Idiot Atheist Gets a Message From God

Translation, please? Or at least some context?
People in Jesus' day kept asking him for a sign, too. Jesus kept proclaiming sins are forgiven and the leaders demanded to know by whose authority he dared say such a thing. Jesus said his authority came from God, and some insisted he show them a sign that was the case.
Like most of us, he's ignoring you. He'll have a long chat with you on Judgement Day

not likely -


zeus would not concern themselves with a mortal other than maybe putting a lightning bolt through one or two for pleasure ... deeds for them is what matters, no judgement necessary.
People in Jesus' day kept asking him for a sign, too. Jesus kept proclaiming sins are forgiven and the leaders demanded to know by whose authority he dared say such a thing. Jesus said his authority came from God, and some insisted he show them a sign that was the case.
I didn't ask for a sign until the OP claimed he had one. Not the same thing at all
Bet it still won't matter. Atheists are stubborn creatures

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Come now let us reason together. (Isa. 1:18) There are only a few faiths that declare that God still speaks and directs the path of men today. The first one that pops into my mind is Mormonism with their EXTRA Bible called the Book of Mormon. But this Bible was never confirmed through eyewitness testimonies of the miraculous signs and wonders as recorded in the New Testament. Where are the dead that have risen, where are the sightless that have given vision, were are the crippled and lame that now walk.......?

Anyone that claims that God talks directly to them today has to be suffering from delusional, mentally based handicaps. God has no respect of person (Romans 2:11), why talk to one and not another who is just as worthy? That would be RESPECT or FAVOR. And if God does talk to someone.......why is there not another Book of the Bible added unto the Holy Scriptures? Why make it private?

Reality? When God speaks or the Holy Spirit inspires..........these revelations are always accompanied by miraculous signs and wonders to prove these revelations are from the Godhead (Mark 16:20, Hebrews 2:3-4, Acts 8:6, Acts 4:29-30)

God has spoken to the saints of the 1st century and delivered everything that pertains to life and godliness. "According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that has called us to glory." -- 2 Peter 1:3. The faith has been delivered ONCE by the saints (Jude 3).
Bet it still won't matter. Atheists are stubborn creatures

View attachment 559197
"Idiot Atheist Gets a Message From God"

What psychiatrists refer to as "hearing voices in your head", a possible symptom of various forms of mental illness at worst, or just fanciful delusion at best.

What I want to know is why God talks to so many people, but never tells them anything useful.
Anyone that claims that God talks directly to them today has to be suffering from delusional, mentally based handicaps. God has no respect of person (Romans 2:11), why talk to one and not another who is just as worthy? That would be RESPECT or FAVOR. And if God does talk to someone.......why is there not another Book of the Bible added unto the Holy Scriptures? Why make it private?

Wouldn't he be showing favor if he talked to people of Biblical times, but not today?
I say Christians and Humanist need to repeat the challenge between Elijah and the prophets of Baal. If you remember Elijah was the last prophet of Yahweh. He assembled an altar and the 400 prophets of Baal assembled an altar. Both sides prayed for their perspective god to consume their sacrifice. Elijah’s altar was burned to a crisp.

I say Christian’s prepare their altar and pray to God to consume their altar and the humanists prepare their altar and ask other humans to consume their altar. Then wait four or five hours and see what happens. This would be a way to prove the power of God to today’s generation.

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