

Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2012
South Louisiana
Not sure if anyone else loves language, words, phrases and all things related. I was curious about an idiom that's been popping up lately for me so looked it up. Please share any you use or know.

"Beyond the Pale"

17th Century referring to the English Ashdown Forest, a royal hunting ground located in Ireland consisting of a paled fence with a ditch inside that allows deer to jump in but not back out.

The Pale fell under English authority, hence the terms "within the pale" and "beyond the pale." It means "out of bounds."

beyond the pale - Wiktionary
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In the military, FUBAR was kind of outdated. So when a situation was really, really bad, we would say it was "a real bag of dicks".

The cleaner version was "a real bag of hammers".
Beyond the pale was the enemy. The pale was the picket line defined by the sentries that guarded the camp. They stuck spears in the ground thus marking the territory .... to go beyond the pale was to enter enemy territory.
All hat and no cattle


all talk ^
With all that weight on his headbone, that doggie is going to get Dog Tired.

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