IDF stops suicide bombers

Likely the responsibility lies with the rocket launchers hurling rockets at Israeli settlements. The United Nations ascribes children used as human shields to the launchers of the rockets that are receiving return fire from the assaulted party. That lays the blame square on the shoulders of those who launch the offending rockets at Israel.

It's a huge no-no to engage in warlike conduct against innocent civilians, and it happens on a weekly if not daily basis against the children of Israel.

If you're not on the same page with the UN, contact your U.S. Congressional Representative.
Then why are Jews killing so many Palestinian children?

"The Impact of the Conflict
on Children

129 Israeli children and 1,523 Palestinian children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

Terrorists go for the gold of tabloid misinformation. About 7 years ago, one terrorist was photographed at 30 different locations with the same dead child for a terror count of "30" for his side. It's fuzzy math.

Terrorists also kill off uncooperative parents when they go gleaning for children to hide behind in local villages. They just drag the bodies to the rocket launch site and count the dead non-cooperative parent bodies as "children."

Terrorists will not launch missiles until they have a maximum specified number of children collected to eat treats around the missile launchers they abandon when certain retribution is coming.

Then nod, nod, wink, wink, somehow press people are there on the scene to photograph the "cruel deaths at the hands of infidels" which is a lie. the UN considers human shields at such sites as the death from the terrorists' own hands.

How stupid do you think other people are who have observed the unfair behavior of terrorists since they murdered wheelchair elder, Leon Klinghoffer, on the Achille Lauro? Associated Middle East terrorists have murdered 4,000 American citizens since 1970. They've killed more than 3700 citizens in Israel. Number of Terrorism fatalities.

This does not include the 6,000,000 Jews murdered from 1938-1945 in the EU in collaboration with the Mufti of Jerusalem's enthusiastic assistance to Adolph Hitler. How this mass murderer escaped justice for his role in encouraging the Nazis to wipe Jews off the face of the European map and then go into the Middle East and do likewise is beyond me.

I can't find the lists for how many synagogues were turned to powder in the Middle East after Hitler's rule was over in 1945, nor how many died as various countries in the Middle East ethnically cleansed themselves of infidels including Jews and Christians.

You've heard the nonsense that Muslims love Christians? Think again. The only love they have is murder and assassination of anybody they cannot politically control to the nines.
True dat:

[ame=""]Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine [Large Print] [Paperback][/ame]

Editorial Reviews
"The authors have drawn together an enormous amount of material from archives and secondary sources."—Gerhard Weinberg
About the Author

Dr. Mallmann is the Director of the Research Center, University of Ludwigsburg and Professor of History at the University of Stuttgart. He is the author of several important studies on the Holocaust. Dr. Martin Cüppers is Scientific Assistant at the Research Center in Ludwigsburg and author of Wegbereiter der Shoa--The Precursor of the Holocaust (2005).


What is the value of a history book? Its worth is contained within its ability to clarify the differing perspectives of the parties involved in its pages. It should not only state real facts but also thoughtfully analyze and synthesize them to present a good overall picture of what happened, why it happened and, how it affects us today.

Klaus Michael Mallmann's and Martin Cupper's NAZI PALESTINE: THE PLANS FOR THE EXTERMINATION OF THE JEWS IN PALESTINE attempts to bring into focus and clarify the genuine facts about the Jewish-Arab (and Moslem) dispute and its roots within all of the Middle-Eastern and some European countries, not just Israel/Palestine. Using previously available and recently uncovered documents from German, Israeli, British, American and Arab sources the writers put together a picture of what has happened in the region known as the Middle East, why it has happened, and how and why it affects us today in the formation of a mostly illiberal, anti-democratic and irrational Middle East. There is indeed a strange nexus between the interests of "National Socialism" aka Nazism and, Arab Nationalism as well as Islamic extremism in anti-Western and anti-Jewish (anti-Semitic) activities.

How the seemingly incompatible interests of the Nazis and the dominant forces of Arab nationalism and Islamic radicalism of the 1930's and 40's came together in a dangerous alliance and mixture against the Allies and the Jews is written of in this book. Such an alignment nearly turned that region of the world over to the Nazis and could have lead to the defeat of Great Britain and her allies, as well as the murder of the Jewish communities within Israel, and all of the nearby lands.
The IDF says it happened..bout as believable as the US government.

Wonder how many Palestinian children were murdered today in Gaza and West Bank.

Ah ... as if Israel's "peaceful" Arab neighbors would never consider a homicide attack on Israel's bubbies and babies. :lol:
And as for your murdered Palestinian children (as if you really care), you'll need to check with your Electronic Intifada handlers for that "info."
The IDF says it happened..bout as believable as the US government.Wonder how many Palestinian children were murdered today in Gaza and West Bank.
Likely the responsibility lies with the rocket launchers hurling rockets at Israeli settlements. The United Nations ascribes children used as human shields to the launchers of the rockets that are receiving return fire from the assaulted party. That lays the blame square on the shoulders of those who launch the offending rockets at Israel.

It's a huge no-no to engage in warlike conduct against innocent civilians, and it happens on a weekly if not daily basis against the children of Israel.

If you're not on the same page with the UN, contact your U.S. Congressional Representative.
Then why are Jews killing so many Palestinian children?

"The Impact of the Conflict
on Children

129 Israeli children and 1,523 Palestinian children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

perhaps low-life terrorists should stop using children as shields.

the only ones who have targeted children are pal terrorists.

the lies spread by terrorist supporters are funny

but if they lob missiles at israeli children they aren't then going to hide behind women and children and then whine and cry.
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Hey nazi cockscuking faggots: A muslim was arrested for the jewish shooting in brussels. Are you upset he was caught?
What shooting in Brussels? I don't even know what you are talking about...why get upset over something that has nothing to do with me?
Palestinians train their "children" to be terrorists and soldiers. Most of the "children" are 15 to 18 year olds. They already told the world, we love life while they love death, including the death of their own flesh and blood. It's a sick depraved culture of child sacrifice.

BULLSHIT...just another israel firster cocksucker...if you idiots love Israel so much why not go fight for them? Why not go blast some evil Muslims away eh? Itchy trigger fingers go ahead...better do it while America can protect Israel's ass and forgive them for sinking war ships and stealing secrets etc I said neither America as it stands now will be around much longer and lord willing neither will Israel. Who in their right mind wants a nation surrounded by enemies...not smart...
Have you seen the list of the so called children? They are mostly young 15 to 18 year olds recruited for terrorist work. The assholes even call 19 year olds "children". Palestinians are famous for using and hiding behind children and women. It's a sick depraved culture.
The reason so many Pali children die is probably due to the fact that Muslim men have a little pedophile problem, and young boys are kept close for "recruitment".

What else can you expect from the followers of the Pedophile Prophet?
The majority of what was Palestine remains part of Jordan, why are there no calls for Jordan to cede land? And yes, there mass killings of Palestinians before Israel was on the globe.
So that means have more loyalty to a foreign country than to a soldier of this country? Gotcha...forgot not kissing jewish ass means you can't go see some statue or holy site of your god or gods.

I prefer Israel to completely stop taking aid from the US and rely solely upon their 97% literacy rate and ingenuity.
With no one to lean on for help they will be free to obliterate their enemies.
The reason so many Pali children die is probably...
We can stop right there, because that means you don't know and are not going to let it stop you from shooting your dumbass mouth off.

The reason Palestinian children die, is because Israel and their kiss-ass minions, have no regard for human life. Israeli foreign policy is so inhuman towards the Pals, that it is radicalizing normal, peace-loving people, into jihadists.
The reason so many Pali children die is probably...
We can stop right there, because that means you don't know and are not going to let it stop you from shooting your dumbass mouth off.

The reason Palestinian children die, is because Israel and their kiss-ass minions, have no regard for human life. Israeli foreign policy is so inhuman towards the Pals, that it is radicalizing normal, peace-loving people, into jihadists.

I'd like to introduce you to my 16 human shields, er, I meant 16 children!
The reason so many Pali children die is probably...
We can stop right there, because that means you don't know and are not going to let it stop you from shooting your dumbass mouth off.

The reason Palestinian children die, is because Israel and their kiss-ass minions, have no regard for human life. Israeli foreign policy is so inhuman towards the Pals, that it is radicalizing normal, peace-loving people, into jihadists.

The reasons for most Pali kid deaths is their parent's refusal to love them more than they hate Jooos. That, and the incessant braying of pseudo-Pali supporters who exhort those hapless "refugees" to "just hang in there and someday you will kill the Jooos."
The reason so many Pali children die is probably...
We can stop right there, because that means you don't know and are not going to let it stop you from shooting your dumbass mouth off.

The reason Palestinian children die, is because Israel and their kiss-ass minions, have no regard for human life. Israeli foreign policy is so inhuman towards the Pals, that it is radicalizing normal, peace-loving people, into jihadists.
You got that upside down and ass backwards, as usual. It's the Muslims and Palestinians that have little regard for human life, including their own. That's a fact.
You got that upside down and ass backwards, as usual. It's the Muslims and Palestinians that have little regard for human life, including their own. That's a fact.
Every single one of your posts prove I'm speaking the truth, for there isn't a shred of humanity in any of them.
The reasons for most Pali kid deaths is their parent's refusal to love them more than they hate Jooos. That, and the incessant braying of pseudo-Pali supporters who exhort those hapless "refugees" to "just hang in there and someday you will kill the Jooos."
They're normal parents who love their kids just as much as you do.
The reasons for most Pali kid deaths is their parent's refusal to love them more than they hate Jooos. That, and the incessant braying of pseudo-Pali supporters who exhort those hapless "refugees" to "just hang in there and someday you will kill the Jooos."
They're normal parents who love their kids just as much as you do.

You like to say that and we'd all like to believe it but the evidence says otherwise.
You got that upside down and ass backwards, as usual. It's the Muslims and Palestinians that have little regard for human life, including their own. That's a fact.
Every single one of your posts prove I'm speaking the truth, for there isn't a shred of humanity in any of them.
Yeah, just like that you proved me wrong. Ha ha ha.
Sad when republicans have more loyalty to a foreign country than they do to a POW.
I'm loyal to the United States of America, DiabloBlanco. America fully supported Israel's independent state and was first in line to recognize their sovreinty in 1948. I also support POWs, having organized a Purple Heart group in my community of 40 years. We worked on projects for their comfort for all these years.

You're a little new here. You might consider reading up on this ally starting here:

The United States was the first country to recognize Israel as a state in 1948. Since then, Israel has become, and remains, America’s most reliable partner in the Middle East. Israel and the United States are bound closely by historic and cultural ties as well as by mutual interests

Link, State Department of the US
Literacy Rate: 97.1%

Link, CIA's The World Factbook--Israel
Likely the responsibility lies with the rocket launchers hurling rockets at Israeli settlements. The United Nations ascribes children used as human shields to the launchers of the rockets that are receiving return fire from the assaulted party. That lays the blame square on the shoulders of those who launch the offending rockets at Israel.

It's a huge no-no to engage in warlike conduct against innocent civilians, and it happens on a weekly if not daily basis against the children of Israel.

If you're not on the same page with the UN, contact your U.S. Congressional Representative.
Then why are Jews killing so many Palestinian children?

"The Impact of the Conflict
on Children

129 Israeli children and 1,523 Palestinian children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

Terrorists go for the gold of tabloid misinformation. About 7 years ago, one terrorist was photographed at 30 different locations with the same dead child for a terror count of "30" for his side. It's fuzzy math.

Terrorists also kill off uncooperative parents when they go gleaning for children to hide behind in local villages. They just drag the bodies to the rocket launch site and count the dead non-cooperative parent bodies as "children."

Terrorists will not launch missiles until they have a maximum specified number of children collected to eat treats around the missile launchers they abandon when certain retribution is coming.

Then nod, nod, wink, wink, somehow press people are there on the scene to photograph the "cruel deaths at the hands of infidels" which is a lie. the UN considers human shields at such sites as the death from the terrorists' own hands.

How stupid do you think other people are who have observed the unfair behavior of terrorists since they murdered wheelchair elder, Leon Klinghoffer, on the Achille Lauro? Associated Middle East terrorists have murdered 4,000 American citizens since 1970. They've killed more than 3700 citizens in Israel. Number of Terrorism fatalities.

This does not include the 6,000,000 Jews murdered from 1938-1945 in the EU in collaboration with the Mufti of Jerusalem's enthusiastic assistance to Adolph Hitler. How this mass murderer escaped justice for his role in encouraging the Nazis to wipe Jews off the face of the European map and then go into the Middle East and do likewise is beyond me.

I can't find the lists for how many synagogues were turned to powder in the Middle East after Hitler's rule was over in 1945, nor how many died as various countries in the Middle East ethnically cleansed themselves of infidels including Jews and Christians.

You've heard the nonsense that Muslims love Christians? Think again. The only love they have is murder and assassination of anybody they cannot politically control to the nines.
Why don't you "go for the gold" and give us a link for your alleged terrorist who was photographed at thirty different locations with the same dead child?

If Americans Knew has no shortages of documentation for their figures, not that kosher squeals like you would care:

"Sources: Every effort has been made to obtain accurate, verifiable data for this publication by comparing reports from a number of major news agencies, national and local media, human rights organizations and official sources, including:

Addameer: Prisoner’s Rights and Support Group
B’Tselem: the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jerusalem Media and Communications Center
LAW: the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment
Palestinian Center for Human Rights
Palestinian State Information Service:

Remember These Children: About Us

Your crocodile tears over Leon Klinghoffer fail to mention how that crime was in retaliation for the bombing of Tunis a week earlier by the IDF air force which killed 75 Tunisians and Palestinians. You also seem remarkably ignorant of another act of terror that took place in the same year as Klinghoffer's murder; a car bomb set off in Beirut by the CIA, with Saudi and British help, which murdered 80 and wounded 256 innocents (mostly women and girls) in a misplaced attempt to assassinate a cleric who escaped.

Tomgram: Noam Chomsky, Terrorists Wanted the World Over | TomDispatch

You should recognize your own nonsense before worrying about others.

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