IDF solider says Israel should not rely on American aid.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
I am subscribed to Rudy’s YouTube channel. He had a recent video that I cannot find where he talked about this on his own channel talking about how Israel was developing their own fighter jet in the 1980s, but that military people from America shot that project down and it never went forward.

If somebody finds Rudy’s most recent video where the title is along the lines of “Israel should reject American aid to Israel” please post it here. I think it was posted yesterday, but maybe it was deleted or taken down. The jest of the video was talking about how the American military industrial complex gives weapons and money to all sorts of Middle Eastern countries, and it benefits the military industrial complex not necessarily even the countries that are receiving the money and weapons. And there was even a sort of an idea from Rudy that this US money is spread around the Middle East to divide Middle Eastern countries and keep them from uniting.

There is this video with similar thinking from Rudy

I recognize Israel. Some governments of the world a small portion of them do not even recognize the state of Israel. I do admire the Arab nationalism, the history of Arab pride of people working together whether they are Jewish, Muslim and Christian throughout the centuries of history. But perhaps more I admire Iraqi nationalism, which seeks to bring together people of all different religions and ethnic backgrounds kinda like we have an America in someway perhaps.

And furthermore, I’m not one of those people who “oppose Zionists but not Jews”. I recognize the common sense that there are bad Jews and good Zionists.

There you go. America should not send money or military weapons to Israel. They don’t need it and many people in Israel don’t want it.

It’s also better off in the long run for an independent country to be able to produce its own weapons and automobiles and things like that.
I think ISR is too small to develop its own fighter jets
for those who do not know----there is NOTHING that Franklin posts that is NOT a paraphrase
of islamo-nazi propaganda ----written by NAZI WAR CRIMINALS. I grew up in a part of the USA----KNOWN for its nazi enclaves. It was so well known as such that HITLER KNEW ABOUT it and considered the area as the site of his invasion of the USA. I am a "baby boomer"----ie
born post World War II------after my father was separated from the NAVY. Nazism was alive
and well in the semi-rural, suburban town of my childhood as was the literature written by nazi war criminals who had found refuge in places like ----EGYPT AND SYRIA. He has, very precisely, expressed the "philosophy" ---or more accurately--the PARTY LINE---of the Baathists of the Levant-----Famous Baathists include---Gamal Abdul Nasser, Saddam Hussein, and Bashar Assad. Baathism is a SUPERFICIALLY beguiling concept-----full of PLATITUDES FOR
ALL MANKIND------in fact it is nothing more than an "arabian form" of "ARYAN NAZISM"----
for the "classic comic" version ----think ANIMAL FARM
The IDF isn't receiving US aid... they are buying our weapons... big difference....
But Ukraine has become addicted to US aid.... like crack...
They may be the case in part, but buy a large for the most part. We have given Israel aid as you can see here. That is not the same thing as them buying something from us. It clearly stipulates they are receiving aid via grants….. that’s not money we’re getting back we can withhold a grant but once it’s given it’s given.

The U.S. commitment to aiding Israel has long-standing roots. The United States has given Israel more than $260 billion in combined military and economic aid since World War II, plus about $10 billion more in contributions for missile defense systems like the Iron Dome, a U.S. News analysis finds. That’s the most granted to any country throughout that time frame

This was never really the proper way forward. $20 billion could end homelessness in America. But the smarter idea would be to allow individual Americans, especially the pro Israel people here to voluntarily send their money to Israel.

As the Israeli soldier was saying, American aid to Israel ties up Israel’s hands. It all comes with a catch. And it would be a much better idea for their country according to their own soldiers if you had individual Americans give them money.
Not really. Israel has a lot of high tech. They are comparable in population to Sweden who produces their own fighter jets. In fact Israel produces its own fighter called the Kfir which is based on the French Mirage.
yeah? so?
They may be the case in part, but buy a large for the most part. We have given Israel aid as you can see here. That is not the same thing as them buying something from us. It clearly stipulates they are receiving aid via grants….. that’s not money we’re getting back we can withhold a grant but once it’s given it’s given.

The U.S. commitment to aiding Israel has long-standing roots. The United States has given Israel more than $260 billion in combined military and economic aid since World War II, plus about $10 billion more in contributions for missile defense systems like the Iron Dome, a U.S. News analysis finds. That’s the most granted to any country throughout that time frame

This was never really the proper way forward. $20 billion could end homelessness in America. But the smarter idea would be to allow individual Americans, especially the pro Israel people here to voluntarily send their money to Israel.

As the Israeli soldier was saying, American aid to Israel ties up Israel’s hands. It all comes with a catch. And it would be a much better idea for their country according to their own soldiers if you had individual Americans give them money.
Franklin what is your mother tongue?----when you write your posts you demonstrate
the fact that you did not grow up speaking english. As to American jews giving money
to Israel-----THAT PRACTICE which did exist back in the day (to wit, circa 1940s -
1950s) was a VERY BIG COMPLAINT in the islamo-nazi literature all the way down to the
little blue boxes into which housewives dropped nickles and dimes
The IDF isn't receiving US aid... they are buying our weapons... big difference....
But Ukraine has become addicted to US aid.... like crack...
Israel has been receiving billions annually for decades. A lot of what we give them is in the form of military technology.
Israel has been receiving billions annually for decades. A lot of what we give them is in the form of military technology.
They pay for our weapons... if you want to be accurate you should say Palestine receives billions from us annually... and look what they do with that money.... we are watching what they do with US aid... turn it over to Hamas....
Israel has been receiving billions annually for decades. A lot of what we give them is in the form of military technology.
how do you price "military technology"? do you have a link for the "military
technology" that the US gives to Israel?
how do you price "military technology"? do you have a link for the "military
technology" that the US gives to Israel?
"The U.S. commitment to aiding Israel has long-standing roots. The United States has given Israel more than $260 billion in combined military and economic aid since World War II, plus about $10 billion more in contributions for missile defense systems like the Iron Dome, a U.S. News analysis finds."

I am subscribed to Rudy’s YouTube channel. He had a recent video that I cannot find where he talked about this on his own channel talking about how Israel was developing their own fighter jet in the 1980s, but that military people from America shot that project down and it never went forward.

If somebody finds Rudy’s most recent video where the title is along the lines of “Israel should reject American aid to Israel” please post it here. I think it was posted yesterday, but maybe it was deleted or taken down. The jest of the video was talking about how the American military industrial complex gives weapons and money to all sorts of Middle Eastern countries, and it benefits the military industrial complex not necessarily even the countries that are receiving the money and weapons. And there was even a sort of an idea from Rudy that this US money is spread around the Middle East to divide Middle Eastern countries and keep them from uniting.

There is this video with similar thinking from Rudy

I recognize Israel. Some governments of the world a small portion of them do not even recognize the state of Israel. I do admire the Arab nationalism, the history of Arab pride of people working together whether they are Jewish, Muslim and Christian throughout the centuries of history. But perhaps more I admire Iraqi nationalism, which seeks to bring together people of all different religions and ethnic backgrounds kinda like we have an America in someway perhaps.

And furthermore, I’m not one of those people who “oppose Zionists but not Jews”. I recognize the common sense that there are bad Jews and good Zionists.

There you go. America should not send money or military weapons to Israel. They don’t need it and many people in Israel don’t want it.

It’s also better off in the long run for an independent country to be able to produce its own weapons and automobiles and things like that.

I hope that guy spreads the word. The U.S. must stop participating in Israel's villainy.
"The U.S. commitment to aiding Israel has long-standing roots. The United States has given Israel more than $260 billion in combined military and economic aid since World War II, plus about $10 billion more in contributions for missile defense systems like the Iron Dome, a U.S. News analysis finds."

that's money----didn't you claim "donation of technology"?
that's money----didn't you claim "donation of technology"?
We have worked closely with them and spent money developing military technology with them as well. Much of our charity to Israel absolutely is in the form of military technology. If you want more links you'll have to actually go and educate yourself for once. I've already done more for you than I wanted to.
We have worked closely with them and spent money developing military technology with them as well. Some of our charity to Israel absolutely is in the form of military technology. If you want more links you'll have to actually go and educate yourself for once. I've already done more for you than I wanted to.
sheeeesh I KNOW THAT US PEOPLE AND ISRAELIS worked on projects related to
weapons and aircraft etc TOGETHER-----I know FIRST HAND-----you call that
Something called "Rudy's u tube" found an alleged IDF soldier and lefties think it's a freaking current event? WTF?
sheeeesh I KNOW THAT US PEOPLE AND ISRAELIS worked on projects related to
weapons and aircraft etc TOGETHER-----I know FIRST HAND-----you call that
Alright dumbass. I'll do more research for you since you are a child.

"Since 1992, the United States has provided Israel with $6.6 billion worth of equipment under the Excess Defense Articles program, including weapons, spare parts, weapons, and simulators."

And that's just one bit of the article that's talking about what we are talking about. Go read. Learn something.

EDIT: And they use the cash we give them to turn around and buy our military equipment. That's pretty close to just giving them military equipment. We paid for it and they got it.
Alright dumbass. I'll do more research for you since you are a child.

"Since 1992, the United States has provided Israel with $6.6 billion worth of equipment under the Excess Defense Articles program, including weapons, spare parts, weapons, and simulators."

And that's just one bit of the article that's talking about what we are talking about. Go read. Learn something.

EDIT: And they use the cash we give them to turn around and buy our military equipment. That's pretty close to just giving them military equipment. We paid for it and they got it.
I already knew that
So what the hell are we having a debate about if you already knew that I was right about what I said? Clown.
not entirely----the weapons thing includes a COLLABORATION which also has some
value-----<<<< that's what bugs some Israelis----the collaboration and the STRINGS

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