there is peace in the area in general when that's not the case. This is one of the most out and out violent areas of the world. Even Turkey, which is not an Arab counrty and is considered moderately Islamic isn't all that. To get an idea of human value there, just watch Midnight Express. (1978) // Tagline: Walk into the incredible true experience of Billy Hayes, and bring all the courage you can! // Plot Outline: True story of a man who is caught smuggling drugs out of Turkey and thrown into a barbaric prison. It got a 7.8 out of 10. I recomend it too. Point being that there is horrible violence in all parts of the Arab/Muslim world. Look at the Sudan. Why do you think the US sends detainees to Jordan for interogation ?! Your view of human value is not universal. If they wheren't killing Jews, they'd be busy killing each other.
DaTroof said:
"This is certain to cause peace to bloom in the entire area !"

That's just it. You seem to think that there is peace in the area in general when that's not the case. This is one of the most out and out violent areas of the world. Even Turkey, which is not an Arab counrty and is considered moderately Islamic isn't all that. To get an idea of human value there, just watch Midnight Express. (1978) // Tagline: Walk into the incredible true experience of Billy Hayes, and bring all the courage you can! // Plot Outline: True story of a man who is caught smuggling drugs out of Turkey and thrown into a barbaric prison. It got a 7.8 out of 10. I recomend it too. Point being that there is horrible violence in all parts of the Arab/Muslim world. Look at the Sudan. Why do you think the US sends detainees to Jordan for interogation ?! Your view of human value is not universal. If they wheren't killing Jews, they'd be busy killing each other.

The point is that killing the Jewish people is the Islamic's PRIME goal but the Arabs still have time to kill one another for Allah.

It is in the best interest of each terrorist group in Israel to fill the vacuum left by the Nobel Peace Prize winner Chairman Arafat. With those Arab democratic elections coming in January 2005, it should be interesting to see another civil war amongst the factions for that powerful money making position as leader of the terrorist murder groups.

The leading Arab running for that Arafat position insists that Israel give in on the right of return for Arabs. I agree with him and say that every Arab in Israel has a right to return to his country of origin. Be it Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt or Angola.

Let them return to their homes....
ajwps said:
Even Pavlov's dog learned after repeated stimuli to get an effect.

Israel will eventually learn the desired response once the Muslim Arabs have spent all their unresponsive attacks on the Jewish people. If another person pokes you over and over and over and over again with a sharp stick, you eventually get the point. You flatten your antagonist until he no longer cares to or is able to poke you any longer.

The Jews want to live in peace but the time will come when they will have had enough. Then Israel will have peace and the Arabs will have palestine Jordan.

I was being sarcastic
dilloduck said:
I was being sarcastic

I'm sorry but I missed the sarcasm in your remarks.

Humor does not include sarcasm, invalid irony, sardonicism, innuendo, or any other form of cruelty. When these things are raised to a high point they can become wit, but unlike the French and the English, we have not been much good at wit since the days of Benjamin Franklin.

ATTRIBUTION: James Thurber (1894–1961),
ajwps said:
I'm sorry but I missed the sarcasm in your remarks.

Humor does not include sarcasm, invalid irony, sardonicism, innuendo, or any other form of cruelty. When these things are raised to a high point they can become wit, but unlike the French and the English, we have not been much good at wit since the days of Benjamin Franklin.

ATTRIBUTION: James Thurber (1894–1961),

I don't think the barrier will create peace----that's as plain as I can make it. Now apparently Israel is second guessing it's benefits. What to you think about Sharon's recent comments regarding doing away with the barrier?
dilloduck said:
I don't think the barrier will create peace----that's as plain as I can make it. Now apparently Israel is second guessing it's benefits. What to you think about Sharon's recent comments regarding doing away with the barrier?

Your correct about barriers for their history has proven that they all fail. Israel has definitely benefited from the wall preventing 99% of suicide bombers from entering Jewish cities and bombing civilians.

Sharon makes many comments about this and that and soon after changes his mind. Whether Sharon tears down the wall or builds it to the sky is meaningless for what will happen in the future will not be based on Sharon's dementia. Sharon has made himself the entire government and anyone who disagrees with him is an enemy of the state. Israel is a democracy and yet they have an eccentric monarch in this man elected to office by the Israeli public as a hawk.

Now he is not a hawk or a dove, simpy an old man who has lost his senses.
ajwps said:
Your correct about barriers for their history has proven that they all fail. Israel has definitely benefited from the wall preventing 99% of suicide bombers from entering Jewish cities and bombing civilians.

Sharon makes many comments about this and that and soon after changes his mind. Whether Sharon tears down the wall or builds it to the sky is meaningless for what will happen in the future will not be based on Sharon's dementia. Sharon has made himself the entire government and anyone who disagrees with him is an enemy of the state. Israel is a democracy and yet they have an eccentric monarch in this man elected to office by the Israeli public as a hawk.

Now he is not a hawk or a dove, simpy an old man who has lost his senses.

And yet we are believe by you that the palestinians are the only ones at fault? :rotflmao:
dilloduck said:
And yet we are believe by you that the palestinians are the only ones at fault? :rotflmao:

What do you mean by 'only ones at fault?

Israel is only at fault because of their stupidity in believing that Arabs are simply ordinary people wanting to have the right to someone elses land and lives. Israel has wanted to believe that you can make a compact with a group of vipers.

If Israel is faulty for defending themselves from destruction, then they are at fault.
The wall is so popular with most Israelis, that metioning it's dismantle would be like speaking of dismanteling social security in the US. It's political suicide. In the Northern areas of Israel, the wall has proven 100% effective. I don't see it going anywhere. The only question is the route it will take. I think by now most Israelis are no longer under the impression that peace is something that the Palestinian leadership wants ... nor a majority of Palestinians. Seperation baby !!!
DaTroof said:
The wall is so popular with most Israelis, that metioning it's dismantle would be like speaking of dismanteling social security in the US. It's political suicide. In the Northern areas of Israel, the wall has proven 100% effective. I don't see it going anywhere. The only question is the route it will take. I think by now most Israelis are no longer under the impression that peace is something that the Palestinian leadership wants ... nor a majority of Palestinians. Seperation baby !!!

When do all the arabs get kicked out?
I don't see the Arabs currently living in Israel as the problem. I would say that if a suicide bomber is found to be an Arab Israeli, his family should be placed on the other side of the wall and denide return.
DaTroof said:
I don't see the Arabs currently living in Israel as the problem. I would say that if a suicide bomber is found to be an Arab Israeli, his family should be placed on the other side of the wall and denide return.

You are joking aren't you?

The only Israeli Arabs or just plain ole Arabs that aren't a problem are the ones that the Arab terrorist majority has already killed as colloborators with Israel.

Like if a wall could keep out anyone who wants to climb over some barb wire or dig under a piece of concrete. Even dilloduck admits that all the Arabs have to be moved out of Israel for their own safety.

We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to our friendly terrorist Arabs. Would we?

Here is a video of an Arab 12 year old boy sent in with a dynamite belt to kill the Israel's. Where would you send him?


The following slide pictures are your nice Arabs who you think can live in Israel.


and more Arab children who die for Allah

ajwps said:
You are joking aren't you?

The only Israeli Arabs or just plain ole Arabs that aren't a problem are the ones that the Arab terrorist majority has already killed as colloborators with Israel.

Like if a wall could keep out anyone who wants to climb over some barb wire or dig under a piece of concrete. Even dilloduck admits that all the Arabs have to be moved out of Israel for their own safety.

We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to our friendly terrorist Arabs. Would we?

Here is a video of an Arab 12 year old boy sent in with a dynamite belt to kill the Israel's. Where would you send him?


The following slide pictures are your nice Arabs who you think can live in Israel.


and more Arab children who die for Allah


No Arabs are safe from Israel, AJ--even outside the wall. They are your sworn enemy remember ?
dilloduck said:
No Arabs are safe from Israel, AJ--even outside the wall. They are your sworn enemy remember ?

Right on....

No Arab who chooses to attack Israel is safe anywhere on planet earth. If they swear to destroy Israel and the Jewish people they have already chosen their ignominious fate.

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